E1048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2020 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Had I been present, I would have voted IN RECOGNITION OF RENEE YEA on Roll Call No. 221. REYNOLDS HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS OF INDIANA f HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA HONORING COLE S. CAYLOR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I was not present for the following roll call HON. SAM GRAVES Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. votes. Had I been present for them, I would OF MISSOURI Madam Speaker, it is my honor to recognize Renee Reynolds, a Philadelphia difference- have voted as follows: Roll Call 219: S. 327 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wounded Veterans Recreation Act—ON THE maker, before the United States House of MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Representatives. Ms. Reynolds is a fiercely PASS THE BILL—YEA; Roll Call 220: S. 3147 vocal advocate for women who are battling to Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Improving Safety and Security for Veterans beat cancer and who are overcoming domes- I proudly pause to recognize Cole S. Caylor. Act of—ON THE MOTION TO SUSPEND THE tic violence committed against them. Cole is a very special young man who has ex- RULES AND PASS THE BILL—YEA; and Roll As she so powerfully puts it, Ms. Reynolds emplified the finest qualities of citizenship and Call 221: H.R. 4611 Ocean Pollution Reduc- is a domestic violence victor who, for four dec- leadership by taking an active part in the Boy tion Act—ON THE MOTION TO SUSPEND ades, has used her first-hand experience to Scouts of America, Troop 1180, and earning THE RULES AND PASS THE BILL—YEA. fuel her efforts to empower women seeking to the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. change their own difficult and trying situations. f Cole has been very active with his troop, In addition to hosting the annual Pink Dia- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY participating in many scout activities. Over the mond Ball to honor the two sisters she lost to OF ROGER LEE WILSON OF many years Cole has been involved with cancer and to honor cancer patients, survivors SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA scouting, he has not only earned numerous and those that fought the good fight, Ms. Rey- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- nolds has sought to expand her ability to HON. TED BUDD ily, peers, and community. spread her message and reach those who need help during the coronavirus pandemic. OF NORTH CAROLINA Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Among her efforts to do this, she became the me in commending Cole S. Caylor for his ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pennsylvania contestant in this year’s national complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Ms. Woman competition, where her platform ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the focused on her advocacy. Mr. BUDD. Madam Speaker, I rise today to highest distinction of Eagle Scout. honor the life and legacy of Roger Lee Wilson Through social media, public speaking, events, partnerships and seemingly more out- of Salisbury, North Carolina, who passed f away on October 18, 2020. reach than should be humanly possible, Ms. Roger was a husband to Kate and a father HONORING CHIEF WARRANT OFFI- Reynolds has committed herself to helping to Matt and Wesley. As a member of Unity CER 2 MARWAN SAMEH people and providing a first-person tale of re- Presbyterian Church, he faithfully served as GHABOUR demption that highlights her rise from domes- an Elder. tic-violence victim to entertainer, business pro- Throughout his life, Roger was a devoted fessional and an advocate for women who and dedicated educator, mentoring and inspir- HON. LORI TRAHAN need a helping hand and inspiration. Renee Reynolds embodies a commitment to ing countless students at Davie County High OF MASSACHUSETTS School and West Rowan High School. Roger public good. Her efforts are a model for the passed on his passion for woodworking and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upwelling of selflessness and giving that has kept America going through these difficult craftsmanship to his students. I just missed Wednesday, November 18, 2020 having Roger as my workshop instructor at times. She embodies the spirit of Philadelphia. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Davie High, but was lucky enough to have his Mrs. TRAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to me in extending our sincerest appreciation to successor, his son Matt, as my teacher . honor the memory of a son of Massachusetts, Renee Reynolds for her extraordinary work on Madam Speaker, I have had the privilege of Chief Warrant Officer 2 Marwan Sameh behalf of our community. representing Rowan County as well as my Ghabour. He and four other brave American home county of Davie since 2017. I know first- soldiers tragically lost their lives on Thursday, f hand how much appreciation there is for the November 12 while on a peacekeeping mis- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY knowledge and skills that Mr. Wilson passed sion in Egypt. OF THE ‘‘FATHER OF THE FINAL on to his students. Though he had been re- Mr. Ghabour will be remembered as a hero FOUR’’ TOM JERNSTEDT tired from teaching for quite some time, I for his valiant service and commitment to pro- imagine he was encouraged to know that tecting the freedoms and values that all Ameri- HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS schools have begun to again prioritize teach- cans hold dear. This tragic loss serves as a OF INDIANA ing the technical, trade, and hands-on skills reminder that when our troops bravely volun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that seem to have been forgotten over the teer to serve, both they and their loved ones Wednesday, November 18, 2020 past few decades. sacrifice more than we can ever imagine. My Madam Speaker, our country needs more heart goes out to Mr. Ghabour’s family and Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, dedicated men serving and educating their friends during this difficult time. I rise today to honor the life and legacy of Thomas Walter Jernstedt, a National Colle- communities like Roger Wilson. The benefits Nevertheless, his legacy is secured by the giate Athletic Association (NCAA) legend and he brought to students and to his community many people who carry his memory forward. tireless advocate for men and women student will be felt for generations to come. In particular, the residents of Marlborough and athletes across the country. Tom was known f Arlington, Massachusetts, where he grew up for many things in his career and life, including and volunteered, will remember his passion for PERSONAL EXPLANATION being referred to as the ‘‘Father of the Final public service. Four.’’ I join Tom’s family, friends, colleagues HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER I am grateful for patriots like Mr. Ghabour and athletes across the country in mourning who risk everything to make the United States OF MISSOURI the loss of this great man who passed away and the world a better place and are prepared IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on September 5, 2020. to give the ‘‘last full measure of their devo- Tom was born on November 24, 1944, in Wednesday, November 18, 2020 tion,’’ as President Lincoln said. We are fortu- Carlton, Oregon. Tom attended Yamhill- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speaker, I nate that such brave men and women are Carlton High School, where he was an all- was unable to be present for a recorded vote among us. state athlete in three sports: football, basket- on November 17, 2020 for H.R. 4611, the Marwan Sameh Ghabour and his fellow ball and baseball. On top of his incredible ath- Ocean Pollution Reduction Act. servicemembers will never be forgotten. letic ability, he was also elected student body VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:54 Nov 19, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.016 E18NOPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS.
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