Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 2-7-1947 Spectator 1947-02-07 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1947-02-07" (1947). The Spectator. 335. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/335 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. STUDENT BODY MEETING TODAY AT 12 HOMECOMING HOMECOMING BALL BALL TONIGHT TONIGHT at Civic Auditorium al Civic Auditorium SEATTLESpectatorCOLLEGE VOLUME XIV SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FIUJ>AY, FEBRUARY 7, HM7 NUMBER 15 HOMECOMING BALL TONIGHT CLIMAXES WEEK The Twenty-two S.C. Students Garber PlaysTonightatCivic Queen Pat and Princesses STUDENT Chosen to be Included In Royal Coronation OBSERVER In Collegiate Who's Who Ceremony at Civic Tonight Cfaorgi! Anderson Climaxing the whirlwind of aetivit c« ul Homecoming Twenty-two Seattle College men and women have been Week will be the 42nd annual Homecoming Ball this notified of their inclusion in the 19-16-1917 edition of "Who's evening, to be held at the Civic Auditorium from 9 to 1 We EM that a joply la nocea- Colleges." o'clock, featuring Garber and aary Who In American Universities and themusic of Jan his orchestra. to BillMootler'a letter to the It is required that all studants Quoeit Pal Kelly and b«r royal so hero Is: iMilior it n*--o>:niiwd '»i the publication be ttltaCatherine tloran, Musicma- COOrt will bo spotlighted about Mr. Moellcr: Moran, 10:3(1 mciBHOT of the Junior and sen- jor. Thomas, and and will If %remeaUHl with w«re quite corrwl lHm<|i>e(«< You tn i«- ior riawes of their respecilvv Rita Is a graduate of Immacu- Spellman On- trsulltlonal during sumlng thut lito editorial l.ct'H nchoolsi. Those chosen from 9 late Conception High School. Sh.- Elected tti«< c-iTi-inofiy. Stan Coitroy, pre»- — (Jir Gktt Together" was an attack on tie College Include: Junior* ia a member of Mir mix<vl quartet, To Advisory Board iil<«nl of Alumni AxiKM-inMnn, Uie Advisory Board. So was a Virginia Clark, nirtol.U^ i Mv Sigma, tho Opera Guild, Ifiyti Will U- muster itl r< ri-iiif>iirv ut l>art of Hie Student Obaervrr for Virginia was sophomore class Coolee, and tho Spectator. She l& Blacky Thomas, John Mo- the coronation. The KnlfjhU that week. president, m.-phomore advisory co-chairman of the conn.jv Manll ran, and John Spellman were Inicrvollesrlatf will TTiey were not however «n at- board member, treasurer of the Gras. elected this week to fill the take part. In the- coronation cere- tack on the Integrity of the Ad- A.W.S.S.C. She Is Bcrretnry of Mary Jann Mc<;i«>Kby, Dictotic three Freshman positions op- mony by forming un honor guard vlsorj' Board for we know tht* th« Junior closb. secretary of tin- major. en on the Advisory Board. for the Queen and her court. work they hay» <lone and thr> dlf- Hiyu c.'onlce, and a member of Mi Member ASSC and AWSSC. They worn elected at a general Twenty of Uie Knijfhta wiil e«- body meeting cort tin* Queen to her fhrnnn, flcultirs they havn oncountcrcd. Silver ScitoU Catltorlne Sociolo- student two weeks \l«lermri>««r. ago, But the nilxup on the Advisory Nor* Jean Murray. Sociologj- gy mojor. but due to a charge of un- Qui-on Jin a member or Uio congUtutlonallty of voting thir s..iiui OJno*, will atUsiul the Board elections can be laid to un- major. Katie is a graduntr of the Ma- Uic hull delayed. warranted careleeenese, If not to Nora is membor of the sk: club deleine High School in Portland. results wore with Tom KaiiP. Priucvmtw Cot- Fivr fnaihmen worn ii-«u Floyd Weir, sheer stupidity. ami aodaitty. Site has been a resident of Bor- chosen to mid 4e*ooe al*o Hoffmann, Economics) run for board by class, Senlon, Ik oncorutd, It taki-.n the average college, Michael deaux tor four years.She Is Pres- the thiMr uill rc*pec- The othw two candidates were tlvely b\ Pal iiur-mi ium N.al student le.t/i than five minutes major. ident of the A.W.9.5.C. anda. mem- Paul RabiUord and Frenk IMulvWl. Prlnc<«(t to road and interpret the clauses "He is a member of the opera ber of the Silver Scroll and Sodal- Allahio. Katharine Mor- It will be duty of the now rison, junior, with governing olcoUons In the con- guild, Junior clasa president, Ac- ity. the a will go .J:ni. members to help plan student Thornliurn. stitution. There is no excuse for. $ocinti- EklltOf of the Aegis. Junior In her Junior year, Katie won Princ«M Bonnie Jo of the advisory board, In- body meetings and to further the and Prlncmw Diane Soptwniure, those In charge of elections not member cast In "Out of t.ho Frying Pan." tercollegiate Knight, Activities beat interests of the school. and ftcnlmmn, respectively, will to follow the proper procedure. Shu nleto wrote for the Spectator Music for Sralth! College's 42nd Annual Homecoming BaJl Board member, Commerce Club, and was Secretary of the A.W.S. attend tho boll with rohn Vaughn In your letter you seem to be Hiyu Coolce, Spectator, and Sodal- S.C. will be lurnislini by the woll known orchestra of Jan Oar- and Gtwryo .Miil.-r. allergic to criticism nnd ask only ity. .faun O'Nftlll, Chemistry mitjor. ber. Dancing from 9:00-1:00. conoration at 10:80. PREVIEW Tfao Queen and her court were for nuggettlonsi. AdcqUute aug- Queen's Niw« McMugh (data not avail- Joan is ft graduate of Holy Friday, Fi<)»ru»ry 7 worn honored laat evening at n fjr.itlon* can come only rrom non- able at press ilmc.) Names Academy. Sh» is Protfidtmt Btudent Body Meeting, K. C. UitiUcr held at the Chamber ol «tnirtlvo rrlticlnm. Advisory Commerce Club to Jainr* "Mc«ay, mathematics ma- of the Silver Scroll, r«id a mem- Board Hall, 12:00 Commerce. Tbrrr Is an old Indian prayer: jor. ber of the Hiyu Cooler, Spectator, on S. C. at St Martin's The dnora will In- I:loand to Wu- "l^.'t me »ncnpt blame for my president of Hiyu Coolee. Passes Four Preent Speaker Jim Is Clienu Club, und Sodality. Homecoming Dance o:oo>i:ui>, dcntM at 10.-SU. No Uctat>tB wUI faults and blunders like a man, iri-asuriu" of ASSC, rhe treasurer In her Junior year she was Vice Club Constitutions OnForeign Trade Civic Auditorium be Mid i»i ihi- door. Htiulont» m»y and prove my worth by roni-wcd of Sodality, Sergeant-at-arms ot President of tho Junior Class, and a meeting of (he Advisory Soph. Register purchaHe tickets in the Liberal class, At "The Field of Foreign Trade- etforta toward better things." and member of the (or Junior Secretary of the Sodality. In her Board February 5, tho conßtitu- In the topic for discussion next Saturday, February 8 Arts building, $3.23 per c<mi>lc. Sincerely, K.s. on I. Sophomore year uho was Treasur- tlonA of tho following clubs wore Tucnriny evening when the Com- S.C. vs. Pacific Lutheran at U. Your Student Observer, John Powers, accounting mdjor. er of the A.W.S.S.C. and Vice- voted upon and accepted: Chem- Club will meet at 7:45 p.m. of W. Pavilion "H« is now vice president of the morce P-B. Congratulmtlonu to John Pnrftoct of the Sodality. istry Club, Engineers Club, Inter- in the Liberal Arts building. Last day for Soph, registering Don Byington to Moran, junior class, prefect of tdie sodal- Blacklo Thomn.i nnd John Fred Holt, ChomisUgy major. collegiate Knights, and Silver A man prominent in Seattle Monday, February 10 dnlaycd ity, worthy senbe of IK, menibci Spellnian on tbolr eloc- Fred La a graduate of Bellar- foreign b« Iho Fresh. Registration opens Head HiyuCoolee; ,of th<? (}a,vr.) Cliib, Hiyu Coolce, Scroll. trad* clrclon will tlon to the advisory board. miiif High School In Tacoma. He Spectator. hlx Freuhinun Secretory ot tbc Advisory guvst spoakcr. All students of the t.K. Meeting, 7:30 Thf game must have and In la President of the AJS.S.C. He Anniversary Hike Qonza^ra year, of Uoard, Gerry Ahmirtrnm, wiurwd Coram«rco and Finance Depart- Gamma Sigma Alpha 7:30 John was President thf iti a member of the Intercollegiate .surprised the Chieftain players Forum Club, and Treasurer of the that no ouc In rllgiblp for a vote ment are urged to litend this Im- Prov. Nurses' Hom>; In solonin conclave, Hiyu Coo- triumph was - Knights and the Sodality, thcnwclvco, for U»« A.S.S.C. at the rue«llags of tbe AcUvlUes portant meeting. Turxday, February 11 lee, Uie Colloge hiking club. lu*t In his Junior year Fred helped doclstvn and there wan not much Read, Board until their constitution lm.t The Commerce Club has con- Commerce Club, 7:30 s'rlday choso Don Bylngton, eu- Richard Blair electrical found the Chem. club and doubt during the game about the was been accepted by tin- Advisory tacted the American Automobile Wednesday, February 12 ginucring sophomore, as Its new Engineering major. Qcnural Chairman of it. He was outcome. The game was a note of Dick la a graduate of Seattle Board, A-'ijiocutUon of Detroit concerning Spanish Club, 7:15 chief.
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