PnWishefl WeeKly VOL. XXII—NO: 18 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960 On Uluirsday PRICE TEN CENTS Father of 11 Loses Home, ut Hopes COLONIA — You think you got troubles? It's a safe bet they're not as bad as Harry Jackson's. Mr. Jackson is a man in his mid-50's with a fired, gentle face. His wife died two years ago giving birth to their 11th child. Since then Mr. Jackson has struggled to keep his children with him and together as a family in the friendly, brown-shingled bungalow at the top of the hill on Arthur Avenue. Tuesday morning, on his day off from his restaurant job at which he earns $50 a week, Mr. Jackson walked to the store for some milk. On his way back, he saw flames pouring out of the bungalow's roof. By the time the fire was over, r the inside of the house was gutted, and one A DISTBGUGHT FAMILY AND ITS BURNED HOME :— Standing: against the rear of the house whose interior was J WOODBRIDGE — Parking i the budget to absorb such ani WOODBRIDGE —A charter member of the Colonia Fire Department was burned out Monday morning are Mr. Jackson and seven of his 11 children. Shown in the picture are Billy, 9, Donald {meter problems, which Wood-(amount.'' . j study for Woodbridge Town- overcome in the fight put up to lick the blaze. bridge merchants claim havej In addition to Woodbridge jship is imperative according to 5, SyMa, 11, Johnny, 6, Henry, 7, Bernard, 3, Otis. 6. Bernice and David, Vi and 13, were in New York for the day on resulted in loss of business, proper, 400 meters were in-j the Woodbridge League of "Of course, the children were all out and the School 20 trip to the TJ.N. Linzy 2, and Juanita, 17, are living- with relatives. will be discussed at a meeting stalled by the Parking Authori- women Voters after comple- safe, and I guess I should think of that and be of the Woodbridge Business- ty in Iselin and Fords and thenjtion of a three months' study of more thankful," the harried father says. "But try, the worse things should get." children are nice, well-brought upkidv" says a men's' Association at Howard the Town Committee, on coin-|vai.iOUS form of municipal gov- the worst thing is, eight weeks ago I had pneu- The father's greatest worry, according to his Jackson neighbor, Mrs. Albert King,' who was Johnson Restaurant. Route 1, plaint of. businessmen in those j eminent monia bad, half the kids had the flu, and I let neighbors, is that the state or some official body over in tr^ yard yesterday helping. "All.of us jat 6:30 Pit. [areas, failed to pass the en-| A unit consisting of Mfs. the fire insurance slip, after paying it all these A committee of merchants Idling ordinance. As a resul,jPl.ederick w. swanekamp, Jr. will think he is unable to care for his family and around h;. e, white and colored together, are meet with Mayor Freaerick M.i the meter heads were removedj . j Faulkner, years. Now we've got nothing to start again Tn chairman Mrs ohn take them away to an institution. trying to l.slp them out the best we can' Adams and diseussea the pos-;and placed in storage. e:Ml.s paul weaver nEMj j^rs with. It doesn't seem right that the harder you "That man has done a wonderful job, and his (Continued on PA >P 2< sible removal of parking meters! stanchions remain and are!Richard KoQ made ^ study' particularly on the side streets.jsuo.iect of controversy. , d allnounced ,<a charter The businessmen, told the; Woodbndgebusmessmeni^, wi]] eMWe Wooftridge mayor that parking meters and! claun they-had nothing to do L analyze its t form of the enforcement of parking!with installation of meters m o-overnment•" Zonins Plans Commenced for Dedication regulations'.'by • the police de-l t Continued on Page 2) l= 1 : "Woodbridge", Mrs. Swane- * O i partment have resulted in a ' kamp said, "will then be in a sharp drop in business. position to decide whether to Mayor Adams pointed out the take advantage of existing laws parking- meters, which were which provide for the adoption lhanges\Qi 9 Schools; Governor to be Gues originally installed at the re- of a new form of municipal- WOODBRIDGE — Prelim- Schools in Fords. Iselin and Co- schools at 10 A. M., with 3| In the afternoon, at ?. o clock quest of the. association, "rep- government or to retain the inary plans have been complet- Ionia and School 20, Hoffman Board of Education member|a celebration will take place at resent substantial ,sum of; Boulevard. School 21, Oak presiding at each schooL Therelthe Woodbridge High School d there is in Advance ed for the dedication of nine! will be student participation)Stadium with Governor Hobeit WOODBRIDGE — Wood- - , There are two ways of-placing WOODBRIDGE Zoning Ridge, School 22, New Dover schools in the Township on|Road/ all in Coloma. s^ool and open house will be- held'B. Meyner as sp<\ ku O*"ha midse Lodge of Elk*- one of the r tuchen, was elected president i^g cnarter study on the ballot naps, which are part of the June 18, Superintendent of|23, Cozy Corner, Avenel: School] after the programs. .State, County and Vral nffieals To -nship «. nevei internal oi-j of die Raritan Arsenal Wom-i_ tte-Tom Committee may /Taster Plan for the Township, _. s __ ___ _ .S, y a j Schools Patrick A. Boylan an- 24, Kennedy Park, Iselin andj Similar exercises are to eel will be present. Ap rov > afply sanizati ±s \»ili spo ~oi a Plaa pere returned to the Planning Estates.11'conducted in the Junior HighjBOO children aie wr"j}z"'1 'i'"Va'1 r Jv<el l ajKf Jai nmiTw-pd tfiv School 2255 , LafayettLafayettee Estates 'conducted in the Junior High 600 children aie /^ i ^^^1 rjvei.aixr Juixi "J at thr ^. registered voters must Soard Tuesday by the Town -Schools at 11 o'clock, after in tb - progran W p W> n-* »ument li CI ri'Tl 11'%'ithe. Raritan Arsenal. the Committee with,suggestions of. Schools to be dedicated in-1, Ceremonies will be held in!which open hoiw <*"il also beiclude cho-al singmy and folk *&* DaY Julle 14- WJ" also |be submitted to the Town Com-" t few revisions. Norman Tanz-|ciU{je the three Junior Hife-htl..e md-'-i dual elemt«uai-yi held. I dancing. ,maik tlie 291st anniversary of . iprised of some 70 members who ami, lywrman 6i uie Planning the granting of a charter to WOODBRIDGE - A series are the wives of military H Mayor Frederick M. Adams [of robberies plagued police over 3oard, said today. Woodbridge Township. „,„« • «,.c r, o1 (recently said he believes the Teenager Goes Driving The local lodge will be among the holiday weekend. nf th. „?? Peisonnel movement should emanate from "t expect to confer with Gor- the more than 1,900 Elk lodges Sunday. John Sistak, 91||of tersonthe aisenal, wife. Mrsof th. Jamee Coms D-. ^ votej.^ fQr if ^ T(JWQ ion Geis of Community Pl-an- Pe Committee places the question throughout the nation to . beWoodbridge Avenue, Iselin, re-jmanding officer serves as ling Associates tqday and set saluting the 183rd anniversary ported his home was entered i honorary president on the ballot there may be a lp an appointment to review of the flag's adoption by fee and over $80 in cash taken j others elected to office were: cry of politics. ,he Town Committee's sugges- Hits Fence, House and Bicyclist; Continental Congress on June from three banks. A pearl ringiMrs. James N_ HalL Vice-Pi-esi- Mrs. Koons declared yester- •ions". Mr. Tanzman stated. 14, 1777. valued at -S25 and a wedding |dent; Mrs Dougias M Crane, day the League is seeking the As soon as the review is com- band worth $15 also were|Secretai.y. and Mrs_ Eugene K_ assistance of other groups ileted the chairman revealed a Mayor Frederick M. Adams, exalted ruler, has invited the stolen. !w. Cornwell, Jr., Treasurer. throughout the Township. iotice of public hearings will Latter is Treated at Hospital public to attend in order to Sommer Brothers office on The election of officers was "It is too big a job to do >e published in this newspaper. give "a community-wide, pa-, Route 9 was also entered over held at the final tea of the alone" she went on, "and we All the sessions will be held the weekend and an unde- n one central point, so large WOODBRIDGE — A new triotically inspiring salute to season. A gift was presented to are a comparatively small r» , ,- AT J i '.A idriver, with her car out of con-Old Glory.'' termined amount of money was group. With assistance from •xhibits can be set up and left Mrs. Richard E. McDonald, re- Detective Now Admits itroli, hit a ^,,,.curb , ^nnr^riknocked rmr.™down Mayor Adams, who named taken from the filing cabinet. tiring President, who thanked other organizations, and by here for three or four nights, Local Housewife To Get atrn fence hih, Qstruckh a bicyclist, and Michael Medich as chairman The petty cash box at the those who served with her and educating the public as to the lepending how long it will be Dad4n-Law Was Right hit a house, before the vehicle and George Andriscik as co- Matlack office, Route 1, Iselin, all the members for their help need for a study, I am sure it necessary to hear those who WOODBRIDGE—Detective stopped for lack of momentum, chairman, pointed out the was looted and a cigarette ma- and cooperation during the can be accomplished." nay have some objections.
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