CCOACHESOACHES & SSTAFFTAFF HHeadead ccoachoach JJohnohn CCohenohen aandnd tthehe bbaseballaseball ccoachingoaching staffstaff TTHEHE CCOACHINGOACHING SSTAFFTAFF John Cohen Head coach (Mississippi State University, 1990) JJohnohn Cohen,Cohen, regardedregarded byby manymany asas oneone ofof thethe eearnedarned fi vvee NCAANCAA postseasonpostseason advancements.advancements. ttopop ooffensiveffensive tacticianstacticians onon thethe collegiatecollegiate baseballbaseball HHisis pprowessrowess asas oneone ofof thethe nation’snation’s toptop youngyoung sscene,cene, isis inin hishis fi rrstst yyearear asas headhead baseballbaseball coachcoach hhittingitting iinstructorsnstructors hashas mountedmounted withwith eacheach stepstep aatt MMississippiississippi StateState University.University. HeHe waswas introducedintroduced aalonglong tthehe wayway inin hishis coachingcoaching career.career. ButBut ItIt tooktook aass MMSU’sSU’s 16th16th headhead baseballbaseball JuneJune 7,7, 2008,2008, ex-ex- oonn nnationalational proportionsproportions inin 20062006 when,when, inin hishis thirdthird aactlyctly 1818 yearsyears toto thethe dayday afterafter leavingleaving Omaha,Omaha, sseasoneason atat Kentucky,Kentucky, hehe guidedguided thethe WildcatsWildcats toto NNeb.,eb., aandnd tthehe 19901990 NCAANCAA CollegeCollege WorldWorld SeriesSeries a rremarkableemarkable worst-to-worst-to-fi rrstst fi nnishish inin thethe ruggedrugged ffollowingollowing hishis fi nalnal gamegame asas a MississippiMississippi StateState SSoutheasternoutheastern Conference.Conference. pplayer.layer. UUndernder Cohen’sCohen’s direction,direction, KentuckyKentucky postedposted CCohen’sohen’s returnreturn toto SStarkville,tarkville, Miss.,Miss., andand DudyDudy a sschool-bestchool-best 44-win44-win season,season, thethe school’sschool’s fi rrstst NNobleoble FieldField completescompletes a success-success-fi lledlled andand fast-fast- SSoutheasternoutheastern ConferenceConference baseballbaseball champion-champion- ppacedaced circlecircle thatthat beganbegan whenwhen thethe Tuscaloosa,Tuscaloosa, sshiphip aandnd broughtbrought thethe fi rstrst NCAANCAA regionalregional baseballbaseball AAla.,la., nativenative fi rrstst jjoinedoined thethe BaseballBaseball BulldogBulldog familyfamily ttournamentournament toto tthehe LexingtonLexington campuscampus notednoted moremore aass a pplayerlayer iinn 11987.987. fforor iitsts hoopshoops prominence.prominence. ThatThat team,team, featuringfeaturing thethe HHee ccameame backback toto MississippiMississippi StateState seasonedseasoned llikesikes ofof All-AmericanAll-American standoutstandout andand SECSEC PlayerPlayer ofof wwithith 1177 yyearsears ofof ccollegiateollegiate coachingcoaching experience,experience, tthehe yyearear RyanRyan StriebyStrieby andand All-SECAll-SEC performersperformers nnineine yearsyears asas a collegiatecollegiate headhead coach,coach, thethe lastlast JJohnohn ShelbyShelby andand SeanSean Coughlin,Coughlin, virtuallyvirtually rewroterewrote fi vvee aass hheadead coachcoach atat SoutheasternSoutheastern ConferenceConference tthehe KKentuckyentucky recordrecord book.book. EEasternastern DDivisionivision rivalrival Kentucky.Kentucky. CCohen’sohen’s coachingcoaching effortsefforts diddid notnot gogo unno-unno- The Bulldog skipper, an All-Southeastern tticed.iced. HeHe waswas aaccordedccorded nnationalational coachcoach ofof thethe Conference outfi elder dur- yyearear hhonorsonors bbyy bothboth thethe CollegeCollege BaseballBaseball Foun-Foun- ing his playing career at ddationation aandnd CollegeBaseballInsider.comCollegeBaseballInsider.com and,and, forfor Mississippi State, sports a tthehe tthirdhird timetime inin hishis career,career, waswas tabbedtabbed byby hishis 321-197-1 coaching mark ppeerseers fforor cconferenceonference coachcoach ofof thethe yearyear acco-acco- (.619) as he enters his llades.ades. 10th season as a col- TThehe newnew BulldogBulldog coachcoach hashas maintainedmaintained a legiate head coach in ttorridorrid ppaceace iinn thethe monthsmonths sincesince hishis arrivalarrival atat Mis-Mis- ssissippiissippi State.State. In his previous HHee quicklyquickly assembledassembled a well-respectedwell-respected coaching assign- aandnd hhighly-skilledighly-skilled staff,staff, featuringfeaturing coachescoaches well-well- ments at Missouri vversedersed inin MississippiMississippi State’sState’s colorfulcolorful baseballbaseball (1992-97), North- hhistory,istory, thethe MagnoliaMagnolia State’sState’s highhigh schoolschool andand western (La.) State jjuniorunior ccollegeollege programs,programs, andand thethe highly-competi-highly-competi- (1998-2001), Flor- ttiveive SoutheasternSoutheastern Conference.Conference. ida (2002-03) and AAllll tthehe whilewhile CohenCohen hashas continuedcontinued toto movemove Kentucky (2004- tthehe MMSUSU bbaseballaseball programprogram forward.forward. OnOn thethe facili-facili- 08), Cohen has ttiesies front,front, MMississippiississippi State’sState’s impressiveimpressive baseballbaseball been associat- ccampusampus aaddeddded anan auxiliaryauxiliary outdooroutdoor practicepractice in-in- ed with teams fi eeldld aadjacentdjacent toto thethe spaciousspacious PalmeiroPalmeiro Center.Center. that piled up HHisis ccommitmentommitment toto excellenceexcellence inin thethe class-class- 555 wins and rroomoom rresultedesulted inin a 3.313.31 teamteam gradegrade pointpoint aver-aver- aagege dduringuring thethe fallfall (2008)(2008) ssemester,emester, MSUMSU Baseball’sBaseball’s bbestest semestersemester GPAGPA inin sschoolchool historyhistory andand thethe sec-sec- oond-highestnd-highest ofof thethe semes-semes- tterer aamongmong men’smen’s sportssports tteameam aatt SState.tate. CContinuingontinuing a trademarktrademark tthathat hashas growngrown duringduring hishis ccoachingoaching career,career, CohenCohen hhasas rapidlyrapidly becomebecome a high-high- llyy sought-aftersought-after featuredfeatured sspeakerpeaker andand clinician.clinician. HeHe hhasas ccriss-crossedriss-crossed thethe na-na- ttionion sharingsharing hishis baseballbaseball eexpertisexpertise atat baseballbaseball clin-clin- iicscs iinn 3030 states.states. AndAnd sincesince aarrivingrriving atat MississippiMississippi SStatetate lastlast summer,summer, Co-Co- hhenen hashas maintainedmaintained a fullfull 1100 TTHEHE CCOACHINGOACHING SSTAFFTAFF CCOHENOHEN CCOACHINGOACHING YYEAREAR-BBYY-YYEAREAR YYearear SSchoolchool PPositionosition RRecordecord TTeameam hhonorsonors 11992992 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 34-2234-22 11993993 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 30-1930-19 11994994 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 32-2632-26 11995995 MissouriMissouri asst.asst. coachcoach 19-3419-34 11996996 MissouriMissouri asst.asst. coachcoach 39-1939-19 NCAANCAA RegionalRegional 11997997 MissouriMissouri asst.asst. coachcoach 31-2731-27 11998998 NorthwesternNorthwestern SStatetate hheadead ccoachoach 440-200-20 SouthlandSouthland CConf.onf. cchampionshampions 11999999 NorthwesternNorthwestern SStatetate hheadead ccoachoach 338-218-21 22000000 NorthwesternNorthwestern SStatetate hheadead ccoachoach 330-260-26 22001001 NorthwesternNorthwestern SStatetate hheadead ccoachoach 338-178-17 SouthlandSouthland CConf.onf. cchampionshampions 22002002 FloridaFlorida aasst.sst. coachcoach 37-21-137-21-1 NCAANCAA RegionalRegional 22003003 FloridaFlorida aasst.sst. coachcoach 46-1946-19 NCAANCAA RegionalRegional 22004004 KentuckyKentucky hheadead ccoachoach 24-3024-30 22005005 KentuckyKentucky hheadead ccoachoach 29-2729-27 22006006 KentuckyKentucky hheadead ccoachoach 44-1744-17 SECSEC cchampions/NCAAhampions/NCAA RRegionalegional 22007007 KentuckyKentucky hheadead ccoachoach 334-19-14-19-1 22008008 KentuckyKentucky hheadead ccoachoach 44-1944-19 NCAANCAA RegionalRegional 22009009 MississippiMississippi StateState hheadead coachcoach OOverallverall coachingcoaching rrecordecord ((1818 sseasons)easons) 555-383-2555-383-2 The JOHN COHEN file HHeadead ccoachingoaching recordrecord ((ninenine sseasons)easons) 3321-196-121-196-1 PERSONAL BACKGROUND sschedulechedule ofof speakingspeaking engagementsengagements atat alumnialumni eernrn uuniform,niform, ddeliveringelivering a double,double, a tripletriple andand Birth date: September 21, 1966 ggatherings,atherings, civiccivic organizationorganization meetingsmeetings andand atat ddrivingriving threethree runsruns inin thethe splitsplit ofof a MississippiMississippi Birth place: Tuscaloosa, Ala. bbaseballaseball bbanquetsanquets onon a varietyvariety ofof levelslevels inin thethe SState-Birmingham-Southerntate-Birmingham-Southern doubleheaderdoubleheader inin Wife: Nelle (Bashinsky) of Tuscaloosa, Ala. MMagnoliaagnolia State.State. SStarkville.tarkville. Daughters: Jordan Baker (14) and Avery Lawson (12) HHee ratesrates asas oneone ofof 2222 activeactive collegecollege headhead CCohenohen ttransferredransferred toto StateState thatthat fall,fall, sit-sit- EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ccoachesoaches toto havehave playedplayed inin thethe NCAANCAA CollegeCollege ttinging ooutut tthehe 19871987 campaigncampaign beforebefore beginningbeginning High School: Tuscaloosa (Ala) Academy (1985) WWorldorld SSeries.eries. CohenCohen iiss alsoalso oneone ofof threethree SECSEC hhisis DDiamondiamond DogDog careercareer playingplaying underunder leg-leg- Undergraduate: Mississippi State University, 1990 (English) hheadead baseballbaseball coachescoaches coachingcoaching atat hishis almaalma eendaryndary MSUMSU headhead ccoachoach RRonon PPolkolk. HeHe wwasas Graduate: Missouri, 1994 (sports management) mmaterater
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