y ha epant for night achools over Averaft Dfilljf Cirenlstkm Tkt Wtfitlitr Hr. and Hrs. Oaorge W. Strant I social time preceded a dellcloua Asing4r of 7$ Wubiagtoa atfeet Cloak Co. Truck I buffet lunch aerved by the boat- are members of the board of lU- whet had been recommended. For the Month of Anguat, 1640 art et O. S. Weather Bareau returned yesterday to their home Aircraft Unit AboHt Town on Main street after spending the essea. rectors of the Aircraft Union. School Board Americanlaatlott d ate summer at their cottage at Beach Daiiingeil by Fire Miss Plano la to be married on The additional amount will bo r, efifhtly warmer tedhyt toi- Park Point. September 21 In St. Jam es's church SaiH Largest O. Ke^s Budget used for teaching of Americanisa­ 6,331 lag cloaAbieae tonlghti light flhUdTM'i flfaolr e l the to John Mora of thla town. Start 4th Season tion. Another increase of $160 is Member of the AudH tre Saaday. I -* Luthena church will The Salvation Army will hold made for teachers' aalorles. Part B u re u of OfcuInthNiB lU first rehearsal of the sea* Company No. 1 of the South an informal welcome service to­ Mancbeater Are department was Credit Union at United At Drago School Approves an Increase of of the money that haa been spent Manche$ter-^A City of VUiage Charm j'kW toaBorrow morning at 8:30 morrow evening at the citadel, fol­ for repairs end addltkma to the o’tdock a t the church. Children of called on a still alarm yesterday Armyf Navy Club lowing the regular 7:30 open air afternoon to extinguish a Are in a Plants Has Member­ $4,780 More Than trade school may be returned to JBmaauel between the ages of eeven service,' honoring Adjutant and The Drago School of Music, 821 the town later through a Federal MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THKEK CENTS and 14 years are invited to join .^ e truck owned by the Independent ship of Over 6,000. VOL. LIX., NO. 295 (UlMaifisd Afivettlebig os Page I t ) Mrs. Newton John Curtis, recently Cloak Company. Tha truck was In Annual Meetiug Main.' etreet, has just begun Its Presented Last June. grant. aholr. of Passaic, who succeed Major and the rear of tha plant on Pleasant fourth season in Manobester. The board approved the appotnt- Mrs. James Beech who have left The Aircraft Credit Union of the Founded in Hartford 31 yeara ago The 'Town School Board lost ment of Mias Judith Knright to The Asbuiy group of the Wes­ street and was loaded wdth waste for West Haven. The new com­ paper and rubbish to be taken to The annual meeting of the Army United Aircraft planU la the larg­ by Frank Drago its present direc­ evening aI»provsd a corrected bud­ teach In tha Washington school rsr leyan Guild will hold a food sale est unit in the United' Statea and tor, the school has developed some pUclng Miss Birdie Fltsglbhona, manders were In charge of the local the dump. Before the Are was ex- | and Navy club will be held Wed­ get of $3S0;4M which U $4,780 a t Hale’s store, Tuesday morning corps In 1034, and It is expected ita poseesalons In both assets and of the finest talent in the state. who had been named, but resigned. tinguished the body was baldy' nesday evening, September 2S at more than wha presented at the at 8:30. many will be preac.nt to greet them burned and two tires destrojTd, memberships, it la announced by Concerts and recitals are held dur­ at this service and the welcome 8 o'clock. The nominating com­ the Credit Union Secretary of the ing the fall and winter months Joint School Board meeting in Sacred Heart arcls, Daughters meetings on Sunday. mittee has presented the following Farm Credit Administration, at with students appearing In solo June. There wiU he a meeting of Washington, D. C. The Unidn:? and eQsemble numbers. Frank Boy Scout News «C Tw****"*! of Rockvilie. has hivit- Surprise Shower slate of officers for the coming the Joint Board next week to Hours British Danger Period; assets total oyer $530,000 and it ed the members of St. Margaret's Troop 1. Girl Scouts, Mias Emily year; President, Clarence Wether- Drago la the head of ^|he violin and Circle of this town, to attend a has an active inemterehip of more ensemble department and aalo the prove the figure. Of the Increase Troop 16. St. Jansea’a School Smith, captain, will meet tonight cll: vice president, William Sharp; than 0,000 individuals, many of Statewide get-together, Sunday, at 6:30 at Center Church House. For Nellie Plano secretary, Arthur Bartley; treas­ conductor of the school’s string $900 was to pay a water hUl. The The first meeting of the Fail September 15, at 2:30 in Red Men urer, Peter Frey; board^of gover­ them Mancheater residents. orchestra. Mr, Drago whom "The school year closes at such a time It ie reported that there are now season was held on Wednesday and Foresters hall. Elm street, nors, Louis Henncquln and Arthur Vidllnlst" of Chicago c.illed "one that the bill for water had not evening. Messrs. Peckenbam and Chapman Court, Order bf Amar­ Mis* Nellie Plano, daughter o f, more than 4,000 Federal Credit of our best violin players and RMkville. anth, has cancelled plans for the Johnson; auditors, Clyde Beckwith been presented. By paying this ad­ Donahue, Scout Master and Asslat- Mr. and Mrs. John Plano of 10) and R. H. Hathaway. * Unioi^ In operation in the United teachers," was for seven years Con­ ditional amount In Uie budget this picnic tomorrow at the cottage of Cedar street wa* the guest of j suites' with a membership that ductor of the Norwich Symphony ant, were present. Father Hides The Intermediate Luther League Mr. and Mrs. John G. Trotter Mt Nominations for committees are: year It means that five Quarterly also paid us a visit. honor at large miscellaneous House, David McCollum, Fruik exceeds one million people. Fed­ Orchestra, where some of the bills are to be paid from the bud­ Doeks and Railroads Bombed will meet at ueven o’clock this eve­ A hike was planned for a week Columbia lake. It will he hcld’ at shower TluirsKVay" night at the eral Credit Unions are compara­ country's outstanding musicians get for the coming year. ning at the Concordia Lutheran a ialer date. McCaughey and Nicholas Blanch­ from Sunday after the 8:30 o'clock Norman street clubhouse. The j ard; membership, Frank Mc­ tively new, the first few having appeared under his direction. Trade School Changes church. party was given by the mother of j been organized in 1034 and the Mass. Details will be announced Caughey. Jack Dwyer and David Fred Drago is head of the plec­ Also necessary was the spend­ at the hext meeting. Twenty-two Anderaon-Shea Post. 2046, K'. F. the bride-elect and her sister. Mrs. | early part of, 1935. Prior to pas­ trum department and the Plectrum The choir of the Zion Lutheran McCollum: entertainment, Louis ing Of $1,400 additional for out of a possible 32 boys at­ !w. will hold their regular mectiiiR Peter Condio. Over ."iO friends' Hennequtn, Jo.seph McCann, sage of the Federal act. Credit orchestra of 40 members under his changes in the State Trade School church on Cooper street will have next Tuc.sda.v night. Sept. 17 at 8 1 from town attended. Seated in the | Unions operated under State Laws direction has been often heard. tended the ipeetlng. Gennan Boinbs Damage London's Regent Street a rehearsal tonight at 7:30 at the Charles Tucker, Robert Crawford, that,w as not Included In the bud­ William. Ennli, Scribe. n'clo''k. This meeting will not only center of the hall. Mis.. Plano un-: in about thirty states, some of At present only the viola, vio­ get as presented to the joint board. church. William Sharp. them dating back as early as 1909. |jj#Passage of Draft Raids Test Defenses be a bu.sine.sh one but will abso be ' wrapped her choice assortment of The annual fall outing of the lin, banjo, Spanish and Hawaiian This accounts for all but $1,500 of a social meeting, l.’ommander I gifts which filled a large, beautl- Philip S. Farnsworth, of 109 guitars are taught in tho Manches­ the amount that Is now included In club will be held Sunday, Sept. 22 Hollister street, and Paul A. Advertisement— Frank Valluzzi will p-esent before j fully decorated basket. at the Villa Louisa. Reservations ter school. the new budget. Of this $100 Is to Read Herald Advs. this meeting his plans for the win­ Dancing, music and a plea.sant must be made before Sept. 20. ter's activities. C.-mmander Valluz- Matter of Hours; After years of experience we highly recommend Norfolk Paints zl lafues this early notice of the Of Southeast Coast; and Varnishes for complete satis­ meeting so that all members will faction. G. E. Willis and Son, Inc. I reserve the above date and attend ' 100 percent to what he calls the Plant Grab Voted j'‘Su-prise Social Meeting." ! ..... Senate Argues Vehe­ Dancer Favored by Hitler ! Admit Night Attacks n Bolton Deiiioorals Fashions that will see mently Before Giving Changes Her Stage Name »f» BURN COKE \oiiiinale Pirie Government Power to Plttaburgh, Sept.
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