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Rea.ctio·ns_ to Sept. aftermath XAVIER_ •NBA pays visit to Cintas Center •New XAction Volunteer Calendar NEWSWIRE ~HOTO COURTESY OF BRIAN ANGOLIA XAVIER UNlVERS·ITY 87th year, issue 8 week of OCTOBER 17, 2001 · www.xu.edu/newswire/ Century Campaign Xavier COIDes out ends. in success BY ELIZABETH BONEAU pectations, about ta~ing a tradi­ Assistant Campus News Editor tion of excellence and making it far greater than any of us could . On Sept. 27, Xavier University have imagined years ago," board members ·and over 500 . Viviano said. major donors came together at The ~entury Campaign can be the annual Founders' Day dinner credited with most of the im­ to celebrate the official end of the provements to Xavier University overwhelmingly successful Cen­ in the past five years, and for tury Campaign. When the plan years to come. It is responsible was first conceived in 1996, the for the renovations to Hinkle,. original goal was to raise $60 Schmidt and Edgecliff Halls, as million, yet five years later, the well as both the academic and t~tal rests at $125.3 million. residential malls~ The Century "Father Jim Hoff and board Campaign funded the construc­ members insisted that Xavier tion of the Victory Parkway could do more than $60 million, · Fields, tennis courts and soccer so the goal was set at $100 mil­ fields,· in addition to partially NEWSWIRE PHOTO COURTESY OF DEVIN MATHIS lion. We not only met that goal, funding the construction of. the The Xavie~ Alliance .(left) and Amnesty International take part in National Coming Out Week. we more than doubled the origi­ Cintas Center and Gallagher Stu- nal expectation for the cam:.. dent Center, set to open in 2002. pa_ign," said Gary Massa, vice Xavier President Rev. Michael president for University Rela­ J. Graham, S.J., served as vice Slep'itza new' assistant to president tions. president for. University Relations BY COLIN MCDERMOTI Slepitza wants the university ary-spanning issues" that stretch Xavier University Chancellor during most of the Century Cam­ Contributing Writer · to keep up with the times, but still its limitations. "My position be­ and fon:ner President Rev. James paign, and now picks up where On Monday, Oct. 8, Rev. represen t what Xavier is sup- comes orie facilitating that pro­ E. Hoff, S.J., is credited with Hoff left off. The next campaign Michael Graham, S.J., president posed to stand for. "I want Xavier cess, but not directing the out­ much of the campaign's success. will primarily focus on a new of Xavier, announced Dr. Ron to be better tomorrow than it is come," he said. As president; Hoff was the driv­ classroom· building and an im­ Slepiiza, vice president of Stu­ today, but be true to Xavier," he Having observed other univer- ing force behind strategic plan­ proved library. dent Development, will be ap­ said. sities, he believes what separates ning initiatives and developed an "Th_e success of the Century pointed to the position of the as­ There are certain issues that Xavier is that.it works together as aggressive platform which gave Campaign and the precedent es­ sistant to the president. must be considered, such as of a team - Studeµt Development, rise to the Century Campaign. tablished by Fr. Hoff over the last This new position requires the sel_ection and consistency of Multicultural Affairs, Campus "The Xavier Board of Trust­ decade makes today, right now, Slepitza to direct new future the student body, Xavier's role in Ministry - all work together. ees, led ·by chairman Mike the most exciting time in the his­ events. the community, and how new·· "This ensures that Xavier is not a Conaton, gladly accepted the tory of Xavier University. So, "It's an exciting time to be ap­ technology needs to be incorpo- place fraught with turf battles," challenge. Then the board; Xavier where to next? Strategic planning pointed to a new president, who rated to maintain educational Slepitza said. alumni and friends stepped up is currently underway _to deter- is dynamic and visionary," said standards.. -He cited the university's new and· m~de it happen. All of us now . mine specific answers to those Slepitza: In filling his new posi­ To accomplish this, Slepitza Gallagher Center as a place where are proud and grateful," said Hoff, questions. tion, the main question before him plans to organize some "listening all the departments will be united. who received a standing ovation "On a broader level, forming is: What do we want for Xavier sessions" where people will be About receiving his new ap­ for his efforts. students intellectually, morally University in the next five years? called together and asked to of- pointment, Slepitza said,· "It's a Xavier board member Joe and spiritually toward lives of Slepitza noted the world is cori­ fer their best ideas. This is simi- topic that is easy to get passion- . Viviano, former president and solidarity and service is the mis­ stantly changing and institutions lar to the sessions that Graham ate about. Organizations are as CEO of Hershey Foods Corp., sion of Xavier University, and must be nimble to survive in such held last spring, talking with stu- good as their people and that is acted as chairman of the Century achieving that mission is always a tumultuous setting, although he pents, facuhy and community able to tap passion." Campaign. guiding us towards the future," sees· change as an inevitable part · leaders. "The Century Campaign is Graham said. of an institution that desires to According to Slepitza, the uni­ about meeting our greatest ex- stay afloat. versity must confront "bound- ©2001 The Xavier Newswire All rights reserved · NEWS: ·oP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS:. N~~it~~fmfifiiirrnff:<sI~>'ft4$.?.~j.~~ Upperclass housing Sr. Chittister's lecture Volleyball sweeps Chili done the Advertising (513) 745-3561 date changes dissapoints weekend right way ~fr~uiiiiQ':iJ'.:'i1~Lc~~cil~~: <~t~i:fii~~~j 3.o: Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 PAGE 2 PAGE 5 PAGE 16 PAGE 18 ,• l'l', 2 week of OOOBER_ 17, 2001 . CAMPUS NEWS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE BRlEFS >Lori Cioetzing~r. Editqr. · >News Room: 745-3122 ·IJpperclass ·ho11siQ.g·. date changes >[email protected] BY LORI GOETZINGER upperclass lottery. Off- campus stu­ keep other students from rec_eiv- ter the housing process. There is Campus News Editor . dents will again be allowed to par­ ing a space. no way to know if you· ·will be Talking about race The housing selection process ticipate along with· current resi­ All residentswill randomly be . ·.. suc~essful in the housing selec-: "Let's Talk About Race" will for both upperclass and first-year dents. Off-cam­ . assigned a lottery numl:Jer: These ·· . tion unless you show up and par- take place in two sessions today. students will take place in spring pus students -------------·___ ' will be posted tidpate,'' Fiebig said. .. · The first· at 1 p.m. in the 2002. Previously, the upperclass are not as­ on Feb; 4, According to Fiebig; students president's lounge is geared to­ lottery took place in the fall. slgm~d a rottery "I anticinate that_ .2002. Maxi-: residing on campuswili not have ward faculty and staff, but all are Th~ change was made as a re­ number but can r . mum occu~ the option of re~contracting for ·welcome. The second will take sult ofthe additional housing of participate as there wi{l.heplenty of. pancy is re- the same space except for resi­ pJace at 7 p.m. 'in the Buenger the Commons. ·~1 anticipate that roommates of quired to se- dents in 1760·, 1765 and 1767 conference room. The purpose is t_here will be plenty of space for current· resi­ space for. rising cure a space .Cleaney Ave. apartments and to provide a setting in which race rising juniors an~ seniors who de­ dents. · · ... d · " in on~campus . 1019 Dana Ave: apartments. relations at Xavier and in Cincin­ sire to remain living in on"campus There is a JUntots d:n ~entors. housing: The . Residence Life will hold a se- nati can be discussed. Two speak­ housing for the 2002-2003," said ·· $200 cancella­ -'-Ava Jean Fiepig, lowest lottery ries of informational meetings ers. will facilitate the discussion. Ava Jean Fiebig, director of Resi­ tion fee prior to­ director of Residence Life number of a throughout January and Febru­ For more information, contact dence Life. May 15, 2002· pair or group ary. The upperclass housing se­ · and a $500 · ------------ can be used lectfon will take place on Feb. Michelle Edwards at 745-4217. This will allow studentsto have. more time to decide where and cancellation to select a 25, 2002 and the first-year selec- space. Students with high num- tion ".Viii be March 11,.2002. Af­ Etiquet~e dinner with whom they will want to live fee after that date. This includes next year. transferring ~r withdrawing ·from bers should still participate in the ter April 2, 2002 open sign~ups The Cent~r for Career and Any student who has at least the university.
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