i D U, A U 1 U al O li L S'. HET.F AND SITUATIONS. THK EVKXTNT? STAT?. WASTTTCnTOV, R r.. S.UI V-0 \\. A1 Ul r 21 SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. RECOMMENDED SER\ ICE. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued) j 8 SPORT ROAD- HELP—MALE. HELP—FEMALE. (Continued.* (Continued.) BTUDEBAICER STANDARD MARMON MOTORS, (Cnntimied.) .Continued.) 1928; new fin»*ti. mechanic*! con- INC./ __ FIXTURES, new. for 6 rooms. 1927 Sport Roadster for ster. Duco city, Star “Want Ad*’ CANEING. hand cenelng. splint cane- ELECTRIC BUICK Master Six" lerger car. ditioni perfect; owner leaving sacrifice. salesmen. 20. to sell nur eight-in-one auto CHAIR Clay including 3 parlor bv owner who has bought i 1733 14th St, to ; KAHN $3 AN HOUR ItiK. $1.50 up; upholstering. Armstrong. *2O. Installed, Its. In and sale Shepherd 30W-W, 28. 12 —. trouble iieht • wonderful invention, .veil CAN d. r.; wiring 6 rooms low as S3O; guaranteed Priced rlaht for quick sale. t Atlantic —offer the following cars at unusual prices every owner; make real money • —gelling Xmas cards. The most beautiful ' 1233_10th Bt._n.w._FnwikUn_74B3. 1925 COACH, lust been over- terms; auto men we unusually large work; terms. North 885 13$ STUDEBAKER and Branch Offices here, cash c-onimisMon every day line in America and pay 1 CLOCKS REPAlßED.'hlghgrade and antique. good hauled. 7th *t. SW. 1928 Whippet Coach. commissions sell on sight We de- your home, twenty years' experience on MACHINE. "Easy,'’ BUICK. 'lB TOURINO—S7S; j Apply_2ls PROFIT SHARING SALES CO. cards In ELECTRIC WASHING condition, 7-PASS."for sedan. CLUB First $175; 1928 Wolverine Brougham. ¦I NORTHWEST. (Distributors' liver and In person or write. watches, clocks, bank locks, In- practically new. very reasonable. Phone or trade Ford yJ,}'®* WILLYB-KNIOHT SEDAN Nations', 12* collect Call aeronautical Hyattsrllle. 12 i bargain: car tir? s 1927 Ford Roadster* 2;. CM l?th m Drug Co. Sample book free Open evenings for your struments; references from city banks. Lock Atlantic 396-t 32 Franklin st., wonderful 1927 Marmon Sedan. }4th Day Pharmacy Engraving 1187 • we are fully equipped Cleveland H and P sts . convenience Process Co. Box 1321. city Post Office; a Glrouard. Leaving cay. must sacrifice BUICK. 1926 STANDARD 6 SEDAN 1 5677. W Marty's and insurance Adjuster. Bldg FURNITURE used, but 1927 Marir.on Roadster. ¦¦ 1135 14th st Cienr Macarlnr National Press . 14th and P_sta nw. furniture, bedroom, living room, end ta- specializing on these 20 models, AUTOMOBILES bv auction at Weachler’s. Dodge Sedan. Store ¦ Young man over twenty-one to assist in ELECTRICAL HOUSE WIRING 6 rooms and new one-half th«ir ori«i- t every Wednesday and Sat- 1927 H . rugs. Call Adams wonderful shape* 920j Pa. ave. n.w.. Sedan. Pharmacy. adjustment claims Must he fixtures, complete. $67 50 up, Star Electric bles. etc., no dealers. in ftt 1626 Hupp 6 Krnnei s of insurance ' on our urday. JTth and Qua sis typewriter pre- the CHESAPEAKE AND . 5273 3909 Kansas nve n.w. se7* 5662 , price a number of these models , _lO a.m. 1926 Hupp 8 Sedan ¦ and U sly -4. S Clemer.c,' i ahle to use Law' student Co Adams I?*. rial you choice, terms. , and 15th Salary. $25 per Includ- floor offer an excellent TIRES, used, all «Wes Trade-Ins 1926 Marmon Coupe sis Pharmacy. i 'erred Good opportunity. ELECTRIC wire 6-room FURNITURE Complete four rooms. nw. Itth and 1 -Morses * POTOM AC TELEPHONE WIRING—WiII house Emerson A Orme. 17th and M sts. _ tires at low Coup* * , week Address Box 355-X. Star office sewing over- change-over*( Also new Price* 1925 Oldsmobilo H *9Ol Georgia axe F F Lampkin TTiar- complete, including fixtures atul inside serv- ing Singer machine. Vlctrola. series; former Hundley s. 3436 Brougham. macy $74.50; year pay stuffed living room suite, bedroom suite, BUICK 1927 SEDAN. 120-tn. Trade in your old tires. 1925 Hudson | COMPANY. ice a to STEIN ELEC- care of this car, it n w. 1925 Hudson Coach - * l-:s-TATE' SAEESM \N. owner took 14th st. 909 14« h st .Colltflowar Art Gift Co Kl" \l. TRIC CO. 627 E n.w. Fr. 801. dav-beds Clarendon 1827-J-l 13* wonderful price; an Touring. ?¦§ st Pharmacy j suite. ISO; is just like new. with a used-ear AND CARS. 1925 Packard 6 4Ci 14th Rranoueh's This is t!te seilins season. Have opening Desirable positions arc avail- FLOOR FINISHING, scraping, elcr. FURNITURE - $225 bn!-davenport your neighbors fan WE* BUY SELL USED Touring salesman, experience EXPERT 5-plece ideal family car which 1924 Stutx ¦¦ 24th and Buchanan sts Hohbergrr s Phar- for one ambitious not | waxing, skilled mechanics; reduced prices, bed. spring and mattress. $10: you be proud MORGAN, macy ¦ i necessary sales force, maximum ; for vounjj qualify- metal refrigerators, never tell from a new car. will FRED L. 1923 Buick Roudster. _ able women ¦ i Limited i Paul Serene. 1209 N Cap. st Main 10187 walnut bedroom suite. S7O. we offer you ® guaranty¦. ea.,v , Vermont Ava 1923 Buick Touring st. ar.d Colorado o' c- O Donne.. s ' j co-operation See Kleinpeter Monday *8; dinette suite (mahogany), S2O: to own it and Thomas Circl#_ Oarage. 1108 ¦ lath Mr or new. scraped and finished; dressers. terms. Emerson & Ortnc. 17th and M sts. Franklin 10-B Sedan. * Pharmacy morning 9 and 10 a m ing for telephone operating; FLOORS old _ between sectional bookcases. $2.50: breakfast suite. ¦ st r.rarar.t \VM S 1 nit work done b.v bund. Or old floors cleaned FORDS! FORDS! ¦ *lO9 Mount Pleasant Mount PHILLIPS CQ very $lO. books, household goods. 1928 FORDS! We Invite Your Inspection. ¦ Clear and News Shop V tin 4600 1501 K Si good salan paid while learning, | and waxed Also floor laying. Prices Gth^mw. BUICK COUPS, 1*24 m ASTER 9—Pw**®4 1926 Sport Roadster; rumble seat, new top ¦ 1785 Columbia rci United Cicar Agency. , low this month. All work done by William condition, terms to responsible party, ur. repainted spFcl\l': H st -Colodny Brothcra with increases at frequent inter- Lane. 504 13th st. s r Lincoln 5678 FURNITURE FOR BALE Twelve rooms Os Touring cars, of two. SIJ2 California BAKERY SALESMAN. good rooming furniture for cash. Ad- 8 «J Ready. West IS choice Pharmacy and $350 u| 1924 Rickenbacker Coupe; down payment. H ward mart Park Salesman to sell and deliver a liaht tt> FURNACES AND CHIMNEYS cleaned BUICK 1928 STANDARD COACH R, l Coupe. 1926: good condition. Y. and Mst • -Sanitary Phar- steady empioy- vals. Applv Application j superior service. ! i dress Bog 208-X. Star office including Coupon, sedans, choice of 10: >25 up. $25 00. ¦ N N ). axes j product used by all bakers repaired. Crown Fuel miles; every conceivable extra, 2 Sedan, macy good chance for nth st n.w. Franklin 10188. FURNITURE Dining room, living room privately owned. Terms can be arranged 1924 Oakland down payment. *SO. ¦ Pharmacy. i ment to light man and Dept., Room 1, 722 12th St. 1 Service. 9H city, Cal- spare tires, brand-new; Coach; payment.. 175 Sth and Eye sts Nusbaum s ; local bakeries j bedroom; leaving make offer 1833 p.m. 1925 Hudson down ¦ Pharmacy. advancement man who knows i PAINTING, PAPERING AND PLASTERING 7 p-im 525 Randolph after 6 col. 3247. Roadster; down payment *SO. ¦ ®nri and Mass ave Phillips preferred experience, age. Ad- ifornia st. n.w ~ Apt 30. Call 3 to STFI ART MOTOR CO.. Btudebak*r Pharmacy state etc ! N.W I Special prices this week. First-class ma- 6-passenger, late '24 master Fifty from *2OO *1.300, ¦ Ist and K sts Duncan's en ess Bov 258-X. Star office LOPATIN, BUICK SEDAN. Other Cars to g s mine cicrtcs terial and workmanship S D used, six- tires, upholstery and condition, PHONE MR. DECATUR ¦ Tth and K sts.—Goldenbei 1 3329 11th nw . near Park rd. Adains 5340. GAS RANGES, new and slightly all Good Star _ McAVOY. 509,_ \ >. \ t )UR INO)M pay bargain at $325. Address Box 217-X. MART. 1' CAN HELP—DOMESTIC. ' sizes, less than half price. Why more. AUTO and'o sts Smith's Cut Rata Drue Store. j PAINTING. PAPERING—Foi better painting office i! USED CARS" I guaranteed J. W. Williams. ' ¦ Vtlf colored, plain cooking, general papering, Low prices Every range FOR GOOD 7th st and R l axe .1 Simpson CURL, house- t and cal) Adams 8448-W. IN ¦ French Pharmacy BE DOUBLED. work, family stay nights: week. anywhere. 609 6th st. n w Main 2986. ** BUICK COACH. 1935—5475. -Terms. For BARGAINS LATE-MODEL and M sts L H Forster s I small *8 • Quick service. We go J Oor- demonstration, phone North 347 or see at SEE 808 BAYNE. ¦ 31th s Pharmacy If you possess a capacity for hard work 4604 Leland st.. Chevy Chase. Md. Take RANGE, practically new. enamel, and r sts M H Hunton ability. 1 ; don. 4618 9th gt. n.w. 30* GAS white n.w. USED ¦ »th rd Rock | end possess, or can develop, selling Wisconsin ave car, four-burner, with oven and 1126 20th CHEVROLETS. Ga ax-e and Rock Creek Church ; you an opportunity to PAINTING House painting. Interior and ex- smooth top, coupes, in 1927 Big Price Cut. ¦ will find in our office general S broiler. BUlcks 1928 sedans "and cars Chevrolet Landau. Pharmacy _. CURL, for housework an mechanics; prices. North 9947-J. Creek ~ ! double your present income A salesman coiovcii. I I tcrlor.
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