1 COLLABORATIVE ONLINE RESEARCH PROJECT Consuls of “THE DARDANELLES” and “GALLIPOLI” (Updated Version no: 4 – February 2013) Welcome to a resource being compiled about the consuls and consulates of “The Dardanelles” and “Gallipoli”. This is an ongoing project. In this fourth update, many new details have been added, especially from genealogical sources, and some questions clarified. The information shown here is not complete and may contain errors. For this reason, it may appear rather haphazard in some places. In time, a more coherent narrative will emerge. The project aims to take advantage of the Internet as a source of information and as a means of communication. There is now a vast and increasing amount of information online which allows us access to sources located in various countries. Many sources are quoted verbatim until the content can be confirmed in comparision with other sources. If you are a researcher, family member, or simply interested in some aspect of this topic, you may be able to help by providing additions, corrections, etc., however short. This will help to fill in gaps and present a fuller picture for the benefit of everybody researching these families or this locality. Comments and contributions should be sent to the following e-mail address: (contact[at]levantineheritagefoundation.org) The information here will be amended in the light of contributions. All contributions will be acknowledged unless you prefer your name not to be mentioned. Many different languages are involved but English is being used as the “lingua franca” in order to reach as many people as possible. Notes in other languages have been and will be included. The project was initiated by Graham Lee in September 2010. CONTRIBUTORS Many thanks for their contributions great and small to: Marie-Anne MARANDET, Catherine SAIKO,, Mithat ATABAY, George VASSIADIS, Ioakim HAMAMTZOGLOU, Walter XANTHOPULO, Quentin COMPTON-BISHOP, David WILSON, Alex BALTAZZI, Gabrielle VITALIS, Vanessa GRECH... DICTIONARY The following “dictionary” has been compiled to help online researchers reach or revisit original sources. It includes old names or terms that may no longer be current or be considered correct (though were actually used). Lack of accents will hopefully not impede those familiar with the language. 2 English French (Fr.) German (Ger.) Italian (It.) Greek (Gr.) Spanish (Sp.) Portuguese (Port.) Swedish (Sw.) Dutch (Du.) Russian (Ru.) Turkish (T.) Norwegian (Nor.) Danish (Dan.) ? gerant (Fr.) leiter, geschäftsführer (Ger.) acting consul amtierender konsul (Ger.) acting vice-consul consul charge du vice-consul (Fr.) born / died ne / decede (Fr.) consul (C) consul (Fr., Sp., Port., Du., Dan., Nor.), console, consoli, cancelliere (It.), konsul (Ger.) konsul, konsuln, konsulen (Sw.), konsolos (T.) consular agent agent-consulaire, ag. consulaire (Fr.), konsularagent (Ger.) agente consolare, agenzia consolare/consolari (pl.) (It.) agente consular (Port., Sp.) consulate consulate, chancellerie (Fr.), konsulat(e) (Ger., Sw., Dan.), consolato (It.) consulado (Sp.) consulaat, consulaten (Du.) delegazione consolare (It.) consul-general, console-generale, consoli generali (It.), console geral (Port.), generalkonsul consular general (Sw.) consul general (Sp.) (CG) count count d', le comte (Fr.), graf (Ger.), il conte (It.) dragoman drogman (Fr., Sp., Du.), dragoman(e) (Ger.) dragomano (Port.) dragomanno (It.) tercüman (T.) honorary vice- honorar-vizekonsulate (Ger.) consulate knight le chevalier (le chev.) (Fr.), ritter (Ger.) cavaliere (It.) Mr. M. (Fr.) Signor, Signore, Sig. (It.) Herr Hern Herrn Herren Hrn. Hr. (Ger.) Senor (Sp.) Heer (Du.) Don (Sp.) vice-consul (VC) vice-consul (Fr., Sp., Port.), vize-konsul (Ger.) vice-console (It., Port.) Vitse- konsul (Ru.) vicekonsul (Sw.) English French (Fr.) German (Ger.) Italian (It.) Greek (Gr.) Spanish (Sp.) Portuguese (Port.) Swedish (Sw.) Dutch (Du.) Danish (Dan.) Turkish (T.) Norwegian (Nor.) Russian (Ru.) Austria / Austrian Austria, Austriaco, Austriaci (It.) Austria-Hungary Autriche-Hongrie, Autriche (Fr.), Österreich-Ungarn (Ger.), Avstro-Ungaria (Gr.), Austro-Ungarica / Ungarico (It.), Østrig-Ungarn (Dan.), Nemçe, Avusturya-Macaristan (T.) Belgium / Belgian Belgique, Belge (Fr.), Belgien (Ger.), Belgio (It.), Belçika (T.) Britain / British Angleterre (Fr.), Grossbritannien / Briten (Ger.) Inghilterra, Bretagna, Inglese (It.) İngiltere (T.) Chanak Chanak (Fr.), Çanakkale (T.), Tschanak / Tchanak-kale, Tschanak-kala (Ger.) Tchanak, Tchanack, Tschanak Kalessi, Chanak Kaleh, Tchanak-Kalessi Dardanelles (the Dardanelles (Fr.), Dardanellen (Ger., Du.), Dardaneli / Dardanellia / town) Δαρδανέλλια (Gr.), Dardanelli (It.) Dardanelos (Sp., Port.), Kale Sultanie, Çanakkale, Bogashissar, Kaleh-i Sultanieh (T.) Dardanellerna (Sw.), Dardanellerne (Dan.), Dardanellene (Nor.) Denmark / Danish Danemark, Danemarck (Fr.), Dänemark (Ger.), Danimarca (It.), Danmark, Dansk (Dan.), Danimarka (T.) France / French France (Fr.), Frankreich / Französische (Ger.), Francia / Francese (It.), Frankrig, Franske (Dan.), Fransa (T.) Gallipoli Gelibolu (T.) Callipolis, Kallipolis, Gallipolis Genoa / Genoese Gênes / Genois (Fr.), Genua (Ger.), Genova (It.) Germany / German Allemagne (Fr.), Deutschland, Deutsch (Ger.), Germania (It.), Almanya (T.) Greece / Greek Grece (Fr.), Griechenland (Ger.), Hellas / Ellas (Gr.), Grecia (It.), Yunanistan, Ellinoz (T.), Grækenland, græsk (Dan.) Hansa / Hanse Towns Villes Hanseatiques (Fr.), Hanseatischer (Ger.) 3 / Hanseatic League Holland / Netherlands Pays-Bas, Hollande, Hollandaise (Fr.), Niederlande, Holland, Flandern (Ger.), / Low Countries / Olanda, Paesi Bassi, Neerlandese (It.), Holland(e), Hollands, Nederland, Dutch / Flemish Nederlands, de Nederlanden, Nederlandsche, Nederlandschen (Du.), Hollandsk, Hollansk(e) (Dan.), Hollanda, Felemenk (T.) Italy / Italian Italie (Fr.), Italien (Ger.), Italia (It.), İtalya (T.) Naples / Neapolitan Naples (Fr.), Napoli (It., Gr.), Napoles (Sp., Port.), Neapel (Ger., Sw.), Napels (Du.), Neapoli / Neapolis (Gr.), Napoletano (It.) Norway / Norwegian Norvège (Fr.), Norwegen (Ger.), Norvegia (It.), Norge (Nor., Dan., Sw.) Persia, Iran Perse (Fr.), Persien / Persische / Iran (Ger.), İran (T.) Portugal / Portuguese Portugal (Fr.), Portugal, Portugues, Portugués, Portuguez (Port.), Portekiz (T.) Portogallo, Portughese, Portoghese (It.) Prussia Prussian Prusse (Fr.), Preussen, Preussische (Ger.), Prusya (T.) Russia / Russian Russie / Russe (Fr.), Russland / Russischen (Ger.), Russia (It.), Rusya (T.) Russiske (Dan.) Sardinia / Sardinian Sardaigne, Sarde (Fr.), Sardegna, Sardo, Sarda (It.), Sardinien (Ger.), Sardunya (T.) Sicily / Sicilian Sicile, Siciles (Fr.), Sizilien (Ger.), Sicilia (It.), Sicilya (T.) Spain /Spanish Espagne (Fr.), Spanien (Ger.), Espana (Sp.), Spagna (It.), İspanya (T.) Sweden & Norway / Suède et Norvège (Fr.), Schweden und Norwegen (Ger.), Sverige & Norge, Swedish & Svenske och Norske (Sw.), İsveç ve Norveç (T.) Norwegian Sweden / Swedish Suède (Fr.), Schweden (Ger.), Svezia (It.), Sverige, Sveriges, Svensk (Sw.), İsveç (T.) Two Sicilies royaume des Deux-Siciles (Fr.), Due Sicilie (It.) (Kingdom of) Tuscany / Tuscan / Toscane (Fr.), Toscana (It.), Toskana (Ger.) Etruscan Turkey Impero/Imperio Ottomano, Porto Ottomana, Turchia (It.), Porte Ottomane, Turquie d’Europe, Turquie d’Asia (Fr.), Turkei, Türkisches Reich, Ottomanisches Reich, Osmanisches Reich (Ger.), Tyrkiet (Dan.) Turkije (Du.) United States of Etats-Unis d’Amérique / Amerique, Etats-Unis (Fr.), Vereinigte Staaten von America / American Amerika / Amerikanischer / Nordamerikanische Union (Ger.), Stati Uniti d'America (It.), Amerika (T.) Venice / Venetian Venise (Fr.), Venedig (Ger., Dan.), Veneto / Venezia (It.), Venedik (T.) SOURCES Some annual directories consulated for this project are at the “Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre” in Istanbul. The Osmalı Bankası was taken over by Garanti Bank in 2009 and the archives are now located at: Mete Caddesi No. 32, Kat 1, Taksim, Istanbul. The building is near Taksim Square, just look for the green “Garanti Bank” sign. Those listed below are at these archives. Does anyone know where the missing volumes might be located? Directories consulted Indicateur Ottoman (IOT) 1881, 1883 Indicateur Oriental (IO) 1885, 1888 Annuaire Oriental (AO) 1889, 1891, 1892-93, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1921 Annuaire de L’Orient 1928 - no detailed information Annuaire Oriental (AO) 1930 - not located Annuaire Oriental (AO) 1929, 1933 - Çanakkale-Gelibolu not found Annuaire Commercial 1944 - not located 4 REFERENCES (BOOKS) Agstner Rudolf & Samsinger, Elmar. Osterreich in Istanbul. 2010 (in German with abstracts in English and Turkish). The entry for Gallipoli erroneously includes the name “Sultanieh” in brackets. This name was applied only to Canakkale, not Gallipoli. Annuaire Diplomatique (AD), 1859, 1877 (2). Allen, Susan Heuch. Finding the Walls of Troy. 1999. Clarke, Edward Daniel. Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. 1817. Vol. III. Cook, J. M. The Troad. 1973 Gunning, Lucia Patrizio. British Consuls in the Aegean. 1820-60. PhD thesis. University of London. 1997. Gunning, Lucia Patrizio. The British Consular Service in the Aegean and the Collection of Antiquities for the British Museum. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. UK. 2009 Knight, William. Oriental Outlines or a Rambler’s Recollections of a Tour in Turkey, Greece & Tuscany in 1838. 1839 Knight, William. A Diary in the Dardanelles.
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