8394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 5, 1999 SENATE—Wednesday, May 5, 1999 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was I yield the floor. tion who played such a critical role in called to order by the President pro Mr. BYRD addressed the Chair. securing the release of our service men. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ‘‘When I was in prison, you visited able Senator from West Virginia is rec- me.’’ That was one of the ways Jesus PRAYER ognized. said we could recognize those who do Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask unan- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John his work. In daring to visit our soldiers Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: imous consent that I may proceed for 2 in prison in Serbia, Reverend Jackson Almighty God, a very present Help in minutes. and the delegation of religious leaders trouble, You do not send natural catas- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- trophes but help us to endure them. out objection, it is so ordered. who accompanied him surely were fol- lowing Jesus’s teachings as they under- Our minds and hearts are focused on f the tragic deaths and the destruction stood them. Our nation owes them a left in the aftermath of the series of PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE OF debt of gratitude. tornadoes that wracked the Oklahoma OKLAHOMA AND KANSAS Some have questioned the wisdom of City area and sections of Kansas, leav- Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I thank the delegation’s trip. There has been ing more than 45 people dead and the Chaplain for his prayer. This is a speculation about what effect their homes and neighborhoods razed. Espe- nation which, in the words of Benjamin going to Serbia could have on political cially we pray for the families who lost Franklin, believes in the scriptures and or military tactics. Frankly, I don’t loved ones and had their homes de- particularly that scripture to which want to get into that debate. This was stroyed. Care for them with Your sus- Franklin called the attention of the not a political or military mission. It taining comfort and strength. Bless the other framers of the Constitution in was a humanitarian mission. police, emergency workers, doctors, Philadelphia in 1787: Much praise rightly goes to Reverend and medical personnel who are seeking Except the Lord build the house, they to help those who are suffering. labour in vain that build it: except the Lord Jackson, who organized the trip. I also Strengthen Senators DON NICKLES and keep the city, the watchman waketh but in want to acknowledge another member JIM INHOFE of Oklahoma and SAM vain. of the delegation: Congressman ROD BROWNBACK and PAT ROBERTS of Kan- We, the colleagues of the Senators BLAGOJEVICH, a second-term Congress- sas as they give leadership in this from Oklahoma and Kansas, share man from Chicago’s North Side, and emergency. their concern about the people who the only Serbian-American in the We commit to You the work of the have lost lives, loved ones, and prop- House of Representatives. Senate today. Guide the Senators in all erty. Our hearts go out to their con- There are moments in history where that they do and say, discuss, and de- stituencies and to them as well as they a person emerges who seems almost to cide. As crises at home and abroad serve their people every day. have been born to fulfill a critical role. mount, grant them clear minds, steady f On this mission, ROD BLAGOJEVICH was hearts and wills to seek and to know that person. Not only is he a man of You and do Your will. Through our COMMENDING THE REVEREND Lord and Saviour. Amen. JESSE JACKSON significant political and moral cour- age, he is also the son of Yugoslav im- f Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, let me migrants. His father spent four years RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING read the resolving clause of the resolu- in a Nazi POW camp during World War MAJORITY LEADER tion on which we are about to vote. II. He learned to speak Serbo-Croation The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The (1) The Senate commends the Reverend as a child, and still speaks it. Jesse Jackson for his successful efforts in se- able acting majority leader is recog- curing the release of Sergeant Ramirez, Ser- I remember when I first was elected nized. geant Stone, and Specialist Gonzales and for to the House. I sought out several of f his leadership and actions arising from his my political heroes to ask them ‘‘How SCHEDULE deep faith in God; and can a young Congressman make a dif- (2) The Senate joins the families of Ser- Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, this geant Ramirez, Sergeant Stone, and Spe- ference—a real difference—in people’s morning the Senate will immediately cialist Gonzales in expressing relief and joy lives?’’ ROD BLAGOJEVICH has found an begin a rollcall vote on the Byrd reso- of their safe release. answer to that question. Steven lution, S. Res. 94, commending Rev. Mr. President, I yield the floor. Gonzales, Andrew Ramirez and Chris- Jesse Jackson for his role in the return Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, Two topher Stone are united today with of our POWs. Following the vote, the days ago, when that military transport their families, in large measure be- Senate will be in a period of morning plane touched down at Andrews Air cause of the courage he, and Reverend business until 11 a.m., with Senators Force Base and we saw our three Amer- Jackson, and the other religious lead- COVERDELL and DORGAN in control of ican soldiers safe again at last, I said, ers in their delegation displayed in that time. At 11 a.m. the Senate will instinctively, ‘‘thank you.’’ going to Serbia. resume consideration of the Sarbanes ‘‘Thank you, God, and thank you, Today’s Washington Post contains an substitute amendment to S. 900, the fi- Jesse Jackson, for bringing Steven interesting account of their mission, Gonzales, Andrew Ramirez and Chris- nancial modernization bill, with a vote from the time it was first conceived by on the Gramm motion to table occur- topher Stone safely home from their Reverend Jackson through their trium- ring at approximately 12 noon. Addi- captivity in Serbia.’’ Millions of people phant return home. I ask unanimous tional amendments are expected and all across our country, I suspect, said consent that a copy of that article be therefore Senators can expect votes much the same thing. I am pleased throughout today’s session of the Sen- today to repeat those words here, in printed in the RECORD. ate. the United States Senate, and to sup- There being no objection, the article I thank my colleagues for their at- port this resolution honoring Reverend was ordered to be printed in the tention. Jackson and the others in his delega- RECORD, as follows: ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:32 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S05MY9.000 S05MY9 May 5, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 8395 [From the Washington Post, May 5, 1999] He felt he had a unique perspective to offer. there. Vice President Gore dropped by for a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: THE CONGRESSMAN Ironically, some in the Serbian community moment. WHO PULLED STRINGS FOR POWS’ RELEASE here have been disappointed in him for not Jackson gave a detailed explanation and interpretation of what the delegation heard (By Kevin Merida) being more active in Serbain American af- fairs. and saw in Belgrade. He said that Milosevic’s The interview begins with a little shake- Shortly after the soldiers were captured on gesture deserved to be matched. He talked of rattle-and-roll. Rod Blagojevich doing Elvis March 31, Blagojevich telephoned national other leaders who were so far apart, but had Presley. security adviser Samuel ‘‘Sandy’’ Berger and talked to each other and had become closer ‘‘I’m all shook up, unh-hunh-hunh.’’ over time. Sadat and Begin. Blagojevich is a huge fan of The King (‘‘Do White House chief of staff John Podesta to offer his help. Nothing grew out of those ‘‘Then I was up,’’ recalled Blagojevich, who you think he’s still alive?’’), and he’s feeling told Clinton that the Serbs weren’t backing loose. It’s not often—let’s say never—that a calls. He then read in the newspapers that Jackson wanted to take a delegation of down. He pitched his proposal for a partition second-term congressman from the North of Kosovo, which would give Serbs control of Side of Chicago can thrust himself onto the American religious leaders over to visit the soldiers and try to win their release. Jackson the northern region where most of the Or- international stage, help rescue three Ameri- thodox cathedrals and historic sites impor- cans held captive and claim a patch of glory. was having trouble getting guarantees from Milosevic that the delegation could even see tant to them are located. An autonomous That would be the patch right behind Jesse homeland would be created in the south for Jackson’s. Meaning he’s in all the brought- the GIs. Blagojevich approached Rep. Jesse Jack- the ethnic Albanians driven out by back-our-boys camera shots, but not promi- Milosevic’s forces. nently placed. But he’s okay with that. son Jr. (D–Ill.) on the House floor and men- tioned that he had some contacts who might ‘‘I like Clinton.
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