ćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPS Journal of the American Philatelic Society Writers Unit #30 —30— www.wu30.org First Quarter 2011 Bestselling Author Has Foot in Philatelic Door Unlike many a nay-saying philat- i*WF PęFO VTFE QIJMBUFMZ elist, there’s actually a very bright as an escape back to my future for the hobby of stamp childhood,” says Foot, who Kelly Putter collecting, according to the per- grew up on a farm in West- son who’s built his career on pre- FSO "VTUSBMJB i ćF IPCCZ dicting future trends. is very relaxing and connects Demographer David K. Foot, best known for his hugely popu- me with my youth. Now that lar Boom Bust and Echo books, believes those interested in grow- I’m older and retiring, I’m ing the hobby – any hobby, really – should refocus their energy spending a lot more time mainly on the 50-plus baby boomers instead of the younger with my hobby and I’m en- market. joying it.” “So there’s a huge market for the hobbies, but they keep mar- Born in the U.K., Foot’s LFUJOHUPLJET w'PPUTBJESFDFOUMZGSPNIJTPďDFBUUIF6OJWFSTJ family immigrated to Aus- UZ PG 5PSPOUP ićF GVUVSF GPS TUBNQ DPMMFDUJOH JT UIF -plus tralia, where he grew up an market. We should have much more mature books for the per- only child on his parent’s son coming back to the hobby. And for women as well. So that dairy and fruit farm outside leads to a huge opportunity to market the hobbies of Perth. When – stamps and coins. We need to pay a lot more “We should have much he wasn’t boot- attention to boomers in their 50s and 60s.” more mature books for ing about on his As for the younger, entry-level collectors, Foot the person coming back to bicycle, he was Economics Professor David Foot says there is plenty of opportunity to grow that the hobby….pay a lot poring over group, but it must be done through technology, more attention to boom- TUBNQTBęFSIJTNPUIFSJOUSPEVDFEIJNUPUIFIPC not books. ers in their 50s and 60s” by when he was six. Foot credits his stamp collect- A longtime philatelist, Foot is retiring from his ing with his consistent top-of-the-class results in position as an economics professor at the University of Toronto geography. He now plans to spend more time on the lecture circuit, travel- Like many philatelists before him, Foot collected until he was ling and pursuing his beloved stamps and accompanying dis- about 16, when other interests beckoned. Obtaining an under- plays. graduate economics degree in Australia, Foot decided he would Foot Continued Page 3 Participate in the Society Call for Nominations -0 Gý DFSTBOE$PVODJM. FN CFST ćFPEE-numbered years are election years for WU#30. Ac- "shall be made with the support and signatures of at least ten DPSEJOHUPUIF#ZMBXT ćFPďDFSTTIBMMCFFMFDUFEGPSUXP-year (10) members in good standing, and sent to the Secretary- terms, while members of the Council shall serve terms of four 5SFBTVSFS ćF EFBEMJOF GPS UIF SFDFJQU PG BMM OPNJOBUJPOT CZ years, with one-half of the Council being elected at two-year the committee on nominations as well as by petition is April 1, intervals." (Please notice the call for Hall of Fame nominations 2011. elsewhere in the PC). Members wishing to stand for election 1PTJUJPOTUPCFĕMMFEJOUI FFMFDUJPOJODMVEFQSFTJEFOU should make themselves known to the nominating committee or vice president east, vice president west, secretary-treasurer, and NBZ SVO GPS PďDF CZ QFUJUJPO 4VDI OPNJOBUJPOT CZ QFUJUJPO BU MFBTU UISFF NFNCFST PG UIF $PVODJM ćF UFSNT PG PďDF GPS Nominations Continued Page 13 First Quarter 2011 ćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPSPage ćF1IJMBUFMJD David Crotty Communicator From the Editor ISSN 0147-36456 Volume 45, No. 1, Whole No. 171 Demographics and Philately David E. Crotty, Editor As the editor of the Meter Stamp Society Quarterly Bulletin I P.O. Box 16115 watch the membership slide each year. I wonder if we are do- Ludlow, KY41016-0115 [email protected] ing something wrong. As I approach the keyboard to build 859.360.0676 NZĕSTUJTTVFPGćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPSI have pretty NVDIUIFTBNFUIPVHIUTćF86IBTMPTUBCPVUPGJUT Lloyd de Vries, Associate Editor P.O. Box 1249, NFNCFSTIJQPWFSUIFMBTUZFBSTPSTPćBUBDUVBMMZJTOPU Washington Township, NJ 0767-1249 bad for small philatelic societies. But I wonder still. [email protected] ćFIFBEMJOFBSUJDMFQSPWJEFTBSBSFWJFXPGPVSIPCCZGSPN 8 SJUFST6 OJU BOPOQSPĕUPSHBOJ[BUJPO QVCMJTI FTćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPS four BXFMMLOPXO$BOBEJBOEFNPHSBQIFS %BWJE'PPUćJTHVZ times a year. A subscription to TPC is included with dues paid by members of the Unit. usually presents his views to industry groups, providing them TPC is printed and distributed by Wilcox Printing & Publishing, Inc., Madrid, Iowa. ©2011 Writers Unit #30. Certain aspects of the design may resemble Albert Starkweath- JOTJHI UJOUPUI FFCCTBOEĘPXTPGI VNBOQPQVMBUJPOTBOE er’s copyrighted design. Title page drawings by Peter Boylan. IPXUIFTFBČFDUUIFNBSLFUTBOENBSLFUJOHPGHPPET)FSFIF Manuscripts are solicited on subjects of interest to writers, editors, and publishers of all provides some insight into who might become the next mem- forms of philatelic literature. All submissions for publication, without exception, are bers of our philatelic societies. TVCKFDUUPCFJOHFEJUFE&MFDUSPOJDTVCNJTTJPOTBSFQSFGFSSFE0QJOJPOTFYQSFTTFEJOćF Philatelic Communicator are those of the authors, and not necessarily of the Writers He really lays the burden on us, the writers and publishers 6OJU JUT PďDFST FEJUPS QVCMJTIFS PS BHFOUT -FUUFST BOE F-mails received by the of philatelic literature. If he is right, it is our job to provide the FEJUPSNBZCFQSJOUFEVOMFTTMBCFMFEi/PUGPS1VCMJDBUJPOw&WFSZFČPSUJTUBLFOUPFO writing that will attract people in their middle ages who are sure accuracy, but validity is not guaranteed. Some product names and images may be USBEFNBSLTPSSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLT BOEBSFVTFEPOMZGPSJEFOUJĕDBUJPOBOEFYQMBOB TFBSDIJOHGPSBIPCCZćFTFQFPQMFNBZIBWFEBCCMFEJO tion, without intent to infringe. All editorial matters must be handled by the editor. TUBNQTJOUIFJSDIJMEIPPEćFZBSFMJLFMZGBJSMZTVDDFTTGVMJO their carriers and perhaps the children have or will soon be Deadlines for receipt of copy by the editor: PVUPGUIFOFTUćFZQSPCBCMZBSFGBJSMZTPQIJTUJDBUFEJOUIFJS First Quarter: January 15 Second Quarter: April 15 ćJSE2VBSUFS+VOF Fourth Quarter: October 15 tastes. Yes its great to get the youngsters excited about stamps. I APS Writers Unit #30 just got a fourth grader started and it was really fun to see his excitement. Not sure how to keep that enthusiasm up as he Peter Martin, President gets older. P.O. Box 463, Naugatuck, CT 06770-0463 But, the real hobbyist is the adult. Some will be younger [email protected] folk as they start their carriers. Most well be the older ones. (FPSHF#(SJČFOIBHFO 4FDSFUBSZ-Treasurer How do we attract these people? Can we provide the litera- 12226 Cathedral Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192-2232 UVSFUIBUDBONBLFUIFEJČFSFODF 703.966.1739 [email protected] So what is needed? Certainly the journals and newspapers Lloyd de Vries, Vice President East JOPVSI PCCZBSFXFMMXSJUUFOBOEĕMMFEXJUI XFMMSFTFBSDI FE P.O.Box 1249, Washington Township NJ 07676-1249 material. But something seems to be missing. We have an [email protected] increasing population of potential members of our societies but our memberships are dropping. Kenneth Tretin, Vice President West P.O. Box 56, Rockford, IA 50468-0056 At the same time the goal of this journal is to provide a fo- [email protected] rum where writers, editors and publishers share their experi- ences. In my tenure at the MSS Bulletin I found that it is quite ćFExecutive Committee JODMVEFTUIFPďDFST &EJUPS BOE*NNFEJBUF1BTU1SFTJEFOU true: “If you build it they will come.” I hope that is true here. Dane S. Claussen [email protected] ćF86$PVODJMJODMVEFT Francis Adams……………………..……[email protected] (2011) History Foster Miller………………………………[email protected](2013) One thing I notice is that there is no Index of past articles in Ernest F. (Gene) Fricks……….………[email protected] (2013) ćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPS. A journal without an article Robert P. Odenweller ………………..……[email protected] (2013) David A. Kent………………………………[email protected] (2013) index has no history. We have no memory of our past. George Writers Unit #30 Committee Chairs are: (SJČFOIBHFOIBTPOFGPSFBSMJFSZFBSTCVUJUJTOPUVQUPEBUF "14SFQ(FPSHF#(SJČFOIBHFO Publications: Peter Martin We will work on that and we will put it on the website. We Awards: Robeert P. Odenweller Publicity: Ernest E. (Gene) Fricks also plan to put past issues back to about 2000 on the website. Bylaws: Katrina Everhart Recruiting: Lloyd de Vries Critique Service: Dane S. Claussen Special Events: Kenneth Trettin Hall of Fame: Peter Martin USPS Representative: Peter Martin Historian: Steven J. Rod Webmaster: Todd Ronei Dave Literature Exhibitions: James W. Graue WU #30 Breakfast: Lloyd de Vries Nominating: Alan Warren Page 2 ćF1IJMBUFMJD$PNNVOJDBUPS First Quarter 2011 Foot from Page 1 Peter Martin like to see the world, but was limited with little money. A men- tor from his university insisted he apply to graduate school and the notion appealed to Foot’s wanderlust. His scholarship to President’s View Harvard would be his ticket out of Down Under. “Suddenly, I discovered this was a serious game,” recalls Foot of his Ivy League education. “I was dealing with a very serious AmeriStamp Expo 2011 HSPVQ PG QFPQMF ćFSF XBT OP FYDFTT UJNF PS NPOFZ GPS BOZ At the APS AmeriStamp Expo, the February 13 WU30 Sunday thing but study.” breakfast at the Charleston (S.C.) Convention Center had anoth- And study he did, earning a doctorate
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