FEBRUARY • 1954 ISS FEATURING OPENING OF KOMU-TV BOOnE COUn TY SUPPORT RBSTR RU (OffiPRnY YOUR UNIVERSITY by becoming PHIL StMI'ICII Executive Vire·Prcsidcnt AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF You only Owll )'OUr ~;round of !he When the title is souml ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HERE IT IS! In attractive cast aluminum with Black and Gold Tiger-may be easily attached to your car. Order yours today by writing the BOOK MA.NUF ACTURERS • PRINTERS • BINDERS University of Missouri Alumni Private Editions Office Forms Association, 101 Read Hall, Co­ lumbia, Mo. Price. $2.50, Postpaid. Law Books Programs Text Books Stationery Directories Circulars &lum.B.ia. Jlm.uu.m.en.t eo. Catalogs Announcements *MISSOURI E. W. STEP H EN S C0 M P A H Y *R ALL Columbia, Missouri VARSITY AM C RICA ' S 9A<aU4t :I.UW. IR lh• World'• l3ut ~ A U. of MO. RING <[~B~o/a PIUU«i ,4~ \Vear always tlte distinctive r-ing which u•:lls the world rou are proud or your college. proud o your clast-with your clan year o n the sides and school Join name encircling tile stone. STONI•:S AVA II.. AIU.F-; Ot171: (bl•ck)-~arllon )'J: (ftd ) the Sy nl bei i~(("I:1~~Jre((t?t~--:y ntl• «~t l e Topn~t (J~Il ow)-Am~tbTCt (purple) Tourltllllll(l (rrec-n) Massive lOK gold $48.00• of Dimes Stand.ard 10K $Old $36.00• Ladic! IOK nuniature $29.50• THE NAIIOIIAL FOUKOAIIOH ItA-a 01'hlt ~~ J&alel! u.s State name or school, finge r FOR IKFAliTILE PARALYSIS /- siu, class year, s tone duircd. College Seal and Crest Co. 236A Broadway Cambrid&:e 39, Mau. Maouruturtl'l of Collego Jew·~Jrr Slac:e J81{. \ All of you who h:1\'C :111.)wc; r•cd our· requt.''' in the 1:\S l issue £or· a douiJied 111 cmben.hip cenainl)· deserve our ut· nl O:, t th:lllkhalness. Many or )'Citl h:HC SCilt U'i 11('\\' lliClllhers :mel C\CI1 s1iJI tUOI'C hav(' re1pmulcd by add ing an :l(ld itio n:~ l Edito r ...................................... JACK C. TAYLOR )·c;u· w the ~tatu s or your own anin~ nrcml>ership. T hb of cour-se i ~ gr:ucrul· Managing Editor ...... MARY PAXTON KEELEY I)' accepted bul we ~t r(' 11 1 ~1 intcrcstC(I Business Manager .... W ILMA BATTERSON in in crc:~s i ng the numi)Ct' of new acti\'e Sports Editor .............................. BILL CALLAHAN mcrnhers. BUS E NTSMINGE R One or o ur )'Olltlg insurance "Ext.'(s." Alumni Secretary and Executive Editor Hill Toler wich Prudcnli:.l in K:ms.:•s CULLEN COIL, Jefferson City C ity. was 1hc lil'$t o ne w "rope" a new President University Alurnr'i Association memb<'r. He is H. Victor· Onunm. '48, ad\'erli.sing sJie:s manager of Reinhold MARVIN D. McQUE EN, St. Louis Publishirtg Coq>. and )i\'C!i al \'\feu Chairman Alumni Publications Committee Ced;tr Su·cct. So. Norw;tlk, (:Qnnectic:ut. Vol. XLII FEBRUARY, 1954 Number 6 Lire has become exceedingly purpose· IN TillS ISSU t: ful ror students o n the c:ampus rccentl)'· Que look. at the long faces and v:a c~llll !1/iuouri M~mo 2 booths in the "coke" room :•t the Union is enough to tell rou that finals a re hct·e Review ............. ...... ................................................................. Book 3 again. PreJident MiddJeb t~Jit ............................... .. ............................. 4-5 Alutnnus Sports ......................... ................... .. .. ........................ ().,7 ~hll )' or you are aware or the tcrrif· ic responsibility any individual would Telcvisia 11 ............8 -12 have in helping the Bo:u·d of Curato rs .!>tlcc t a new Pre.sitlcnt H) take ollice in 13 J uly when J)rcsidcnt M iddlebush rclires lmm tl ~:~1 office. It is ~~ credit to the Closs Nores ........................... .. .. .14-18 Alumni Organiration first o f all that 1hc Board would TC('( UCSt rcpre.senta tion I n 1\l enrorio ~tl ............................................. .. ... 20 from our organitation on the <'Ommiuec th:lt will handle m:tny or the dct:\ils surrounding this iml)()rl:uu duty. 'l'lte cover slltxcs tlte studio of The appointment of President Cullen KOMU-TI' dtuint Jh e suuiore Guil to lhis comrniuce by the P•·csiclcnt s/t(lf(l, ''l.ttdiu Fare." 1'Ae of the Board of Cu r.tiOI"l!., Po well 1\lc· muAanir.al mir.ule of tlre l·latl(')', i5 inclic;tti\•C of the high regard stnlicm itul/ is rro.-alrd by the I'So<ml h:u our orwrn ilation :\nd a gh111ce into tla e swdio. ror i t~ officers. Tile phorogrt,pA i.s b-y tlte University PJr.oto Service. Missouri Memo _______ _ Oto (.ltAOS :uul ft)fOicf suul ~;tlt::; \\ ho gr.nM lfe llrt..:cntin~:, Collcp.c of i\~ri · h:n·c-n ·, h l"t'll b:u:l: m IIH: C:IIUJ)U ~ rcw '-·uhurt.• f:u~uh y nwmbt'f":. t •> ji:oo-tl ad· fi h c:1:n (H' 1\\ C'Ill)' )'~'2,.. (1\\0 or th~· \":IIU.I!tt.', \\'t.• .;,u.;,J)Ct'l tltc•rc SliJI .I ff' mt)St lo\·al ~ lu mu i we t·vcr knew han• l'~·r~m ' \\ hu lcM)l: :1d. :1nC'l' 011 :-1!1 f)ru• CLASS h l-c:ll a:"·.ar lnn~tt•r ) \\(MJicl fiml s r.ut li n~:. fes"•r:s ~' ~'t.'\'('lltl i~·"'· lu"" ' in a world r-h .ul~ci in the lont. ... Hf the town ..~ ... ..r 1hcir uwn. If slu.:h J)t"C tplc de, ('-;;,,, \\ t:ll as tl.e c:unpus. Cc>luml,j;, h:as TV t·ould brinf{ th.:-rn :1 J>l~·as;ant rc: ,·da· n·orc dtltl JO,t:nl rc:sidcnls. its Uruad­ 1iun. First die)' m:•) be surpri:.c.-d to ''·') lu:. un<lcf);UIH.' mud1 liftinJ:, (If oll~tve ch:tt prufes..,.;urs clun't luok lil:e REUNIONS (.tc_·e, :ut•l I he hu.;iues.s St'Ction on l"')fesso~. Tlu•n llu;y "ill r·~::e l i1.c· th:tt lligh''·'Y .U) is a rcbti,·dy new de,·c&o,,. wofc.'$SC>rs ;1rc: IH.'ltple. :1 re:•li:t~ licm tb:u rmn1 . Tltc.· n u·t l'opoli~ nt''' has f'i$:_ht mi~h t 11 :1\'t' prt)\'et.l ltt·udici:•l l•:ul it tht·aH•r.; ( 1\w :are dri\'t·in.;), and two c-ome Ill u.s in our suulenf t.l:a):S in"'tt':td howt' rt"';c.•ncly ~ecte.l dabo•·:ue m:tr· •>f yc::ns beer. Prof($$()u ha\'c: in­ q u ct~. Re,id('nli:dl)• the co'' n h:1s ttrests :uul lu•b bit~ :•nti trou bl t.~ .simibr ::;r ru nt:: UJ• s ..'(c ions where p rairi t~ co :~II of us in other walks of life. Tde-­ fon111.:rl)' flourished ( in p re-d rou~l11 ,,ision m:•y nm t.ring out :•II tlwst• • days). A I.UMNUs rNd t'f"S who h;wc rhings af10u1 ;, l,rc.fcSSt)r, hut gcner:•lly ~en kepr informc•i on the C<l nl!UIS it has done :1 gc>ud job re,•e;alinf{ l1im Friday, June 11 changes by means of pit•ture.$ in rhe"t :111 :1 l111n-:m l.... ing bdore a public l'age11 m::.y not 1~-t up 10 cl:ue on the chat Wllttcime-s i$ he.sit:ult in w;mn in ~ a,,pe:u·:a nt"e of Columbi:. in general. up to learned men. • II eonon~h inreresr were sllm\n, \\ C oould he 1•muade(l co lure our c:uner:r­ • wan :1 w:~~y f1'01n the t:<~ lll iiU S to ~ct ;. 11icturc SHlrY o( Willi.' nf the:.C' physical de''<"lnpmcnt <i., UJ> town :md :111 around. Tue U·'""' U .CIAl"fll ~~J un cl:. uf til<" ri\'ctcrs fade :m a\' :1' 1he s lr~l l'lllr:•l sted (r.;un~\ ork · nf tht' •ww J ~!>"t' Attention: Classes '04, '14, '24, • Auditori um t:tk.cs s.l1a1>c:. 'l11e re­ modeled ~:I.Sf wi n~ or JC$Se I !all. ~('h cd­ R tMI!MIIUI how th:1t rnost undru:ated '34, '44 and '29 eommodicy. Uritish wit. h:u :1h\ :1y.s ul~cl for fini.shi n~ tOtiC'h cs n cxl fall. "ill sc-:. t appro.-; irn:ttely 2.()(X) pl~,·~"'IJ.. s:ivcn our dt h:Htrs a full C\'C'ni n~ wh<"n Thar i ~ ;;~ho~ll fCJur time.s the ~e;11iu ~ tilt:)' rani:led with O.dord reams? Thi:. It isn't too early to begin think· <':111:1c-i•r year ~1 i$liOu ri has provititd a dd ij'tllt· of 1he old ;auditorium iu ;, ... ful switch. We h:l\'c: ::. IJrici.sh cfd,:uer bst da)'$- Bids on the purch:ut.'" ,,f :m ing of your Class Reunion. asbestos curtain a nd rijil:Jtinjt for th ~ on our side. l ie i~ John ~hcCall u m. Friday, june 11 will be Alumni 3 st:asOn<"d C:1mbriclgc pl:!rform prucl· ~t;t~e h:a;VC' hc.·~n 0 1>ened. Six inches urt. \\ho is .stud) ing :mimal luul· thid. c w~n• y fttt hi~:h. :1nd tlfty-tlvc Day. bandry a nd l"OIIfin uing his forcnsit• feet wide :.rc rne:.llurnr.c:nu listed in ac·ti\'ifi u.
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