New Ideas for the Future of the Progressive Movement Edited by Neera Tanden and Matt Browne New Ideas for the Future of the Progressive Movement March 2016 With contributions from Lodewijk Asscher Tom Pitfield Tony Blair Matteo Renzi Matt Browne Bill Shorten Bill Clinton Jonas Gahr Støre Sigmar Gabriel Neera Tanden Ricardo Lagos Helle Thorning-Schmidt Andrew Little Justin Trudeau Constance Milstein Hamdi Ulukaya Contents 1 Preface Tom Pitfield, President of Canada 2020 3 Forewords Constance Milstein and Hamdi Ulukaya, Patrons, Global Progress 7 A Future Built on Global Progress Neera Tanden and Matt Browne, Center for American Progress 13 Past as Prelude 15 Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 19 Bill Clinton, Founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States 23 Ricardo Lagos, Former President of Chile 29 Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Former Prime Minister of Denmark 35 Challenges of Today 37 Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy 43 Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada 49 Lodewijk Asscher, Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands 55 Sigmar Gabriel, Vice Chancellor of Germany 61 Future of Global Progress 61 Andrew Little, Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party 69 Bill Shorten, Leader of the Australian Labor Party 75 Jonas Gahr Støre, Leader of the Norwegian Labour Party 82 About the Authors GLOBAL PROGRESS Preface Tom Pitfield, President of Canada 2020 This year, Canada 2020 celebrates its 10th every country has its own unique history, many of the anniversary. challenges we face are similar in nature. We have come a long way over the past decade, and there Participating in the Global Progress network has, there- is much for us to celebrate. I hope, however, that the fore, been crucial to our success and to the revival of decade ahead holds even more promise for the progressive progressive politics in Canada. We are delighted to be ideals we cherish. They are needed now more than ever, partnering with the Center for American Progress on this both in Canada and around the world. volume and to share the inspiration we found and the friendships we built with the wider progressive commu- From our conception, it is fair to say that Canada 2020 nity. Today, the marketplace for new ideas is global. And sought to be not just the pre-eminent progressive think for the first time in a generation, Canadian progressives tank at home, but also a conduit for the transit of fresh have the opportunity to lead the debate about the future thinking and the latest ideas in and out of Canada. My of our global movement with pride. It is an opportunity founding partners and I recognized that in a globalized that we at Canada 2020 intend to seize. world, insights and knowledge from abroad could help us think differently about the challenges we faced. While We look forward to building global progress together. Preface 1 2 GLOBAL PROGRESS Forewords Constance Milstein and Hamdi Ulukaya, Patrons, Global Progress In the spring of 2002—at Hartwell House in many of the challenges confronting our planet were Buckinghamshire, England—I had the honor of hosting ignored or grew worse. Today more than ever, they need a a discussion between former U.S. President Bill Clinton, progressive solution. For that to happen, however, a new then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and a prestigious generation of leaders needs to develop and share their group of progressives from across Europe. The meeting own ideas for how best to respond. It was my desire to had been convened to discuss how to meet the challenges help this ambition become a reality that led me to support of a new conservatism that was threatening the dominance the Center for American Progress and to agree to become of progressive ideas. As we debated and shared ideas into a patron of its Global Progress initiative. the early hours of the morning, I became convinced that such an exchange of ideas was essential to helping our The insights from world leaders that have engaged with movement rise to the challenges of the 21st century. Global Progress—and are compiled in this volume—help set the stage for what I hope will be a new golden era of Unfortunately, in the years that followed these discus- progressive governance. I look forward to participating in sions, this new conservatism did indeed triumph in the the discussions to come and working together to achieve United States and much of Europe. During that time, global progress. — Constance Milstein Forewords 3 The❛❛ refugee Foundation Tent Stuart Ramson/AP Images for crisis is the greatest humanitarian challenge of our generation. ❜❜ 4 GLOBAL PROGRESS The modern world is confronted with Fortunately, with the help of Global Progress, a new gen- a host of new global crises, many of which are unprec- eration of political leaders who understand the strength edented in scale. The crisis that troubles me the most is of diversity and its power to drive economic growth is the exponential growth of the number of refugees and emerging. This generation is more open to collaboration displaced people across the globe. Today, there are more and partnership with the private sector and civil society than 60 million refugees or internally displaced people in promoting new and innovative ways of rising to the in the world. It is perhaps the greatest humanitarian global challenges we all face. challenge of our generation. I’m honored to have had the opportunity to engage in these Troublingly, we have also seen what was initially a discussions and look forward to finding new ways of working humanitarian crisis grow into a political and economic together to meet the challenges ahead. — Hamdi Ulukaya one. The rise of a toxic discourse of xenophophia, fear, and exclusion have made it all too easy for people to try and The Center for American Progress thanks Constance Milstein sidestep their responsibilities for finding shared solutions. and Hamdi Ulukaya for their support of Global Progress and of this booklet. The views and opinions expressed here are I established the Tent Foundation to focus on the plight those of the Center for American Progress and the authors and of refugees. Tent’s mission is to improve the livelihoods of do not necessarily reflect the position of Constance Milstein or those who have been forcibly displaced around the globe, Hamdi Ulukaya. The Center for American Progress produces and it works to promote innovation and create new part- independent research and policy ideas driven by solutions that nerships to help the displaced realize their full potential. we believe will create a more equitable and just world. Forewords 5 Center for American Progress for Center Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and Helle Thorning-Schmidt discuss progressive challenges at the Global Progress meeting at the United Nations in New York, December 2010. 6 GLOBAL PROGRESS A Future Built on Global Progress Neera Tanden and Matt Browne, Center for American Progress Today, progressives across the world Amsterdam, Paris to Sydney, the Global Progress initia- are confronting similar challenges—from promoting tive has led discussions with world leaders, intellectuals, middle-class growth to combatting climate change and activists, and like-minded think tanks to shape a progres- advancing inclusive politics. Developed countries such sive agenda for the 21st century. By committing to more as the United States face stagnant wages, a disappearing inclusive politics, we can help build sustainable societies middle class, and a resurgence of grassroots populism on where prosperity is shared more equitably and govern- both sides of the political spectrum. ments work better for their people. The essays in this volume support our progressive vision and offer a road In 2009, the Center for American Progress created the map for the future. Global Progress initiative, a network of like-minded think tanks across the globe that sought to advance The world stands on the cusp of a new, global progres- progressive policy ideas. The idea behind the initiative sive movement. People around the globe are dissatisfied was simple: Progressives in America and around the with their governments and eager for change, and many world could benefit from a more systematic approach have turned once more to progressivism. In Europe, for to sharing ideas, knowledge, and best practices in order example, where austerity once prevailed, the rise of new to respond to global challenges. While each country is leaders such as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has unique, in a globalized world, many of our problems are shown that modern center-left politics can inspire voters not: We can learn from each other. and deliver real change. And in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has led a new movement of inclusive For the past eight years, the Global Progress initiative and inspirational politics to end more than a decade of has brought together the founders of the global progres- conservative power. We are convinced that Trudeau and sive movement with current and future leaders to discuss Renzi will become paragons of the progressive movement. how progressives can overcome obstacles and lead a And at this crucial moment in American politics as pro- new, global progressive movement. From Washington to gressives look to build on the achievements of President A Future Built on Global Progress 7 Progressives❛❛ need to show that we can respond to rising inequality, increased global competition, and technological innovation in a way that rebuilds and strengthens the middle class. ❜❜ Barack Obama, we hope this global reflection on the First, when it comes to the economy, progressives future of progressive politics provides a fresh perspective need to show that we can respond to rising inequality, on debates in the United States.
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