--,, . 1{f,naissance ~ws A.. Volume 1, No. 4 P.O. Box 1263, King of Prussia, PA, 19406 November, 1987 AIDS Benefit Is Boffa !!! There were those who thought and bad news. The bad news is: rnunity. It has achieved no small that the idea of an AIDS benefit ticket sales were not up to expecta- measure of recognition through was laudable but ill-conceived. tions and there is no rnoriey to this event. Write-ups, prior to the And there were those who offered donate to AMFAR. The good news show, appeared in the Philadel- rnore positive wisdom - we would is: the show returned a profit and phia Inquirer (the major daily pa- be lucky to break even. But we Renaissance is making a donation per in the city), the Philadelphia fooled 'em all! With barely two and to a local AIDS charity. Renais- Gay News, and Au Courrant, as a halfmonths of preparation, Ren- sance board members will present, well as showing up in event list- aissance members proved, once in person, a check for $500 to WE ings in other city dailies. The show again, that we can deliver what we THE PEOPLE WITH AIDS & ARC itself was provided coverage by promise. The Travelling Trash & in Philadelphia. PGN andAu Courrant, who sent a Talent Tuesday AIDS benefit was Renaissance has shown itself to photographer. successful by any measure. be a responsible member of the If you missed the show, too bad! Of course, there is good news metropolitan Philadelphia corn- You'lljusthavetowaituntilwedo it again next year. Have Dress wm Travel ... adventures in Columbus, OH. Last month three Renaissance you put in your bra?" cisco who is a crossdresser. That members took to the road and car­ Dr. Przybyla said the visit re­ put Angela and Paula at ease. The ried the organization's message to sulted in a new positive attitude interview went so well that toward Ohio. Angela Gardner, Trudi among his students regarding the end of the segment Sneed even Henry and Paula Sinclair spoke to sexual variations. This, he added, asked the two "B" questions: bath­ two human sexuality classes at was "quite an accomplishment." rooms and bras. Two telephone Denison University on Sept. 21. He termed the entire visit "amaz­ callers implied criticism -of The following day, Angela and ing," and promised to endorse crossdressing, but the girls were Paula appeared on the television these Reanissance sessions to his able to deflect it with humor. program "Good Morning, Colum­ colleagues at other colleges and After the show, Sneed, co-host bus." universities. Dawn Meadows and their pro~ The Denison students had been Tuesday's television show went ducer talked to them for over a half briefed about crossdressing by well, Angela and Paula said, even an hour about crossdressing. They Professor David Przybyla, so there though they were dubious at the were invited to do the show again. were only a few sideways glances beginning. The show on Monday Most of the Buckeyes the girls as the Renaissance girls took their was devoted to AIDS and some of encountered on the trip were po­ seats at the front of the classroom. the guests quoted Lyndon La­ lite. For example, on Monday night Each gave a brief autobiogra­ Rouche and other right wing ex­ Angela and Paula went shopping phy with heavy emphasis on their tremists. While watching that at a nearby mall (dressed in their crossdressing experiences. The program, Paula became concerned men's clothes). When the sales remainder of the period was de­ that a city with people like that clerk learned that they were buy­ voted to questions from students. may not be open to the alternative ing women's clothes for them­ Although they were a little nerv­ lifestyle of crossdressing. When selves, she was very friendly and ous at first, the students soon en­ Angela and Paula arrived at the helpful. The same was true of the tered into a productive dialogue station the next morning, there staff at the motel where the girls with Angela, Trudi and Paula. The were additional "bad omens." The stayed. Because they got back students even laughed at their other guests included a group of from the station late in the morn­ jokes. The girls also managed to single people there to discuss the ing, they needed an extension of slip in some flirting (Angela with heterosexual dating scene in Co­ the check-out time. Paula went up the female students, Paula with lumbus and a skin care expert. to the desk clerk-dressed-and the males). But the girls were pleased by asked to keep the room for an The questions ranged from in­ the open-mindedness everyone additional hour. "No problem," the quiring about feminist issues to displayed. Calvin Sneed, one of desk clerk said, as if they had the old chestnut of "which bath­ two co-hosts, said before the show crossdressers stay there every day! room do your use?" and "what do that he had a friend in San Fran- 1(p&aissana 'J{pws An Evening At Cha-Cha 3 ... byTherese TS Group To Be Well, it was quite an evening This writer did encounter a at the Warwick Hotel on Octo­ number of people that had at­ Co-Sponsor ber 4, 1987 for Cha-Cha 3. Cha­ tended the TT&TT AIDS bene­ "Voicesn, the 1988 Conference Cha is a non-profit organiza­ fit, and met some new friends on Transgender Issues will be co­ tion dedicated to raising funds as well. sponsored by both Renaissance· for AIDS charities. Cha-Cha 3 Cha-Cha announced that the and The Gathering, a TS support group in the NY, PA, NJ area. was their third annual benefit/ following AIDS groups will be Paula Keiser, a member of both cocktail party. To say that the receiving funds: 40% to Phila­ groups, brought Jana Thompson attire for the evening was delphia Community Health and JoAnn Roberts together to get "Fashionable" would be an Alternatives; 30% to Action the agreement worked out. Mem­ understatement. The music AIDS; 20% to BE BASHI; 10% bers of The Gathering will staffthe was more than adequate. to the newly opened AIDS li­ TS panel at the conference and There was a wide selection of brary; and a $1500 contribu­ their presence will add immensely good wines and liquor, along tion to The Philadelphia Les­ to the program's content. with sparkling waters. Regard­ bian and Gay Task Force. We are also expecting Quad-S to less of your preference for food, All in all the Cha-Cha 3 eve­ co-sponsor the conference as well. there was something for every­ ning was very enjoyable and Approval should be forthcoming one; Swedish Meatballs, Prime very memorable. Obviously, a within the month. Rib, Stir Fried Vegetables, and lot of thought and planning Pasta. Desserts did abound, in­ went into this event. However, Business Report cluding two fine varieties of the most important ingredient grapes and tasty cheeses. The was the PEOPLE, who came For October· coffee was excellent. from all lfe styles and occupa­ Starting Balance; $423.72 tions. Income: Show Ads&Contrib $173 Show Tickets $200 Thanks For TT&TT from Angela Gardner Member Dues ~ I've been trying to write this Therese was our usherette. Subtotal $1197.72 article for weeks, but it kept Expenses: Donna Miller and Eric of Show Equip/Perf $380 getting too long. I wanted to Donna's Hair Studio 1 in Tren­ Ohio Lecture $65 thank everyone who worked on ton did hair and makeup. Ali­ AIDS Donation $500 the show and tell a little of their son was our cashier at the door. Bank Srvc Chi $23.34 contributions. That's where the That's a list of most of the Subtotal $968.34 length problem started. Every­ things people did (Angela for­ one who volunteered to help did got to mention that she pro­ Ending Balance $229.38 so much that the descriptions duced and directed the show as took up too much space. So, well as working the sound Coming Events: here's the short version. board-Ed). Some did more but Paula S. did publicity, JoAnn everyone did so much that October R. made props. Trudi, Etienne some of it's slipped out of my 30th, Henri David Halloween and Berry did rehearsals at airhead. If I've forgotten some­ Ball, Tickets $8 home for their Andrews' sisters one, please forgive me. Every­ number. Etienne's S.O., Davy, body gave two hundred per­ November portrayed the Boogie Woogie cent. Some even risked break­ 21st, Renaissance Meetine- Bugle Boy and had to assemble ing a nail! Seriously, we December her own costume. Emily and couldn't have done it without 19th Renaissance Xmas Partv Kathy, Trudi's S.O., pulled the quality of help everyone Tentative date-joint w/ Phi ropes backstage. Robyn D. de­ gave. I'd be happy to give them Chapter of So. Jersey signed the original artwork for all recommendations for jobs in the program cover. JoAnn's show biz. Thank you all. And, January friend Steve helped us get the guess what? There's some cos­ 16th, "Voices" Conference on Mask & Wig club and he tumes in the attic that we Transgenderlssues worked the light board the haven't used yet. So, lets do night of the show. Chris and another show. Maybe next year 23rd, Renaissance Meetine- Sheila operated spotlights. we'll do it on a Saturday. 2 ,• The Opinion Page Crossdressing In The Heartland ... by Trudi Henry Late in September, three of us The class was one of the most masturbation, but breezed Renaissance girls made an appear­ popular at the university.
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