LOCAL 1010 STEELWORKER 4th Qtr. 2010 East Chicago, Indiana Volume 21; No. 2 “DOING THE RIGHT THING” Award Doing the Right Thing We see programs come and go, we want a culture change in how the USW Local 1010 membership approaches each and every job large or small, easy or hard; you see we only want to make safe steel. We have a lot at stake we are the ones on the front line perform- ing the work task. “Doing The Right Thing” Award If you were told, “Go ahead and just “Doing The Right Thing” Award On April 14, 2010 do the job, it’s always been done this On May 27, 2010 way.” What does that person have in Ramiro Muro Tyron Pearson the game? What are they putting at risk? a #4 Steel Producing RHOB Operat- a #4 Steel Producing employee was Why would any USW Local 1010 ing Technician observed the Caster assigned with a crew to clean a dust Member want to risk life or limb just to Craneman in the process of picking up spill at the Cadre Baghouse. Tyron get’er done? How can you work, or a treated heat off the turntable. As it questioned if the dust was hazardous, work overtime while you are injured? was lifted approximately six inches he after he read the procedure it was de- What if you loose your life, who gets noticed the “blind side” hook was not termined they were handling the dust your pension? fully engaged. He immediately told the incorrectly. He informed the rest of craneman to set the ladle back down. President Tom Hargrove enacted an his co-workers and they stopped the His quick actions and Shared Vigilance award to recognize the USW Local job immediately. Tyron questioned the avoided a potentially serious safety in- 1010 Members that say NO to this cul- way the job was being done and didn’t cident. ture of Get’Er Done. assume the job was being done the safe Good Job Ramiro! It’s called the Presidents “DOING way. His quick actions and Shared THE RIGHT THING AWARD”, and Vigilance prevented his co-workers in this issue of the Steelworker we from a potentially serious incident. would like to share with you the recent Good Job Tyron! recipients of this prestigious award. We make the Job Safe, or WE DON’T DO IT! Page 2 4th Qtr. 2010 “DOING THE RIGHT THING” AWARD “DOING THE RIGHT THING” “DOING THE RIGHT THING” “DOING THE RIGHT THING” AWARD AWARD AWARD On July 8, 2010 On July 8, 2010 On July 8, 2010 Ike Peterson Ken Renn Dave Ruder a # 4 Steel Producing employee and a MEU employee and co-worker Dave a MEU employee and co-worker Ken co-worker Rusty Williams assisted get- Ruder were repositioning a manlift in Renn were repositioning a manlift in the ting Steve West emergency assistance the scrubber roadway at # 4 SP. A scrubber roadway at # 4 SP. A nearby for injuries suffered after an explosion nearby Pugh Ladle exploded causing Pugh Ladle exploded causing brick and which caused brick and hot slag to be- brick and hot slag to become airborne. hot slag to become airborne. After come airborne. After debris had After debris had stopped falling, they debris had stopped falling, they noticed stopped falling, MEU employees Dave noticed Steve West coming from the Steve West coming from the south Ruder and Ken Renn noticed Steve south around the thickener. He had around the thickener. He had burns on West coming from the south around the burns on his abdomen and neck and was his abdomen and neck and was disori- thickener. Steve had burns on his ab- disorientated. They also noticed Steve entated. They also noticed Steve was domen and neck and was disorientated. was headed back near the explosion headed back near the explosion site. They also noticed Steve was headed site. They took quick action and They took quick action and stopped back near the explosion site. They took stopped Steve, preventing him from Steve, preventing him from going back quick action and stopped Steve, pre- going back into that area. About that into that area. About that time a truck venting him from going back into that time a truck showed up with Rusty showed up with Rusty Williams and Ike area. About that time a truck showed Williams and Ike Peterson from #4 SP. Peterson from #4 SP. All of them placed up with Rusty Williams and Ike All of them placed Steve West in the Steve West in the vehicle and took him Peterson from #4 SP. All of them placed vehicle and took him to emergency sta- to emergency station 145 and called for Steve West in the vehicle and took him tion 145 and called for emergency medi- emergency medical help. Their Shared to emergency station 145 and called for cal help. Their Shared Vigilance and Vigilance and immediate quick actions emergency medical help. Their Shared immediate quick actions stopped Steve stopped Steve from going back into that Vigilance and immediate quick actions from going back into that area enabling area enabling Steve to get immediate stopped Steve from going back into that Steve to get immediate emergency emergency medical assistance. medical assistance. area enabling Steve to get immediate Good Job Dave! emergency medical assistance. Good Job Ken! Good Job Ike! We make the Job Safe, or WE DON’T DO IT!!! Steelworker Page 3 “DOING THE RIGHT THING” AWARD “DOING THE RIGHT THING” “DOING THE RIGHT THING” “DOING THE RIGHT THING” AWARD AWARD AWARD On July 8, 2010 On July 16, 2010 On July 16, 2010 Rusty Williams Keith Hopkins Ryan Keen a # 4 Steel Producing employee and and co-worker Ryan Keen was directed and co-worker Keith Hopkins was di- co-worker Ike Peterson assisted get- to work on a Pugh car at the Car re- rected to work on a Pugh car at the ting Steve West emergency assistance pair building. They arrived at the job Car repair building. They arrived at for injuries suffered after an explosion site and noticed the jacking stands (Crib- the job site and noticed the jacking which caused brick and hot slag to be- bing) did not have any proof of being stands (Cribbing) did not have any proof come airborne. After debris had load tested, which caused concerns for of being load tested, which caused con- stopped falling, MEU employees Dave their own safety if used. They brought cerns for their own safety if used. They Ruder and Ken Renn noticed Steve this issue to the attention of their im- brought this issue to the attention of their West coming from the south around the mediate supervisor. The supervisor told immediate supervisor. The supervisor thickener. Steve had burns on his ab- them the steel fabricated cribbing has told them the steel fabricated cribbing domen and neck and was disorientated. been used in the past at Car repair and has been used in the past at Car repair They also noticed Steve was headed was adequate for the job. Ryan and and was adequate for the job. Ryan back near the explosion site. They took Keith refused to use this cribbing since and Keith refused to use this cribbing quick action and stopped Steve, pre- there was not any proof that these had since there was not any proof that these venting him from going back into that been load tested. The supervisor con- had been load tested. The supervisor area. About that time a truck showed tinued to insist that they use these jack- continued to insist that they use these up with Rusty Williams and Ike ing stands, so Ryan and Keith requested jacking stands, so Ryan and Keith re- Peterson from #4 SP. All of them placed Safety Relief and was prepared to be quested Safety Relief and was prepared Steve West in the vehicle and took him sent home. At that time, the supervi- to be sent home. At that time, the su- to emergency station 145 and called for sor told them that load tested cribbing pervisor told them that load tested crib- emergency medical help. Their Shared was available at the Pugh Ladle repair bing was available at the Pugh Ladle Vigilance and immediate quick actions building. Ryan and Keith went to Pugh repair building. Ryan and Keith went stopped Steve from going back into that ladle and picked up the correct load to Pugh ladle and picked up the correct area enabling Steve to get immediate tested cribbing. They then proceeded load tested cribbing. They then pro- emergency medical assistance. doing the job safe way with the proper ceeded doing the job safe way with the Good Job Rusty! equipment. Ryan and Keith’s actions proper equipment. Ryan and Keith’s demonstrate the true meaning of “Make actions demonstrate the true meaning the job Safe or don’t do it!” of “Make the job Safe or don’t do it!” Good Job Keith! Good Job Ryan! Page 4 4th Qtr. 2010 Union Safety Committee Report Safety Committee 398-3100 x120 or 121 [email protected] Ivan Agosto - Chairman 397-6934 Cell: 712-5631 Nick Valle - Vice Chairman Cell: 808-5377 John Gelon - Secretary 690-1523 From left: John Gelon, Nick Valle, Don Jones, Ivan Agosto Cell: 406-4190 Don Jones - Safety Coordinator 838-4210 The Safety Committee Report Cell: 712-5610 As we start the forth quarter our to- returning. Your Safety Committee and training and education programs tal injuries for IH Flat Carbon have in- Safety Advocates helped provide Ori- throughout the plant.
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