
CISCCONTENTONTENT:CONTENRTRREPORTEPORTEPORT CC ReviewОбзорОбзор of новостейaudiovisualновостей рынка content производства production and ии дистрибуциидистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоаудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента контента Media«»«MediaМ«»ÌЕДИÅÄÈ ResourcesА ResourcesÀРЕСУРСЫÐÅÑÓÐÑÛ МManagement ÌManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТÅÍÅÄÆÌÅÍÒ» №21,№ №2№121(9) December №2 13 1April января, April, 1 April, 30, 20142012 20132011 2012 тема FOCUSномераfocUs DEARсловоDEAR CCOLLEAGUES редакциOLLEAgUESи УжеWeWe areareв первые happy to дни presentpresent нового you you the годаthe December Aprilнам, issue редак issue of цthe иofи andПервыйLast seriesautumn номер you’ll members alsoContent find of Russian theReport detailed association выходит report of вon televiк ануthe н- EgorКИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ BorschEvsky:Й ContentCIS:the CIS:Content Report, Content Report сразу Report whereстало where понятно,we we tried tried toчто to gathergather в 2011 theм recentСтарогоsion and deals movie Нового of producers international года, который chose distributors Red (наконецто) Square with Screen the за - mostmost interesting interesting up-to-date up-to-date information information about about rapidly rap- CIS-partners.ings as the most important industry event of the season. РЫН О К В КРАИН Е все мы будем усердно и неустанно трудиться. За вершает череду праздников, поэтому еще раз “TodayTV MARKETS: Ukrainian У visual : нимаясьdevelopingidly developing подготовкой content content production первого production andвыпуска distributionand обзораdistribution mar но- хотимThe idea пожелать of the forum наши aimedм at подписчик showcasingа theм Russianв 2011 effectsЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ are asЯ good КА К as востейketsmarkets of рынкаthe of theCIS производстваCIS region. region. As Asfar far asи as аудиовизуальногmost most of of the the locally localо- Inгодуcinema our найти“Focus” for the свой we international would верный like путьto film present иcommunity след youовать Ukrainian belongs ему с UKRAINE, BELARUS, контентаproducedly produced в seriesэтом series годand andу , TVмы TV movies сmovies радостью are are further обнаружили distrib--, TVупорством,to Yevgenychannels Gindilis landscape трудясь – Red неoverview. Squareпокладая Key Screenings’ changesрук. У каждог atexecu the о- thoseОСНОВНО usedЙ inТРЕН UsД and чтоuteduted даже and and в broadcastbroadcast новогодние mainlymainly праздники inside the р аCISбота territories, во мно Ukrainianсвояtive director, дорога, TV foundermarket но цель inand the уproducer насrecent одн yearsgeneralа – развиватьare of caused Russian и GEORGIA, MOLDOVA by the rapid development of new technologies. The гихwewe продакшнахpicked picked upup thethe идет mostmost полным interestinginteresting ходом, and а originalдальше, proj ка-к- улучшатьfilm company отечественный TVINDIE. He is рынок.also a member По коням, of Euro го- РАЗВИТИ Я (25) country now is on the threshold of the analogue ter- European(23) Tv projects” говорится,ectsects withwith thosethose станет scriptscript-ideas еще ideas больше. that Как have неоднократн internationalо сподаpean Film! Academy (EFA). In an exclusive interview to restrial TV switch-off and is ready to enter the era былоappealappeal отмечено, and and may may further вследствиеfurther traveltravel кризиса abroad to основательн Europe, Asiaо CIS: Content Report he told about achievements, pri- (24) of the digital TV. Also we should mention that there измениласьoror the the North North конъюнктура AmericaAmerica bothboth рынка,asas readymade поменялась product ра orс orities and plans of his company and his own as well was always much Russian TV content in the air of the становкаformats.formats. Besides силBesides и возможностей, there there are are a lota lotof поэтому full-lengthof full-length р featuresаботат feaь- as about the experience of internationalАртем coproduction. Вакалюк Ukrainian broadcasters. Last year its share has de- действительноrecentlytures recently launched естьlaunched into и productionбудет into над production чем. in Russia, Подтвержд in Ukraine,Russia,е Главный редактор creased. From the one hand, it is caused by national интервью номера ниемKazakhstanUkraine, тому Kazakhstan является and other количество andCIS otherstates собранногоCIS that countries for sure в это maythatм Content Report currencyAnd one depreciationmore thing we’d(and Russianlike to remind TV content you. is Plan not - (полупраздничном)havefor sure not onlymay successful have not номере only international successfulматериала distribution international. but soning cheap you businessfor Ukraine), calendar so it became for 2013 more do notadvanta forget сергеINTERVIEWinTEй каrviратEаеwв : alsodistribution be the award but also winners be the and award nominees winners of and different nomi- - geousto book to looktime forto thevisit content-sellers the major event from for Europe, televi - internationalnees of different film festivals. international Despite film large festivals. portion Despite of in- «на данный момент В сегодняшней теме Turkey,sion and Korea media or Latin professionals America. From in the the CIS other region hand - formationlarge portion on the of newinformation movies, onshows new and movies, series shows you’ll еще остаются номера мы останови KIEV MEDIAUkrainian WEEK TV channels 2013, startedSeptember to produce 10-13, YEVGENY GINDILIS: also find the detailed report on the recent distribution лись на одной из са 2013. Organizedmore content by Media by their Resources own and search Manage for - нераспроданные фильмы, deals. которTHEые б WORKыли соз OFданы до мых болезненных тем ment company,European this co-producers unique media to develop, industry for proj in- - Ukrainian отечественной киноин ect, one stance,and only new of dramas. a kind in the CIS and Central кEUROPEANризиса» (31) дустрииIn our “Focus” – рынке we continueкино the cycle of articles dedi- and Eastern Europe is a one stop destination for Tv channEls театров.cated to theНа страницахcurrent situation on TV markets of the five internationalToday we media can hardly industry ever events.see the commer- PRODUCERS CAN’T Contentpost-Soviet Report countries. мы не The region is developing rap- cial film project made without visual effects, landscapE and the services provided by VFX-studios однократноidly both in termsпублико of its TV market volume and the Please do not forget that we are here to EVEN BE COMPARED are becoming more and more important ovErviEw валиnumber мнения of players о том, on что it led by such states as Rus- be your local source of information and TO THE ONE WE HAVE едваsia, Ukraineли не andосновной Kazakhstan. In previous issue we at the market. In an exclusive interview to analytics.CIS: Content Report Egor Borschevsky, the СОДЕРЖАНИЕ(20) проблемойfocused on TV(хотя markets эту of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and TO DO (25) темуKazakhstan, активно and поднима this time we’ll provide a short analy- director of Ukrainian VFX-studio Postmod- ютsis все, of such кому territories не безраз as Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia We wish aern pleasant Digital toldreading! how to make the movie with ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) личнаand Moldova. судьба нацио optimum quality of visual effects without СЕРИАЛ (2) нального кинематогра exceeding budget limits, about the role of фа), сдерживающей the VFX-producer and VFX-supervisor, and ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) развитие индустрии about new projects and general trends in ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на industry. постсоветском про АНContentsИМАЦИЯ (12) And one more thing we’d like to remind CONTENTS странстве, является you. Planning your business calendar for ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) катастрофическая не roduction (2) 2015 do not forget to book time to visit the PProduction:: (2) хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) major event for television and media profes- SerieS (2) нако рынок продолжа SerieS (2) sionals in the CIS region - KIEV MEDIA WEEK ет стремительно раз Д И СТР И Б TVУЦИЯ mo V(ie15)S (6) 2015, September 7-11, 2015. Organized by TV moVieS (7) виваться. И если по ShowS Media Resources Management company, TVTV ShowS (7) (9) водов для оптимизма КАДРЫ (20) this unique media industry project, one and FeaTure FilmS (9) относительно увеличе FeaTure FilmS (11) only of a kind in the CIS and Central and ЕЛЕ О АЗ ния количества кино Т dПistributionК (21) (14) Eastern Europe is a one stop destination for distribution (16) театров попрежнему the whole range of international events for Т ЕХНОЛОГИИcinema d istribution(22) cinema distribution не так много , то по media industry professionals. in ukraine (19) внедрению совре ПРОYКearАТ В 2012 УКРАИНЕ (24) менных технологий за Please do not forget that we are here to о focusin ukraine (20) (22) прошлый год имеются be your local source of information and нк О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве все основания для гор а nterview (24) analytics. МЕР ОifocusПР ИЯТ И(23)Я (29) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо We wish a pleasant reading! леси С interview (25) браться, есть ли свет в О конце тоннеля?!. Рис. Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management. +380 (44) 459-4610; 22 Zakrevsky e-mail: St., [email protected] 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua production production production №21, December 2014 series yoU will BE MinE! Ukrainian prodco 1+1 production has commenced shooting of Producer: Elena Vasylieva. 1+1 prodUcTion 4-episode
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