Public Document Pack MEETING OF THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY To: The Members of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Dear Member, You are requested to attend a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to be held on Friday, 19th August, 2016 at 1.00 pm in the Authority Chamber - No.1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP. If you have any queries regarding this meeting, please contact Trudy Bedford on telephone number (0151) 443 3365. Yours faithfully Head of Paid Service (Established pursuant to section 103 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 as the Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral Combined Authority) LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 15 JULY 2016 (Pages 1 - 8) EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS 4. AREA BASED REVIEW To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Employment and Skills. (Pages 9 - 20) TRANSPORT 5. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT ACCESS FUND BID SUBMISSION To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Transport. (Pages 21 - 30) GOVERNANCE 6. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW AND SCHEME To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Governance. (Pages 31 - 114) 7. DEVOLUTION OF POWERS AND RESOURCES TO THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION - PROGRESS ON EXECUTIVE CAPACITY To consider the report of the Head of Paid Service. (Pages 115 - 178) 8. COMBINED AUTHORITY BUDGET MONITORING STATEMENT APRIL 1ST 2016 TO JUNE 30TH 2016 (QUARTER 1) To consider the report of the Treasurer. (Pages 179 - 182) OTHER 9. MINUTES OF THE MERSEYTRAVEL COMMITTEE HELD ON 30 JUNE 2016 (Pages 183 - 194) 10. MINUTES OF THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY AUDIT COMMITTEE HELD ON 5 APRIL 2016 (Pages 195 - 198) 11. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT 2015-16 In accordance with Minute 22 of the Combined Authority Audit Committee meeting on 5 April 2016, the attached Annual Report of the Combined Authority Audit Committee is to be noted by the Combined Authority. (Pages 199 - 208) This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held in the Authority Chamber - No. 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP on Friday, 15th July, 2016 the following Members were P r e s e n t: Mayor J Anderson OBE Chairperson of the Combined Authority (in the Chair) Councillor P Davies, Councillor R Polhill, Councillor I Maher, Councillor M Murphy (Substitute Member) and Councillor A Bowden (Substitute Member from Item 29) 19. MINUTES SILENCE Prior to the start of the meeting, the Chairperson referred to the terrorist attacks in Nice and the Combined Authority stood for a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for those killed or injured. 20. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Moorhead, Councillor B Grunewald, Asif Hamid, Councillor T O’Neill (Associate Member), and Councillor I Moran (Associate Member). 21. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST It was reported that no declarations of interest had been received. 22. MINUTES OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 17 JUNE 2016 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held on 17 June 2016 be approved as a correct record. 23. SINGLE INVESTMENT FUND ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK The Combined Authority considered a joint report from the Treasurer and the Head of Paid Service which sought Members approval of the Single Investment Fund Assurance Framework. It was reported that a key element of the devolution agreement was the commitment to the establishment of a Single Investment Fund (SIF) which would align national and City Region funding to allow greater flexibility over local investment, which included the Single Pot funding. The Single Pot allocation for the City Region was £458 million which would be committed over the next five years. To ensure the funding could be fully devolved an Assurance Framework had been developed which would explain how projects would be appraised, monitored and evaluated and investment decisions assessed. Page 1 RESOLVED – That:- (i) the LCRCA Assurance Framework as set out in Appendix One to the report now submitted be approved; and (ii) delegation be granted to the Treasurer to make any final amendments to the LCRCA Assurance Framework following its submission to Government. 24. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION LOCAL GROWTH DEAL 3 SUBMISSION The Combined Authority received a presentation from Wes Rourke, Operational Director, Economy Enterprise and Property, Halton Borough Council which provided an update on the process for the submission of the Local Growth Fund 3. It was reported that areas had been invited to submit a proposal to the Local Growth Fund to support further growth in the City Region. Accordingly, the presentation set out the following:- the process for applying for Local Growth Fund 3, which was a competitive process and the deadline for submissions was 28 July 2016. outlined the format of the proposed bid which emphasised the strong history of collaboration and set out the ambition and assets of the City Region. explained how the LGF3 would run in parallel with the Single Growth Strategy which was launched on 30 June 2016. the Submission would have a strategic approach which would focus on productivity, people and place. The Chairperson welcomed the presentation in particular recognising the importance of the close collaboration with the private sector in the development of the submission. RESOLVED – That:- (i) the proposed LCF 3 draft submission as outlined in the presentation be approved; and (ii) any amendments and approval of the final Local Growth Deal 3 submission be delegated to the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Combined Authority. 25. NOVATION OF CHRYSALIS FUND TO THE COMBINED AUTHORITY Members considered a joint report from the Head of Paid Service and the Treasurer which set out the key principles of the proposed novation of the Chrysalis Fund to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. RESOLVED – That:- (i) the novation of the Chrysalis Fund to the Combined Authority be approved; (ii) the approach being taken to novate NWUIF to the Combined Authority be endorsed; Page 2 (iii) the establishment of “NewCo” as the corporate structure, subject to external legal advice, as set out in the report now submitted be approved; and (iv) authority be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Treasurer and Monitoring Officer to finalise the terms of any legal documents and enter into any legal agreements necessary to facilitate the above recommendations including the setting up of separate legal entities required for the corporate structure following external legal advice. 26. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION GROWTH DEAL SCHEME - LITTLEWOODS STUDIOS Members considered a report from the Lead Officer: Economic Development which sought the approval of a Full Business Case for the Littlewoods Studios proposals. It was reported that the City Region had been allocated £15.6m of Local Growth Fund (LGF) in order to support land and property schemes. At its meeting on 18 March 2016 the Combined Authority considered the Outline Business Case for Littlewoods Studios and had provisionally committed to a £4.95m allocation subject to the full business case being satisfactorily appraised. Accordingly, the Full Business Case had been submitted and assessed independently by Regeneris Consulting and was also consistent with HM Treasury’s Green Book. Furthermore, the appraisal of the Full Business Case was also consistent with the approach adopted in the Single Investment Fund Assurance Framework. RESOLVED – That subject to the conditions identified in the independent appraisal summarised in Appendix One of the report now submitted the Full Business Case for the Littlewoods Studios proposals to the value of £4.95m of Local Growth Fund be approved. 27. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION GROWTH DEAL SCHEME - ALSTOM TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY CENTRE Members considered the report of the Lead Officer: Economic Development which sought approval of the outline business case for the Alstom Transport Technology Centre proposal and allocated £5 million to the project subject to the satisfactory appraisal of a Full Business Case. It was reported that the Business Case submitted by Alstom Transport UK Ltd (Alston) was to create a major new rail facility for the UK. If all three phases of the project were taken forward it could involve approximately 450,000 sq ft being constructed on the HBC Field site at 3MG Widnes with the potential to employ 600 people and provide a new North West Rail Skills Academy. The Outline Business Case has been independently assessed by Amion Consulting and was broadly consistent with HM Treasury’s Green Book and Business Case Appraisal process. The Combined Authority welcomed the Business Case for the Alstom Transport Technology Centre and the potential to create 600 quality jobs and a skills Centre. Page 3 RESOLVED – That:- (i) Alstom be invited to submit a Full Business Case application in respect of the Alstom Transport Technology Centre for a £5m allocation of Local Growth Funds, in accordance with the Assurance Framework process agreed by the Combined Authority and shared with Government; (ii) £5m of Local Growth Fund be available to the project subject to a satisfactory Full Business Case being independently appraised by the Combined Authority and the S73 Officer and the project applicant being informed of this so they can further develop the project; and (iii) the Full Business Case be considered by written procedure to allow an urgent approval if necessary and in line with the scheme requirements. 28. LOCAL GROWTH FUND: APPROVAL OF FULL MAJOR SCHEME BUSINESS CASE FOR A570 LINKWAY IMPROVEMENTS The Combined Authority considered the report of the Lead Officer: Transport which sought approval of the Full Business Case for the A570 Linkway Improvements major scheme and for it to commence delivery in the 2016/17 financial year.
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