f HE LONDON GAZETH3E, OCTOBER 20, 1.865. 4953 whom full particulars, together with inventories of VT OTICE is hereby given/that the Partttftsbip hereto- . •i.% - fore subsisting between 'us the undersigned,''Frederick I their stores and fittings, may be obtained, *? Oetzmann and Thomas" Luis Plumb,' as Piano Forte Manu- " KEANGSOO," .1,0.15 tonnage,.Tvoqd,.paddle,; facturers, at .No.~ 151; Regent-street, in the county of Mid- 300 horse-power, makers of engines B&y and dlesex, under the style or firm of Oetzmann and Plumb, was this day dissolved, as and frpm the 29th .day of September • Co., built by White, of Cowes. last, by mutual consent. All debts due and owing by or " KWANGTUNG," 525 tonnage, iron,-peddle, to the;;said late, .partnership will be paid jrnd-received by the 150 horse-power, makers of '„ engines »Lairdj( said Frederick Oetzhiann, by whom the business will in future Brothers, built by Laird, Brothers. « be carried on.—Dated this" 18th day of October, 1865. " AMOY," 301 tonnage, wood, screw, 80 horse- Frederick Oetzmann, power, maker of engines Maudslay, purcHased -. "Thomas Luis Plumb. ^ of Admiralty. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership 'here- N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Maria ' Fattorini and John Fattorini, at Harrogate; in the county of The Silk stone Coke Company (Limited). York, as Watchmakers, Jewellers, and Silversmiths, under th$ style or firm Fattprini 'and Sons, was this day dissolved .. OTICE is hereby given, that a Resolution •.by mutual consent; and that the said business will in future was passed at an Extraordinary General be carried on by the aforesaid Maria Fattorini and Antonio Meeting of the above Company, held on the SOth Fattorini.—As witness our" hands this 26th day of June, 1865. day of August last, whereby it being proved that .* Maria Fattorini. the above Company could not by reason of its • John Fattorini. liabilities continue its business, and that it was \J OTICE is'hereby given,' .that the Partnership hitherto advisable to loind vp the same. ill subsisting "between us the undersigned, .Quarks Harris the elder ^and Quarks Harris the younger, carrying "It was resolved that the Silkstone Coke on business at No. 30, Jewry-street, Aldgate, in the city of Company (Limited), be wound up voluntarily." London, as Wine Merchants, under the style or firm of Quarles Harris, senior, and"Son, was dissolved on the 14th And take notice, that the affairs of the said day of October instant, by mutual consent; and that the Company are now being wound up accordingly by business has been siuce that time, aud will be iu future Mr. Alfred Allott and Mr. James Wood Sully, carried on by the said Quarles Harris the younger, on his both of Sheffield, in the county of York, the separate account, and who will pay and receive all debts owing from and to the said partnership in-the regular course Liquidators appointed for that purpose.—Dated of trade or business.—Witness our hands this l?th day of this 12th day of October, 1865. October, 1865. Quarles Harris, senn. Branson and Son, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Quarles Harris, jun. Solicitors for the said Liquidators. OTICE is hereby given, that, the Partnership hereto- N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, George No. 26, Birchin-Lane, October 17, 1865. Barton Whealler and John Thomas Ford, as Wine and Spirit Merchants, at No. 23, Villiers-street, Strand, in the OTICE is hereby given, that a General county of Middlesex, has been this day dissolved by mutual Meeting of the West Devon Consolidated consent. All debts due to and owing by the said partnership Copper Mining Company (Limited) will be held at will be received and paid by the said George Barton Whealler, by whom the "said business* will in future be No. 25. Hirchin-lane, in the city of London, on carried on.—Dated the 14th day of October, 1865. " Wednesday, the 22nd day of November next, at - - John Thos. Ford. half-past eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the -• Geo.B. Whealler. purpose of receiving a report and account of the ; winding up of the Company by the Liquidators. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- N fore subsisting between' us tlie undersigned, Wilkinson Crosley and Burn, Solicitors for the Altharo, James-" Thornton, John Halstead, Lawrenco Liquidators. Brierley, Benjamin Brierley, Daniel • Thornton, William Dearden, James Simpson1, John Burrows, aud Thomas OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- Whitaker, carrying on .business as Cotton Manufacturers, N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Elizabeth under the style or firm of Altham, Thornton, and Com- Ann Dyson, of Sowerby-bridge, in the parish of Halifax, in pany, at Harlesyke, in the" township of Briercliffe, near the county of York, Widow, and Robert Sugden Dyson, of Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, has been this <lay dis- Huddersfield, in the county of York, Merchant, carrying on solved, so far as regards the said Wilkinson Altham only, business as Plumbers and Glaziers at Sowerby-bridge afore- and that the business will henceforward be carried on under said, under the style or firm of Samuel Dyson, has been this the style or firm of James Thornton and Company.—Dated day dissolved by mutual consent; and that all debts due and this 12th day of October, 1865. owing to or by the said partnership will be received and paid Wilkinson Altham. Daniel Thornton. by the said Elizabeth Ann Dyson.—Witness our hands this James Thornton. William Dearden. 14th day of October, 1865. Elizth. A. Dyson. John Halxtead. James Simpson. Robert S. Dyson. Lawrence Brierley. John Burrows. Benjamin Brierley, Thomas Whitaker. \T OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between ill us the undersigned, William Hanson and Thomas ' OTICE is hereby given, that'the Partnership hereto- Hanson, both of Ossett, near Wakefield, in the county of N fore subsisting between the undersigned, as Roller York, in the trade or business of Bag Dealers, under the Makers, under the firm of Jeremiah Greaves and Brothers, ' firm of W. and T. Hanson, has this day been dissolved by at Bardsley, in the county of Lancaster, is this day dissolved mutual consent; and that all debts owing to and from the by mutual consent. All debts due to and owing by the said, said partnership are to be received and paid by the said firm will be received and paid by the undersigned, Jeremiah Thomas Hanson.—As witness our hands this l?th day of Greaves and Walter Greaves, by whom the said business October 1865. his will in future be carried on.-rDated this 14th day of , William X Hanson, October, 1805. Mark. Jeremiah Greaves* Thomas Hanson. Walter Greaves, Leyi Greaves. OTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership hereto, N fore subsisting between the undersigned, Robert OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- Fenwick and Richard Teasdale, as Joiners and Builders, at N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Elizabeth Middlesbrough, in the North Riding of the county of York, Fletcher and William Fletcher, carrying on business at under the firm of Fenwick and Teasdale, was this day d 8- No.|28, in Liverpool-road, in Saint Helen's, in the county of solved by mutual consent; and that in future the business Lancaster, as Drapers and Hosiers, was this day dissolved, will be carried on by the said Richard Teasdale on his sepa- by mutual consent; and that ail debts due to and owing rate account, and who will pay and receive all debts owing from or by the said partnership will be received and. pa.id by from and to the said copartnership in the regular course of t'.ie said Elizabeth Fletcher.—Dated this \\t\\ day of trade.—As witness our hands this 10th day of October,11865. October, 1865. Robt. Ftnwick. - Elizabeth Fletcher^ Richard Teasdale,.
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