The Voice of the Illinois Horse Industry Volume 1, Spring 2011 Howr w sew . H oCoun r s e m e n s C oc uil n c i Cl . o ro g urier The Horsemen’s Council of Illinois newsletter dedicated to promoting a healthy horse industry statewide through information and education. “Extreme Cowboy Race” in coliseum Cameron joined by Wilhelm, Gingerich at Illinois Horse Fair March 4-6 Lead clinician Craig Cameron, 2010 Cowboy Hall of Famer Cameron’s nar- • French Classical Dressage Road to the Horse Colt-Starting World ration from the arena floor, the race is a presentations with Jill McCrae Champion, will be joined at Illinois multifaceted equestrian sport that requires Horse Fair (March 4-6, State Fairgrounds, contestants and their horses to demonstrate Springfield) by popular West Coast trainer both speed and horsemanship as they race Charles Wilhelm, “The Behaviorist” Ryan the clock, riding over, under, around or G i n g e r i c h through a series of challenging obstacles. and riding Riders also can participate in a Barrel clinic hosts Racing Clinic Larry Whi- with 5-time tesell (gaited WPRA quali- horses) and fier Donna Donna Irvin Irvin or a (barrel rac- Rodeo Queen ing). P a g e a n t Jill McCrae I l l i n o i s H o r s e m a n - • Hunt/Jump schooling with Horse Fair ship Clinic Amy Nelson-Mazur is the larg- with Illinois • Getting to the Side Pass with Craig Cameron est gather- Pageant Di- Tim Boyer ing of horse owners in the state, expected rector Lisa • Prep for Cow Work and Ground to attract attendance in excess of 10,000. Work training with Tim Austin and It is sponsored by Purina Mills, Midway • Sensitizing the Dull Horse training Trailer Sales and Illinois Farm Bureau, and Boeding, aided demonstration with Brock Reinebach. is produced as a fund-raiser by Horsemen’s by the current Ryan Gingerich, “The Behaviorist,” will Council of Illinois to support its education- Miss Rodeo Il- do a segment on retraining off-track Thor- al and legislative efforts. linois, Brooke oughbreds for a new career, utilizing My Attendees come as much for the educa- M’lynn Owen. Own Storm, a great-great-granddaughter tional opportunities as for the 140 equestri- A l l - B r e e d of Secretariat, reclaimed from slaughter an vendors, 25 breed/sport demonstrations, Gaited Riding and given a permanent home by Elizabeth 75 horses for sale, stallion parade and more expert Larry continued on page 3 trailers for sale than at any other venue in W h i t e s e l l ’ s the state. Clinic has sold Inside this Issue Horse Fair includes opportunities to ride out, but any- Extreme Cowboy Race ...................1 in training clinics with Craig Cameron, and one with a ticket to Horse Fair may audit President’s Corner .........................2 Charles Wilhelm, plus Tim Boyer, Tim the clinic (or any other clinic) at no extra Executive Director’s Report ..........3 Austin and Brock Reinebach. Or ride for charge. $2,000 in cash Tickets, applications and full particulars, Annual Meetings at Horse Fair .....3 prizes in Craig along with complete hour-by-hour time/ Officers Elected ..............................4 Cameron’s Ex- topic/venue schedules of all Horse Fair Tax Extensions Passes ...................4 treme Cowboy activities, are at www.HorsemensCouncil. State Horse Judges Seminar ..........5 Race Friday org/HorseFair. USEF Broadcast Schedule .............5 and Saturday New arena demonstrations and training 1099 Amendment Passes ................6 nights in the sessions include HCI Insured Family Membership ..6 Coliseum. • Preparing/Presenting the Western Brannaman Documentary ..............6 A thrilling Pleasure Horse with AQHA judge and Legislative Report ..........................7 crowd-pleaser World/Congress champion trainer John Forest Service Planning .................7 enhanced by Boxell Charles Wilhelm Illinois Horse Fair .........................8 The Horsemen’s President’s Corner 9 Council of Illinois The Voice of the Illinois Horse Industry Stand Up for the Horse! are included in the Illinois agricultural data, Board of Directors The long wait for spring but not horses…what gives? and the resumption of our The strange irony of this official disregard outdoor horse activities for horses is that by our best estimates the President is nearly upon us. Spring equine population of the U.S. is about 9 Sheryl King, Ph.D., Carbondale is a time of change. Perhaps this spring, million strong, and growing. These numbers Vice President change will truly be in the air for Illinois may be a drop in the bucket compared with horsemen – there are so many changes that the 21+ million horses in the U.S. in 1915, Karen Freese, Hammond our horse industry needs to reinvigorate before the automobile was widely available, Secretary/Treasurer itself. Although some changes are not really but they are still nothing to sneeze at. As an Joseph Lowry, DVM, within our power to affect – a turnaround in agricultural commodity, horses outnumber Davis Junction our state economy being a grand example – sheep and goats combined, and their there are a number of smaller changes that numbers are about equal to the dairy cow Past President can make a big difference to some of us population in the U.S. – holy cow, indeed! Frank Bowman, Pleasant Plains who enjoy various aspects of our far-flung Although time after time, the vast majority industry. of Americans surveyed say that they admire As horsemen, we are part of an industry or even love horses, most Americans have Paul Briney, Chatham as varied as the face of the U.S. – it is at once never even touched a real horse. Lack of our strength and our weakness. No matter familiarity makes it so much easier to allow Russ Derango, Lexington what aspect of horses you enjoy, though, laws that push these animals that once lived Kevin Kline, Ph.D., Urbana when one part of that industry gains, we all side-by-side with all of us to a narrower and benefit. Likewise, weakening in one area narrower space in our society. Lea Ann Koch, Oswego diminishes us all. A good example of this So, why are horses and the horse Joy A. Meierhans, Elburn can be found in Illinois’ once vibrant horse industry ignored by our lawmakers and our racing industry. agriculture departments? Sadly, part of this Yvonne Ocrant, Barrington Illinois horse racing, once the envy of is our own fault. As horse lovers and owners, Ron Rhoades, Seymour most states, has been diminished to an also- we are the first line of defense against the ran. We had the opportunity to reinvigorate shrinking of our industry, but we are so Peter Veit, Naperville this industry and all the animals, horsemen busy taking care of our horses’ immediate and agricultural trade on which it depends needs that we are often too busy to take with recent legislation. That legislation care of our horse industry’s long-term Advisors failed, in part because we as horsemen did health. That’s where you as horse owners Donna Ewing, Barrington not put aside our differences or look beyond and the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois can our own specific horse interests, and we work together. Representing and defending Kandee Haertel, Galena did not speak strongly enough for our horses and the horse industry in Illinois is Jack Martin, Libertyville industry. As a consequence, horse racing is what the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois Patricia Walker, Sherman not the only loser – state and county fairs, is all about; our mission is to “protect and park districts, museums and aquariums, educate Illinois’ diverse horse industry and Executive Director agricultural extension programs, Illinois promote more interaction with horses.” But, Frank Bowman veteran’s programs, soil and water we can’t do it alone. We need the power of conservation, Chicagofest, higher education the voices of Illinois’ 77,000 horse owners! and research – we all lost. Proceeds from How do we reinvigorate our industry HCI Administrative Office horse racing provide for all this and much in Illinois? Support HCI – with your Springfield more – did you know that? membership, with your time, with your Bonnie Chandler Overall, Illinois is not a sterling example voice, with your actions. Attend the Illinois 217.529-6503 of a state that recognizes and appreciates the Horse Fair and the Illinois Equine Lifestyle www.HorsemensCouncil.org historical and present contributions of the Expo – heck, bring your non-horse owning horse to our state’s supremacy in agriculture friends to Horse Fair – there’s lots to see. FIND US ON and commerce. Horsepower built Illinois, Display your love of horses proudly – HCI is but as a state we are no longer horse- working on an equine-themed license plate friendly. Did you know that in the year that to benefit our industry – help us succeed in Ronald Reagan was born in Illinois more our mission and then buy one! Take every than 80,000 horses were working the streets opportunity to share the message that horses of Chicago? One hundred years later the make better humans. Sponsor an open ability to own a single horse anywhere near house at your farm – invite your neighbors Readers are encouraged to share this city is difficult. Horses are being zoned and friends who know nothing of horses and information in this publication and out of city after city in Illinois. Horses are introduce them to this marvelous animal. permission is granted to reprint not even included in the agricultural census Volunteer to go to your local public school articles with acknowledgment to the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois. taken in Illinois or the U.S.
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