DEVELOPING SCOUTING’ODS PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATION Jack & DebbieFurst Giving kids a chance “And“And itit waswas fun.fun. TheThe adultadult leadersleaders inin TroopTroop 11 threwthrew aa terter- at transformation. rificrific program.program. ItIt capturedcaptured mymy creativitycreativity andand imagination.imagination. ItIt was worthy of the time.” eing a member of while pursuing his ultimate Furst says he regards historic Troop 1 rankrank ofof EagleEagle asas aa membermember ofof Scouting as the best youth- in Paoli, Pa., was a Troop 1. “It’s all about finish-- development program. “I transformational ing,”ing,” FurstFurst says.says. “Those“Those whowho have a real heart for creating Bexperience for Jack Furst. “It make it to Eagle Scout have platforms for young people was a really impressionable demonstrated at a young age toto gaingain confidence,confidence, courage,courage, time in my life,” he recalls. it’sit’s aboutabout finishing.finishing. That’sThat’s aa charactercharacter andand momentum in “And that troop really set the strongstrong skillskill thatthat servesserves youyou wellwell theirtheir lifelife inin aa positivepositive wayway toto foundation for me.” no matter where you are in life.” be contributors to society and If Furst’s early expo- After Furst reached Eagle toto themselves,”themselves,” hehe explains.explains. sure to Scouting through inin 1973,1973, hehe andand hishis familyfamily “It’s“It’s importantimportant thatthat everyevery Troop 1’s fast-paced, high- relocatedrelocated toto thethe DallasDallas area,area, youth has the opportunity to PHOTOEAR adventure formula changed where he later co-founded have an outstanding Scouting him, then the change has thethe investmentinvestment firmfirm Hicks,Hicks, experience that, if properly T been equally important to Muse, Tate & Furst. His adult delivered, should give that kid H STUDIO Scouting as a whole. That’s Scouting involvement began a lifetime gift of confidence S because as national leader at the council level. He has and momentum.” of the multiyear effort sincesince servedserved asas presidentpresident ofof That is his aspiration for involved with Scouting as an “There’s no place you can BSA National President Wayne Perry (from left), Jack Furst and BSA Chief MICHAEL ROYTEK/BSA FILE PHOTO ROYTEK/BSA MICHAEL to find, design, develop and thethe CircleCircle TenTen CouncilCouncil andand thethe SummitSummit —— thatthat thethe youthyouth adult can be a powerful way get involved with your time, Scout Executive Wayne Brock (far right) program the site and facili- continuescontinues toto volunteervolunteer inin hishis who visit will have the sort of to influence the next genera- talent or treasure and get join Scouting supporters to thank J. Brett ties of the Summit Bechtel son’s troop. transformationaltransformational experiencesexperiences tion and the future. better results within each of Harvey (second from right) for his gen- Family National Scout During a lifetime in Troop 1 gave him. He also “It’s big, it’s massive, and those categories than the Boy erosity in building the CONSOL Energy Reserve in West Virginia, Scouting that began when he makes the point that being it’s legacy-oriented,” he says. Scouts of America.” Bridge at the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Furst’s fingerprints are all was a 7-year-old Cub Scout over what many consider and continues today with WHY WE GIVE To pass on strong values to the next generation. the single most important serviceservice asas aa membermember ofof thethe development in a century of BSA’s National Executive IFIF JACKJACK ISN’T INVOLVED in a Scouting Scouting also helps the Fursts pass their having so much fun, and that enthusiasm Scouting. Furst believes the Board, Furst says the ben-- leadershipleadership activity,activity, hishis wife,wife, DDebbie,ebbie, likelylikely values on to their own children. “We want powers a terrific program for our youth.” Summit is a transformational efits he has gained and given is.is. FromF the time their son joined Cub them to have a sense of being in it for Both the Fursts say they feel Scouting is place for youth made possible throughthrough ScoutingScouting asas aa participartici-- ScoutsScouts and DDebbieebbie foundfound herselfherself asas aa denden other people, that it is not all about them,” uniquely positioned to create and sustain by the generosity of donors. pant, volunteer, supporter and leader,leader, throughthrough todaytoday inin herher currentcurrent rolerole Debbie says. And they hope Scouting these values, especially because of the as director of training for her local council, imparts leadership skills, as well as another opportunity it provides for adventures like “Our movement cannot executive have been consistent. sheshe hashas beenbeen anan activeactive adultadult volunteer.volunteer. dose of their emphasis on giving back. climbing mountains, visiting the Summit or thank them enough,” he says. “To“To whomwhom muchmuch isis given,given, The Fursts’ support for Scouting stems “Being a leader isn’t about being bossy but going to a jamboree. “These experiences In fact, when the Summit much is expected,” he says. fromfrom thethe BSA’s support of the values they about being a servant to others,” Debbie tend to be in the top two or three events in ROGER MORGAN/BSA FILE PHOTO MORGAN/BSA ROGER opened in 2013, it was a testa- “You“You learnlearn aboutabout thethe imporimpor-- hold. And among the most important of says. Scouting helps instill that value. a person’s life by the time they’re 20 years ment to one of the critical tancetance ofof teamworkteamwork andand thethe thosethose valuesvalues isis helpinghelping others.others. They’re For Debbie and Jack, another important old,” Jack says. “In most cases, they’ll stay life skills Furst says he learned importance of others. especially committed to helping America’s benefit of supporting Scouting with their in the top 10 for a person’s life. That’s why youth. “It’s a great program,” Debbie says time and resources is that they, as well as we do it.” of Scouting,S “because it exposes them the other adult volunteers, simply enjoy it. JackJack FurstFurst frequentlyfrequently contributescontributes hishis energyenergy toto CircleCircle TenTen Council’sCouncil’s WoodWood BadgeBadge toto soso manymany differentdifferent things.things. A lot of kids “Sometimes I wonder about some of the coursescourses atat PhilmontPhilmont ScoutScout RanchRanch (left).(left). HisHis passionpassion forfor bothboth youthyouth andand adultadult LEARN MORE about the BSA National leadershipleadership educationeducation drivesdrives hishis supportsupport ofof thethe RayadoRayado RidgeRidge LeadershipLeadership Camp,Camp, aa would never get to do some of the things adults, whether they’re in it for the kids Foundation at bsafoundation.org. newnew facilityfacility forfor PhilmontPhilmont TrainingTraining Center,Center, NAYLENAYLE andand somesome WoodWood BadgeBadge courses.courses. theythey dodo withwith Scouting.” or for themselves,” Debbie says. “They’re Foundation_Furst.indd 34 1/2/14 7:58 AM Foundation_Furst.indd 35 1/2/14 7:58 AM.
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