Application No: Proposed Development: 11100983lPPP Residential or Care Home Development (In Principle) Site Address: Site South Of 238 Jerviston Street New Stevenston Date Registered: 27th September 201 1 Applicant: Agent: Tata Steel UK lan Gallacher Clo Agent GVA 206 St Vincent Street Glasgow Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application Yes ward: Representations: 01 7 Motherwell North 8 letters of representation received. Annita McAuley, Helen McKenna, Peter Nolan, and a letter from a Local Member. Gordon Stewart, Recommendation: Approve Subject to Conditions Reasoned Justification: The proposal is considered to be an acceptable departure from the terms of the development plan as, while it is contrary to the Southern Area Local Plan 2008, it accords with the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan 2009 as it could be accommodated without detriment to the residential amenity of area subject to further assessment at the matters specified by conditions stage. 1 * 8 Representations received and a letter from a Local Member. PLANNINO APPLICATION 11 I981 I PPP Tata Steel UK Produoad by Site South Of 238 Jervlston Street, New Stevenston, Nom harhhlra Coundl Mothemell Pknnlngand krulrmmam i3parIrnnt Residential Development and I or Care Home Development wlth Associated Access and Landscaphg A td OIOW 27427 *Representation im 01606 403063 Proposed Conditions:- 1. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of the proposed dwellings or care home and other structures: (b)the means of access to the site; (c)the layout of the site with parking provision to the Council’s standards (d)the details of the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (@thedesign and location of all boundary walls and fences; (f)details of existing and proposed site levels with particular regard being paid to the visual mitigation of any retaining feature which may be required depending on proposed site levels; (g)the provision of drainage works; (h)the disposal of sewage: Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail and to protect the visual amenity of the nearby site of importance for nature consewation. 2. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the matters specified in condition 1 above shall be made to the Planning Authority. Reaeon: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006. 3. That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within three years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the matters specified by condition are approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006. 4. That notwithstanding the requirements of condition (1) above, the site shall be accessed by a single 5.5 metre wide carriageway with a visibility splay of 4.5x90m, and shall incorporate an internal turning facillty, to be constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Roads Authority and as described in the Roads Guidelines published by the said Roads Authority. Reason: In the interests of pedestrian safety and residential amenity. 5. That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation has been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006). 6. That within 4 weeks of the development becoming occupied, a Notice of Completion shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to monitor the development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control. 7. That BEFORE any works of any description start on the application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a comprehensive site investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. The investigation must be carried out in accordance with current best practice advice, such as BS 10175 : 'The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites' or CLR 11. The report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant pollution linkages and a conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the investigation, a detailed Remediation Strategy may be required. Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of future residents. 8. That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of Condition 7,shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Before the development is occupied a certificate (signed by a chartered Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy. Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of future residents. 9. For the avoidance of doubt, no approval is hereby given for the submitted indicative layouts. Reason: In order that the Planning Authority can consider the design and layout in detail. 10. That the design and layout of the dwellings or care home hereby permitted shall: a) reflect and complement the local character of the surrounding area in its height, scale, design and use of building materials. b) have regard to the Council's Guidance on Open Space requirements for residential dwellings. c) have regard to the Council's Guidance on parking provision for residential dwellings on the minimum basis of Flatted dwellings 1-2 bedroom (2 spaces), 3-4 bedroom (2 spaces); Houses: 1-2 bedrooms (2 spaces), 3-4 bedroom (3 spaces), 5+ bedrooms (4 spaces) d) have regard to the existing streetscene and incorporate active frontages on gables where they adjoin the new residential road especially at the site entrance. Reason: In the interests of the residential amenity of the area. 11. That no part of the development hereby permitted shall exceed a single story in height but it may include attic accommodation. Reason: To safeguard the character and visual amenity of the surrounding area and to safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential properties. 12. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the dwellings, or care home, hereby permitted shall incorporate materials such as sandstone quoins, light render on the walls and natural slate, or synthetic equivalent, on the roof. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail and ensure the materials integrate with the existing streetscene and location. 13. That PRIOR to the commencement of development, the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the requirements of Scottish Water can be fully met to demonstrate that the development will not have an impact on their assets, and that suitable infrastructure can be put in place to support the development. Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory drainage arrangements. 14. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to the said Authority and shall be certified by a chartered civil engineer experienced in drainage works as complying with the most recent SEPA SUDS guidance. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater, and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future users adjacent to and within the development site respectively. 15. That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme submitted in terms of Condition 14 above shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in so far as is reasonably practical. Within three months of the construction of the SUDS and before any of the residential properties hereby approved are occupied, a certificate (signed by a Chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage works) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in accordance with the relevant SEPA SUDS guidance prior to the development being brought into use Reason: To safeguard any adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future users. 16. That as part of any detailed or matters specified in conditions application, details of the boundary treatment and site entrance feature shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority and shall be constructed BEFORE the development hereby permitted is occupied. For the avoidance of doubt the design shall incorporate a combination of soft landscaping and wall or wall with decorative railings along the frontage of the site. Reaaon: In order that the Planning Authority can
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