1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 8557 citizens or .Kansas City, Kans., agau~st appropriating public remonstrating against the support of the Government in main· money for sectarian purposes-to the Committee on Indian AI- taining the present system of sectarian Indian education, etc.; fairs. which were referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. COFFEEN (by request): Petition of 100 American Railway Union members of Uinta County, Wyo., asking for im- EXCLUSION AND DEPORTATION OF ALIEN ANARCillSTS. peachment proceedings-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. HILL. I ask unanimous consent to call up for present By Mr. ENLOE: Papers to accompany the bill for the relief consideration the bill (S. 2314) to provide for the exclusion and of Daniels Cupples, Claiborne Wilson, J. B. King, and R. A. deportation of alien anarchists. Mitchell-to the Committee on Military Affairs. 'l'he VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will be read for informa. By Mr. JOHNSON of North Dakota: Petition of Samuel Moore tion. and 54 other citizens of Grand Forks County, N. Dak., residing The Secretary proceeded to read the bill. near Turtle River, asking that John R. G. Karlen be relieved of Mr. CALL. I do not wish to interfere with the Senator from the contest now pending against his free claim, viz, the north- New York, but this seems to be a very long bill, and it will west quarter of section 8, township 154, range 51, and that he be probably occupy some time. allowed to prove up on said land-to the Committee on the Pub- Mr. HILL. I will explain it to the Senator, if he will permit lie Lands. me just a moment. By Mr. MADDOX: Petition of William Hadaway,for a claim This bill is virtually a report from a conference committee. against the Government-to the Committee on War Claims. The other House passed a bill to provide for consular ins:Qection By Mr. MEREDI1'H: Papers to accompany House bill 7966- abroad. The Senate did not like that.bill, and we substituted to the Committee on War Claims. another measure. A conference committee was appointed, and By Mr. PENCE: Resolutions of the taxpa3·ers of Rio Blanco we finally agreed upon this bill; but the conferees on the part County, Colo., urging that White River forest reservation be of the House did not wish to have their bill killed. but wanted abolished or very materially reduced-to the Committee on the the principle of consular inspection to remain open and go over Public Lands. until the next session. We consented to allow that bill to re- Also, petition o! the citizens of Colorado, for the impeach- main in conference, they in the mean time agreeing that we ment of the Attorney-General of the United States-to the should pass this bill here and send it to the House, when that Committee on th~ Judiciary. , body·would concur in it. Mr. CALL. If there is to be no debate, I will withdraw my objection. SENATE. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The reading of the bill will pro­ ceed. THURSDAY, .August 16, 1894. The Secretary resumed.and concluded the reading of the bill. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the pres~nt Praj"er by Rev. J. H. M'CARTY, D. D., of the city of Wash­ consideration of the bill? ington.· There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. · . MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Mr. SHERMAN. When this bill or a similar bill was before A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. 0. the Senate the other day, on the motion of the Senator from New TOWLES: its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had disagreed York there was a provision inserted that when any pe~son h&d to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4605) grant­ come into our country and had been naturalized, if it could be ing- chief justices of United States courts in Territories power to proven before the proper tribunal that he was not a man of good appoint commissioners to· take proof in land cases, etc.; agreed moral character, that he was not attached to the Constitution to the conference asked for by the Senate on the disagreeing and principles of our Government, and was not disposed to the votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. McRAE, good order and happiness of the same, he should be deported. Mr. SOMERS: and Mr. ELLIS of Oregon managers at the con­ That language is omitted from this bill, and I do not see why it ference on the part of the House. should not be contained in it. The message also announced that the House had agreed to the Mr. HILL. By the provisions of . this bill, in the first place, amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 7668) to authorize if an alien immigrant should be convicted of a crime and the -the St. Louis, Avoyellcs a.n:l Southwestern Railway Company to judge shouid determine upon a further hearing that the person bridge Bayou Des Glaises and Atchafalaya River, in the State had been guilty of a crime involving moral turpitude, and that of Louisiana. his presence in the country would be a menace to the Govern:. The mess1ge further announced that the House had passed ment and the peace and good order of society, he may be ordered the joint resolution (S. R. 101) proYiding"for clerical assistance deported. It was thought wise by the conference committee not in the health office of the District of Columbia. to use the words" attached to the principles of the Constitution The message atso announced that the Rouse had passed the of the United States," as it left too much open. As the man is follo\\"ing bills; in which it requested the concurrence of the an alien, of course it is not expected that he will be attached to Senate: the principles of our Constitution. An al~en who behaves him­ A bill (H. R. 7811) authorizing the El Reno Bridge Company self in this country would not and could not be touched under to construct a bridge across the South Canadian River, between this bill, and we do not propose to do it. · · Blaine County, Okta., and the Wichita Indian Reservation; Mr. SHERMAN. Idonotpropose to offer an amendment­ A bill (H. R. 7839) to bridge the Newark Bay; Mr.. HILL. The bill was very carefully considered by the A bill (H. R. 7910) to amend "An act to provide for the inspec­ committee. tion of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof, Mr. SHERMAN. But it does se~m to me that every person which are the subjects of interstate commerce, and for other who· has been admitted under our immigration laws ought to be purposes;" and requ.ir~d to stand by the declaration we require for admission; A bill (H. R. 7955) to perfect the title to a quarter section of and If It be proven afterward that he is nota man of goodmoral land in the town of Yuma, Colo. character, that he is not attached to the principles of our Gov­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. ernment, and is not disposed to the good order and peace of the same, he ought to be excluded. The message furtherannounced that the Speaker of the House Mr. HILL. We do not touch the citizen who is naturalized. had signed the following enrolled bills; and they were there~ We do not think it wise to go so far as that. upon signed by the Vice-President: Mr. SHERMAN. Iseenoreason whypersonswhoarebrought A bill (H. R.387) t<;> authorize the construction of a life-saving into our country under our naturalization laws should not only station at or near Rocky Point or East Marion, Long Island, prove at the time they are admitted that they come within its New York; - provisions: but that they should maintain that condition, or else A bill (H. R. 859) for the relief of B. D. Greene; be liable to be deported. A bill (H. R. 6038) to repeal House resolution numbered 104, ~ Mr. HILL. I will simply say, as has been said heretofore in first session Fifty-first Congress, granting to Secretary of War regard to other bills, that it is a step in the right direction. a permit to license to use a pier at mouth of Chicago River; and · · Sooner or later we may adopt the idea, which is an entirely good one, of the distinguished Senator from Ohio, but it is a little too A bill (H. R. 6060) to ·amend section 4833, Revised Statutes, early to do it now. · and for other purposes. Mr. CHANDLER. I wish to say that it was not deemed ad­ - MEMORIALS. visable by the committee to provide that every alien should be Mr. ALLISON presented the memorial o!.Robert Lipton and deported whom we would not be willing to naturalize arid make sundry other citizens of lda.County, Iowa, and the memorial of a citizen of. · . ; H. G. Harshburger and sundry other citiZens of-Woodbine, Iowa~ This bill was drawn in the Treasury Department, and bas ~en 8558 OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. A.UGUST 16, ;subjected to very careful scrutiny. It may not go so far as ~ The VICE-PRESIDENT.· The question is on agreeing to th& Senator from Ohio would like to go, but it is anexoollent bill, conc11rrent resolution. which has been carefully rewritten by the S~nator from .New The concurrent resolution was agreed to.
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