3/2008 3/20083/2008 3/2008 Call for Papers Call for Papers China aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- ChinaCall aktuellnationally for – Papers Journal refereed of academicCurrent Chinesejournal published Affairs isby anthe inter-GIGA Institute nationally ofrefereed Asian Studies,academic Hamburg. journal published The quar terlyby the journal GIGA focuses Institute on current 3/2008 China aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- 3/2008 3/2008 3/2008 of Asiannationally Studies,developments refereed Hamburg. inacademic Greater The quar journalChina.terly publishedjournalIt has a focuses circulation by the on GIGA currentof 1,200 Institute copies, developmentsof Asianmaking Studies,in Greaterit one Hamburg. of China. the world’s ItThe has quar amost circulationterly widely journal ofdistributed focuses1,200 copies, onperiodicals current on 3/2008 makingdevelopments it Asianone of affairs,the in world’sGreater and mostChina.reaches widely It hasa distributed broada circulation readership periodicals of 1,200 in oncopies,academia, Asianmaking affairs,administration it oneand ofreaches the and world’s businessa broadmost circles. widelyreadership distributedArticles in shouldacademia, periodicals be written on in administrationAsianGerman affairs, and or businessEnglishand reaches and circles. submitted a Articlesbroad exclusively shouldreadership tobe this writtenin publication. academia, in German or English and submitted exclusively to this publication. administrationChina aktuell and is businessdevoted to circles. the transfer Articles of scholarlyshould beinsights written to ain wide ChinaGerman aktuellaudience. isor devotedEnglish The andtopicsto the submitted transfercovered exclusivelyofshould scholarly therefore to insights this notpublication. to only a wide be orientated audience.towards The topics specialists covered shouldin Chinese therefore affairs, not only but be should orientated also be of China in Africa: Who Benefits? China aktuell is devoted to the transfer of scholarly insights to a wide China in Africa: Who Benefits? towardsaudience. specialistsrelevance The totopicsin readers Chinese covered with affairs,shoulda practical thereforebut interest should not in onlythealso region.be be orientated of relevance to readers with a practical interest in the region. 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Taiwan, Articleseconomics, that sarehould concerned society, be theoretically witheducation, the fields grounded, of AfricaThe Dynamics of China’s Cultural Diplomacy with environmentinternationalempirically or law.relations, sound Articles and politics, sreflecthould economics,thebe sttheoreticallyate of society,the artgrounded, ineducation, contemporary AfricaJ The “Doing” and “Undoing” of Community: Chinese empiricallyenvironmentChinese sound studies.andor law.reflect Articles the st ateshould of the be arttheoretically in contemporary grounded, J The “Doing”Networks and “Undoing” in Ghana of Community: Chinese Chinese studies. 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China-Nigeria or South-South Economic Mutual Relations: shouldexceed [email protected]>. submitted 10,000 words to the(incl. editors footnotesFor in detailed electronicand references).submission form: <china-Manuscriptsguidelines see: Partnership?Chinese Imperialism or South-South Mutual [email protected]>.should<www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>. be submitted Forto thedetailed editorssubmission in electronic guidelines form:see:<china- Partnership?J Aid within the China-Africa Partnership: Emergence of <www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>[email protected]>. For detailed submission guidelines see: J Aid withinan the Alternative China-Africa to the Partnership: NEPAD Development Emergence of Paradigm? <www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>.Recent topics: anJ AlternativeAid within to the the China-Africa NEPAD Development Partnership: Paradigm? Emergence of Recent topics: x Flexibility and Security in the People’s Republic of China anJ AlternativeTowards China’s to the NEPADIntegration Development into the Aid Paradigm? Donor x FlexibilityRecent andtopics: Security in the People’s Republic of China J Towards Architecture:China’s Integration Learning into from the AidChinese Donor Participation in x Democratization of the PR China and Military Conflict in the Architecture: Learning from Chinese Participation in x Democratizationx FlexibilityTaiwan and of Strait theSecurity PR Chi in nathe and People’s Military Republic Conflict of in Chinathe J TowardsInternational China’s IntegrationRegimes into the Aid Donor Taiwan Strait InternationalArchitecture: Regimes Learning from Chinese Participation in x Democratizationx The Politics of China’sthe PR Chi‘Greenna and GDP’ Military Conflict in the x The PoliticsTaiwan of Strait China’s ‘Green GDP’ International Regimes x New Media, Sexual Politics, Ethics and State Control J x Newx Media,The Politics Sexual of China’sPolitics, ‘GreenEthics andGDP’ State Control Contours of China’s “Africa Mode” and Who May J ContoursBenefit of China’s “Africa Mode” and Who May x New Media, Sexual Politics, Ethics and State Control BenefitJ Editors: Karsten Giese • Heike Holbig Contours of China’s “Africa Mode” and Who May Editors: Karsten Giese • Heike Holbig BenefitJ Beyond the New “Two Whateverisms”: China’s Ties in GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies J Beyond theAfrica New “Two Whateverisms”: China’s Ties in GIGA Editors:GermanInstitute Karsten Institute of AsianGiese of Global Studies • Heike and Holbig Area Studies Institute of RothenbaumchausseeAsian Studies 32 • 20148 Hamburg • Germany AfricaJ Beyond the New “Two Whateverisms”: China’s Ties in GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies RothenbaumchausseePhone: +49 4032 4288740• 20148 Hamburg • Fax: +49 • Germany40 4107945 J Taiwans Energiepolitik: Klimaschutz ist sekundär Institute of Asian Studies Africa Phone: +49Website: 40 4288740 www.giga-hamburg.de • Fax: +49 40 4107945 J Taiwans Energiepolitik: Klimaschutz ist sekundär Rothenbaumchaussee 32 • 20148 Hamburg • Germany Website: www.giga-hamburg.de J Taiwans Energiepolitik: Klimaschutz ist sekundär Phone: +49 40 4288740 • Fax: +49 40 4107945 J Website: www.giga-hamburg.de China aktuell Data Supplement J China aktuellwww.giga-hamburg.de/ias/cds Data Supplement www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/cdsJ China aktuell Data Supplement www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/cds ISSN 0341-6631 ISSN 0341-6631 ISSN 0341-6631 9 9 China aktuell 3/2008 9 Studie China-Africa Relations through the Prism of Culture – The Dynamics of China’s Cultural Diplomacy with Africa Haifang Liu Abstract China’s use of cultural diplomacy dates back almost to the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China; it is not something invented by the Chinese government in the last few years, as the popular myth of China’s engagement in Africa via a well-established “grand geopolitical strategy” suggests.This study begins by providing a deeper historical understanding of China’s diplomacy and China’s Africa policy, and discusses at length the importance of cultural diplomacy as a path breaker and a lasting instrument of foreign policy. Focusing on several cases of current cultural diplomacy, the second half of the article explains the underlying reasons for and functions of these prominent practices, concluding that cultural diplomacy is a useful prism through which to observe the very nature of Sino-African relations and that the study of it is the right way to explore the special diplomatic culture the Chinese government has been practising.(Manuscript received February 26, 2008; accepted for publication April 3, 2008) Keywords: China, Sino-African relations, cultural diplomacy, cultural strategy, affinity to the people The Author Dr. Haifang Liu is a researcher at the Institute of West Asian
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