EL GAUCHO Vol. 48 - No. 28 Santa Barbara, California Friday, O ct 27,1967 University Day, UCSB's annual open house for parents and prospective students, begins tomorrow at 9 a.m. Over 2000 visitors will be escorted and guided throughout the seaside campus, and following the registration and coffee in Storke Plaza, they will be able to wander around at will, watch a highlight movie, or be addressed by Chancellor Cheadle and a host of ggPif other speakers. WELCOME! f GAUCHO P63CC March Set for UC Irvine Resolution Scores Noon Tomorrow in SB GowernmentBy TERESA on CHENERY Vietnam War By TOM WHITE EG Staff Writer EG Reporter Anti-war feeling prevalent on campuses last week was revealed Monday at U. C. Irvine as Two hundred to 750 participants are expected to march In their Student Senate passed a resolution which condemned the government for its ^policies in Viet the seventh monthly peace procession tomorrow noon, which Is nam and in domestic affairs. sponsored by the Santa Barbara Community Council to End the The resolution, which was passed 12-4 with one abstention and eight members absent, reads W ar In Vietnam. The procession will extend from West Alameda Park, at “ Our government is rapidly becoming the single greatest threat to the peace and progress Anacapa and Sola Streets, to De La Guerra Plaza in Santa Barbara. o f the world’s people. Through open and covert military intervention around the globe it thwarts Phil Drath, crew member of the yacht ‘«Phoenix»» which carried the efforts o f peoples to organize their societies in accordance with their desires, and it brings us all medical supplies to North Vietnamese civilians earlier this year, closer to the brink o f total war. w ill speak on results of American bombing and about his talks with “These activities deny our revolutionary tradition, our historical committment to self- Vietnamese citizens. Executive Secretary of the determination and our profes Community Council, Assistant sed dedication to world peace. Professor of Psychology Tho­ “ We call therefore for with­ mas Bouchard, told EL drawal of American troops GAUCHO that “ this Is only one from Vietnam, the cessation of of the Council’s many activities. UJ3. m ilitary intervention else­ At the march we will circulate where in the world, and the a statement supporting those alignment of this country with who have turned in their dralt the aspirations of the peoples in cards to the local draft boards Asia, A frica, and South and request that members of the Am erica. community add their names to “ Our government has also those of the Council.*’ failed to confront the grave “ We*ve given financial sup­ issues facing our own nation: port to draft counseling groups racism , poverty and needless In Santa Barbara, and, In con­ centralization of power. There­ junction with the Womens* fore, we call as weU for those Strike for Peace and SANE, Institutional changes which will have circulated thousands of enable all Americans to lead anti-war leaflets. We plan to rewarding lives and control sponsor a referendum de­ their destiny.” manding United States with­ Reaction against this resolu­ drawal from Vietnam in the next tion has come from both local election and are continu­ students and some of the eight ing to take full-page ads call­ absent Senate members who call ing for peace in the local paper. the action ‘tonrepresentative” We also circulate peace post- of the campus majority. (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) The opposed Senate members G R EG S T A M O S . .. ponders the events of last night's uneventful Leg. Council session. -Merk photo have quoted a Regents’ rule in their favor which reads: Leg Council Controversy “The University will not compel students to join or re­ tain membership in a student government which takes positions in the name of this New Ideas Hurt Homecoming membership as a whole or the student body as a whole on is-1 sues not directly related to the patlon in the parade, Harry By WAYNE RASCATI Schwartz, who Is regional ciallzed Bikes” to the Campus University.” Reese said, “ The parade in EG Staff Writer D irector of ASG, believes that Committee on T ra ffic and Safe­ Senate opposition to the re­ Santa Barbara is just one part One a t the most bitter verbal we could gain “ Information” ty. solution will be manifested next of Homecoming. Fraternities from the membership. Council A final decision by the Council week when members will at­ commentaries of this year went are emphasizing GGR and house voted to terminate membership changed the date of the Beer tempt to pass a motion re­ on among Council members at decorations more and more.” but agreed to send two observ­ Bowl to Sunday, Nov. 5, at 3 pealing the stand taken Mon­ Wednesday night’s Legislative M ary Jo Guia stated, “ It’ s not Council meeting. ers to the conference in San p.m. From a list of names sub­ day. a sorority’s responsibility to Francisco later this year. mitted by Council members, Student opposition has come Executive Vice - President ask a fraternity to help build Council also voted unani­ “Legislative Lechers” was Paul Beilin charges Isla Vista a float.” not so much from the resolu­ mously to recommend *6o- chosen as the AJ3. team title. tion but from posters put on League and the fraternities with Mike Treman, Recreation ‘ toon-participation” in the campus Tuesday, publicizing Com m issioner, stated that he the passage of it. The text of the Homecoming Parade. As of tried to build an Independent resolution, statements from Wednesday night, five RHA float, but could not find anyone both the AJ3. President Michael floats and two Greek floats had willing to cooperate. CHP Officer Explains Krlsman and the Vice President been entered in the traditional Another question of contro­ parade. (who paid fo r and put up the versy was whether UCSB should Beilin felt their attitude was, posters) were printed on the join Associated Student Govern­ “ If you don’t play our way, we posters. ment again this year. According Billy Club Use Rules These statements strongly won’t play at a ll.” This was to Paul Beilin, who attended In reference to I.V. League urge “ everyone concerned with last year’ s conference, nothing B y JEAN FISHER lim it the stroke o f the club to ending the Vietnam war to join Rep Paul Sweet’s defeated pro­ substantial came out of the 14 inches, i.e. wrist movement. posal earlier this year to relo­ conference. EG Staff Writer the Freedom Party.” The Free­ “ Of course,” stated Winkle- dom Party is the only party cate the parade in Isla Vista. Rep-at-Large Alan Schwartz (Editor’s note: Today’s man, “there is improper use committed to bringing the Is­ Sweet shot back: “ Isla Vista defended membership In ASG article Is the concluding seg­ of the riot baton. .since we sue of peace in Vietnam before League is not sabotaging the this year because UCLA, Har­ ment to a series on police ac­ are outnumbered in any the voters in November, 1968. parade but adding a new Idea: vard, Yale and Duke recently tions In demonstrations.)' situation by at least 20 to 1, a mural on the campus field. In joined the organization. The most controversial (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) my motion three weeks ago, I aspect of recent demonstrations swinging the club heightens the chance of losing it and makes Indicated that I.V. League halls is the use of nightsticks (batons) the odds worse.” would find it difficult to come by law enforcement officers. Pearson Here up with the manpower and the Raytheon Rejects The 26 inch black plastic “ The policeman has the psy­ Drew Pearson, national­ resources to participate in a baton can easily be used as a chological advantage. .our in­ ly syndicated columnist parade in Santa Barbara.” lethal weapon. California High­ tent is not to hurt anyone. We covering the White House He continued: “ I personally Peace Interview way Patrolman Officer Winkle- want them to disperse from un­ and Capitol H ill, w ill speak had no intention o f leading I.V . Demonstration spokesmen man commented, “ We use the lawful assembly,” added today at 3 p.m. In Camp­ League halls away from the fo r this morning’ s Raytheon baton to ward off blows.. .very Winkleman. bell Hall. P ear son has been parade, but the move was spon­ protest attempted all day yes­ rarely is It used as an offen­ When asked how the police go writing with his assistant, taneous in the halls, as well as terday to see the manager, Mr. sive club.” Wlnkleman works about making a crowd disperse, Jack Anderson, since be­ In the Greek system. Special Shelley, in order to explain the as public relations officer for Winkleman replied, “I can’t fore World War U, and has Events Committee didn’t have purpose of the demonstration the CHP. make you move with this club... uncovered stories and the courage to take on anything and present a petition. Regulations regarding the use particularly when you are delved into politics while imaginative.” Their attempts were thwarted of the baton prohibit swinging sitting down.” He suggested that playing favorite to neither Defending Greek non-partlcl- (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) the club over one’ s head and (Continued on p. 8, col. 2) left nor right. Heyns = Universities Must Hit Causes, Not Symptoms He also called for a ‘Ijuilt- the institution as such.** In­ university community of a large study the university itself and stitutional loyalty has de­ BERKELEY (IP) - Univer­ number of special interest the external influences operat­ in revolutionary device with creased, he said, among both sities ought to be ‘«uncomfort­ groups, each of which presses ing upon It.** respect to curriculum.** The students and faculty.
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