Jfranr&co JfocjJiora OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Vol. 28 No. 4 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., FEBRUARY 26, 1943 FRIDAY •••,;->• The LIGHTHOUSE Seniors By GENE MURRAY FOGHORN EDITOR Kas anyone ever asked you in jest or not, "Why aren't you in the Army?" We feel pretty sure Annual Raffle everyone in the student body has been confronted with the same <S> question at least once. What is your answer? Do you Senior Raffle have a quick comeback, which al- thought it sounds rather smart, Military Ball, March 6 doesn't satisfy the interrogater? Will Be Held Do you explain in detail that you are one of the luckier ones who Despite War Last War-time Formal have been chosen for officer's training? Or do you just laugh at the other's curiosity and jostle KEARNEY ASKS HELP on? OF STUDENT BODY IN PLAYS FOR LAST FORMAL DANCE Final Send-Off We've heard quite a few stories SALE OF TICKETS formed about the answers given by For ERC, Air future dough-boys. A few of these "The annual Senior Raffle will be bear repeating. held this year, despite the uncer­ LITTLE OLD GOSSIPS tainty of the times and the pos­ Corps Reserve Everyone has seen one of the lit­ sibility that many members of the tle old ladies who usually hang senior class may not be able to around the cheaper corners of San Definitely the last chance for the Francisco. They are customarily complete requirements for their duration for a Hilltop Formal will clad in the most outlandish cos­ degrees before being called into the be offered on Saturday night, tumes ever created by the hands armed service," senior class presi­ March 6th, by the local chapter of man. We saw a typical exam­ dent, John Kearney, stated this of the Scabbard and Blade Society, ple the other day: long purple week. in the Empire Room of the Sir dress and black stockings crying Because of the fact that priorities Francis Drake Hotel, with Conrad for care, dirty white pumps and and numerous other difficulties Peterson setting the strains. peroxied red hair. She wore a pale rising from the war will make the The bids have been on sale for green packet tightly clasped about publication of a Senior ADIOS im­ a week now and are still going her slight frame. Her face bright­ possible this year, proceeds from strong. The dance is open to all ly painted with colored rouge and the raffle will be used to have a members of the student body and purple eye-shadow tried to hide class picture bound in an appropri­ as it will be the last dance, avoid the fact that she had passed her ate folder made for each senior the rush and get yours now. sixties and was well on in her sev­ as the next best thing. The goal of "This affair will be a final enties. These little old ladies us­ ually possess the audacious nerve one hundred and fifty dollars set send-off for the students in the to question passer-bys on anything for the raffle must be achieved in Enlisted Reserve Corps and Army from their way of life to their re­ order to cover the expense of hav­ Air Corps Reserve, who will leave ligious creed. ing these pictures made. the Hilltop for the Army Camps two weeks hence." The woman of whom we speak The drawing will be held in the Mario Paolini, captain of the strolled up to us as we were wait­ University auditorium on the Scabbard and Bladp, said, "it ing to cross Third and Mission afternoon of March 15, the day will provide an opportunity for Streets and asked us point blank before the ERC Reserves leave. those Reservists in the Army, why we were not in the Army. Per­ First prize will be a twenty-five Navy and Marine Corps to gather haps she had a son on Guadacanal, dollar War Savings Bond, with a in a social background and bid but we doubt it. Nevertheless, with ten-dollar and five-dollar War adieus and fond good-byes to a smile pursed on our lips, we turn­ Savings Stamp book as second their fellow Dons amidst laughter ed to the woman and cooly said, •and third prizes, respectively. and gaity in real USF traditional "For the same reason you're still Price of the chances is ten cents fashion before going into active running around loose lady, we apiece, a book of ten chances for. service." haven't been called." one dollar. Books may be obtained Attending the affair as guests of * * * from either the class officers or Company D. Eighth Regiment of We were told of another case from any senior. "DANCING AND ROMANCING"—CONRAD PETER­ the Scabbard and Blade, will be where a young man was asked a Returns should be made to any many Army, Navy, and Marine similar question by a man of little of the following seniors, compris­ SON, WHO WILL PLAY FOR THE DONS AT THEIR officers, including Major General integrity. While the two waited for ing the Raffle Committee: John LAST FORMAL DANCE FOR THE DURATION. Walter K. Wilson, commanding the street-car, the boy went into a Kearney, Frank McGinnis, Dick general, Northern California Sector detailed explanation. He began with, English, Jack Blake, Mario Paolini, of the Western Defense Command, "Okay, so I am big, so what ..." Jim Walsh, George Linehan, Roy CIC Dance who attended last year's success­ JUST A YOUNGSTER Borgonovo or Jack Taheney. One "0" Wings Given ful Military Ball. Also many alumni The conversation lasted quite a or more of these men will be sta­ Dons now in the service are being while and the man was fairly well tioned at the rear of the Green and Next Sunday invited to come. convinced. As the street-car pulled Gold Room each day from 10:55 to To Alumnus The bids are set at $2.50, so dig up to a stop, the boy concluded his 11:15 to take returns on the tickets. More than four hundred students down deep and roll out the "Tux", argument, "And besides, I'm only from various Catholic Bay Area Lt. John E. Rhode, graduate of get your best girl and hop a street sixteen years old!" Believe me, that See Editorial for comment on car for the Military Ball. this article. Colleges will dance to the music of the University of San Francisco, man must have felt like a little less Tommy Dorsey, this coming Sun­ than two cents. received his commission in the day afternoon, February 28. The United States Air Corps on Feb. * * * University "jukebox" will supply 16. "O" wings were awarded to him, There was another little street U.S.F. Obstacle Tommy Dorsey. as a member of the air crew in Thesis Notice scene that was told to us which we Sponsored by the Catholic Inter­ the observation squadrons, by Col. might mention here. It seems there collegiate Conference, the reception Stanton T. Smith, Brook's Field Students contemplating gradua­ were a couple of college students Course To Be will be held in the form of a Sport Commanding Officer, after a brief tion in June 1943 are reminded of talking over their draft status on Dance, in the USF Auditorium from ceremony hejd in the field's gym­ the Senior Thesis requirement. the corner of two main streets in 4 to 7 p.m. nasium. Some students have already this city not long ago, when three Constructed Invitations have been extended filed the Thesis Title during last sailors bent on having a good time Lt. Rhode graduated from the to representatives of Santa Clara, semester, all others must meet the came along with their arms inter­ University in 1934, receiving a Achille Muschi was appointed the St. Mary's College, Holy Names dead-line, today. locked. Bachelor of Science degree and is head of the Obstacle Course In­ College, Notre Dame at Belmont, They gathered around the two remembered as a three-letter ath­ Title forms may be secured in struction Board last week when and the Dominican College at San students and amid frequent hic­ lete, winning newspaper notices in the Main Office. These forms plans were submitted to and ap­ Raphael. Lone Mountain, although coughs asked them why they football, soccer, and basketball. should he signed by the instructor proved by Colonel Alva F. Engle­ not a member of the conference wern't in one of the services, pre­ He is the son of Mrs. Helen J. who will act as Advisor for the. hart, PMS&T of the USF Coast will participate in the affair. The ferably the Navy. The two civilians Rhodes of 1262 34th Avenue in San Thesis and returned to the Office Artillery Corps. committee in charge is headed by wern't alarmed at the forward­ Francisco and was formerly assoc­ by the above date. Student Body President Frank Mc­ ness of the gobs. They smiled at one "Achille Muschi," said Ed Lucich, iated with the local agency of the Seniors in ROTC may write on Ginnis, Frank Collum and George another and commenced to be on probable assistant instructor, "has Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. a subject approved by the Mili­ Collins. their way. Suddenly they felt been working for two months on At Brook's Field, where the tary Department. themselves grappled by the collars the project which he aloife. intend­ Prexy McGinnis said that this, "Eyes of the Army" are trained, The Thesis in final form, ap­ and yanked backwards off balance.
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