Cuts may hit aid More than 350 UI students could see changes in their financial aid if they’re getting assistance from the Iowa College Student Aid Commission. METRO, 7 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2009 Grad students voice outrage Currie In a protest on the Pentacrest, students say more TA cuts will backs mean a lower standard of education. By DANNY VALENTINE [email protected] tuition With chants and signs aimed at administrators in Jessup Hall, UI graduate moves students huddled on the Pentacrest Monday, decry- By KATHRYN STINSON ing any plans to slash TA [email protected] positions or hike tuition. Their solution: Cut top UI Student Government President UI administrators’ six-fig- Michael Currie said he is aware that sup- ure salaries, find ways to porting the university’s proposal to save money by conserving increase tuition won’t be popular with the energy, get better contracts majority of the students. with outside companies, “I know it would be much better for us politi- and use the roughly $13 cally to say we don’t sup- million available in stimu- port it,” he said. “But I lus money. don’t feel that’s an effec- The hour-long rally, which tive way of negotiating had approximately 50 sign- and coming to the table carrying and frustrated stu- and being as effective as Currie dents, occurred just days we can be.” UISG president before the state Board of Currie and UISG Vice Regents meeting in which President J.D. Moran said they endorse regents will vote on a possi- a plan to impose a $100 mid-year sur- ble $100 mid-year tuition charge next semester and a 6 percent surcharge and discuss how increase in next year’s tuition. to make up a $24.7 million budget shortfall. SEE UISG, 3 “There are any number of ways that we can cut the budget without sacrificing jobs,” said Bill Peterson, the president of the Campaign to Organize Graduate Stu- Int’l TAs dents. The UI shouldn’t take the “simple way,” he contended. The university has cut could be 150 TA positions so far, and graduate students expect at least that many more could be cut in the near future. hurt But that decision would severely damage education By SCOTT RAYNOR quality and force many [email protected] graduate students who are dependent on UI salaries to Margaret Mills has been losing sleep leave, students at the lately. rally said. As the chairwoman of the Asian and “We believe this universi- Slavic languages & literatures depart- ty is trying to bury under- ment, she said, she is worried about how graduate and graduate edu- budget cuts might affect her interna- cation,” said Sarah Eikle- tional teaching assistants. berry, a doctoral candidate Foreign graduate students often come in health and sports studies. to the UI relying on teaching jobs for sup- “I think it’s pretty crappy.” port, and visa rules constrain them from Another graduate stu- being employed outside of the university. dent, Kari Thompson, spoke With the UI cutting more than 150 TA mournfully about what she ROB JOHNSON/THE DAILY IOWAN positions so far, and some fearing more Rhetoric TA Ben Morton dresses as the Grim Reaper during a protest Monday on the Pentacrest. Last year, 150 TA labeled the dying emphasis could be eliminated, some worry the UI positions were cut. Bill Peterson, the president of the Campaign to Organize Graduate Students, said the UI should cut on education at the UI. will have a more difficult time recruiting officials’ six-figure salaries rather than eliminate TA spots. international graduate students. SEE PROTEST, 3 SEE INTERNATIONAL, 3 Winning football boosts community as a whole Hawkeye streak could better moods and increase interest from recruits. By PARKER SMITH into the national spotlight. points. Their current 12-game [email protected] “It probably won’t visibly affect winning streak is the second our economy, but it provides more longest active streak in Division I. For a city that runs on football, visibility for the university,” said Few studies have explored the the Hawkeyes’ 8-0 record is golden. Iowa City Mayor Regenia Bailey. economic effects of athletics suc- Experts say the specific economic “People know where Iowa City is cess, and it’s difficult to measure benefits of a highly ranked football because they know the Hawkeyes.” what a great football season can KC MCGINNIS/THE DAILY IOWAN program are unknown, but many The Hawks are 18-4 in their mean for both the university and Fans celebrate on the Pedestrian Mall after Iowa’s 15-13 over Michigan State on Oct. Iowa City. say this year’s winning streak is last 22 games and lost those four 24. The win pushed the Hawkeyes to 8-0 for the season, solidified their standing catapulting the city and university games, last year, by a combined 12 SEE FOOTBALL, 3 at the top of the Big Ten. DAILY IOWAN TV INDEX WEATHER DAILYIOWAN.COM To watch Daily Iowan TV, go online at dailyiowan.com or tune Arts 5 Intramurals 10 Check out our online edition today for video of UI graduate students on the into UITV. The 15-minute newscast is on Sunday through Classifieds 11 Opinions 4 54 43 Pentacrest protesting prospective budget cuts. Hear representatives from the Thursday at 9:30 and 10:30 p.m., with reruns at 12:30 and 1:30 Crossword 8 Sports 12 12C 6C Campaign to Organize Graduate Students talk about how measures proposed by a.m. and 7:45 and 8:45 a.m. the following day. administrators will damage education at the UI. 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, October 27, 2009 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Sheriff’s reserves aid Volume 141 Issue 87 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Kelsey Beltramea. 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Metro Editors: deputies at jail, in field Call: 335-6030 Alyssa Cashman . 335-6063 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Clara Hogan . 335-6063 Brian Stewart . 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- By SHANE ERSLAND jail. After receiving required Opinions Editor: ing of news. If a report is wrong or Shawn Gude . 335-5863 [email protected] training, the volunteers misleading, a request for a correc- may carry weapons, work Sports Editor: tion or a clarification may be made. Ryan Young . 335-5848 If wearing olive-green patrol shifts on their own, slacks several times a PUBLISHING INFO Arts Editors: and sometimes be paid Melea Andrys . 335-5851 month doesn’t appeal to job- The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is for assignments. published by Student Publications Jake Jensen . 335-5851 seekers, the Johnson County Mike Sieverding said he Copy Chief: Sheriff’s Reserves staff is Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, started volunteering for Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot. 335-6063 hoping some of their train- Design/Graphics Editor: the department after the except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Kurt Cunningham. 335-6063 ing tactics will. 9/11 terrorist attacks university holidays, and university Photo Editor: While most volunteer inspired him. vacations. Periodicals postage paid opportunities don’t include Amy Oleson . 335-5852 “I wanted to do something at the Iowa City Post Office under the Web Editor: using a Taser and firearms to support our country,” he Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. or learning self-defense tech- Tony Phan. 335-5829 said. “My wife would have SUBSCRIPTIONS Business Manager: niques, theirs does. killed me if I joined the mili- Debra Plath. 335-5786 And department offi- Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 tary,so I joined the reserves.” E-mail: [email protected] Classified Ads Manager: cials are hoping to double Reserves also get valuable Juli Krause. 335-5784 the 12 reserves it cur- Subscription rates: Advertising/ Circulation Manager: experience in the public- Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one rently employs. safety field. Pete Recker. 335-5783 Since losing some of the semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Advertising Sales Staff: Sieverding recalled a for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. reserves to full-time posi- night when he was sent to Renee Manders. 335-5193 tions, there is a need for Out of town: $40 for one semester, Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 North Liberty to respond to $80 for two semesters, $15 for Cathy Witt . .335-5794 more applicants, said a domestic assault, where he summer session, $95 all year.. Day Production Manager: Reserve Deputy Sheriff helped prevent an intoxicat- Heidi Owen. 335-5789 Joshua Gersten. In the last ed woman from drowning in Night Production Manager: four months, the depart- a lake. Bob Foley. 335-5789 ment has lost three “She was on the dock and employees, who joined the jumped in the water to get UI, Coralville, and Iowa away from us,” he said. “I METRO City police. didn’t want the full-time guy “As a reserve, you have a to get wet, so I jumped in and ROB JOHNSON/THE DAILY IOWAN Police look for foot in the door,” he said. got her back onto the dock.” “They know you, so it’s easier Sgt. John Good demonstrates how to properly restrain an inmate, home intruder This year’s accepted appli- using Kirkwood student Jeff Wells as a stand-in, during a training for you to get hired.” cants will train at a new site, Police are searching for a suspect session Monday at the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office.
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