/ FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 19f A vsrsgg DtOy N«t P i m s R ob JUmrt|iifk(r Sttraitta Ibr the Week Bndad H m WsMthsT Vsbruary 29, 1964 I a r v . S. ftmrnm Th# Couples Club of Center ters, Hartford, as a staUstloian. Oongregatlonal Church will About Town Berry Preacher In the early 1980s he frequently k m m u m . meet tomorrow at K:45 p.m. in Parson-Soboleski played in the Manchester Cita­ 13,915; Woodruff Hall for a {^uck. At SA Services del Band. Member ot tha Audit iMday parky llw gwMTtl Km Ut Coatm- The Rev. Francis Hawes will ®ureau of Circulation Mgk 46 «a 45. irioB o t S t Jolin’a P oUjMi Nation­ be the guest q>eaker. MandiMtBT A City of VUIagB Charm al O atb c^ Canmfa will ba held MaJ. and Mra.. William Berry Lenten Thoughtg DWORIN Sm idiy a t S:M ajn . after whkA ' Appointments inay atlB be of Hartford will be guests at liaae will be celebrated with made by women desiring to take the Salvation Army Sunday. Helsr Oonununion. Hiere will be a “Pap Test" at Miutchester Topic of Prieet VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 134 ' (TEN PAGB8-4TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 7. 1964 (Oasalfted Advertlatag an Paga t) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ns 10:M Meae tliia Sunday, Memorial Hospital from 2 to 4 MaJ. Berry will speak at the and 6 to 8 on Wednesday by 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. services. The Rev. Eugene Torpey of Ib e VFW Poet will eponaor calling the Manchester Cancer lha guest speaker is sAcond S t James’ Church will speak adanoe for ipemben end gueeta Society, 175 E. Center St., be­ in command of Salvation Army Monday at 8:15 p.m. at a meet-* tomorrow from 9 p.m. to l a.m. tween 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. operations in Southern New ting of the Ladles of St. James Cold Lessens at the poet home. Music will be Ihe testa will be done free of Baigland. Mrs. Berry is secre­ In S t James’ School Hall. fumiefaed by Cbarlie Varrick’e charge. tary for the League of Mercy His subject will be “Lenten FloodThreat^ oreheatim. and responsible for its visitation Thoughts.” 7 Inmates Break Jail Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ program for veterans hospitals, Father Torpey, chaplain of Ruth Circle of the Kmanuel ters will meet Monday at 7:45 convalescent homes and other the group, is first assistant at lAtheran Church will meet Mon­ p.m. in the Fellowship Hail of institutions. S t James’ Church. Before com­ Ice StiliPeril day a t 8 p.m. at the home of Center Congregational Church. The couple are directors of ing to Manchester in 1962 he Mra. Charles Bodemann, 17 Mrs. Robert McNeil and Mrs. Csimp Nathan Hale, Coventry, was chaplain at' St Francis WINDSOR, Vt. (AP) — Ver- Hoffman Rd. The Rev. C. Henry Minnie McComb wHl be co- which operates as a youth camp, Homital, Hartford. '42 FA LC O N '58 FORD mon officials today watched Anderson, pastor will lead a hostesees for the evening. community camp and golden Mrs. EJdward Sullck is pro­ study hour on the “Basic Gon- Wagon. Whlta Snish. Haa 4-Door, tutone grey and heavy ice Jams packed against age camp during the sununer. gram chairman for the meet­ radio, auto, and other white with radio a n d In Ruby Trial Building feasloas of the Lutheran two bridges across the Connecti­ The Rev K. Ejnar Rask, pas­ Before becoming an officer ing. Mrs. John Juselis will head faaturea. No. 6499. Fordomatlc. No.4880 Church.” Mrs. George Wilson tor of Trinity Covenant Church, 29 years ago, MaJ. Berry worked a hospitality committee. Bever- cut River after flooding Friday will lead devotions and Mrs. is in charge of radio broadcasts at Salvation Army headquar­ ^ages will be served. $1475 destroyed two spans over tribu­ Charles Bodemann and Mrs. $595 sponsored by the Manchester taries. David Anderson will be in Ministerial Association on Sta­ diarge of refreshments. tion WINF Sunday at 7:35 p.m. '43 RAMBLER Colder weather slowed the A Fake Pistol and daily next week at 7:30 a.m, Model "770’’ 4-IJw haa '41 O LDSM O BILE melting of deep enow in the The Rev. K. EJnar Rask, pas­ and 6:30 p.m. overdrive and aEandard “F-85" 4-Door Sedan, mjuntaine and the water level tor of Trinity Covenant Church, tranamiaalon, whita and white with radio, auto, fell in the Connecticut River Used, Clerk trans., whitewalls. which forme the border between will conduct a service Simday Mr. and Mrs. Jo.seph Carman finish, radio, white- at 6:40 a.m. in the chapel of walla and power steering. Vermont and New Hampehire. Manchester Memorial Hospital. of 68 Bowers St. will serve as No. 6441 $1495 No new damage was reported Held Hostage The Rev. Kenneth Gustafson, host and hostess Sunday from 85 East Center St although water still covered pastor of Calvary Church As­ 2 to 5 pjn. at Lutz Junior Mu­ $1990 to\ lands and filled cellars ot sembly of God, will serve as hos­ seum. At Summit St '42 FORD homes and business establish­ DALLAS, Tex, (AP) ^ pital (diaplain next week. WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL 4-Door Sedan. Alpine ments on bbth banks of the riv­ Seven prisoners sta g ^ a Richard W. Dennison, son of '59 CHEVROLET er. Bel Air 4-Door black. Ra­ white finish with radio, spectacular break from the The executive committee and Mr. and Mrs. Wells C. Denni­ heater and Fordomatlc. A The Ice Jammed against the Dallas Ckiunty Jail Friday aubOoRunlttees in charge of son, 20 Steep Hollow Lane, has dio, powerglide, whitewall fine family car. No. 6809. toll bridge at Windsor, ons of St. James’ Holy Name Society been pledged to Kappa Alpha tires. No. 5116. the oldest of Vermont’s covered and terrorized a former Sports Night will meet tonight Society at Union College, CARNATIONS $1075 - $1595 bridges, and heaped against the dancer who was about to at 8:80 in the school hall. Schenectady, N. Y., where he is abutments and underpinning of testify in the Jack Ruby freshman. a steel bridge at AscutneyviUe, murder trial. several miles below Windsor. ”Oh, my (]k>d, he’s after me,” The executive committee of OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY The ice formed a dam which cried Karen Lynn (Little Lynn) DONT THRO^^ the American Legion Auxiliary sent the water from the ridn Bennett. 19, as she saw an es­ will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. '58 CHEVROLET and thaw over hundreds of capee brandishing what looked at the home of Mrs. Everett squ j miles of lowlands on like a pistol. Still plenty of wear left Kennedy, 87 Phelps Rd. both banks of the' Connecticut la your shoes when you 2-Door Sedan. Beauti­ River, which forms the border Four of the men were re­ have them leballt in a ful coral finish with between Vermont and New captured shorUy after the break professional shoe repair Pvt. Douglas P. Johnson son 8:30 p.m. The other three stUl of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Craw­ Alw ays a H im Voriaty radio, heater, power- Hampshire. shop. ALL WORK Estimatea of damage to prop­ are at large. , GUARANTEED! ford, 144 Birch St., and Pvt. glide. No. 4707. The escape caused abouUng Clifton L. Martin Jr., son of of loth In and OuN erty were upwards of $2.5 mil­ confusion in the hallway out­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L Martin, Bradford Bachrach Photo PR#DUCE lion. No injuries were reported. side the courtroom where Ruby SAN YULYES 285 Cooper Hill St., both with MRS. RUSSELL PARSON of-S«ason Ifmiis! Water flowed several feet was on trial, but the session the United States Marine Corps, deep over low spots in 26 miles Same Side as Watkins of U.S. 6, a Vermont highway was not interrupted. 28 OAK STREET recently completed four weeks ’The marriage of Miss Saun '8>shaped skirt extended Into a *41 CHEVROLCT '41 F A LC O N Little Lynn waa being es­ of indi'Wdual combat trainlhg at that runs north and south along­ corted to the women's room by OPEN MONDATS th Infantry Training Regiment dra Eve Sopoleski of East chapel-length train.-Her elbow- side the river. Hartford and Russell ’Thomas l e n ^ veil of imported Illusion 4-Door Station Wagon. 2-Door Sedan. White. A At several points, loe cakes a Mrs. Melvin Belli, wife of tba at Camp Lejeune, N.C. was arranged from a chiffon BANANAS White and grey. Radio, real economy car for the chief defense lawyer, and Rose­ Parson of Manchester was sol­ APPLES foot thick were shoved across pillbox trimmed with seed ^ B | j H J H E l i power Bteerlng — brakes. budget minded. No. 6221. the highway by the* rising water^ mary Allen, a sheriff’s deputy, emnized Saturday, Feb. 27 at pearls, and she carried a cas­ V-8, standard tranemle- Highway Department workers when she saw an escapee wiUi St. Rose Church, Ekmt Hartford. cade bouquet of white orchids, alon with overdrive. No. Motorcycle riders flank car carrying body of King Paul of Greece through a take pistol stuck in the back 5409. $935 used bulldozers to push the Ice ’The bride is the daughter of stephanotls and ivy. *1.00 King George Avenue in Athens today, followed by members of the royal family off the road.
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