- I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 198€ n TWENTY Avtrace Daily NeJ Prtas Ran lltanrtiirHtrr ^ve^ning ll^ralb .Far Hm WaMc K aM The Waathtr Fab. 4, » M Feyeeaet *117.8. Waatber Wanaaa aiOna-^Evangellam,” Thiii panel A daught^ waa bom at the S t Luther Leaguers will preaent the Evangeliam pro­ Mrs. Olson L o ^ FRESH aa«w, windy and coRfcr tenigbt rraada Hoapital la Hartford on Wbrkahop Speaker gram of the United Lutheran SCHSAFFTS 11,895 mtTown Wedneaday to Mr. and Mr»> Church In America, which la ached- Most Avoirdupois Member ef tbe Audit Sunday partly cloudy, eelder wllb Michael Scanlon, 120 Lenox S t Hold Rally Here uled for Connecticut In the apring. VAUmiNI snow nurriee, acoumulattng tbra* - ^ • rmic^Mi ®a«»n m . »iJi*y of ef areadatlMi The Rev. John Vannoradkl of New Mrs. Barbara Thompson, pras- tn six Inebe* In Interior. '' ^ 'U m c h tn w High School win b* The Epworth Circle of the The Luther League of; Ooncbrdia Manchester— City of Village Charm ; 'f ? cuMt afiMkar. at the m*aUn» of Haven and the Rev. John Allan of ident of Manchester-- Watea, an-1 CANDY South Methodiat Church will me«t Lutheran Church will be hoati' to Wetherafield will be gueat mem- , •»’ tha Uncoln School PTA Monday, Monday night at S o’clock at th e, I nounees that the winners of j jceb. tS, at t p.m. Ha wlU diacuta liome of Miaa Eleanor Gordon. 2811 the Connecticut State Lutb4r bera on the panel. VOL. LXXV> NO. 112 (TEN PAGES) tha program in tha new high Spruce St. Membera art/reminded League on Sunday for the Mlaeioi^ Follo'Aing the aupper, wAlch will I awards for the • * month of | GME8AS as4 EQUIPMENT MANCHESTER, CONNn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IL 1956 (OlimallM AdTarttatng aa Fafs I) adMol and certain >mplicationa for to bring articlea for thg children a Rally. Approximately 260 Luther be prepared by the L ^ea Aid of ! January are Mra. Ruth Olson, 1811 collage preparation in elementary diapenaary. 7.**' • Leaguera are expected to attend t^ncordla Lutheran ^urch. the j Buckingham St., Hartford, who, rnn iir achool; and parenta* reaponaibll- thtr rally, which will be held at y, "Leaguera- Look at Thoae Color tty to inaiat that children learn iTB," will be presented by the I receives a reward of 810 for a! Film Area Receives Albert Platt, 122 Baldwin Rd..; Emanuel Lutheran Church. ,w-eUht loss of 1 2 \ pounds. Mrs.' tha'baalc eubjecta of artademic and foreman In machine Inapectlon a t' The rally will be opened with Start Executive Committee. The • P a ir H eld moral education. A abort bualneaa the. Broad Brook plant of Han\ll-1 a brief devotional period lead by raovrt, "Mla'ion In Walker's Gar­ Mft McConnell of Coventry, win­ meeting will precede Principal age," Wrill also be shown. A fellow­ ner of the second award of $5, lost Flash Snow Warning ton Standard, dUision of United': Richard Geas of'Manchrater.> Spe­ Bulbs Baila^a talk, and refreahmenta Aircraft Corp., and Samuel ^ cial mualc will be provided by the ship hoUr la planned for the closing 10 pounds. ' In Slaying will be aerved during the aoefal Adamy, 174 Parker S t, experi­ We Two Group of Concordia. portion (if the day's pr.ogram. Eight of the members have • Windsor Locks, {>b. 11 liFl Neff on ttme following a dlacuaalon period. mental department, recenOy com-; Martha Diana pf Mancheater, reached their desired goals,\ and —The U.8. Weather Bureau prealdent of the Connacticut State EI-ECT|«) SECRETARY issued this "heavy snow warn­ plated 20 yeara aervice ^vlth the j three who have an outstanding at­ ■N, Roger E. Carlook, aon of Mra. United Aircraft Corp, i Luther League. wiirpreMde at the Erwin W. Whitham. 42 Gerard CORNER SODA SHOP ing" for Connecticut today: Of Woman Joa-Palrieia Carlock of 24 Dear- bualneaa meeting. St., w a s elected aecrertry of the tendance record are Mrs. Rachel STATE THEATRE BUILDING A coastal storm off the Car­ New England Nurserymen's Symohds. Mrs. Henrietta Ward of, field Dr., aaa recently elected ao- A limited number of atudent! A panel dlacuaalon, lead by .Er- olina coast wlll spread anow Bridgeport, Feb. 11 (/P)— (ial chairman of Lambda Oil Al­ neat ' Lehman of Danbury, will Assn. St the meeting held yester­ Hartford and Mrs. Florence Col Into aouthtm Connectlciii ticketa for "Orandfather'a Secret." | lint, 791 Main St. Police today are holding a pha aocial fraternity at Colgate the muaical comedy to be per-,; apeak on tha theme "Home Mia- day in Boston, M*^*- around noon today, and In &ilveraity, Hamilton. N. T. Car- northern aectiona by early Florida man as a suspect and formed by an all-teacher’ caat Sat- i afternoon. lock. a Junior, ia a 1S#3 graduate urday night, will go on aaie to -1 his wife as a material wit­ of Kent School. Snow will continue tonight, morrow morning from 10 to 11 ’ and end toward Sunday morn­ ness in connection,with the o’clock at the Waddell School, ing. knife-slaying Thursday night Memorial Temple. No. S8. Pyth­ where . the performance la to be Dr. Charles F. Boss Jr. ian Slatei*. will meet thia evening Increasing winds thia after­ of Mrs. Dorothy Cahill, 36, of given. Student aeata will- be on, noon and tonight may cause at 7:S0 at the Holmea F»ineral Meachera around the gymnaaitim An sddreiMi by Dr: Chsries F. Fairfield, in what Supt. John Home and conduct a memorial some drifting. Jenner Hits walla. Boss Jr. will highlight a Christian Preaent Indications are for A. LytWy said was a robbery. Probe Told aervice for Mra. Leater Smith, who Both deny any' connection with ,waa treaaurer of the Grand Tam- Social Relations workshop meet­ anow accumulations of three the crime. irie. A former member of Unitj’ The'^CTU will meet at South ing st the North Methodist Church to six inches in Interior aec-' Methodiat Church Tueaday at 10 tiona aitd one to three inches Mrs. Cahill's body, blood-stained Presidency ^ ^ p le of Hartford, Mra. Smith Feb. 22, beginning at 1:30 p.m. He along the coast. from a knife wound In her throat Neff Spoke tranaferred to Memorial Temple a.m. A potluck luncheon will be will speak at the evening service, and ruta about the face and head, a number of yeara ago. enjoyed at noon, hoateaaea for which Is open to the public. waa found on tKe floor In the rear which will be Mnr, C. Elmore Wat- Dr. B(>ss. executive secretary of of her auto In a downtown parking Power Hike Miaa Jeanne H. Rfehardaon. 2 kina, Mra.'William Ruah and Mra. the Methodist Board of World lot about 9 a.m. Friday. On Gas Bill Chapel St., la apanAng a week'a Arthur GIbaon. Thb Rev. K. Ejnar Peace. Is one of the national lead­ Ike May Start Raak, paator of the Covenant Con­ Held without' bond la Wallace Chicago, Feb. 11 {/F)—Sen. vacation at TucaOiW Aria. She made ers In the field who will attend the Mack Waltera; 34, of 180 He'i^tt Jenner (R-Ind) today said Washington, Feb. 11 (/P>— the trip by aUrline and will re­ gregational Church, a^lll apeak at workshop gathering, being spon­ Vital Physical St. Hla wife, Sarah, 26, ia being A woman aide to Sen. Fran­ turn by air. ' the afternoon aeaalon. sored by the New England South­ held In bonds of $2,300. Both are the presidency of the United Qifis for Jour Valen^ States is being changed “into cis Case (R-SD) testified to- ern annual conference of the charged with breach of the peace da.v that John M. Neff visited Methodist Church. He recently re­ Checks Today pending further Inveatlgatiom a European office much more turned from a trip to Russia. Waltera. described by police like the early Roman em- Cease’s office here last month Movies on social subjects will a narcotioa user and aeemingly un­ andr-as she recalled it-—made begin the program and seminar Washington, Feb. 11 JAh—Presl- perPrs. dertaken the influence of narcotics, wai «« laid the blame for what he jiome reference to the natural» groups will discuss world peace, ‘dent Elsenhower may undergo pre­ taken into custody shortly befo* ..jhiB transformation" on social and economic relations and gas bill. For Valentine’s Day ^ liminary medical tests today as midnight last. night by detectivei the "bureaucratic elite which Neff ia the Lexington, Neb., at­ temperance during the. afternoon. the first step in a full scale physi­ two hours after they learned that Supper will be. served st 6 p.m. by an auto with FIbrIda plates had wants to rule" the country. torney -who has idenUfied himself the Joy Circle of the Women’s So­ cal 'examination that could bear Jenner also criticized Secretary aa the donor of a $2,500 campaign emssa heavily on Whether he decides to been in the parking lot near Mra contribution . to Caae. A s p « ^ ciety of Christian Service, under Cahill's auto during the evening of of State Dulles, for the "brink of the direction of Mrs. Ellen Pickles, seek reelec tlon.., the night she was slain. - war" strategy attributed to. him, Senate committee la holding hear- circle leader. Guided Missiles Target Areas He told a news conference last and called for the election of a Inga to see whether any «frort SHOP HALE'S FOR Waltera was halted while driv­ waa made to bring Improper In­ Church or community groups In- There has been a great deal of talk on both sides of the Iron Wednpsday.'liowever, that he is In­ ing in Bridgeport la hla auto which "firm pro-American Congress.'' teres'ted in attending the confer­ .
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