Dcvaicoic Sportsmen anZ Athletes Base Ball, Trap ^hooting. Hunting, Fishing, College Foot Ball, Golf. Lawn Tennis. Cricket, Track Athletics Basket Ball, Soccer, Court Tennis, Billiards, Bowling, Rifle and Revolver Shooting, Automobiling Yachting Camping, Rowing, Canoeing, Motor Boating, Swimming, Motor Cycling, Polo. Harness Racing and Kennel VOL. 67. NO, 23 PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 1916 PRICE 5 CENTS TEAM LIMIT nearly so Strong as Clarke's 1011 combination. Wagner THE is burdened with greater responsibility at the present time, as he is the only dependable intielder on Calla- T AWS and pie crusts, like promises, are made ano han's payroll and. is doing the thinking for the whole ** broken. -Were base bait players and club owners Nevertheless Wagner is hjtting for .314 at th« porting life willing to obey the laws they have established for the, infield. present, time, is close/ to the batting leaders, and may A WEEKLY JOUBNAL DBVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP government of their own select society, there might be at the top, thus crowning his nineteenth year no need for the National Commission, says the New finish SHOOIINQ AND ALL CLEAN SPOBTS. it happens with an unparalleled feat. Surely a wonderful record, York "Tribune." But they don't, and so equalled partially only by A. C. Anson, of old. SHE WOKLD'S OLDEST AND BESt BASE BALL JOURNAL. that the Commission is kept busy deciding squabbles, and handing down various decisions. Not long ago FOUNDED APRIL, 18S3 the National League owters decided that 21. playera IN SHORT METRE were quite enough to enable any team to get through till* Refiitered In th« United States Patent Offlc« by The Sport- teams on even Ing Life Publishing Company. Entered .at th« the season and tight the American League ANAGER FIELDER JONES, of the Browns, tfce Philadelphia Post Office as second-class mail. footing in the world's series. It would seem, however, M man who built the famous White Sox "Hitless that the club owners made the rule so that they would Wonders," the champions of the world, admits that a Published every Saturday by have something to wink at and disobey. In order that single season is not enough for a manager to construct all might be well, they made provision for a disability a championship team, unless he is fortunate enough mt eftportmg life ^ubltiijins Company list. As well might they have taken off the limit, to possess marvelous talent, particularly developed. 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET for the managers go right along securing good men and But he proposes to hare a winning team in time. In PHILADELPHIA, FA., U. 8. A. sticking them on the disability list, although some of this matter he has a climate to whip as well as seven the boys are the picture of ruddy health. There may Louis is the hottest town in the THOMAS S. DANDO................ ~Pre«ldent and Gnn Editor be some club in the National League which is not mak­ other clubs, for St. FRANCIS C. RICHTER.......Vice-Prtsident and Editor-in-Cbie of the joker supplied by this disability list, big leagues in the Summertime. J. CLIFFORD DANDO, Secretary-Treasurer and Business Manage ing full use D. RICHTEH. .......................Associate Edlto but memory fails to suggest its name. Take, for ex­ ANDS MUST CEASE playing in American League THOMAS right up to the CHANDLER D. KICHTBB.................... .Associate Edito ample, the striving Giants. Although B ball parks while games are in progress, according J. DOUGLASS DANDO.....................Advertising Manage limit, they have gone ahead securing players who gave to a ruling made last week by President Johnson. His A. S. PARRY,...................................0«c« Manage promise of developing into major league stars. These decision was the result of a protest made by the Cleve­ players will be carried along on the ineligible list until land Club because Umpire O'Loughlin stopped a band TO SUBSCRIBES the race "Sporting Life" Is told at all LITE Newa Stands EVERY- the limit is removed fn September. Then, if in the Indians' park. "People come to ball games to WHERE to th« Sportsmen AT HOME and ON-THE-ROAD at is decided one way or another, they 'will receive their flee base ball," said Mr. Johnson. "Music is all right 5c. a copy. Give y»ur Dealer a STANDING order to HOLD a chance to face big league fire. Otherwise the training between innings, but not while the game is on. I shall copy for you EVERY week or otherwise the TRAVELING man camp at Marlin will be the scene of their activities instruct all umpires to follow O'Loughlin's example." is likely to get YOURS. It yon cannot get it from a dealer, send How much better it would be in the interest of the, Sporting Life O«ce, $3.00 a year 52 SUBSCRIPTION direct t» Nation.il League and in the name of honesty to put the HE BEST PITCHING in the National League so issues Foreign, »t.OO, Canadian, 50c. extra postage. Subscrip­ of the tion "eipiration date" la indicated »n addressed wrapper. "Re­ player limit back to where it was before the raids T far has been done by Alexander, Mamaux and Pfef- newals" forwarded two weeks previous t» said date Insures un­ Federal League made a policy of retrenchment impera­ fer. In the American League the best pitching has interrupted delivery for another year. Forward both old and tive. One thing or the other should- be done. Either been done by Johnson, the two Coveleskies, Ruth, Cul- »ew address when requesting change. abolish the 21-player limit, and allow the teams to carry lop and Shawkey. Guy Morton was showing the most TO ADVERTISERS: 25 men, or else enforce th.e laws governing the dis­ effective stuff of the season until he picked up a kink The Advertising forms close o» MONDAY preceding date of ability list. in his main pinion, and the wonder is that Cleveland iMae. Advertising Rates on application. (See "To Agents.") should hold up so well with the club's star pitcher out TO CONTRIBUTORS: Geod Steries and Articles on SPORTS will be considered. FOLLOW JOHNSON'S LEAD for so long. The Editor is «ot responsible for manuscripts while In his pos- e«slon or IB traialt; Author* are recommended to retain dupli­ RANT-LAND RICE well says that here is one tip off cate copy. * V PORTING EDITOR R. E. M'CARTY, of the Pitts- G on the compact strength of the different American TO AG1NTS: *J burgh "Leader" says that the order issued by Pres­ League clubs'more eloquent than any'massive bale of "Sporting Life" Is a MAJOR "Class" publication not ident Johnson, of the American I-eague, to his umpires, statistics The Browns in seventh place have been able MINOR. It is an "OUclal Voice" penetrating the whole realm relative to .securing the lineups of the teams at least to win nearly half their games to travel at a clip well of SPORT, and offers you the greatest SUBSCRIPTION possi­ game is started, is having a good sixth place has been bilities. EVERYBODY (BOTH men and women) loves Sport! 10 minutes before the above .400. And the club in SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS WANTED everywhere. Write ut for effect. The line-ups of both clubs are give.u to the um­ within five games of the top all along. Further com­ terms you will lind them very Interesting. pire 10 minutes before game time; one copy is retained ment would be carrying lilies to New Castle. by the umpire, and the other sent to the press box. Before the game starts the umpire reads the entire T WOULD BE A fine jthing for base ball in general EDITORIAL DIGEST DKVOTBD TO BASE BALL or Cincinnati, MEN AND MEASURES "WITH MALICE TOWARD batting list to the spectators. This has met with gen­ I to have an Ohio club, either Cleveland HONE AND CHARITY FOR ALL" EDI­ eral approval with the press and fans, as very often, break into a World's Series. These two cities have, TOR FRANCIS C. UICHTER. it is the third or fourth inning before the correct line­ known, as many stars as any other two in the game. up is known to the fans, while in the press box it is But neither (<ver has w(m a flag. If they ever should, STAFF CORRESPONDENTS the third inning before the official batting order is. meet in a. World's Series the State of Ohio would be C Boston, Mass., Herman Nlckerson Cleveland, O..... .Edward Bang sent. By that time shifts are often made, and this mostly debris for several weeks thereafter. Brooklyn, N. Y...Donald Morris Detroit, Mlch....Jos. S. Jackson leads to complications. Manager Callahau ia one, of the Chicago, Ills.....I. E. Sanborn Now York..... .Harry Dli Cole ERY FEW ARE picking the Reds and the Browns Chicago. Ills., H. T. Woodruff Pittsburgh, Pa. ...A. R. Cratty pilots who is in faver of giving the lineup to tlie spec­ Cincinnati, 0., Ren Mulford, Jr. Waslilngton, D. C., P. W. Eaton tators before the game and is willing to furnish his list V to win a-fle^nuant. And still fewer, among rival ball to. the umpire 10 minutes before the game time, but clubs, ar* taking them for the jokes they used to be a PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 1916 __ __ there are a few old fogies in the circuit who balk. few years ago. There was a day when mere mention It is as fair to one club as to another and it brings of the Reds or Browns evoked a merry guffaw.
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