Thursday, May 29, 2014 Volume 89, Number 22 Bird City, Kansas 67731 Bird6 Pages City Times75 Cents Memorial Day program honors vets By Norma Martinez fast, because his trusts in you.” [email protected] It is wonderful to have peace The weather was perfect on amidst in the current threat of war Monday for the Memorial Day in Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan, program at the Bird City Cem- Israel. God promises to give us etery. There was just enough wind peace as we trust in Him. As our to allow the flags to gracefully National song so adeptly says, flutter in the breeze. Between 30 “America, America God shed His to 40 people came to participate grace on thee.” in the program sponsored by the I love reading about the history American Legion 352 Command- of traditions. Celebrating Me- er Charles Coleman and the Aux- morial Day began in 1865 when iliary President Hulda Dorsch. Henry C. Welles who was a drug- The program service began with gist from Waterloo, New York everyone saying the Pledge of Al- mentioned at a social gathering legiance and singing the “Star that honor should be shown to the Spangled Banner.” Pastor Dan patriotic dead of the Civil War, by Carson gave the opening prayer decorating their graves. and after the group sang “Amer- In the spring of 1866 he men- ica,” Mr. Coleman introduced Mr. tioned this again, this time to Carson as the speaker. General John Murry the Seneca The memorial roll call was County Clerk. General Murry tru- given by Mr. Coleman for Glenn ly embraced the idea and a com- Glasco and Hal Sager the two vet- mittee was formed to plan a day erans whose flags were retired to devoted towards honoring the the post collection this year. dead. The townspeople of Sereca After a moment of silent prayer wholeheartedly jumped right in. remembering the dead, Joy An- Wreaths, crosses and bouquets deregg placed the memorial were made to decorate each sol- wreath on the tomb of Everett L. diers grave. The town itself was Nelson. “God Bless America” was decorated with flags flown at half sung by the group and Pastor Car- mast and draped with evergreen son gave the benediction prayer. boughs along with black stream- Norman Dorsch gave the com- ers in memory. The idea began to mands to Charley Damm and grow and spread and the first offi- Charles Coleman then joined them cial recognition of Memorial Day for a gun salute to the deceased. came on May 5,1868 by General Walker Janicke, Devon Janicke John A. Logan. and Jordan Janicke played “Taps” Logan was the Commander of as they stood spread out amongst the Grand Army of the Republic the trees just off the road leading which was a Fraternity of veter- to the cemetery. ans of the Armed Forces. It has Following is Pastor Dan Car- been calculated that there have son’s speech: been approximately 650,000 bat- It is a privilege and honor to tle deaths that continues since the NORMAN DORSCH gave the commands to Charley Damm and Charles Coleman, then joined them for a gun salute to stand before you today and to give Revolutionary War and each one the deceased during the Memorial Day program at the Bird City Cemetery. Times staff photo by Norma Martinez a message of our Great God and represents a precious God given of our Great Nation. It is such a life. But we all know it is more beautiful backdrop with all of the than those who gave their lives in thank you, and Veterans we en- righteous Nation may enter, the have so much to be thankful for, ery one of you Veterans gathered flags waving. As we gather here battle. joy our Freedom today even as Nation that keeps Faith. You will especially on a day like today. The here today have given of your- we are so grateful to the veterans Memorial Day is also about we gather here today - because of keep him in perfect peace, him other day I was walking around selves for our Freedom. that have fought and have given those that were left behind. It is You! whose mind is steadfast, because here in the cemetery and I was We salute you all today and their lives so that we could gather about the wives that lost their hus- How great it is to be living in the he trusts in you.” Righteousness, amazed at the number of markers again Thank You! May we con- here today. bands. There have been so many United States of America where Faith and Trust in our Lord – all for the Auxiliary and the Veter- tinue to live in a Righteous Nation Isaiah 26:2,3 reads; “Open the sons and daughters that lost their we can gather wherever we like determines whether we will live in ans next to the headstones, some filled with righteous people thru gates that the righteous nation parents. It is about remembering without fear, without compulsion. God’s perfect peace. The blessing of the people we may have never the blood of Jesus Christ and May may enter, the nation that keeps the tremendous sacrifice that was As Isaiah speaks to how we will of God we noticed in everything known. Some of them have dear God continue to shed His grace on faith. You will keep him in perfect paid by all clear across this nation. remain in such a free country He we do and how wonderful it is to friends and family and one thing is us. peace him whose mind is to stead Veterans – We honor you, we tells us, “Open the gates that the live in such a great nation. We all certain, everyone of them and ev- Cheylin says goodbye to teachers Senator Bob Dole to visit Cheyenne County Amanda Miller thing from handing pamphlets out to [email protected] organizing meetings with Mr. Dole Politics is something that St. Fran- and Cheyenne County residents. One cis resident Bonnie Cram has always time, she even drove up and down taken seriously and been involved in. Main Street with Mr. Dole in the back For that reason, she has had the oppor- of a pick-up. tunity to meet and campaign for some “He came to St. Francis. I put him well known Republican legislators, in- in the back of a pick-up with a loud cluding Bob Dole. speaker system,” she said. “With Bob This week Mrs. Cram is excited to Dole in tow, we drove up and down have the opportunity to see her old Main Street, yelling ‘Vote for Bob friend once again. At the age of 90, Dole!’ with the loud speaker!” Mr. Dole is visiting 105 counties in Campaigning was a family affair, Kansas on a tour to say thank you to with her children lending a hand as all the people that have supported him well. Mrs. Cram said she would type for so long. He will be stopping in up letters to send out, and use carbon- Cheyenne County on Friday, May 30 paper copies. There were no copy ma- at the St. Francis Public Library from chines available back then. Her chil- 11 a.m. to noon. dren would help by licking the stamps Bonnie Cram and her husband, Dick, and stuffing envelopes. both became involved in the Cheyenne Throughout the years, Mrs. Cram County Republicans when they moved has remained a supporter of Mr. Dole. back to their home town of St. Francis Every year she sends him and his fam- in 1954. After attending her first meet- ily one of her handmade Christmas ing, Mrs. Cram’s enthusiasm earned cards. When Mr. Dole retired, he made her a nomination to be vice chairman a point to call her and request that she that evening. In the years that fol- continue sending her cards because he lowed, she became county chairman. enjoys them so much. She said that re- “I was county chairman for 35 years ally meant a lot to her. and vice chairman many years before One of Mr. Dole’s biggest support- that,” she said. ers, Bonnie Cram, will be there this In 1960, Mrs. Cram got word that a Friday with many members of her man named Bob Dole was running for family to welcome him. She said that United States Representative. To help, three of her children, Ione Slattery, she arranged a panel discussion with Darris DeGood and Richard Cram are him and Robert Cram as the speak- all coming to St. Francis to meet with ers at the legion hall in St. Francis. the former Senator. Her brother-in- Mr. Cram was her father-in-law who law, Jim Cram of Lakewood, Colo., served in the Kansas State House of will also be coming to St. Francis to Representatives for 11 years. After lis- meet with Mr. Dole. Mr. Cram is a 98 tening to him speak, Mrs. Cram said year old World War II veteran. she thought he was wonderful. “I’m making my way across the “Afterwards, I said to Bob Dole, ‘I state of Kansas during several trips like you! is there any way that I can this year,” Mr. Dole is quoted in a help you?’” news release as saying. “I hope to see Mr. Dole told her that he needed a friends and former supporters of mine, county chairman for Cheyenne Coun- and I am looking forward to enjoying ty. She eagerly accepted the position lots of cookies along the way - prefer- TONY AND KARA RODRIGUEZ, above, enjoy cake during the Cheylin reception for departing and was Mr.
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