farm Horne for the improvement oftne and d 18 ,'3. 1 aYe a, KANSAS, MAY 25, 1912. Est a b Ii she $ Volume 50, Number 21. TOPEKA, "- and tells the of fable. ATURE runs back further than 'mythology origin every which our fathers dwelt there were In that large, vague world of Imagination in existed at the foot of the Eldorado ' still apples on the tree of knowledge. really N' the dark broad' seas. rainbow and mermaids swam where glooms erl goblin are slain by Now, the apples seem few and small. Bogie, king and bacillis and microbe and of a new and less at­ science and their room usurped by the germ these in silence and obsess theminds tractive mythology. Existing in myriads, work noisy breeze; the dogs caress or of those who find them in the flower's perfume, the midnight's used soft and ,were unafraid. Now, man the pudding's plum. Their grandmothers soap ,his wife's name. puts his common sense in honor our ancestors is to keep out of Worry kills, and the surest way to deceased -I. D. G. their company. Fear of the Unknown Robs I.ife of its JoV and Causes Children to be Brought Up in the Fear of the Germ. .KANSAS FARMER May 25, IDl� ft. Aermotor with the maUo auto. ' reJr1l)ator ltepa "he, MORE. FARM &he aIIk II full NOTES " .... and ��!!!i� ., ltial''' when water t. the Farm Ldters ana Inohea: lowered. Comment From: Ot!er DePartment8 Yoa eu II qloe a week. 4 IfUOUne eDalne hal &0 be H. L. / Btarted aDd Williams, of Medicine into a stopped'and Lodge, hill or bank, the door will, of anti attended almOlt Oiled Kan., recently traded his 760-acre and oOllatantl, ranch, course, be placed on the low side, like J'oa ba.e larae ezpense for and he received for galOUne anti 011. The figures that. this the into a cave . Wind . opening built in abank, Is tract free. $40,000. Mr• Twenty ye,ars ago This was the first type of silo with We make Ifaeollile Williams arrived in Barber eDalnes (elloeedlnglJ at home and county empty which the editor was familiar. The Ifood oneB) bat. for the averal'e water Buy handed. In this time for the bome and 1M head of sUPPI1 his thrift, in­ silage was fed out of such silo in bents, stock, an 8-100' and strict Aermotor with .. Btomtre tank,-wbloh Is dustry application to business as is fed out of the and the with .. hay mow, neoessltJ' 0.117 kind of water be satisfied has made him IOPpl,-1s a fortune. Hundreds of one door was 'not This all that II needed and is b:y far the objectionable. economical more wouldn't a other-day Kansans have' done as much. of silo has The IOpply of wind for the Aer. buy A,rll, type out of common motor II more you 'J.'his to ' passed to be relied upon than the from points the possibility of Kansas use. of BUPpl, money-paid-in-advance, gasoUne. batteries and repairs tor the trus()o . soil and a catalog·deecription. It ian't safe to climate for every man who Une IInglne. will take The cost ot gasoUne. ou. batteries 'buy a vehicle that war. You wouldn't advantage of the situation. Blacksmith's View of Farmer. and re­ pairs In pumplntr fol' 160 head of stock with a saddll horse for 'WDrk. Ifasollne a buy farm Ed a engine. wlll buJ' an 8-toot Aermotor Fresh VS. Rotted Manure. Lally, B��ttie" ·(Kan.) .blt.:ck­ and Don't buy an Eastern-made vehicle every J'ear, J'OU are Bt1ll to the bad the The belief in smith who has deserted the for the amount of time to use on our rough roade. Buy of general prevails that shop J'ou spend over the trasoline rotted manure .is more valuable than farm and who takes interest in engine. your dealer. a Kratzer vehicle, built great But the KANsAs as shown lfasoUne enl'ine has Its plaoe on the Ixtra for fresh. Just this should FARMER, by his letters farm the strDng Western Roads. Get why impression notwlthstandlntr fact that 100 people exist is not in these columns, writes: are maimed or kllled with the ""rJ that look at-one apparent. The Minnesota trasoUne where one buggy you In II Injured a that Station "The your issue of 4, a Morris bJ' wlndmlll. and that 100 fl\rm IOu know is seasoned Experiment says: value May building. are burned st thoroughly reader writes with gasoline where none and and in of manure is determined the county a wonder­ is ured a dry, rig'" ",,'ry rlslt". by amounj regarding fnl by wlndmlll. For the-water BUPply, ,y of ful tool and what he does with &he wlndmlllls the thing. ThOUBands ot nitrogen, phosphoric acid and grinder farmers Cl potash who have done their flrst contained it. This man is like a power pumplnlr by a therein, estimated in _ usually great many aasotine engine have tired oUt and 8i value at 6 other farmers. He could to begome are Kratzer 15, and 5 cents a re­ go the shop, buylnl' wlndmlllB. That Is one reason why r Vehicles pound, our and have this done and wlndmlll businellincreases from ue On this basis a ton of fresh save time, J'ear to year. ., dealet'" al spectively. money We can fij l1lararJeed y01ll' ., and tools. do I furnlsh JOII much telt.imOI17 llke manure is worth and a 'Why differ from brother tho We PUI b�lt.r woo4 'lock. 'Iron,.r drop fo".d barnyard $1.98 my followlnlr : CI farmer.? I am a Iron reln'orc.m.nl. and b.lI.r ton of rotted, or 6 cents more. Well, blacksmith learn­ loullb.r IPrhill' $2.04, only DeVine, 'fez., Dec. 18, 1911. 1'1 apbol'leriDII IDIO It,alz,,, Iban olber ma...... Since it takes to farm, and he is a farmer • nearly two tons of fresh ing scabbing laml8lldlngyou photo. f'l IblDk D.C....I'J'. Tbe, alye "'4.".4r, graph ot one ot the ""C'" - on oldesl manure to make one of the trade and others to so do. .."Ice. You pa, I••• 'or Ibl, d.p.ndable quail" rotted, owing enticing wlndmlJ1. In tbIB oounl.ry_ ir. b.nute JOU DO DO to the loss from Now, Mr. Kansas in the It the ftnt pa, lar,e 'r.lllbi bill. labller evaporation and leach­ Farmer, right being Aermolor rl profll. DO I,an,'.r cbarlle. lee Itralzer nhlc1C1. much of the blacksmith is where put up In Medina County_ ing, matter shop economy begins and IB uled to at We'll lell 'OU JOur near.1( deal.r', Dam' If ,•• fertilizing orig­ turnlab water on a farm, and I'll tell for hundred. of head of will ..rll•• aDd 11..4 {r•• our 56-14" inally contained is lost in the you why. For CAt­ .114", ., i rotting tle. It In tbe pt '''"'''' ........,. '4rri4611 4.4 'Urrill. I a waspu.t up year process. examnlcJ bought livery buggy gear 1888 and I. owned H( Writ. For at bJ Mr. Catalo, Todq "The Station tried both Sene'ca, Kan., for $2.50. I ran in the Murdo Monroe. Tbe on11 I 'Maryland thl. y KRATZER CARRIAGE COMPANY and a new repaIrs mll1 bas ever kinds on corn and wheat in com­ shop got road wagon 108 W. finlSIreet D 10_ crops body needed. are ODe lDlall gear ........ for a parison .wlth unmanured land. The $5, new pole complete for $4.25, and • lOOker arm. tbe tolill yield COlt of wblob .... «a.CIII. Thla of corn on the latter was 38.1 upbolstering and a SOOtla. bushels an paint $10, making AermotOr II atllll'11lllllng and on total of and I have ..,... acre; land dressed with rotted ma­ $21.70, run this doing good le"lce, furnish. for Ing water for cattle and AtWIIIIII· nure, 65.1; on land treated with fresh buggy four years and it looks as and runs as well CataIq manure, 70.7. On wheat the effect was good today as a buggy �ainUJ"LOUI8 GACONET. that would have similar, but not so marked. Moreover, cost $60 at that time. FInd, H JOU oan. a.tate. I have a ment llke this in the use of fresh manure there is the 31 wagon that cost me $19 reiardJnll tr8.l0llne eni'lnee. of loss five and can haul 55 prevention by leaching and the years ago, bushels s· of of wheat or oats saving labor. For some crops, fresh corn, today without t . manure would not be desirable. It should wedging up with sacks. This is what I be on call applied grass land, or just ahead economy. e of the corn this is where the crop in rotation." Now, farmer loses o out: He will go to the smith's shop $ and ask him to on a and Watering Horses At Night•. figure job then v study awhile and as it will In an exchange a veterinarian makes say that, a cost half what a new will he the remark that "going too without job cost, e long will the new, and in three it water causes more colic in horaes tha.n get years :'':&fCJ'': does not look other one any better than the re­ Of 1 "., the ,6""- any thing." course, there are places where a wlndmIU built and will not last as Canno' be used.
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