USOO8480536B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,480,536 B2 Weiss et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 9, 2013 (54) HYBRID DRIVE HAVING ASEPARATING 6,722,332 B2 * 4/2004 Kojima ...................... 123,179.3 CLUTCHWHICH ASSISTSA DIRECT START 6,807,934 B2 10/2004 Kataoka et al. 6,931,318 B2 * 8/2005 Kaita et al. .................... TO1,113 7,013,213 B2 * 3/2006 McGee et al. ... 701 113 (75) Inventors: Ruediger Weiss, Moetzingen (DE); 7,074,156 B2 * 7/2006 Graf et al. ......................... 477/5 Mario Kustosch, Vaihingen/Enz (DE) 7,079,942 B2* 7/2006 McGee et al. ... ... 701 113 7,085,631 B2 * 8/2006 McGee et al. .................. TO1/22 (73) Assignee: Robert Bosch GmbH. Stuttgart (DE) 7, 160,225 B2 1/2007 Berger et al. 7.213,665 B2 * 5/2007 Yamaguchi et al. ....... 18Of 65.27 7,214,156 B2 * 5/2007 Oliver ............................... 475/8 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,216,729 B2 * 5/2007 Syed et al. ......... ... 180/65.28 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,273,119 B2 * 9/2007 Tsuneyoshi et al. ....... 180/65.28 U.S.C. 154(b) by 964 days. 7.350,602 B2 * 4/2008 Colvin et al. ...... ... 180/65.28 7,370,715 B2* 5/2008 Colvin et al. .. ... 180/65.28 (21) Appl. No.: 12/162,819 7,380,620 B2 * 6/2008 Suzuki ........ ... 180/65.28 7,407,026 B2 * 8/2008 Tamor ......... ... 180/65.28 7.469,667 B2 * 12/2008 Leone et al. ... ... 123.90.15 (22) PCT Filed: Jan. 30, 2007 7,481,199 B2 * 1/2009 Nakamura .................... 123,345 7,546,821 B2* 6/2009 Russell et al. ... 123.90.12 (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2007/050867 7,552,705 B2* 6/2009 Serkhet al. ... ... 123, 1794 7,726,270 B2 * 6/2010 Miwa et al. ... 123,179.3 S371 (c)(1), 7,770,678 B2* 82010 Nozaki et al.. 180656 (2), (4) Date: Nov. 14, 2008 2002fOO94908 A1 7/2002 Urasawa et al. 2004/O149247 A1 8/2004 Kataoka et al. (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2007/099003 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 7, 2007 DE 10006861 11, 2000 DE 10O25853 4/2001 (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2009/O 105038A1 Apr. 23, 2009 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (30) Foreign Application Priority Data International Search Report, PCT International Patent Application No. PCT/EP2007/050867, dated May 29, 2007. Feb. 24, 2006 (DE) ......................... 10 2006 O08 640 Primary Examiner — Jeffrey J Restifo (51) Int. Cl. B60/20/00 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Kenyon & Kenyon LLP (52) U.S. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT USPC .......................... 477/5; 180/65.25; 180/65.28 (58) Field of Classification Search A method for operating a hybrid drive of a vehicle, having an USPC ............................................ 180/65.25, 65.28 internal combustion engine and having at least one electric See application file for complete search history. drive, to which at least one traction battery is assigned, as well as to a hybrid drive, especially a parallel hybrid drive. The (56) References Cited internal combustion engine is able to be started from the operating mode "purely electrical driving of the hybrid drive U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS using a direct start without a starter. 6,504,259 B1* 1/2003 Kuroda et al. .............. 290/40 C 6.543,565 B1 * 4/2003 Phillips et al. ................ 180,165 12 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets 10 US 8,480,536 B2 Page 2 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DE 102004023673 12/2005 EP 1582737 10/2005 DE 103.16422 12/2003 EP 1586767 10/2005 DE 103 03 822 8, 2004 JP 11-082260 3, 1999 DE 10 2004 007 OO1 9, 2004 WO WOO1,56824 8, 2001 DE 102004.005268 9, 2004 DE 10356384 6, 2005 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 1 of 6 US 8,480,536 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,480,536 B2 FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 3 of 6 US 8,480,536 B2 Xeuu|NTEIN ddETHOSIN U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 5 of 6 US 8,480,536 B2 ||OSSONEN ||OSINTEIN „•• , =======~~~~-…). |ÅV/TEC1AWTEJO ——————07), US 8,480,536 B2 1. 2 HYBRD DRIVE HAVING ASEPARATING In hybrid drive vehicles, the demand for a noise-free tran CLUTCHWHICH ASSISTSA DIRECT START sition from the purely electrical driving operation to the hybrid operation is particularly great since the purely electri BACKGROUND INFORMATION cal driving operation essentially proceeds without noise, and criteria have been set very high by existing mass-produced A pulse start method and a pulse start device for an internal vehicles having hybrid drive. combustion engine are described in German Patent Applica tion No. DE 103 56 384 C1. According to the pulse start SUMMARY method described in German Patent Application No. DE 103 56384 C1, during a wind-up phase, a flywheel is accelerated 10 In accordance with the present invention, an example in rotary drive and Subsequently, during a coupling phase, the hybrid drive, especially a parallel hybrid drive for a vehicle, rotating flywheel is coupled to a rotatably supported shaft, into whose drive train an internal combustion engine is inte preferably the crankshaft of the internal combustion engine, grated, especially one that has direct fuel injection, as well as for the transmission of torque. During the wind-up phase a separating clutch between the internal combustion engine and/or the coupling phase, the speed pattern of the flywheel is 15 evaluated, and it is derived from this evaluation whether a and at least one electrical drive. For a parallel hybrid drive, Successful start of the internal combustion engine is possible. furthermore, the drive train, provided according to the If a Successful start of the internal combustion engine is not to example embodiment of the present invention, includes a be expected, the internal combustion engine is brought via the vehicle drive as well as an electrical traction accumulator, shaft to an operating position favorable for a Subsequent Such as a high Voltage battery. second starting attempt. According to the pulse start method The example drive train may advantageously be used for described in German Patent Application No. DE 10356384 the purely electrical operation of the motor vehicle, in which C1, during the wind-up phase, the gradient of the speed pat the separating clutch between the at least one electric drive tern of the flywheel is used for the evaluation, and if the and the internal combustion engine of the parallel hybrid gradient is too low, the coupling phase is initiated. Hybrid 25 drive is open. If the power of the electrical traction branch, drives for motor vehicles generally include an internal com which includes the electrical traction accumulator as well as bustion engine and at least one additional drive, as for the at least one electric drive, is no longer sufficient for the instance at least one electric drive. Using vehicles equipped propulsion, the internal combustion engine is put in rotation with a hybrid drive, one may implement a purely electrical using a direct start. The direct start is a specialty of an internal driving operation. If the electrical energy or the power output 30 combustion engine having direct fuel injection, Such as an of the battery included in the traction network of the hybrid Otto engine having direct gasoline injection. The direct start drive gets close to its limits, the internal combustion engine is takes place purely by the functioning of the internal combus Switched on. For this purpose, it is started and a separating tion engine without the aid of other aggregates. clutch separating the internal combustion engine from at least The use of a direct fuel injecting internal combustion one electric drive should be closed. In conventional design 35 engine, such as an Otto engine having direct gasoline injec approaches, the internal combustion engine is Suddenly tion within a parallel hybrid drive train, has the advantage, on pulled on by the closing of the clutch. A special clutch is the one hand, that at the starting of the internal combustion frequently used for this purpose, that is designed for a corre engine using, for instance, direct gasoline injection, only a spondingly high energy input. The energy required for start slight noise emission is created compared to when starting ing the internal combustion engine of the hybrid drive is 40 this internal combustion engine by a conventional engine established by the magnitude of the internal combustion starter. In addition, when a direct injecting internal combus engine drag torque and the difference in rotational speed tion engine is used, such as a direct gasoline injecting Otto between the stationary internal combustion engine and the at engines in parallel hybrid drive trains, a starter may be omit least one electric drive that is in rotation, as well as the ted, whereby there is a gain in installation space. Moreover, duration of the starting process for starting the internal com 45 because of the example design approach provided according bustion engine. The pulling on of the internal combustion to the present invention, there comes about a traction-neutral engine using the above-mentioned clutch generally leads to a starting of the internal combustion engine at a given power negative influence on the traction, that is, the propulsion of the transmission to the driven wheels, as well as a very short vehicle, since the power required for starting the internal starting time. combustion engine is at the expense of the propulsion. Fur 50 In direct fuel injecting internal combustion engines, such thermore, the torque pattern in the drive train of a vehicle as in Otto engines having direct gasoline injection, fuel is having hybrid drive, during this process, namely the direct injected into, and ignited in the combustion chamber that is in start of the internal combustion engine from the purely elec the power stroke position.
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