j.1 iWMMBBBBMWHBMBBBBBIBMiBMBWBfctiyt '"" " ' TF.H JlKXlCO ABIKOVA K. It. TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR LOCAL NOTES. I v,,ui win.. Jas. Scow An Accident. I Lexis Vidal ha won his suit against the announcement id Jas. Scow as Mary Tuck and Mrs. Jennie Miller (Pacific Time.) the liquor a candidate for nssessor appears in this night, OCTOBEK, - 1, 1892 Col. Mike Gray is at the San Jose.j firm who attached and sold met with an accident last , , l'i saloon about a 3 car go. It will issue. Mr. Scon is a pioneer of Co- which did not result as seriously as it Nosth Bound. Station. South ISouno. 1S71) M. Fay, Chicago, i teci-ttT- at be remembered that he sued the chise county, and has been since might have done. They were riding on Wlfrmal Merrier. II. the Sun Jose. firm for damage", costs and interest, a resident of Dos Cabezas. He was the road above Mr. Leach's residence, Lv. 9.12 a. m. Xngales... Ar. I 07 p. rn. rb.e Jollowing is the range ol the there before the town id Willcox was and Ar 9-- ' . .Calatasas. ' 1226 " - , amounting at this time to considerably had turned to come down when 11.10 ..Crittenden.. " 11,10 a. m. thermometer (or the 24 henra ending " Professor Wood, the blind musician, over $1,000, and won it in the district thought of, and lias never wavered in one of the traces came unhooked and 1 26 a dl .Huachuct . " 9.10 3 " M o'clock p. m. October 1 . his faith in the horses 2.09 ..Fairbank... 755 " is holdin" forth in Wilcox. court here. The defendant appealed that section of the county. started to run. The team " 2 54 .Contention . ' 7.43 " Maximum 90e and jesterdny the judgment of the He is energetic and untiling iu his was a powerful and spirited one and ' j co . .Hanson. Lv. 6.20 a. m. Minimum fi3J John Mojlcs, of Tuniuoi, has his efforts to carry out auv work entrust- was soon beyond control. Miss Tack loner court nas afhrmed, with the Kl i(U. I Hill Til EANTKR.V K It autograph on the l'alace register. exception o: striking attorney's ed to him, and if choren by his party jumped from the buggy aad sustained out f Pacihc Time, j ""announcements. fee. '1 lie name of this firm is Heyne-raa- n and elected he nil! not make the slight bruises, but Mrs. Miller was Jake Spitz, the jolbesl ilrtimmer on 7 All announcements and other political Co, Sn Francisco, who have county assessment by proxy. He nill thiown out and dragged for some dis- advertising must for In the road, is domiciled at thu Palme. i leave. Stations, vkkivf, be paid adtance. acted all through the case in a con. not show partiality, but nill consist- tance befort letting go of the lines. tenrptible manner, ecn repudiating ently endeavor to personally ce lint She did not loosen her hold uutil the FOR S. L. Hart is packing hi goods. 9.30.1. rn Fairbank. 8.15 am SHERlrF. bills contracted by attorneys every tax paver, big and little, pajs buggy wheels nero upon her, which ' which be to ship to Tucson their in .20 .hisbee ... taoon'r I hereby announce rr.)self nil! read) passed over her waist aud one arm as a candidate for the case. according to his holdings. Patty, exept Sunday.' the office of Sheriff of Cochise county, subirct next week bruising the latter but not breaking to the action of the Democrauc county conven-lio- Ben Williams, Supt. V. T. HUGllhS. sV'nlfce JKconoin). Chamberlain's Cough Itemed. , fam- any bones. The horses nere stopped Benson. Aru. Aujj. i8, 2892. James T Cooper and W. Is practiced by ninny pfoplo who ous for cures of bad colds, and as a further down tho hill without trouble, O'M-TIIKK- It. Hunter, all of Dos Cabezas, are at Its rACIKIU It. It. Cl. buy inferior articles of food because preventive and cure for Croup, 50 and thefnrmeroccupants were brought FOR the l'alace. Pacific Time.) SHERIFF. cheaper than standard good'. Surely cents per bottle. to tonn and cared for. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for nfants are entitled to the best food Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general the CSie of Cochise county, subject 1. A. Hover, of Dos Cabezas. will lAST WEST obtainable. It is a fact that the Gall KOCND. stations to the action of the Democratic county conven- repreent that burg In the Democratic family liniment, and especially valu- Wood bur 's facial Soap at SOUND. tion. SCOTT WHITE Borden Brand Condensed able for rheum ttism, sprains, bruises, Tombstone Aru. Aug. 34, 1893. convention. Dklg Sioiik, 405a.n1 Ar. Benson Ar Milk is the best infant food. Your Millsr's " 150a.m. burns and frost bites, 50 cents per Jwa.ni Tucson ... ' 3.40a.m. grocer and druggist keep 11 20 p m. " .. Mancopa. , 635 a.m. In Paris jes'erday 30 fresh cholera it. bottle. " FOR SHERIFF. 1. WATER NOTICE' 530p.m. .....Yuma..... " 1220p.m. cases and 18 deaths v. ere reported to Chol- a ?p a. m. Lt...Los Angelas. .Ar 10.000. ra 1 hereby announo myself as a candidate for Chicken dinner at the MaisonDoree We ShiJ. Chamberlain's Colic, Sheriff. susjcct to the kill of the ensuing Kepub theauthorities to morrow. All delicacies ot the sea- era and Diarrhoea Remedy, the tuot Our customers are hereb) notified lMixed trains. carrTin? nnvnrs and Iican County Convention. C. s. J I.Y, successful medicine in use- for dysen- freight, arrive" at Benson, east bound, at 2 15 Tombstone August 20, 1892 son. Ice cream, nuts, Iruits for des- that in consequence of the continual. p. m. ; west bound 6.30 a. m. high n held up the tery, diarrhu-e- , Alone aj matt first-clas- cholera and cholera Pacific time hour ou . sert. Everv thing s. Iy diminishing supply of water, we is one er than Tomb Spar City stage, lit e miles from Creede, morbus. 25 and 50 cent bottles. stone time. TOR SHERIFF. shall be obliged to shut off the same Col , jeslenlay. for St. Patrick's Pills. They are the taLe th's means of announc'ng a The three Mexicans arrested during the greater part of the day flKKt'iuauinK. fttdidatefor the omce Sheriff of Cochise over to ap- best phjsic. They also regulate the sheep stealing, were bound The supply be 7 County, subject to the action of the Republican V. T.Vaughn, the well knonn cattle liver and bowels. Try 25 cents nill turned on from Count Convention. pear before the next grand jury oa a them. man, was married last Sunday to a to 8 a. m , 11 to 12 noon, and 3 to 4 J. P. MCALLISTER. charge of grand larceny, by Justice per tox. PIONEERSTORE Tombstone. August ay. 1892. Harshaw belle. Chamberlain's Eye and Skiu Oint- p.m. All waste and unnecessary u.e Johnston yesterday. of water must be ment, for tetter, salt-rheu- scaldhead avoided. Cor. 5th and Fremont J. V. Bartholomew and X. X. Mil HUaCHUCA WATtK Co. SK FOR SHERIFF. S. K. Delong was the only bidder eczema, piles and chronic sore, ej is. ler went duck hunting They J. W. Claiik, I hereby announce myself as a candidate 'for the sale of the Cooper mill and 25 cents per box. For sale by H. J JOE H0EFLER - PR0FR the om;e of sheriff of Cochise county, subject nill return at noon tomorrow. at 10d Gen. Agt. the action of the Republican County Con- sum bid was a Peto. t IM to mines The . i 0C4LB vention. AKE BOWMAN Bis- - one and the sale was again Notice. Bisbet Arizona, Aug. 29. 1892. E. W. Mump came oer from nominal From Anli Fork. 12th. 1 General Merchandise. bee y on his way to Willcox to postponed to November E. McCammun, one of the train dis- a.i. about to move out of town COUNTY TREASURER. attend to morrow's ball game. patchers for the Atlantic & Pacific, and have some household goods to sell Two ranchmen Using near Hendry, I hereby announce myself as candidate for tells the Albuquerque Citizen that five cheap. Anvone wanting an thing in the nomination of County Treasurer and Ex. "lhe National Federation of Irish- Texas, were wajlsid by twj Mexican that line, please call immediately at MINERS' and RANCHERS officio Tax Collector, subject to the decision of and a half miles of track are already cowboys jesterday and murdered. - the next ensuing county republican contention men, of Ireland, has issued an address laid on the new road of the Santa Fe, the house, Supplies a Specialty- IOH.N MONTGOMERY. of country. Kobbery was the motive. The mur s 30 2t S. L. Aug. to the people that Prescott and Phenlx company, but Haet. Tombstone. 25. 1892 derers were captured and jailed. work has been delayed by the non-arriv- AUKNT TOR IMPROVED There were 119 enrolled scholars in of splices or rather angle bars. Taken Ui COUNTY TREASURER. Vaple's caudy factory is the only AGRICULTURAL the public school in this district. The Three cars of these necessary adjuncts On Sept. 1G, a roan pinto horse, 1 hereby announce myse'f as candidate for is 1'JS. place in town to buy fresh home made the office of Tre tsurer ot Cochise count) , sub- average daily attendance to track l.i) itig arrived Monday, and medium sized, had on a bell; branded ject to the action of the forthcoming Republi- candy cheap.
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