Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydziaª Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki Przemysªaw Chojecki Nr albumu: 262926 On the modularity of elliptic curves Praca licencjacka na kierunku MATEMATYKA Praca wykonana pod kierunkiem dra hab. Adriana Langera Instytut Matematyki Czerwiec 2009 O±wiadczenie kieruj¡cego prac¡ Potwierdzam, »e niniejsza praca zostaªa przygotowana pod moim kierunkiem i kwa- lifikuje si¦ do przedstawienia jej w post¦powaniu o nadanie tytuªu zawodowego. Data Podpis kieruj¡cego prac¡ O±wiadczenie autora (autorów) pracy Świadom odpowiedzialno±ci prawnej o±wiadczam, »e niniejsza praca dyplomowa zostaªa napisana przeze mnie samodzielnie i nie zawiera tre±ci uzyskanych w sposób niezgodny z obowi¡zuj¡cymi przepisami. O±wiadczam równie», »e przedstawiona praca nie byªa wcze±niej przedmiotem pro- cedur zwi¡zanych z uzyskaniem tytuªu zawodowego w wy»szej uczelni. O±wiadczam ponadto, »e niniejsza wersja pracy jest identyczna z zaª¡czon¡ wersj¡ elektroniczn¡. Data Podpis autora (autorów) pracy Streszczenie Praca ta jest przegla,dem podstawowych definicji i twierdze«, które sa, potrzebne do zrozu- mienia wyniku znanego obecnie jako twierdzenie o modularno±ci. Szczególny przypadek tego twierdzenia, wystarczaja,cy do otrzymania Wielkiego Twierdzenia Fermata jako wniosku, zo- staª udowodniony w 1995 roku przez Andrew Wilesa (z pomoca, Richarda Taylora), a w caªej ogólności w 2000 roku przez Breuila, Conrada, Diamonda i Taylora. Dawniej twierdzenie o modularno±ci byªo znane jako hipoteza Taniyamy-Shimury-Weila. In this work I make a survey of basic definitions and theorems needed to understand a result called the Modularity Theorem. It was proved in '95 by Andrew Wiles (with a help of Richard Taylor) in the case when an elliptic curve in question is semistable and later in '00, it was proved in full generality by Breuil-Conrad-Diamond-Taylor. The statement of the theorem was known as the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture. Sªowa kluczowe modular form, Galois representation, elliptic curve Dziedzina pracy (kody wg programu Socrates-Erasmus) 11.1 Matematyka Klasyfikacja tematyczna 11F11 Modular forms, one variable Tytuª pracy w j¦zyku angielskim On the modularity of elliptic curves Table of contents Introduction • Modular forms • Modular curves • Elliptic curves • Geometric point of view • Hecke operators • Petersson inner product • Oldforms and Newforms • L-functions • Jacobians and abelian varieties • Galois representations • Modularity • Serres conjecture • Examples • Bibliography • 3 Introduction As a conjecture, the Modularity Theorem appeared around 1955 formulated by Yutaka Taniyama. Later it was reworked by Goro Shimura who gave it the correct wording, and popularized by Andre Weil who rediscovered it in 1967. It was Gerhard Frey who in the 80s made a remark that the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil con- jecture actually implies Fermat's Last Theorem. If FLT were false, it would give an elliptic curve which violate the Modularity Theorem. After years of struggle, Andrew Wiles managed to prove the Modularity Theorem when an elliptic case in question is semistable. The proof was announced in 1993, but it was found to be flawed. After a help of Richard Taylor, the correct proof appeared in 1994 and it was published in 1995 (see [W], [TW]). A few years later Breuil, Conrad, Diamond and Taylor proved the Modularity Theorem in full generality (see [BCDT]). The Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture can be thought as a special case of Serre's conjec- ture which was probably formulated in the 70s. Extending results of Wiles and others, Khare with a help of Wintenberger proved Serre's conjecture in 2006 (see [KW1], [KW2]). The work which I present here, is a survey of basic definitions and theorems around the Modularity Theorem. In exposition, I have followed mostly the beautiful book of Diamond and Shurman A, first course in the modular forms". I do not include any proofs as they are to be found in the afore-mentioned book. I had rather tried to expose the crucial material in as short a form as possible and make a guide through [DS]. 4 Modular forms a b Let Γ(N) = SL (Z) : a d 1(modN); b c 0(modN) . c d 2 2 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ A subgroup Γ of SL (Z) is called a congruence subgroup if Γ(N) Γ for some N Z+, 2 ⊂ 2 in which case Γ is called a congruence subgroup of level N. The most important examples of conruence subgroups are: a b Γ (N) = SL (Z) : c 0(modN) 0 c d 2 2 ≡ and a b Γ (N) = SL (Z) : a d 1(modN); c 0(modN) : 1 c d 2 2 ≡ ≡ ≡ a b Let H = z C : Im(z) > 0 . Observe that SL (Z) acts on H by z = az+b . f 2 g 2 c d · cz+d a b For k Z, γ = SL (Z) and f : H C we define f[γ] by the formula 2 c d 2 2 ! k 1 az + b f[γ] (z) = f : k (cz + d)k cz + d Definition 1. Let Γ be a congruence subgroup of SL2(Z) and let k be a positive integer. A function f : H C is called a modular form of weight k with respect to Γ if the following conditions!are satisfied: 1. f is holomorphic, 2. f[γ] = f for all γ Γ, k 2 3. for every γ SL (Z) we have f[γ] (z) = 1 a(γ) enz=N(γ) for some a(γ) C and 2 2 k n=0 n n 2 N(γ) Z+. 2 P If in condition 3, a(γ) = 0 for every γ SL (Z) then f is called a cusp form. 0 2 2 Example 1. The basic example of a modular form of weight k for SL2(Z) is the Eisenstein 1 series 2 2 . Gk(z) = (m;n)2Z n(0;0) (mz+n) k P We will denote by Mk(Γ) modular forms of weight k with respect to Γ and by Sk(Γ) cusp forms of weight k with respect to Γ. 5 Modular curves Let Γ be a congruence subgroup for SL (Z) and define H∗ = H Q (where Q are 2 [ [ f1g rational numbers). A modular curve is a curve of the form X(Γ) = Γ H∗. The points Γ s n · in Γ Q are called cusps of X(Γ). It can be proved that each modular curve has only n [ f1g a finite number of cusps (2.4.1 in [DS]). To put a topology on the curve X(Γ), start by taking N = z H : Im(z) > M and take M f 2 g topology on H∗ with usual open sets in H plus the sets α(N ) (M > 0; α SL (Z)) M [ f1g 2 2 as a base of neighborhoods of the cusps. Now, give X(Γ) quotient topology. It can be proved that with this topology X(Γ) is a compact, connected Riemann surface (see 2.4.2 in [DS]). We use notation X0(N); X1(N) to denote X(Γ0(N)); X(Γ1(N)), respectively. 6 Elliptic curves A complex elliptic curve is a smooth, projective curve of genus 1 defined over complex numbers. It can be shown that an elliptic curve is a set of complex solutions of an equation of the form y2 = ax3 + bx + c where a; b; c C (see IV.4.6 in [Har] for details). 2 Each elliptic curve has a structure of an abelian group. A (1-dimensional) complex torus is a complex manifold of the form C=Λ where Λ is a lattice in C (a set of the form aZ + bZ for some a; b C linearly independent over Z). 2 With every complex torus we can associate Weierstrass function 1 1 1 } (z) = + + : Λ z2 (z w)2 !2 !2XΛ;!6=0 − 1 If Gk = !2Λ;!6=0 !2k is the Eisenstein series and g2(Λ) = 60G2(Λ), g3(Λ) = 140G3(Λ), then one can prove that P (}0 (z))2 = 4(} (z))3 g (Λ)} (z) g (Λ): Λ Λ − 2 Λ − 3 Hence we have an isomorphism between C=Λ and the curve E := (y2 = 4x3 g (Λ)x g (Λ)) − 2 − 3 given by z (} (z); }0 (z)). 7! Λ Λ This shows that complex elliptic curves and 1-dimensional complex tori are the same thing. By changing the coordinate system an elliptic curve can be put in the form y 2 = x3+Ax+B and then we can define its j-invariant as 1728 4A3 j(E) = · : 4A3 + 27B2 For the notion of a conductor of an elliptic curve we refer to IV.10 in [Silv2]. This will be used only once to state one of the versions of the Modularity Theorem. If E is an elliptic curve, let E[n] denote a subgroup of its n-torsion points that is such points P E that nP = 0. The l-adic Tate module of E is defined by setting T (E) = 2 l lim E[ln]. It can be proved that T (E) is isomorphic to Z Z , where Z denotes l-adic l l × l l integers (see III.7 of [Silv1]). When E is defined over Q (which is equivalent to j(E) Q) we have an action of 2 Gal(Q=Q) on each E[ln] and hence also on T (E). This gives a representation ρ : Gal(Q=Q) l E;l ! Aut(T (E)). After choosing a Z -basis for T (E) and using the inclusion Z Q we obtain a l l l l ⊂ l representation ρ : Gal(Q=Q) GL (Q ). E;l ! 2 l 7 Now, we define an L-function associated with an elliptic curve E over Q. Let ap(E) = e p+1 E(F ) where E is a reduction of E at p.
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