TECHNICAL REPORT 88-32 SKB ANNUAL REPORT 1988 Including Summaries of Technical Reports Issued during 1988 Stockholm, December 1989 SVENSK KÄRNBRÄNSLEHANTERING AB SWEDISH NUCLEAR FUEL AND WASTE MANAGEMENT CO BOX 5864 S-102 48 STOCKHOLM TEL 08-665 28 00 TELEX 13108-SKB SKB ANNUAL REPORT 1988 Including Summaries of Technical Reports Issued during 1988 Stockholm, December 1989 FOREWORD The Annual Report on SKB's activities during 1988 covers planning, building and operational activities as well as research and development work. During 1987 the construction work of the central re- pository for final disposal of low and medium level waste — .SFR — was completed and SFR started its operations in the spring of 1988. With SFR and the central interim storage facility for spent fuel — CLAB — in operation SKB has an operat- ing and well integrated system for handlingofall radio- active residues within the country for a long time ahead. For the remaining facilities - the final repository for spent nuclear fuel — comprehensive research is well under way, aiming at investigating alternative disposal concepts as well as optimizing proposed systems. The scientific and political acceptance of the KBS-3 con- cept with regard to safety and radiation protection, the existing operating systems and the governmental ap- proval of the longtcrm SKB R&D programme con- stitute a firm basis for the future activities of SKB. International co-operation and exchange of infor- mation in all fields of the ba«.k-cnd of the nuclear fuel cycle is important and of great value for SKB's work. We hope this Annual Report will be of interest and that it will enhance the international information exchange. Stockholm in December 1989 SWEDISH NUCLEAR FUEL AND WASTE MANAGEMENT CO - SKB Sten Bjurström President ABSTRACT This is the annual report on the activities of the Swedish Some of the main areas for SKB research are: Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB. It con- — Groundwater movements. tains in part I an overview of SKB activities in different — Bedrock stability. fields. Part II gives a description of the research and — Groundwater chemistry and nuclide migration. development work on nuclear waste disposal per- — Methods and instruments for in siti- characteriza- formed during 1988. tion of crystalline bedrock. Lectures and publications during 1988 as well as — Characterization and leaching of spent nuclear fuel. reports issued in the SKB technical report series are — Properties of bentonite for buffer, backfilling and listed in part III. scaling. Part IV contains the summaries of ail technical — Natural ageing of recipients in the biosphere. reports issued during 1988. — Model development and safety assessment. SKB is the owner of CLAB, the Central Facility for — Preparations for a new underground rcsra'ch lab > Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, located at Os- ratory. karshamn. CLAB was taken into operation in July 1985 and to the end of 1988 in toial 860 tonnes of spent fuel Geological site-investigations are a subst;<r.;ia! part of (measured as uranium) has been received. Transporta- the program. SKB is also 'he managing particip.int of tion from the nuclear sites to CLAB is made by a spe- the international Stripa-j'oject under OF.CP/NEA. cial ship, M/S SIGYN. Cost calculations for the total nuclear waste manage- At Forsmark the construction of the final repository ment system, including decommissioning of al! reactors, for Radioactive Waste — SFR — is completed and the are updated annually.The total coss s estimated 'o SEK facility was taken in operation in April 1988. The re- 47 billion which is less than 10% of the vaii'e of the pository is situated in crystalline rock under the Baltic electricity being produced. Sea. The first construction phase includes rock caverns SKB also handles matters pcr'aining to pio^pecting for 60 000 m of waste. A second phase for additional and enrichment as well as stockpiling ol uranium as 30 000 m is planned to be built and commissioned strategic reserves for the Swedish nuclear ptnver in- around the year 2000. dustry. SKB is in charge of a comprehensive research and Consulting services from SKB and associated expert development program on geological disposal of nuclear groups arc available on a commercial basis. I 'icy are waste. The total cost for R&D during 1988 was 123.4 coordinated and marketed through SwcdPo-1 ;r, which MSEK of which 19.3 MSEK came from participants has the same main owners as SKB. outside Sweden. CONTENTS Page PART I OVERVIEW OF SKB ACTIVITIES 9 1 General Background 2 Nuclear Fuel Supply 3 Interim Storage of Spent Fuel, CLAB 4 Transportation System 5 Final Repository for Radioactive Waste, SFR () Research and Development 1988 7 System Planning and Cost Calculations 8 Consulting Services 9 Public Affairs and Media Relations References Part I PART II RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DURING 1987 39 II) Repository Design 11 Waste Forms 12 Canister Materials 13 Buffer and Backfill 14 Geosciencc 15 Biosphere 16 Chemistry 17 Safety Assessment 18 Stripa Project 1') Natural Analogue Studies 20 Documentation References Part II PART III APPENDICES 107 Appendix 1 Organization Charts for SKB and its Divisions 2 Lectures and Publications 1988 3 List of SKB Annual Reports 1977-1987 4 List of SKB Technical Reports 1988 5 Authors of SKB Technical Reports 1988 in Alphabetical Order PART IV SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL REPORTS ISSUED DURING 1988 125 SKB ANNUAL REPORT 1988 Parti Overview of SKB Activities 9 \l) CONTENTS OF PART I Page 1 GENERAL BACKGROUND 13 1.1 The Swedish Nuclear Power Program 13 1.2 Legal and Organizational Framework 13 1.3 The Swedish Nuclear Waste Management System 14 2 NUCLEAR FUEL SUPPLY 17 2.1 Natural Uranium 17 2.2 Conversion 17 2.3 Enrichment 17 2.4 Fabrication of Fuel Assemblies 18 2.5 Nuclear Fuel Stockpile 18 2.6 Costs 18 3 INTERIM STORAGE OF SPENT FUEL, CLAB 19 3.1 General 19 3.2 Operating Experiences 19 4 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 21 4.1 General 21 4.2 Operating Experiences 21 5 FINAL REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE, SFR 23 5.1 General 23 5.2 Design and Construction 23 5.3 Operation Permit 24 5.4 Waste Acceptance 25 5.5 Operation 26 6 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1988 27 6.1 General 27 6.2 Summary of R&D-activities during 1988 27 6.2.1 Engineered Barriers and Repository Design 27 6.2.2 Gcosciencc 28 6.2.3 Biosphere 29 6.2.4 Chemistry 29 6.2.5 Safety Assessment 29 6.3 International Cooperation 29 6.3.1 Stripa Project 29 6.3.2 Poc.os dc Caldas Project 30 6,3,3 JSS-projcct 30 6,3.4 Other International Activities 30 11 Page 7 SYSTEM PLANNING AND COST CALCULATIONS 31 7.1 System Planning Activities 31 7.2 Reprocessing 31 7.3 Cost Calculations ami Back-EndFee 31 7.4 Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants 32 8 CONSULTING SERVICES 33 9 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND MEDIA RELATIONS 35 9.1 General 35 9.2 SI'.B Information Activities 35 9.3 Pr -ted Material 35 9.4 Video Cassettes and Films 35 REFERENCES PART I 37 12 GENERAL BACKGROUND 1.1 THE SWEDISH NUCLEAR SKB is also in charge of the comprehensive research program in the waste Held which the utilities arc respon- POWER PROGRAM sible for according to the law. Finally SKB handles mat- Swedens nuclear power program consists of 12 nuclear ters pertaining to enrichment and reprocessing services reactors located at four different sites and with a com- as well as stockpiling of uranium for the Swedish nuclear bined capacity of 9 900 MW net electric power. Main power industry and provides assistance at the request data and location of the 12 units are shown in Figure of its owners in uranium procurement. 1-1. The nuclear power plants generated 45% of the The total central staff of SKB is about 50 persons. The total Swedish electric power produced in 1988. organization is presented in Appendix 1. For the bulk of the work a large number of organizations and in- Swedish reactors dividuals outside SKB arc contracted. As a whole about Reactor Power Commercial Energy 500 persons are involved in SKB waste handling work. operation availability SKB is the organization that has the lead operative MW. in 1988% role in the Swedish waste management program both with respect to planning, construction and operation of Oskarshamn 1 BWR 440 1972 75 Oskarshamn 2 BWR 600 1974 88 facilities and systems and with respect to research and Oskarshamn 3 BWR 1160 1985 84 development. The role has its roots in the legislation Barsebäck i BWR 600 1975 95 briefly described below. Figure 1-2 gives an overview of Barsebäck 2 BWR 600 1977 89 the most important laws and the corresponding author- Ringhals 1 BWR 790 1976 77 ities involved. Ringhals 2 PWR 800 1975 66 Ringhals 3 PWR 920 1981 82 Ringnals 4 PWR 920 1983 90 Forsmark 1 ) 970 1980 87 Forsmark 2 970 1981 90 Forsmark 3 3)3)3 1140 1985 88 NORWAY 1.2 LEGAL AND ORGANIZA- TIONAL FRAMEWORK FORSMARK . ' HIO The nuclear power plants are owned by the following four companies: STOCKHOLM - Statens Vattenfallsvcrk (Swedish State Power Board; Vattenfall) is the largest electricity producer in Sweden and owns the Ringhals plant. - Sydsvenska Värmekraft AB (subsidiary of Sydkraft AB) is the owner of the Barsebäck plant. — ()K(J AB is the owner of the Oskarshamn plant. • llffl Sydkraft is the major shareholder of OKG. — Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB (FKA) is the owner of the Forsmark plant. Vattenfall has 74.5% of the shares in FKA. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, SKB (SKB = Svensk Kärnbränslehantering BWR AB) has been formed by these four power utilities.
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