FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: ROBERT F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION LA FILE: 56-156 VOLUME: 11 SERIALS: 2276 TO 2575 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION NOTICE THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. L — •- • - I T *.r- -a- • .3C\j •• *iBURE ** > y* ••-- " r , • » A INVESTIGATn I KIL/ Bureau File Number ;.?;:-7?*^*>ri>?&jg& *•:••'*:£!/•{ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 10/7/68 ntoM : SA AMEDEE 0. JtlCEARM, JB. MJBJECT: KEKSALT An individual by the naia^ _____ fflce that cquaintea w: California, telephonfe number stated he recallMHBadvising lhal at OTf tine took Ute lessonsTWTa brother of SIRHAN BISHARA d that he had net SIRHAN SIRHAN. __*equested that he not be identified /\LU as the source of this Information. LEAD LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA; Will intervie^ __ "concerning his association owledge of SIRHAN. •MWM.au.iAit ft UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO SAC, IOS AHOELES (56-156) DATE: 10/T/68 now SA AKEDEE 0* RICHARDS, JR. f OBJECT: KENSALT On 9/&V68, witness RICHARD his new addresjTwas] and that his tei vas previously interviewed by this office In connection with this natter. WVMNA1 POPtt ylQ. If MAT IHI MCnoH *t* ma ut aw UNITED STATES GOVEkjJMENT Memorandum TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATB: 10/2/68 •"•*»• SAC, DENVER (62-2416)(P) ^ KENSALT ...~: '• ••• -v. Re Los Angeles letters to Denver, both dated 9/16/68, request lag interviews of Mrs. M. C. gRCMFIELD and MrT HARRY BLALACKn both of Denver, Colorado, in connection wlth/capttoned matter. _••=, f : Enclosed for Los Angeles are 22 copies of an ED-302 reflecting interview of Mrs, BRCMFIELD and 22 copies of an FD-302 reflecting interview of Mr. BLALACK. .>: l -. :- : ,-. .... ?::• . • > Los Angeles (56-156)(Enc. 44 iver (62-2416) ; i, . , ' ;•••*' v-v'.:'•"• -::-,•>••: • ''• :>_,i ' •.•'V •••>'J':'";' v'"'^-^:^': •ri- -• * •-..•-. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Heffilaiiy on the Pajrnll Savings Flan orrmda. VMM MB, w MAT Ud DT10N •to rrtm (n cm UNITED STATES GO.*SRNMENT o Memorandum TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 1O/V68 ws JSAC> NEW Y0RK SUBJECTE ; KENSALT OO:LA ReL^lpt to NY 9A6/68 requesting NY to interview _Edward Kosner, Newaweek, New York, N. Y. Enclosed for LA are 22 copies of an FD 302 containing the results of an interview with Kosner on 1O/V68. Angeles (56-156) (Ends, York (44-1640) ' bic SEARCHED CCPIAI iypn OCT 7 -1968 Yh_ Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 4JNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum" TO _ SAC, LOS A5GEUES (56-I56) s*i»: 10/3/68 9R0M t , CLEVELAND (170-16) SUBJECT: KEHSALT OO: LOS AHCJELES EE: Be Los Angeles letter to Cleveland, 9/16/66. Biclosed for Los Angeles are 22 copies of an I'D 302 reflecting the Investigation to locate and interviewJtpfCHIT 1 Solely for the Infoima eveland files contain a reference to " as follows: Klaml Cincinnati captloned nested that a be contacted and Division, round eing 302 as refers to an individual whote last name Is spelled differently. - Los Angeles (Boc - Cleveland mt tit Ptynll JVwwfx P/M uuanxTK UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-1S6) DATE: 10M/68 FROM : AC, SALT LAKE CITY (62-2691)(RUC) SUBJECT: KENSALT (00: LA) Reurlet to SU, dated 9/16/68. Transmitted herewith are twenty-two copies pf an FD-302 reflecting results of an interview with Mr. HARRY FRISCH, Salt Lake City, Utah. ' Los Angeles (Enc. - Salt Lake City OCT 3 -1968 A ra—ms ANGLES / Biejr U.S. Savings Bonds Hegularij on tie Payroll Savings Plan pMAi torn t»* KMTION , MM »t tMD s UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO I-'""" SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 10/2/68 •* C -• ' .'"''•.". - -_ "• . '.„"' •••„.".' r. J - ^*; SAC, BOTTB (173-28) (RUC) .V . SUBJECT: ..-'.--.,•• KKNSALT .. L *• ' - ; ; > . --.;«-'; 5,v ;• 00: Los Angeles m:M ; Reurlets, 9/10/68, and 9/16/68. - Enclosed for Los Angeles are copies each of an FD-302 interview with aRICJ^QBJ[(] Hissoula, Uontanft, on 9/18/68, and an FD-302 interview v th NORMAN GOTTJmL. Billings, Montana, on 9/24/6B. : •-..••' * - Los Angeles (Encs.44) *V 1 - te ,•-*•-" r - •'* .' ^? :^^-:': 0CT8-1968 / JBt-LOS ANGELES / I, 7 .i". Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan FD-902 <H»». 4-19-04) § FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 7/2/68 bhe Malibul ^H^^HUHLMLtthe only recollection ehe has of a conversation wherein something may have been mentioned concerning both HOFFA and KENNEDY would have been some considerable time prior to the KENNEDY assault and murder. > -whose true last .s generaXlvYknown bv the nickname-^a^a^|^J|^^piaia been lowever, wae terminated ecause of his general attitude and questionable integrity. He last worked during been seen since that time, lad told her he formerly was in and had several dealings, not more specifically described, with JBtMIE HOSFA. She said that in a casual political conversation, ^_^^__ aid something to the effect that'HOFFA has too much int'ltience and control over the union members to allow anyone to be elected president who had offended him and in particular that BOBBY KENNEDY couldn't get elected unless HOFFA were released from prison." kwho advised ehe is also known bj imished her date of birth as said 4he has no knowledge or information which "she considered would be of any pertinent interest in connection with the KENNEDY murder and that any comment made by her concerning KENNEDY and HOFFA would have been based on the general topic of political campaigns and eleciiajaaU_She_added, however, that she le aware of tba ffl|ct. thai] has been OCT 7 1968 On 7A/68 ft Malibu, California -File # Los flngeles 56-1 -Date dictated 7/2/68 Thig document contain* neither recommendation* nor coacluaion* of the FBI. tt i* the property of the FBI aad it loaned to your agency; it aad it« content* are not to be diatributed outaide your agency. tuvnn COITION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT u Memorandum 110 i SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 9/20/68 FROM ; gft. SUBJECT: KENSALT RE: AUTOPSY REPOIFORi/pERTAININ: G TO SENATOR ROBERT/F. KENNEDY - °2 -9/IO/6Q, telephonlcally Ivlsed as follows: pr ^jfflfiAflCfffl. _ is in the process of completing the report of theautppsy performed on the late Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY. Dr. NAGAUCHI is scheduling his trip to Maimi, Florida, on 10/10 - 11/68, during which trip he will stop in Washington, D. C. In Washington, he will ^consult with the medical team from the Armed Forces Tngjt^»tp Pf logy, who participated in the autopsyT It £s his intention To" go" over his report with the members of thte Armed Forces Institute of Pathology for the prupose of insuring that the report is correct in every detail. Mr ^.jreyfl&T^d vised ^fcfaat s a copy of Dr. NAGUCHI's autopsy reportwpTTe available on' J 9/12/68, and that a complete set of photographs, taken during the autopsy, has been prepared for the FBI. On 9/12/68, an attempt was_ contacted 0HQ|flflBHflH|B who advised that the" autopsy report was not yet completeand that Dr. NAGUCHI was still in the process of preparing it. twas requested that MC ROY contact S _ upon his return from vacation, an sue e as"The"autopsy report is ready. \ y •a MAT Htf KDfTIBN •M «». HU. HO. 0 • UNITED STATES Co4 -iLNMENT Memorandum TO SAC, LOS ANGELES DATE; 9-17-68 FROM SUBJECT; Rememo SA A.O. RICHARDS, 6-9-68. On 9-17-68 MRS,,fti fti Fj fo/fifl \%)C recontaeted advised ¥s follows: to the classes there weTeTTTscuss ion grouj?s~~made up of State College teachers, teachers, members of,NAFFA'S class and Interested individuals. NAFF A. had many Arab friends that attended the discussion sessions that were not members of this class. They discussed current problems in the raid-east and their problems with the Zionists and the like* NAFFA did not appear as radical as some bfi the people present but does support the Arab viewpoint. Those in attendance that night and on other occasslons generally had the viewpoint that there Is a revolution now in progress in the world and on the campuses which they favored. These people if not pro- Communists were at least one world advocates. After one__j>f_the_dlscusalon groups ome,fllHHiH|H||||^HHHHH|Kn^^;e^1 telephone roraanTanscametnere from Pasadena, Calif., some were studying engineering at Pasadena City College* One of those from Pasadena spoke with quiet desperation about how his fathers land and home had been taken from them twice by the Zionists and to the effect that to heck with Philosophy if the Communists would help them why not go with them. She said she ifl 99$ sure this was SIRHAN SIRHAN who she later saw on TV. EVANS was no was/there, jwaybe SIRHAN»S brother, possibly C&1. State Fuller ton, a Greek" a; teacher and one world turn. EVAHS saia vn&z m jewisn irlend of hers Bald they ^ considered'NAFFA a public relations man for Jordan and that Tie speaks at many affairs because of his moderate views ^c^ 1L/1 .V V M*Turnwamat /' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT •. Memorandum DATE: ..10/4/68 : SAC, LOS ANGEEBS (56-156) } SAC, MEMPHIS (62-1605)(RUC) SUBJECT: KENSALT Re Los Angeles alrtel, 9/26/68. Enclosed herewith are 30 copies of anJD-302 ' Showing interview with PATRICK TIFFANY McLAUCmflN on 9/30/68 at Memphis, Tennessee, " ' *" 0 Los Angeles (Encs.30) '^^UMMUpbiS B*jr U.S.
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