Mikrokosmos List 587. - 2 - June 2014 ....20TH-CENTURY REPERTORY 1 Ain, Noa: Used To Call Me (Matsua vln)/Chabade: Echoes (Williams perc)/McMillan: FOLKWAYS FTS 33904 A 30 Whale I, etc/Mumma: Cybersonic/Ussachevsky: Conflict (electronics) (New Amarican Music 4) (1975) S 2 Andriessen, Jurriaan: Sym 3 - Frysk Orch, cond.A.Salten (side 2 is Potpourri of CCF 111031 A 100 Frisian folksongs) (1963) 3 Artemiev: Picture-Moods - Bogdanov synthesizer, USSR Cinematography SO, MELODIYA C10 21077 A 25 cond.Serebyakov 1976-83 S 4 Ashley, Robert: Automatic Writing (electronics) (1979) S LOVELY MUS VR 1002 A 35 5 Ashley, Robert: Perfect Lives (Private Parts) (an opera in 7 episodes); The Bar S LOVELY MUS VR 4904 A 30 6 Ashley, Robert: Sonata/Harmonic, Phil: Timing/P.DeMarinis: Great Masters of LOVELY MUS VR 1062 A 15 Melody/J.Bischoff: Rendezvous - "Blue" Gene Tyranny 1978 S 7 Babadzhanyan: Piano Trio/Galunin: Piano Trio - Bondaryanski, V.Ivanov, Utkin MELODIYA C10 14923 A 20 1980 S 8 Bacewicz: Musica sinfonica/ Dobrowolski/ Moszumanska-Nazar: Hexaedre/ Kilar: MUZA XW 567 A 15 Sonnet - cond.Rowicki Warsaw Autumn, 1965 (damaged label at the back jacket) 9 Bacon, Ernst: Tumbleweeds; Buncombe County, North Carolina/Bartok: Hungarian ORION ORS 84465 A 15 Folk Songs/Nin: Chants d'Espagne - Dorothy Bales vln, A.Sly pno S 10 Ballif, Claude: Un Coup de Des (1981) - cond.Jouineau (gatefold) 1981 S HARMONIA M HM 5141 A 12 11 Baranovic, Kresimir: Oda Ovnoj-u, 2 Cantatas - Bakocevic, Mitic, cond.Surev RTB LPV 2425 A 15 12 Basho, Robbie: The Grail & The Lotus - comp.guitar (1966) TAKOMA C 1007 A 25 13 Behrman, David: Figure in a Cleaning, On the Other Ocean (electronic music) (1977) LOVELY MUS LML 1041 A 30 S 14 Bernstein, Elmer: Miracle, Toccata for Toy Train (film music) - cond.comp. (1975) S FILMMUSIC FMC 2 A 12 15 Bernstein: Chichester Psalms, Facsimilie - New York PO, cond.comp (UK) S CBS SBRG 72374 A 10 16 Bjelinski, Bruno: Cl Con/B.Papandopulo: Cl Quintet - Nochta cl, etc S JUGOTON LSY 61152 A 12 17 Bjelinski, Bruno: Piano Concerto, Candomble, Sym 5 - cond.Nanut, Daniel, Gjadrov JUGOTON LSY 66022 A 15 S 18 Blackwood, Easley: 12 Microtonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media (1980) S EASLEY BLA E 639 A 30 19 Bodley, Seoirse: Sym 3/A.J.Potter: Sinfonia de Profundis - RTE SO, cond.C.Perace RTE 61 A 20 (minor jacket damage) (1981) S 20 Boesmans, Philippe: Intervalles III, Intrusion, Element-Extensions - Ross pno, MUSICA MAG MAG 50024 A 20 Mefano gtr, cond.Bartholomee, Octors (gatefold) (1978) S 21 Bogoslovsky: Sym 4 & 5 - cond.Ponkin 1983 S MELODIYA C10 19339 A 12 22 Boiko: Vasily Terkin oratorio - Zhuravlev, Andreyeva, Maksimenko, MELODIYA C10 5285 A 15 cond.E.Khachaturian S 23 Boulez: Sonatina (fl, pno)/Webern: Trios Op.20, 4 Little Pcs Op.7 (vln, pno), 3 Little EMI C061 10914 A 12 Pcs (vcl, pno), String Trio Op.posth/Schoenberg: Trio Op.45 - French String Trio, Debost fl, Ivaldi pno S 24 Bozic, Darijan: Trumpet Con/M.Stibilj: Congruences for Pno & Orch/I.Petric: JUGOTON LPY-V 680 A 15 Croquis Sonores/Skebotnjak: Micro-Songs - cond.Bozic, Hubad, etc 25 Brant, Henry: Vuur Onder Water, Crossing the Bridge Before You Come to BVHAAST 52 A 18 It/Snyder, Amy: Ozark Brush Meeting - Pacific North Sea Musicians, Gijsbrecht van Aemstelkwartet 1983-4 S 26 Bravnicar, Matija: Vln Con, Sym Antiteza, King Matja (sym prel) - Bravnicar vln, RTV LD 380 A 25 cond.Horvat, Surbek, Hubad S 27 Bulterijs, Nini: Pno Trio/I.Ceulemans: Quartetto Per Clarinetti/A.Delvaux: Con for ALPHA DBM-V 187 A 15 Fl, Ob, Cl, Bsn & Chamber Orch - Bell'Arte Trio, etc (gatefold) S 28 Cage, John: Cartridge Music (perf by Cage & Tudor)/Wolff, Christian: Duo; Summer; TIME S 8009 A 20 Duet II (K.Kobayashi vln, D, Tudor pno, M.Raimondi, S.Trampler, H.Hillyer, etc) (gatefold) S 29 Cage: 2nd Construction/Cowell: Pulse/Lundquist: Sisu/Taira: Hierophonie - BIS LP 232 A 15 Kroumata Perc Ens (gatefold) 1983 S 30 Cage: 3rd Construction/Reich: Music for Pieces of Wood/ B.Mather: Clos de NEXUS NE 5 A 12 Vougeot/W.Cahn: Changes - Nexus Ens 1982 S 31 Cage: Sixteen Dances - New Music Concerts, cond.Zukofsky 1982 S CP2 15 A 25 32 Campo, Frank: Quintetto Vicentina; Fantasy (vln, pf)/Kohn, Karl: Reflections (cl, pf); KLAVIER KD 7033 A 12 San Gabriel Set - Almont Ens (1986) S 33 Carmines, Al: Christmas Rapping - Judson Poets'Theatre Chorus, cond.D.Wagoner 2 x CAAZ JU 1002 A 25 (gatefold) (1979) S 34 Carpenter, John Alden: Gitanjali, Water-Colors (song cycles) - A.Mock sop, S.Boyes CLAREMONT CR 1206 A 15 pno 35 Chaynes: Piano Con, Organ Con - Loriod, Alain, cond.Baudo (gatefold) S ERATO STU 70451 A 10 FB2 36 Chowning, John: Stria/Risset, Jean-Claude: Songes/Harvey, Jonathan: Mortuos IRCAM 1 A 35 Plango, Vivos Voco/Machover: Soft Morning, City!/Maiguashca: Fmelodies/Y.Holler: Resonance - cond.Eotvos 1983 S 37 Cipra, Milo: SQ 4/Vukdrakovic: SQ in a - Zagreb SQ JUGOTON EPY-V 637 A 10 38 Clozier, Christian: Quasars (suite electronique) 1980 (gatefold) S LC CHANT DU M LDX 78714 A 35 39 Collins, Nicolas: Let the State Meka the Selection (electronic pieces) (1984) S LOVELY MUS VR 1712 A 40 40 Corea, Chick: Delphi 1 (improvisations) - comp.pno 1978 S POLYDOR PD1 6208 A 20 41 Corea, Chick: Fantasy for 2 Pianos - F.Gulda, C.Corea (45 prm) S TELDEC 6620271 A 20 June 2014 - 3 - Mikrokosmos List 587. 42 Cranmer, Philip: Lloyd George knew my father, They never will B.Mus, Why was he ISM LP 1 A 12 born so beautiful (sop, ca, ten, bass, vcl) - cond.& hrpschrd comp (single sided) (UK) (1972) S 43 Crumb: Makrokosmos I & II - R.Nasveld pno 1984 S ATTACCA BABEL 85283 A 12 44 Curran, Alvin: For Cornelius (pno); Era Ora (2 pnos) - U.Oppens, F.Rzewski pno NEW ALBION NA 11 A 20 1986 S 45 Debussy: Saxophone Rhap (De Vries); Clair de Lune; Fant for Pno & Orch (Schultes) - LYRICHORD LL 38 A 10 cond.Kloss (spines taped) 46 Decoust, Michel: Sinfonietta, Releve d'Esquisse, Le Cygne - Artaud fl, Jarsky vocal, HARMONIA M HMC 5152 A 12 cond.Reibel (gatefold) 1984 S 47 Defossez, Rene: Caprices de ma poupee/Delvaux, Berthe di Vito: La Chamelle a BUFFET CRA B.C.B. 101 A 30 Marier/Francaix: Quatuor/Dubois: Quatuor/Rivier: Concerto Sax, Tpt & Pf - Rondo Quartet, Belgian Sax Quartet 48 Detoni, Dubravko: Graphies 1-3; Phonomorphia 1-3 (chor, inst, tape) - Zagreb SQ, PHILIPS 6521028 A 30 Klobucar organ, comp.pno & cond. (parly electronic) (green label) S 49 Distler, Hugo: Morike-Chorliederbuch - Kucharski, cond.Wolters (gatefold) (spine DGG LPM 18402 A 15 GY2 taped) 50 Dlugoszewski: Angels (winds)/Fulkerson: Patterns II, VII (gtr)/C.Moore: Youth (intr FOLKWAYS FTS 33902 A 15 ens)/Silverman: Planh (Ch Con for Gtr) (New American Music 2) S 51 Dobrowolski, Jan Fryderyk: Acropolis, Peristyles, Tepidarium, Laconicum - comp. MUZA SXL 951 A 15 pno S 52 Dostal, Nico: Frohlisches Spiel, Spanish Sketches, Wiener Erinnerungen, Blues Fant, EURODISC 31534 A 10 Im meinem Bergen, Ein Mond - Berlin PO, cond.comp 1979 S 53 Dreyblatt, Arnold: The Orchestra of Excited Strings - Dreyblatt, Hauenstein, Phillips, INDIA NAVI IN 3024 A 40 Hill, G.Lewis S 54 Duke, Lewis Byron: Vln Sonata 4, Op.21 - Stanley Plummer vln, Irma Vallecillo pno BYRON PUBL L 5 A 30 S 55 Durlet, Emmanuel: Piano Works - E.Rodrigues, C.Muller, L.Devos, N.Hill (1987) EMI A065 2706291 A 20 (gatefold) S 56 Egiazaryan: Sevan ballet suite 1, 2 - cond.Maluntsian 1956 MELODIYA HD 3086 A 12 57 Ellington, Duke: Three Black Kings; New World a'Comin; The River - Warsaw PO, 2 x THE FROG B TFB 100 A 40 Duke Ellington Orch, cond.M.Ellington (gatefold) S 58 Ephros, Gershon: Uvashofor Godol, Ovos, Pno Variations, Introduction, Andante & TIKVA T 70 A 12 Fugue (SQ) - L.Brown pno, Kohon SQ, M.Ganchoff, etc (autographed by Ephros) 59 Falik: Mourning Music for Stravinsky; Concerto da Passione - Gutman vcl, MELODIYA C10 30345 A 12 cond.Rozhdestvensky, Dmitriev 1978, 1989 S 60 Fawick, Thomas: Musicale 1967: Forward March, Setting for Vla & Pno, 3 Preludes, PRIDE 1967 A 18 Rhumba, etc - T.& S.Harth vln & pno, US Marine Band (jacket worn a bit) 61 Fawick, Thomas: Musicale 1969: Pieces for 2 Vlns, Vln & Pno, Solo Vln) - T.& PRIDE 1969 A 20 S.Harth vln & pno S 62 Feldman, Morton: Rothko Chapel (Phillips vla, Holland perc, cond.G.Smith), For COLUMBIA Y(P) 34138 A 18 Frank O'Hara (cond.J.Williams) (white promo label) S 63 Feldman, Morton: 8 Pieces - Tudor, Sherman, Hymovitz, Rabushka, Trampler, etc S COLUMBIA MS6EYE 6090 A 28 UA1 64 Feldman: Durations/E.Brown: Music for Vln, Vcl & Pno, Music for Vcl & Pno, TIME S 8007 A 20 Hodograph I - Raimondi vln, Tudor pno, Hammond fl, etc (gatefold) S 65 Foss, Lukas: A Parable of Death - cond.comp (red vinyl) EDUCO ECM 4002 A 20 66 Francaix: 15 Children's Portraits from A.Renoir/Arensky: 3 Children's Pieces/Barab, EDUCO 3147 A 15 Seymour: Alice, a Cabaret Alstadter, Sherman pnos, M.Lutzke vcl 67 Fulkerson, James: Co-Ordinative System No.10 (trombone, tape), Music for Brass IRIDA IR 17 A 40 Intr II, Antiphonies & Streams, Suite for Solo Cello - Hopkins vcl, comp.trombone (1980) S 68 Furst, Paul Walter: Konzertante Musik/Einem: WQ Op.46/ H.Eder: Quintett/ DGG 2531115 A 18 M.Rubin: Serenade - Wiener Blaserquintett (1978) S 69 Gabeli, Iraki: Sym 1, Antiphons (Gudkova synthesizer, cond.Kitayenko); A Show, MELODIYA C10 23983 A 12 1765 for fl (Korneyev fl, I.Schnittke hrpschrd, pno) 1981, 1985 S 70 Gagic, Bogdan: Sym, Pno Con 2, 3 Pno Sonatas, L'Ete de Nuit - Krpan, comp pno, JUGOTON LSY 66046 A 20 Novsak-Houska ca, cond.Kuljeric S 71 Gassmann, Remi: Electronics/O.Sala: 5 Improvisations on Mag Tape S WESTMINSTE WST 14143 A 20 72 Gilbert, Michael William: Moving Pictures (electronic music) (1978)
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