If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. fAFI (j FOREWORD , Aviation security is an essential ingredient of aviation safety. Every reasonable effort must be made to protect the more than 200 million passengers who travel on the u.s. airlines annually. The.Federal, state and local governments and the aviation industry ~~,>, " (', share the responsibilities for maintaining ah effective civil Directory ~ aviation security program. Fortunately, the general public and, / the courts have fully supported this combined effort. Local law enforcement officers have contributed immeasurably to the Local' Law Enf'orcement success of the civil aviation security program. Today more than 5,000 officers with specialized training in airport activities, aircraft operations and aviation security are assigned to more than Organizations 400 American airports. Their professional competence and personal i concern have played a vital role in deterring criminal threats to air safety and protecting the lives and interests of the local / citizens. Much of the success of the anti-hijacking program is due Participating in to the dedication of the local law enforcement officers. In September 1974, in response to a need for the law enforcement Aviation Security organizations participating in aviation security to know and to be able to contact their counter~lrts at air carrier airports through­ out the country, this office p~blished the first issue of the "Directory - Local Law Enforcement Organizations Participating in Aviation Security." This is the fourth revised edition of the Directory. It is hoped that this Directory will continue to be helpful to those '. law enforcement personnel involved in aviat.ion security. " ..:~ ...... R<-~,l<.a.k.(~1- {aY£.l .. .\ RICHARD F. LALLY Director of Civil Aviation Security , ' 1 1 ~ , , .' 'I December 1979 \' \ epartm,ent of Transportation I Federal Aviation Administration I Office of Civil Aviation Security I i Washington, D.C. 20591 I i I ----------- - - ' '1 \ _' .......... ~-.....~_..,~.~'..,"'~'-~'"~'~.,~""~"'k'_."" .... "~4---"r· __ ._"'... _·........ ~~""~ '~-.~ ...... ·~-~'·7~·' ............ ~-.-.--""--""""-.-----.--;·~->-:-'~"'"---··-.----~ ..... -~-----~--,--.~~~-~~--.--- -~ .. ~-~-.~~ ~. 1 '.1 , [1.. ".1 o , [ , I ~ INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. /,11 All Directol\ies are updated frequently in order to remain current c Alabafua 1 " as personnel, address'es anci telephone ,numbers are continually ' _____---t~----------~---~-----o----~--------~------:-----~-__ ._._ .. ';;;.. __ ._ _____ __ ,-:- __________ _____ ________________ _ changing. The Office of Civil Aviation Security would appreciate" i" Alaska 1 the recipients~of this Direc:tory forwarqci:og' all changes and Ariz'ona _· _____ ""·_N __ ------ ---<;;. ----------.-----"'_-- - ----------;--- 3 3 correctioQs to the Federal Aviation Admi~istration's Air Arkansas --"" -----,------------------.--------------------',. -----­ 0 Transportation Security Field Oif'i,~e (ATSFO) with who~ they have Ca 1 i:£ornia --------.. _;c,-- -------------- ----,,.-- ----- -- ----------­ 3 day to day contact. ATSFOs- in turri'<:;."]:l.pUld send suqr information " • Colorado --,--./;.--.;;-----------------;.-------- --"" ----- ---------_ 5 to%he Chief, Ground Operations Se~~J"}iy Division, ACS~300, '. u Connecticut --~-_-------------------------------~~-----------­ 6 through their respective Regiopal Air" Transportation Security" Florida --------.--.----~------------------------------------- 6" ~ 7 Divisions. .,' ~ ~ ;:~:~~a == = = = = = = ==,:=== == == ==== == =': == ==: =:=: == == ==== ~ == ==;= === = 8 o Idaho> --'-_- ----------'--.":'---:..----- ~- ------------------ ___ ;1/_._,. ... __ 9 ~·Illinois.----~~---~------------------~------~--~-:-- ~-~f-----­ 9 Ind iana - ------- --,..---------.----,.. -------,-----,.-,.. ------- .,.---- -r,--­ 10 Iowa - ----------c,-- __ -- -- -- -..; -- -- ---------- -- -----_--------- -c~- 11 , 0 Kansas - ---.;,- -,..- --- -.,..-,.."'''' - -,------.,. - ---- -.- -------- .. - _. ----- .. -- -- 11 o o Kentucky -,- - .. --- -.., -----,---..,---.-------------------------------­ 12 Louisiclna. ---------- ~- -- ---------------------- ---~-- ---------­ 12 Maine ----------------------------- -------------- ------,------- 13 " ~, Maryland ----- ------ ~- ----------------'---------------- -------- 13 MasiSachuse.t ts ---------------------- ----_---------- ----------- 13 Michigan ------------------~---------------------------------­ 14 Minnes ota - ----;;"- -- '1', ----- --- -'•. - ------------ .. ------------ ------ 15 Mississippi -------------------------------------------------­ 16 Kissouri ----------------------------------------------------- 17 Q Montana ----_----------_----------~--------------------------- 18 Nebraska -------- ---------.,. ------,;.-" ------------ --- -,----------- 19 Nevada --------------------------------------.. ---------------­ 20 New Hampshire 7-------------:..--------------------------------­ 20 New Jersey - --------- ---------------------'," -----------'-------- 20 New Mexico ---------.. ---------------------.. ------------------­ 20 New York ;..--------""-----~-----------------r------------------­ 21 t North Carolina - ------------.:. ----------------------.-------- --- 22 • N~rth Dakota ---------------~---------------------------~----­ 23 oil Ohio~~--------------------..;----------------------------------- 23 I 24 r. \ Okl,ahoma ---------------.. -----------.. ------------------------­ ::.,', " t Oregon .. - -----------------,-------------. -------------"--------- 24 U '.fi" Pennsylvania ----~-------------------------------------------­ 25 1::, Rhode Island ----------------------------------~-_--~---- .. -~-­ 25 I', South Carci'lina -----------------.------------------.. ------.----- 25 i "~ r ,.\ South Dakota ---,;...;--------------------.. -------.. --------------­ 26 Tennessee - ---- --------------,..--- ~----- .. - ---------- ~--- ------,0'" 26 Texas-------------------~------------ .. ----------------------­ 27 Utah ------------------.. -------------------------------------­ 28 Vermont ----------------------- ... --~--------------------------- 29 Virginia _____________________________ ,..----------------------- 29 Page iii a Page v f' o o (,) -----~--- - ~ - ~------------------------ "- I r I1 1" Page No". ~ . <;.\ .; \ - - Mobile Municipal Airport 30 ! 1 'Robert Cyzmoure WaShingten'~--==============================~================= 30 1 Anniston-Calhoun County Airport 'Manager West Virginia , __________ _ ! Chief Charles W. Chandler 30 1., pirector of Security W1.scenSl.n. " -------- -------------~----~----------------- .... _____ -____ ..; __ ... _..; ___________ -._.- I 31 -;. Anniston Police D~partment Box 8902 Wyeming -------~---~-----------:- _ _ _ _ ... _______ "~ __ ~~ 'r"" < i ! Anniston, .Alabama 36201 DloS· t r1.C. t ef Celumbia ---------------.. -----------________________ ~ 32 !( Mobile, Alab~ma. 33608 32 205-237-8635 205-342-0510 Gtiam ----------------------------------------________________ ~ _____________________ ~----------- t 32 o , I Puerto. Ricd ____ ~ ______ _ Birmingham Municipal Samoa -- _ _ ___________ _ 32 Muscle Shoals Airport --~----------~----------~----------------- 32 I Lt. ~arold t~ Riley Virgin Islands -----~~------------------::::::::: ____________ _ Chief Ronald Bowling 33 f~ Birmingham Municipal Airport Muscle Shoals Police Department FBli Airpert Resi~ent Agents'-~-:,~======= ___ .. _________________ _ 5900 ~irport Highway US. Custems "'"- Au Suppert Un1.tu . .'. :AMF __ _ 34 Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35660 35 t Birmingham, Alabama 35212 205-383-6746 u: S. Postal Service Po.stal In~pectors Serv1.cJ.:ng MaJ,or, s 205-592-3116 Supervisory Pe:t;sonnel Respons1.ble for Use of Explosive , I": 36· Tuscaloosa Munic;tpal Airport Detection Dog/Handler TeamB'----------------------~--------­ Ie Dannelly Field FAA Explosives Security Specialists -----j't-----/-------------- 39 Billy J. Largin FAA Civ"il Aviai(ion Security Field Officee \iJnits _____________ .. ! Chief Charles E. RJley Airport Manager """ Dannelly Field 42 t ~ P.O. Box 1~70 Pests of -'Duty ------------..... -------~----------- _. _ C_ _ r Box 1805 () wO 45 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Temporary 'Deten~ionFacilities ~--====:===:==============_:_..!'_ 46 MontgOmery, Alabama 36103 205-345-4100 RCMPAirport Detachments --------- 205-281-9567 ALASKA Dothan-Houston County Airport Chief Jimmy Hicks Anchorageu Int'l Airport Dothan Airport Chief John T. Hynes Route 6~') Box 207 Airport Security Police Dothan, Alabama 36301 P.O. Box 6204, Annex 205-983-.3594 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ,907-266-1407 Gadsden Municipal Airport Chief Char1~s (3. Cary Bethel Airport IJ Gadsden Police Department Chief Lorn Campbell P.O. Box 267 Bethel Police Department Gadsden, Alabama 35901 P.O. Box. 388~~ o~ 205-543-9870, ext. 242 Bethel, Alaska 99559 907~043-2296 Huntsville Ma:dison Co'unt); Airport,., - -,.,-,~, John Mason Manager Cold B, ay Airport, ~'1 ' Chief - Vacant " \ Huntsville Madison County Jet Port Box 6006 ~:~~O~!x. M~~ager' \ Huntsville, Alabama :35806 Cold Bay, A1aska ~957J 205-772-9395 907'~532-24l6 '\ ~~~C-~~ _~C~~?) ,) /} (("FCz', . / (L~~ ~""--~~,=:=-"~- '~C)l ,: ",=- ~.- Page vi Page 1 ---------------- Cordova Airport - Mile 13 Kodiak Municipal Airport ARIZONA Chi'ef John T. Hynes " Chief Jack L. Rhines C Little Rock Municipal Airport Airport Security Police Kodiak Police Department., Sgt. Walter Mikoleit Grand Canyo[l Nat'l Park Airport Police Department P.o. Box '6204, An:Jlex P.O. Box 292,
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