Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-17-1968 The BG News October 17, 1968 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 17, 1968" (1968). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2247. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2247 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. No negotiation breakthrough-LBJ WASHiNniriK tk-o\ _ D...U..1 ...... __. Jack Gilligan's here af 6 WASHINGTON (AP) - President Military authorities have been Johnson said yesterday there had clare a complete end to bombing cautious about attributing any po- of the North. been no break-through In Vietnam litical significance to this lull. war negotiations, despite wide- An American source In Saigon Democratic hopeful for the U.S. Senate, John said U.S. planes carried out bomb- J. Gllllgan, will visit the University today at spread reports of a U.S. proposal Some of Johnson's advisers and 6 p.m. to halt the bombing of North Viet- ing missions In the North on Wed- nam. foreign friends were said to have nesday and orders were out for Gllllgan will arrive at 6 p.m. for a meeting with BG's Young Democrat Club In the Student In recent days . however, a raids Thursday. urged the President to Interpret Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker Services Building. He'll speak to students In I substantial lull has marked the the current slowdown In Vietnam the Student Service Amphitheatre at approximate- ground fighting In South Vietnam. called on President Nguyen Van fighting as the sign needed to de- Thleu for an hour and a half. Bunk- ly 6:30, after which a question and answer period er conferred with the South Viet- will be held. namese chief twice again later Following his campus tour, Gllllgan will head In the day. downtown to officially open the city's Demo- A senior South Vietnamese po- cratic Headquarters. litical official said the United Gllllgan, who defeated Senator Frank J. Lausche States had proposed a full halt In the primaries last spring, will face Ohio to the bombardment of the North. Attorney General William Saxbe on the Novem- Gllllgan Intelligence reports on the cur- ber 5 ballot. Gllllgan has been traveling across the state since rent situation have convinced some the primaries trying to convince voters that "today's realities" U.S. officials that the North Viet- require new policies, both foreign and domestic. namese and Viet Cong may be Preparation for Gilligan's arrival Included the manning of a less Inclined to launch new of- Gllllgan Information table In Union Hall last week. Literature fensives this time. on Hubert Humphrey and Dick Batzler, Congressional candidate Feeding fuel to speculation that from the fifth district, was also available. the North Vietnamese may change The background of those supporting GUllgan ranges from former their posture at Paris has been supporters of McCarthy, Kennedy and McGovern to Independents the sudden departure of the chief Interested In Gilligan's stand on the Issues. adviser to the North Vietnamese delegation, Le Due The. He left for Hanoi McMonday. TheBG News Serving a growing university since 1920 to the 1968 Presidential "race." Hi. friend on the left refused comment. (Photo by Dave McCoy.) Thursday, October 17, 1968 Volume 53, No. 14 Board airs deferment laws slow Dante' «*Joe E Brown A student who requests a stu- To appeal a board decision, a dent deferment classification from person must send a written state- the Selective Service Is required ment to his local draft board re- Inner conflict high in play to apply only once for this defer- questing an appeal. The local ment, said Mrs. Olive Hodges, board then sends the person's executive secretary of Local Se- file to an appeal board, she stated. "The drama does not grow out torla); Randall, a Negro youth, of conflicts that develop among for the regular admission price lective Service Board 126 In Bowl- If the appeal board's decision performed by Leonard Walton of $1. for adults and 25? for child- ing Green. Is unanimous, there may be no the three characters...Its conflicts (Cleveland); and Rosle, an eight- take place within each character ren. Special bargain books are also further appeals. However, If the een-year-old pregnant college available. For reservations call This request, she continued, Is vote Is divided, the person may and are all the more piercing for girl, played by Mary Gallagher made by filling out Form 104, a that. Each moves through his own 353-5611, extension 3303, from send his appeal to the Presiden- (Cleveland Hughts). 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. dally. formal provision of law requesting tial Review Board In Washington, slow dance to the Inevitable music The play takes place In a small such a deferment. The form Is Allen S. White, Instructor In D.c. Mrs. Hodges said. of his own making," Wrote Howard candy store In a factory district speech Is directing the production. available at any Selective Service Taubman In the New York Times of Brooklyn In 1962 on the night board and In the Administration of "Slow Dance On The Killing that Adolph Elchmann was hanged. Bldg. at the University, she said. Ground," the play to be performed The candy store becomes a temp- Where to park? Debate team In the Joe E. Brown rheatre end- orary sanctuary for a strangely Once this Is granted, the stu- ing 8 p.m. Sunday. met trio—a sanctuary from the dent Is not required to request a William Hanley's "Slow Dance outside world which one charac- commuters lament further deferment as long as he PI ans meets On The Killing Ground," Is a ter describes as "the killing successfully completed 25 per cent Today through Saturday debate human drama with moments of ground,,. of his requirements for graduation team members Dick Crable and high suspense and emotional Im- The play marks the opening of "We do not want to write vio- every 12 months, Mrs. Hodges Bob Michalskl will travel to Bos- pact as well as scenes and speeches the University Theatre's season. lations," stated Ingraham A. Mill- added. ton to debate against Brandelsn which are very comic. The play The moral Issue Is one which Iron, director of smrllary services University. Is essentially a dramatic expose each person must resolve for him- at the open hearing on commuter The University sends periodic of Its three characters, but Hanley parking held Tuesday. The meeting records of the student to his local On Oct. 17 Holly Herwlck and self, as one character puts It: goes one step further and through; "We choose the dark streets up centered around discussion over draft board. The board, In turn, Gene George will debate against unused faculty parking spaces and the University of Northern Illi- his characters makes a comment which we walk. And If we are will continue providing this defer- on the contemporary society In newly Installed meters on campus. ment as long as the student re- nois. guilty of the denial of life who which we live. Is there to save us from that but Miliiron was present to answer mains In the University and takes The Bowling Green debate team to arguments and complaints of will also debate against the Uni- The throe characters are: Mr. ourselves?" a full-time amount of hours each Glas, a Gorman excommunlst, lrrate commuter students who have term. versity of Detroit October 18 and Reserved seats may be obtained played by Donald Loeffier (Fos- at the University Theatre box office been faced with an ever Increasing October 19. on-campus parking shortage. Mrs. Hodges said, however, that Several reasons were offered for the student should check with the the shortage by Dr. Robert W. University or his local draft board Holm, director of the university each year to make sure the Uni- parking committee. An Increase versity continues to Inform the In staff and faculty employed at board of the student's academic each new building, and the addi- standing. tion of the library and Student A student Is not eligible to re- Services Building, have taken up ceive a student deferment after parking space that was once avail- he becomes 24 years old. If a able to commuters. person Is granted any form of It was mentioned however, that deferment, Including a student de- a student In Conklln has been ferment, he Is eligible for In- observing lot K and reported duction until he reaches the ago that on any particular class day of 35. no more than 52 of 118 spaces had ever been occupied. If a person Is Inducted into Dr. Hohn added that lots are the armed services during an available but students refuse to academic year, he Is permitted walk." Miliiron supported him by by law to finish one full year of adding, "there are lots unused and academic studios, Mrs. Hodges people must park legitimately In said. order for an adequate study to be made of the parking problem." Following this, the Inductee may " Metered areas are designed appeal his re-classlficatlon and, concerning Mr. Glai't (Donald Loeffier) alleged lor turnover," said Sarah Ross, If It Is granted, receive a ISC "HOW DO YOU PLEAD? - Guilty or not chairman of commuter students classification that Is also a stu- guilty?", cries Randall (Leonard Walton) as ho desertion of his family during the war.
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