June 20, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1115 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF MRS. SALLIE rights cases, as well as pro bono services for ZACKY COLD STORAGE GROWTH LANGSETH FOR HER INDUCTION the NAACP. Hilbert is a noted trial lawyer and WARMS FRESNO ECONOMY INTO THE NATIONAL TEACHERS has had a distinguished career as a deputy HALL OF FAME, DEER PARK, TX prosecutor, corporation counsel, and interim HON. GEORGE P. RADANOVICH judge and mediator. OF CALIFORNIA HON. KEN BENTSEN In 1987, Hilbert founded the Indiana Coali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS tion for Black Judicial Officials, and he serves Wednesday, June 19, 1996 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the group's general chairman today. The Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, a major Wednesday, June 19, 1996 organization's purpose is to increase the num- ber of black judicial officials in the State of In- California poultry producer, Zacky Farms, is Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor diana. The Indiana Coalition for Black Judicial embarking on an expansion plan in coopera- Mrs. Sallie Langseth of Pasadena, TX, who Officials organizes statewide public awareness tion with the city of Fresno, and I am pleased will be inducted into the National Teachers campaigns which have resulted in an in- to bring it to the attention of my colleagues. Hall of Fame in Emporia, KS, on June 22, creased number of black referees and judges Zacky Farms is an engine of economic en- 1996. She is one of five educators in the pro tem, the election of a black judge to the terprise in my 19th Congressional District. In country being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Lake County Superior Court, the appointment sharing the following article from the Fresno It is a particular honor to recognize Mrs. of Robert Rucker, the first African-American to Bee, written by business news reporter San- Langseth because she was named Texas' serve on the Indiana Court of Appeals, Fifth ford Nax, I salute the men and women of Teacher of the Year in 1995. I cannot think of District, and Myra Selby, the first female and Zacky Farms and wish them well as they grow a more deserving recipient of this award. the first African-American to serve on the Indi- and add value to our community. Mrs. Langseth is the first teacher from a ana Supreme Court. [From the Fresno Bee, June 6, 1996] Texas school district to be inducted into the ZACKY FARMS EXPANSION EXPECTED TO ADD Hilbert also cofounded the Fair Share Orga- National Teachers Hall of Fame. Mrs. 200 JOBS nization in 1958. Its purpose was to assure Langseth taught in the Pasadena School Dis- (By Sanford Nax) trict from 1969 to 1972 and has since taught that black people receive their fair share of the fruits of American democracy. One major ac- The latest expansion by Zacky Farms will in the Deer Park School District. She has dis- generate 200 new jobs, with more to come as tinguished herself through her innovative complishment of the organization was the em- the poultry producer puts even deeper roots teaching methods and her dedication to her ployment of the first black managers of a into Fresno. students, and her ability to help them under- major chain store, the A&P, in Gary. A 75,000-square-foot addition to its Empire stand problems. Her teaching goes well be- Outside of the legal profession, Hilbert has Cold Storage plant at East and California yond the classroom, including hosting study reached out to several civic organizations. streets will add 13 million pounds of storage. groups in her home and tutoring former stu- Also, 5,000 square feet of space is being Hilbert's distinguished memberships include: added to the East Street turkey-processing dents who are having difficulty with their col- lifetime memberships of the NAACP and the operation in a related project, said Ken Rut- lege math courses. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; the Urban League ledge, vice president and general manager of Mrs. Langseth's tremendous dedication in of Northwest Indiana; St. Timothy Community Zacky Farms. serving her students and our community is Church; Calumet Inn of Court; James C. Together, the two expansions will increase consistent with the highest degree of profes- Kimbrough Law Association; the Lake County Zacky's local work force by about 200. The sionalism. I join her students, their parents, Bar Association; the Indiana State Bar Asso- poultry processor employs about 2,400 people her colleagues, and our entire community in ciation. He also serves as a board member for in Fresno and is one of the largest private thanking her for all that she has done for the employers in the county. the Methodist Hospitals. Many of the turkeys supplied to Zacky are young people of Pasadena and Deer Park. Moreover, he has received local and na- raised in Fresno, Tulare, Kings and Madera She truly belongs in the National Teachers tional recognition for having excelled in his counties. California is its largest market. Hall of Fame. profession. In 1994, Hilbert received the Na- The expansion of the cold-storage plant f tional NAACP William Ming Award, the should be complete in October. The addition to the turkey processing plant should be TRIBUTE TO HILBERT L. BRADLEY Valparaiso University Black Law Students As- done in January. sociation Education and Civil Rights Award, The projects, which will total about $12 the Omega Psi Phi Inc. Citizen of the Year million, are among the $124 million worth of HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Award, and the Phi Delta Kappa (Beta Mu investment Zacky plans to make in Fresno OF INDIANA Chapter) Outstanding Service and Leadership in the next 20 years, Rutledge said. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Award. In 1992, Hilbert was inducted into the Zacky operates turkey and chicken plants Wednesday, June 19, 1996 Steel City Hall of Fame, and, in 1991 and in Fresno, and the investments could lead to 1958, he received the NAACP Mary White 3,400 new jobs over 20 years, city officials Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is the be- said. lief of many that we are all put on this Earth Ovington Award. Hilbert is the only member to Ruledge said an expanded freezer will en- for a reason. Mr. Hilbert L. Bradley has ac- whom the Gary branch has twice presented able Zacky to store all of its produce inter- complished his mission in life after spending a this award. In 1990, Hilbert was presented nally rather than contracting some of it out lifetime working unselfishly to improve the with the Gary Frontiers Drum Major Award, to a public freezer as it now does. The addi- the Focus 2000 Great Garyite Award, the tional 5,000 square feet at the processing lives of citizens in the city of Gary, as well as plant will allow Zacky to consolidate func- the entire State of Indiana. In a congratulatory NAACP Community Service Award, and the Tolleston Community Council Service Award. tions that are divided between two buildings, celebration, the community of Indiana's First he said. Congressional District will gather on Sunday, As Hilbert reflects back on his career and The expansions also will make Zacky's op- June 23, 1996, for a testimonial dinner to community activism, he can hold his head eration more energy-efficient and will reduce honor Hilbert. This dinner will take place at high and be proud of his accomplishments. water consumption. ``This new equipment is Marquette on the Lagoon in Gary, IN. Hilbert is a true role model for all young pro- very efficient,'' Rutledge said. As an attorney dedicated to his profession, fessionals and citizens. Mr. Speaker, I ask you Zacky's ``grand plan'' in Fresno is being accomplished with help from city officials and a community activist dedicated to the and my other distinguished colleagues to join through a development incentive agree- well-being of others, Hilbert has tirelessly led me in honoring Hilbert Bradley for his unself- ments. the fight for equal opportunity, and civil and ish dedication to make Indiana's First Con- In such agreements, companies get a credit human rights protections for all people. He gressional District, as well as the entire Na- for some development fees against the pro- has provided legal counsel in landmark civil tion, a better place in which to work and live. jected increase in tax payments. These · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 20, 1996 agreements are common with large manufac- sistant chief of staff for installation manage- ACTING TO SHAPE THE FUTURE turing companies that make significant con- ment. I asked him how rare it was that (By Alex Machaskee) tributions to the tax base and have large Picatinny hit the grand slam of military awards. I want to express my thanks to Donald work forces. Newhouse, who addressed this Congress in ``They provide the necessary incentive to ``It is a milestone, because most of the time the larger installationsÐthe Fort BenningsÐ Berlin in 1993 and ``nominated'' me to pro- encourage expansion and relocation,'' said vide an update on the message he shared at Bill Evans, vice president of the Fresno are the top-dog winners. To have a smaller in- that time. As you certainly know by now, County Economic Development Corp. stallation like Picatinny come in and win all this year's theme is ``Vision for the Future,'' Any program that generates new jobs is three really is precedent-setting.'' and those of you who were in Berlin three welcome in a county where the labor pool is I couldn't say it any better myself.
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