RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (A Hi-Tech Advanced Coaching cum Guidance Centre) -1- www.radianiasacademy.org To receive Daily FREE GK, Exams SMS Alerts, sms JOIN RADIANTNPSC to 09870807070. VAO EXAM - 2011 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & GENERAL ENGLISH (20 th Feb. 2011) Azad Hind Fauj was NEW GROUP-1&2 BATCH & TEST A) Indian National Army B) British National Army MORNING BATCH (Tue, Thu, Saturdays) C) Pakistan National Army D) French National Army 9AM - 1PM from Feb 22 nd 2011.(Tue). INA was formed in 1942 in South East Asia. Motto unity, Faith and sacrifice in Hindustani. GROUP-1&2 TEST BATCH & DISCUSSION All st Bose formed the “Azad Hind Government” . In 21 th Sundays - 5:30PM – 7:30PM From Feb 27 . October 1943. INA freed the Andaman and Nicobar PLEASE NOTE Islands were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheed islands. 2) þó¾¢Âò ¾¢ð¼ìÌØ «¨Áì¸ôÀð¼ ¬ñÎ VAO EXAM CUT-OFF ெதய உக ெமாைப Planning Commission of India was set up in the year ேபானலி JOIN RADIANTNPSC எ ம A) 1950 B) 1949 C) 1951 D) 1952 Planning Commission, Extra constitutional, Non- ைட ெச 09870807070 SMS ெசய. statutory and Advisory body. By an executive order in th 15 March 1945 . First Deputy Chairman, Gulzari Lal எகளட பயசி ெப ெவறி ெபறவக Nanda & T.T. Krishnamachari . 3) Á¡¿¢Ä ¬Ù¿÷...............ž¢¨É ¿¢ÃõÀ¢ÂÅáö GROUP-2 2008-09 : 282 மாணவக þÕò¾ø §ÅñÎõ. The State Governor must have completed.years of GROUP-I 2008-09 : 59 மாணவக age 711 PH Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, A) 30 B) 35 C) 40 D) 45 ARUMBAKKAM, CHENNAI-106. Governor, President = 35 years Chief Minister = 25 years; Prime Minister = 25 years Ph : 98404-00825, 98404-33955. MLA = 25 years; Member in Lok Sabha = 25 years Rajya Sabha member = 30 years E-Mail : [email protected] 2 4) x +10x+21=0 ±ýÈ ºÁýÀ¡ðÊý ¾£÷×ì ¸½õ www.radianiasacademy.org The solution set of x+10x+21 = 0 is A) {7,3} B) {7, -3} C) {-7, 3} D) {-7, -3} www.radiannews.pbworks.com 2 Short Cut : x +10x+21 = 0 this quadratic equation does not contain any negative term, so the roots must be --------------------- BRANCHES-------------------- negative so answer is {-7, -3}. DINDIGUL - 9150919121. x2+10x+21 = 0 ⇒ x2+7x+3x+21 = 0 MADURAI - 9344100065. x(x+7)+3(x+7) = 0 (x+3) (x+7) = 0 SALEM - 8675213334. x+3 = 0 (or) x+7 = 0 TANJORE - 9042432466. x = -3 (or) -7 TIRUKOILUR - 9843273734. 5) þó¾¢Â §¾÷¾ø ¬¨½Âõ.............ĒÚôÀ¢É÷¸¨Çì TIRUNELVELI - 9442768933. ¦¸¡ñ¼ µ÷ «¨ÁôÒ ¬Ìõ. The Election Commission of India is a body THIRUVANNAMALAI - 8148335044. of..members. TRICHY - 7373310865. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 TUTICORIN - 9442541564. 1 Chief Election Commissioner and 2 other Election Commissioners.Recommended by Dinesh Goswami VILLUPURAM - 9944801693. Committee, 1990. It had only the Chief Election Commissioner before QUESTIONS SPLIT 1989. 1) SCIENCE - 22 6) ¸ÇôÀ¢Ã÷¸¨Ç Å¢ÃðÊ À¡ñÊ «Ãºý 2) GK & CURRENT AFFAIRS - 18 A) ¸Îí§¸¡ý B) º¢õÁÅ¢‰Ï 3) INDIAN HISTORY - 14 C) Á¡ÈÅ÷Áý D)«î;ý 4) GEOGRAPHY - 12 The Pandiyan king who put an end of the Kalabhra rule is 5) INDIAN POLITY - 11 A) Kadungon B) Simhavishnu 6) MATHS - 10 C) Maravarman D) Achuthan 7) ECONOMICS - 8 ¸Îí§¸¡ý: (º¡ýÚ §ÅûÅ¢ìÌÊ ¦ºô§ÀÎ) 8) TAMIL LIT&CULTURE - 5 º¢õÁÅ¢‰Ï: ¸ÇôÀ¢Ã÷¸¨Çò §¾¡ü¸Êò¾ ÀøÄÅ TOTAL = 100 ÁýÉý «î;ý: ¸ÇôÀ¢Ã ÁýÉý 1) ¬º¡ò †¢óò ·À¡ˆ ±ýȨÆì¸ôÀÎÅÐ Kadungon revived the Pandya Rule in South India in A) þó¾¢Â §¾º¢Â þáÏÅõ B) À¢¡¢ðʉ §¾º¢Â þáÏÅõ the 7 th century B.C. C) À¡¸¢Š¾¡ý §¾º¢Â þáÏÅõ Simhavishnu – Responsible for the revival of the D) À¢¦ÃïÍ §¾º¢Â þáÏÅõ Pallavan Dynasty. 711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI -106. E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 98404 -00825, 98404 -33955 RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (A Hi-Tech Advanced Coaching cum Guidance Centre) -2- www.radianiasacademy.org 7) '¿¨Ã ÓÊòÐ ¦º¡øÄ¡ø Ó¨È ¦ºö¾ §º¡Æý' C) ãýÈ¡ÅÐ D) ²Æ¡ÅÐ A) ̧ġòÐí¸ý B) Ӿġõ þᧃó¾¢Ãý Tamil Nadu is..in geographical area among the C) ¸¡¢¸¡Äý D) Å¢ƒÂ¡ÄÂý states of the Indian union A) Eleventh B) Second C) Third D) Seventh ‘Narai mudithu sollal murai seidha cholan” is th th A) Kulothungan B) Rajendran I Population: 6 ; Population Density: 6 C) Karikalan D) Vijayalayan 15) 2001õ ¬ñÎ Áì¸û ¦¾¡¨¸ì ¸½ì¦¸ÎôÀ¢ý ÀÊ, 8) þó¾¢Â¡ Ţξ¨Ä ¦ÀüÈ 50-ÅÐ ¬ñÎ þó¾¢Â Áì¸û ¦¾¡¨¸ ¦¾¡¼í¸ôÀð¼ ¾¢ð¼õ A) 1.027 À¢øÄ¢Âý B) 1.037 À¢øÄ¢Âý A) ãýÈ¡õ ³ó¾¡ñÎò ¾¢ð¼õ C) 1.047 À¢øÄ¢Âý D) 1.057 À¢øÄ¢Âý B) ±ð¼¡õ ³ó¾¡ñÎò ¾¢ð¼õ According to 2001 Census, India’s population was C) Àò¾¡õ ³ó¾¡ñÎò ¾¢ð¼õ A) 1.027 billion B) 1.037 billion C) 1.047 billion D) 1.057 billion D) ´ýÀ¾¡õ ³ó¾¡ñÎò ¾¢ð¼õ (Or) 102.7 Crores. (or) 1027 Millions The plan launched on the fiftieth year of Independence was 16) ºÓ¾¡Â Óý§ÉüÈò¾¢ý Å¢¨Ç ¿¢Äõ A) Third Five-Year Plan B) Eighth Five-Year Plan A) ÀûÇ¢ B) ¸øæ¡¢ C) Àø¸¨Äì¸Æ¸õD) «ÖÅĸõ C) Tenth Five-Year Plan D) Ninth Five-Year Plan The stepping stone for the progress of the society is 9) þÁÂÁ¨Ä¢ý ż¸¢ÆìÌ À̾¢ 300 ¦º.Á£ «¾¢¸Á¡¸ A) School B) College C) University D) Office Á¨Æ ¦ÀÈ ¸¡Ã½Á¡¸ þÕìÌõ ¸¢¨Ç 17) å.5,000 ìÌ 5% ¬ñÎ ÅðÊ Å£¾ò¾¢ø 2 A) Åí¸¡Ç Å¢¡¢Ì¼¡ ¸¢¨Ç B) «ÃÀ¢ì¸¼ø ¸¢¨Ç ¬ñθÙìÌ ¾É¢ ÅðÊ C) ¸¡õ§À ŨÇ̼¡ ¸¢¨Ç D) ¦¸¡í¸ý ¸¢¨Ç A) å.250 B) å.500 C) å.750 D) å.800 The north-eastern parts of Himalayas receive more Simple interest for Rs.5,000 at the rate of 5% for 2 than 300 cm rainfall by years is A) Bay of Bengal branch B) Arabian sea branch A) Rs. 250 B) Rs. 500 C) Rs.750 D) Rs. 800 C) Gulf of Khambhat branch D) Konkan branch Pnr S.I = , P = 5000, n = 2, r = 5% Bay of Bengal branch: Kerala upto Punjab thru 100 Aravallis 5000× 2×5 Arabian sea branch: Andaman & Nicobar, NE states S.I = = 500 upto Punjab Plains 100 10) ¦¸ñ¨¼ Á£É¢ý Ē¼Ä¢ø ĒûÇ ¦º¾¢ø¸û OUR NEW BOOKS & MAGAGINES A) À¢Ç측öÎ B) ¨ºìÇ¡öÎ C) ËÉ¡öÎ D) ¸¡É¡öÎ The name of scales in Mullet fish is (1) Magazine for GROUP-1 &2. A) Placoid B) Cycloid C) Ctenoid D) Ganoid (Available by March 15 th ) Placoid: for sharks; Ctenoid: Comb like scales Ganoid: Scales with shiny covering. (2) 10000 Question Bank with Keys. 11) 'Á¢ýÉÉ¡÷ ŽíÌó ¦¾öÅõ' ±É ÌÈ¢ôÀ¢ð¼ ¿À÷ (Available by March End) A) ̧ºÄ÷ Á¨ÉÅ¢ B) «½í¸É¡÷ C) ¸ñ½ý Á¨ÉÅ¢ D) «ÛÝ¡ (3) ெபாதமி. Who was praised as “Minnanar Vanangum Deivam”? (Available by March First Week) A) Wife of Kusela B) Ananganar C) Wife of Krishna D) Anusuya (4) அறிவய–வனாக–வளக. Source: School Book ( 2500 ேகவக by March II Week) 12) ÌÐôÁ¢É¡¨Ãì ¸ð¼ò ¦¾¡¼í¸¢ÂÅ÷ A) þøÎÁ¢‰ B) ÌòÒ¾£ý ³Àì C) Ã…¢Â¡ D) À¡øÀý 18) Ý¡¢Â ´Ç¢Â¢ý ÒÈ °¾¡ì ¸¾¢÷¸Ç¡ø ²üÀÎõ The construction of Qutb-Minar was started by ÒüÚ§¿¡ö A) Iltutmish B) Qutb-ub-din-Aibak A) §¾¡ø ÒüÚ§¿¡ö B) þÃò¾ ÒüÚ§¿¡ö C) Razia D) Balban C) ѨãÃø ÒüÚ§¿¡ö D) ±ÖõÒ ÒüÚ§¿¡ö Iltumish: ÓÊò¾Å÷; Completed by Iltumish The ultraviolet rays from the sunlight causes Qutb-ud-din Aibak/Lakh Baksh Sultan A) skin cancer B) blood cancer The first Sultan of Delhi and founder of the Slave C) lung cancer D) bone cancer Dynasty Reason: Ozone depletion leads to skin cancer & 13) ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊø À¢ýÅÕõ Ũ¸Â¢Ä¡É............¸ð¼ ¸¢Ã¡Á cataract Ēûǡ𺢠«ÃÍ ¦ºÂøÀθ¢ýÈÐ. 19) ±Ð ¾É¢ì ¸É¢ «øÄ? A) ´ýÚ B) þÃñÎ C) ãýÚ D) ¿¡ýÌ A) ¦¿ðÊÄ¢í¸õ B) ¦À÷¡¢ C) ¦Àô§À¡ D) ðåô In Tamil Nadu there is a..tier system of Rural local Which is not a simple fruit? government A) Polyalthia B) Berry C) Pepo D) Drupe A) one B) two C) three D) four Polyalthia: Aggregate, Berry: Tomato Village Panchayat, Panchayat union, Dist Panchayat. Pepo: Cucumber, Drupe: Mango Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act passed in 1994 20) ´Õ a.m.u. ±ýÀÐ ±¾üÌî ºÁõ? 14) þó¾¢Â¡Å¢ø ĒûÇ Á¡¿¢Äí¸Ç¢ø ÀÃôÀÇÅ¢ý One a.m.u is equal to «ÊôÀ¨¼Â¢ø ¾Á¢ú¿¡Î...........þ¼ò¨¾ Ÿ¢ì¸¢ÈÐ. A) 139 Mev B) 391 Mev C) 931 Mev D) 936 Mev A) À¾¢¦É¡ýÈ¡ÅÐ B) þÃñ¼¡ÅÐ 711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI -106. E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 98404 -00825, 98404 -33955 RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (A Hi-Tech Advanced Coaching cum Guidance Centre) -3- www.radianiasacademy.org Energy obtained in disintegration of 1 atom (or 1 Two prominent leaders of Punjab were arrested in atomic mass unit) connection with the hartal against Rowlatt Act. They are 21) '¬À§Ã„ý ·À¢Çð' ±ýÈ ¾¢ð¼õ ±¾Û¼ý A) Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi ¦¾¡¼÷Ò¨¼ÂÐ? B) Motilal Nehru and C.R.Das C) Satyapal and Saifuddin Kichloo A) À¡ø ĒüÀò¾¢ô ¦ÀÕì¸õ B) ¿£÷ÅÇ §ÁõÀ¡Î D) Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal C) ¦ÅûÇò¾ÎôÒ D) §¸¡Æ¢ ÅÇ÷ôÒ §ÁõÀ¡Î Rowlatt Act – 1919 The Operation Flood Programme relates to A protest was held against this in Amritsar, which led to A) milk production development the enfamous Jallian Wala Bagh Massacre of 1919.
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