University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 1-22-1974 The Living Daylights 2(3) 22 January 1974 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: http://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1974), The Living Daylights 2(3) 22 January 1974, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.3, January 22 - 28, 28p. http://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/13 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] The Living Daylights 2(3) 22 January 1974 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.3, January 22 - 28, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: http://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/13 Vol.2 No.3 Jan.22-28 1974 S CREW IN 6 T HE PETRO L GIAN TS «. A ballsy interview with oil maverick Ian Sykes BLACK & PROUD & ABOUT TO BE LYNCHED... In death row with Michael X WHAT S ON in Sydney & Melbourne (plus Sunbury details) a OLLOWING our US bases feature F last fortnight, there have been sev­ eral repercussions, the least important of which was the front page o f Melbourne’s Truth, sat, jan 19. n t n j l f As the source o f Truth's hallucinations (“ BLOOD WILL FLOW” ), we were cited as a “ left wing newspaper” (ha ha marx- ists) and credited with a variety o f dast­ ardly intentions. We would like to thank Truth for publicising the march on the US bases, leaving Melbourne early in may Richard Beckett and driving through the other major cities. Details from Stop Omega, box 215, Elstemwick, Victoria 3185. beats up As TI.D goes to press amidst headlines o f war with China, it seems eccentric to the week’s news devote the cover to Men against Sexism, although this too has all the forebodings ENGEANCE IS MINE NOT THE o f a war, with a movement that will gain V LORDS: Israeli general Ariel Shar­ momentum and biff the confidence of on welcomed the disengagement agree­ yer average alf-freak sexist chauvinist. ment between his own country and Men against Sexism demands total per­ Egypt over the Suez canal area, which sonal commitment to the evolution o f a brings peace to the region for the first heightened consciousness . it will catch time in 25 years by resigning in a fit o f many with their pants not far enough petulance. During last year’s hostilities down. Page 9. between the two nations Sharon helped In the cities the fight between the the cause of peace by invading Egypt developers and the residents continues. without the knowledge of defence min­ Last week, in the wee hours o f the ister Dayan, who himself is not normal­ morning, the men from Hookers moved ly known for his kindness towards into Lanark terrace, South Melbourne, people of opposing nationalistic views. with alsatian dogs and sledge hammers With a little more help from general and began demolishing some of the build­ Sharon and his supporters, no doubt the ings. Ross McPherson reports on page two nations will be back at each other’s seven. throats by the end o f the week. Pics galore arrived this week, and we’re sorry not to be able to use them O IT’S NOT, VENGEANCE IS all. Casualties included the Busmen’s N OURS: Eleven people died and picnic, by Syd Shelton (hopefully next hundreds more were wounded as mobs week) and a series by Oliver Strew on the of rioting students in Jakarta celebrated by a resident British naval liaison officer iff bam and thank you dairyfarmer outlaws of Grafton (already the arrival o f Japanese prime minister in Canberra. One would be interested in BMA’AM: China seized control o f saturated by straight press and television). Tanaka in the Indonesian capital on a the criteria used by the Australian navy the nondescript Paracel islands o ff its The great dope drought continues, goodwill tour of the Asian regions. The in selecting the young lovelies to grace own coast after a light brush with the with most stuff on the market being lovable government of general Suharto the royal presence. heavily United States trained and equip- either worthless or poison. It is time to promptly cracked down on the stu­ ped South Vietnamese navy. After the : campaign for an end to the pot smoker’s dents, perhaps remembering the part humiliation of the gee whizz South : oppression and we are beginning to devise they played in the downfall o f his own nother first for Aus­ Vietnamese aside, it just might be a : a strategy with community grass reform predecessor. Back home an unscathed A tralian DIPLOMACY: The good idea if the yanks alerted the Pearl | groups. This week, a quick pot report by and somewhat relieved Tanaka admitted Australian embassy in Washington has Harbor shore defences — just in case ; Steven Phillips, page 3. that perhaps it was about time his decided not to buy the Maryland house mind you. : Amos Drummond went out to talk to businessmen started to improve their of former United States vice-president Ian Sykes, chairman o f Exoil Petroleum image and methods of operation else­ Spiro Agnew, not for any moral reasons ood god, he’s at it again: i where in the world. And in Jakarta, for aiding and abetting a convicted Pty Ltd. Sykes has been fighting the big Uganda’s president Big Daddy : oil companies since he formed his com­ president Suharto issued a communique G felon, but because, more simply, the Yiddi Amin is threatening to enliven an • pany in the late 60s and in a way the stating that the Japanese prime minis­ Greek thief was demanding too much ter’s visit had made a “ significant con ­ otherwise lacklustre commonwealth \ interview exemplifies the rapacious money for it. games in Christchurch, New Zealand, by ■ nature o f the fuel juggernauts, their un­ tribution to strengthing friendship be­ his personal presence. Amin, who is fast • derhandedness and their tenaciousness in tween the two nations”. It did not turning into the world’s leading Merry : keeping out new rivals, however small. mention the riots. onvicts are tougher Prankster, recently started a banana | See pages 22 and 23. THAN REFORMERS: Tony C benefit fund for the relief of darkening : We’ ve boosted the overall news con­ ONT WORRY, THE CATHOLICS Green, a Sydney prison reformer, was Britain, and called that ancient nation a : tent, although this week Sydney seems a ARE MAKING SURE THERE released from a mock up of a window- D disgrace to the rest o f the common- ■ little short (wake up Grant Evans) and WILL BE PLENTY OF PEOPLE TO less maximum security cell built at wealth. Outside o f that the only news o f • residents o f that city are reminded that KILL: Roman catholic authorities in Sydney university after spending 231/2 sportsmen stricken Christchurch is that, • Stephen (Living Delights) Wall is grump­ Australia said that a newly developed hours inside and almost suffering a once again, in a true commonwealth •: ily available for consultation and the odd contraceptive pill for man was immoral nervous breakdown. The object of the spirit, all female athletes have been J cup o f tea, tuesday to thursday, at his and warned all good micks against using exercise was to prove that new cell imprisoned behind an eight fo o t high: modest abode, 18 Arthur street, Surry it. To make matters worse, Melbourne blocks built at Sydney’s Long Bay jail barbed wire topped fence. Hills . or, if you’re nearer 777B George doctors now testing the male pill believe are somewhat hard on the nerves. How­ street, Sydney, there is always the should­ that Australian men are too vain to ever, the good New South Wales minis­ here was some good news jj ers o f the ebullient George Munster of accept it willingly. Health minister Dr ter for justice, Mr Maddison, upon Professor F. A. Whitlock, profes- i Nation review to cry upon. Everingham said: “ The Australian man hearing o f Green’s sufferings said the T A Melbourne news service is being is conceited about his ability to ‘give’ test was merely a political gimmick. “ I sor o f psychiatry at Queensland uni- :• versity, has stated in the Medical journal collated by Piotr Olszewski who can be children to his woman. Because o f this have said over and over again - and I contacted direct at home, 63 Lygon st, attitude, proven methods of birth con­ say it again now — the maximum o f Australia that operating on the i human brain to change unwanted behav-: Carlton: 38.5979, and would love to hear trol like vasectomy have been relatively security block is an essential feature o f from anyone with secrets and gossip to ignored.” With all this evidence against the New South Wales prison system,” ior is more or less immoral. Psycho • surgery on so called mental patients was :• spill — large, small and in-between. the damn thing one might well ask why Maddison said. “ It is designed to protect being carried out, not so much for the > Finally, we are looking for a part time public money is being wasted on some­ their fellow prisoners, prison officers good of the patient, but for the good of ;■ graphics person — a flexible talent to thing that no one will ever use. and the community from these danger­ society in which he lived, professor •: assist with illustrations, layout and typog­ ous men.” The trick is obviously to Whitlock said.
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