JÜRGEN MOLTMANWS THEOLOGY OF THE TRINITY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL QUESTIONS: A DIALOGICAL APPROACH -4 Dissertation su bmitted through Knox College To the Department of Theology Of the Toronto School of Theology In Partial FuifilIrnent of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy -4warded by the University of St. Michaet's College Toronto ZOO0 @ Mann Park National Library Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Semices services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. nie Wetlingtori OttawaON KlAONI OnawaON K1AW Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive Licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sel1 reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfom, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de rnicrofiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantid extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othenvise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT One of the most important theological developments in the last t\vo decades is the renewal of the doctrine of the Trinity. Within this renewal of trinitarian theology Jurgen MoItmann stands as one of the most important contributors. This thesis is an elaboration and evaluation of Moltmann's trinitarian theology in dialogue \vith other major contributors to contemporaq trin itarian discussion. This thesis particularl' attempts to identify Moltmann's distintive contributions and \veaknesses b' esamining his responses to the four major trinitarian issues that broadly identif'. and characterize the current trinitarian milieu. Chaptsr One deals nith Moltmann's trinitarian theologj as a theological rcsponsc to the conflict betn.een traditional theism and humanist atheism. Ir is argued that his trinitarian theologl. offers an insightful response to both traditional theism and humanist atheism b!. demonstrating that it is the doctrine of the Trinit' that provides the ground of genuine human freedom and digit>,. Chapter Two esamines Moltmann's understanding of the economic-immanent Trinity and its social implications in the light of current discussion of this issue. This chapter contends that his trinitarian theologj. rightly stresses the genuine historicality of God. \\.hile keeping the practicaI relevance of the doctrine of God for concrete human li fe. Chapter Three elaborates Moltmann's understanding of the uni5 of the triune God and its social implications in terrns of the current debate of this issue. Moltmann's social Trinie provides a viable but not suficient option for interpreting the unity-trinit?. relationship in God that is significant for human liberation and social equality. Chapter Four deals with iîloltmann's response to the gender issue of the Trinity. It especiall). focuses upon his response to the claim that the traditional trinitarian formula of Father. Son. and Spirit is patriarchal and androcentric and thus rnust be discarded or at least balanced uith more gender-neutral or gender-equal images of God. Here it is maintained that Moltmann provides a reliable. but not the onIl option. n hich enhances the equalit) and emancipation of \\ornen in our contemporan norld. The Conclusion summarizes and sorts out some important contributions of Moltmann's doctrine of the Trinity for the development of future trinirarian theolog). especially as a response to contemporan social questions. To My Mother Jeong-Ae Choi. My Wife Bok-soon Park. and Our two Sons. Huyn and Jin With Gratitude and Love Acknowledgements Man). persons contributed to the completion of this thesis. Since this essay represents tiie culmination of man! ).cars of education. appreciation is due the teachers of the Toronto School of Theology of the University of Toronto. Especially 1 n.ould espress my deep gratitude to Dr. Harold U'ells. my director. He \\.as the mode1 docrol- liirci- in eLVeq.respect. 1 greatl'. apprcciate the personal care. encouragement. and consideration that he showed througlioiit the process of {vriting this thesis. His crucial -guidance esceeded by far the normal eqxctations and is reflected throughout this thesis. I itould also espress ml. gratitude to Professors lain Xicol. Joseph Mangina. and Jean- Marc Laporte. each of \\.hem pro\ ided significant assistance toward the completion of this thesis. I also \\.ish to thank ml Korcan friends and fello~students at TST \\ ith nhom 1 couId enjoy no[ oni? man! cheerful theological debates but also genuine friendship. But my greatest thanks and gratitude must be given to my mother. ml. ivife and my t\vo sons. My mothrr Jeong-.Ac Choi has had to endure a Ionel!. life in Ciorea. rnissing me and my famil). Ml. {vifs Bok-soon has continually encouraged me to finish this thesis. and has supported me at e\.eq. point with love and strength. even in the midst of her onrn study and parenting nith me our two sons. H>un and Jin. It is to ml. beloved rnother. wife. and t~,osons that I dedicate this tvork. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWEDEMENTS INTRODUCTION 1. The Rene\\,al of the Trinity as a Practical Doctrine 2. Jurgen Moltrnann as a 'Practical' Trinitarian Theologian in Dialogue 7 3. Purpose and Limitation of the Thesis 12 4. Thesis Statement 13 5. Method of the Thesis II 6. Structure of This Thesis 16 CHAPTER ONE. TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY AS A CRITICAL RESPONSE TO THEISM AND ATHEISM 1-1. Introduction: A Rene\ved lnterest in the Doctrine of the Trinit!. as a Critique of the Theistic Understanding of God --îî 1-2. The Nature of Theisrn and its Relationship to Atheism. 25 1-3. Theological Responses to the Atheist Critique of Traditional Theism 30 1-3-1. A More Theological Approach: Karl Barth and Eberhard Jungel 3 1 1-3-2. A More Philosophical. .4nthropological Approach: Wolfhan Pannenberg 44 2. Jurgen Moltmann's Trin itarian Response to Theism and Atheisrn. 53 2- 1. Moltmann's View of Classical Theism. 3-2. Moltmann's Tririitarian Thtsolog?. as a Response to Protest Atheism 2-2- 1. Protest Atheism Based upon the Esperience of Su ffering 2-2-2. Moltmann's Trinitarian Theo!ogy as a Response to Protest Atheism 2-3. Moltmann's Trinitarian Theolos. as a Response to Postulate Atheism 2-3- 1. Postulate Atheism for Human Freedorn and Liberation 2-3-2. Moltmann's Trinitarian Theology as a Response to Postulate Atheisrn 2-3-2-1. Moltmann's Trinitarian Theology and Human Freedom 2-3-2-2. Moltmann's Trinitarian Theology and Its Relationship to Concrete Prasis Concl usion CHAPTER TWO. IMMANENT/ ECONOMIC TRINITY: GOD IN HISTORY 1-1. Introduction: The Doctrine of the Trinit) as the M?steq of Sali,ation. 94 1-2. A "Weak Identit?." Bet\\ecn the Immanent and the Economic Trinit': Karl Barth and Eberhard Jungel 103 1-3. A "Strong Identit)." Betneen the Economic and the Immanent Trinit': WoIfhart Pannenberg. Catherine LaCugna and Ted Peters 1 09 2. Jurgen Moltmann: the Relationship of the Economic to the Immanent Trinity 121 2-1 .Trinitarian Theology as the Discourse of God's Salvific Activity in Histop 12 l 2-2. The Distinction of the immanent and the Economic Trinit).: Immanent Trinity as the Eschatological Form of the Economic Trinit', 125 2-3. The God of Histop. and Its Practical. Ecological Implication: A Trinitarian Doctrine of Creation Conclusion CHAPTER THREE. THE UNITY OF THE TRIUNE GOD 1 - 1. Introduction: Current Trinitarian Debate on the Unit>-of God. 146 1-2. The Unity of God based upon the One Divine Subjectivit~..or the Father as the Origin of the Di\-init!. 149 1-2-1 . Karl Barth 149 1-2-2. Karl Rahner 155 1 -3. The Unity of God Based upon the -Perichoretic Union' 161 1-3- 1. \Vol fhart Pannenberg 161 1-3-2. Leonardo Boff. 1 68 2. Moltrnann and the Unity of God 2-1. Moltmann's Criticism of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner 2-2. The L'nit). of God as the Perichoretic Union of Three Di\,ine Persons 177 2-3. The Unit). of God as a Historical and Eschatological RealitJ- 197 2-4. The L'nit). of God and its Socio-Political Implications 203 Conclusion 21 1 CHAPTER FOUR. THE LANCUAGE OF THE TRINITY AND GENDER EQUALITY 1 - 1. Introduction 2 13 1-2. Five Options for the Issue of the "Gendered Trinitle" 217 1 -2-1 . Keeping the trinitarian formula of Father. Son. and Spirit 2 17 1-2-2. Replacing the hlasculinr. \letaphor of God u ith the Symbol of Goddess 223 1-2-3. Finding Gender Balance in God in Several Different Waj.s 227 1-24. Desesing the Divine Persons 1-2-5. Depersonalizing the Di\.ine Persons 237 2. Moltmann's Response to the Gender Issue regarding the Trinit). 24 1 2-1. God the Father as Motherl) Father 245 2-2. God the Son as a Brother anlong Us 252 2-3. HoIl. Spirit as a Ferninine. \lotheri> Figure -7 j3 2-4. Evaluation of Moltrnann's Interpretation of the Trinitarian Formula of Father. Son. and Spirit 26 1 Conclusion 267 CONCLUSION 269 BJBLIOGRAPHY 379 JÜRGEN MOLTMANN'S THEOLOGY OF THE TRINITY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL QUESTIONS: A DIALOGICAL APPROACH INTRODUCTION 1. The Renewal of the Triniîy as a Practical Doctrine The Doctrine of the Trinity is the specifically Christian understanding of God. It characterizes the identity of the Christian God by guarding it from abstract monotheism as Lvell as from polflheism.' Funhermore.
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