Federationof Nigeria— Official Gazette —

Federationof Nigeria— Official Gazette —

Meer og Federationof Nigeria— _ Official Gazette — No. 4 LAGOS~Ath June,1959 - Vol. 46 ¢|0.NTENTS | Page - Page inumantotai Bocretaty to Governors l - Revised KovaattseTechnet Institute, Yaba . 760 SenoraLand Councilof Ministara ee Onitsha-Asab , 760. Movements of Officers we 740-3 Limited Com 0kerry 1958) (Executive Class) . AppointmentofElection Officials ts +x 743 for Promotion to the Executive Gradoin Appointment, of |parson to hear Claims, wad, the Federal Sorvice .. 761 actions ae 743-7 — Limited Competitive Examination for entry Chemista and Drug iota Licences + a854 - to the GeneralExecutive Class in Western Cancollation of Certificatesof Registration of RegionPublicService, 1959 - 761 -Promiacs 754 Limited Competition (1958) (Clerical Class) Appocintmant ofChairmanofGoelCerporation ae for promotions to’ the: Standard Clerical Appointmentof Officer ofCadet Unit ow 154 ein the Federal Service — 761-2 Granting ofFionosat Gortdficate ; 754 Pair Kernels ind PalmOil Purchasesfor the Notics of Prot declare a "Pioneer Federation of Nigests ‘ : 763 Industry 754. Shorthand ‘and Typewriting Examination— Exchangeeromigne‘between HisRoyat Bi ie List of Passes . ‘ xe 763-4 : ness. e of ‘Gloucester nod. Cancellation of Tender’ a ae cee. FG _Eesatncy PaigeGovernor-General of ‘the. 938 ’ Stare VACANGIEs— Application for Regutrationof TradeUnich 755. UniversityCollege,Thadan.. ott TOEIGF Landreained |for thewervice of the Federal- "56 Federal Ministry of Commerce and Indus- : overnmen ¥ ae : 965 - Declaration: to em ow personto 8 cortificate relating pia:Derr atien Minty ‘ofEdication,Western“Region 7656 Physical Examination inForetuic Matter 756” Federal Education Department 1. 766 srontaent Authority—-Cancellition of 986:a Minlotre of Agriculture, Eastern Region <> 167-8 tt Liconsing sociConlin of Appointmentof ibeenasCte lab!Ppolatment‘Authority Stal oe 336 Resources, WestenRegion vey La vataraldide) Yam supplies"Workers . 787 Admniniscration.. Department, _ Eastern 768-9 AppolnimontofMambetofthe Nige:inanPcite ee aeCt andE‘ExciseNos + ¥769-73 Low ofLocal Purchasd Orders)ne 387; 5. No.INDEX TO: Luaat, NonNoticesTeiv SupplementP Appointinent of School xear Perlod ay 87 TN an age | firmation of Ordinan vi 957 438 FunctionsofResidents (EasternRegionn) Lagoa Land Wagiaty~oLot Certificate ee TST imendiment) Order, 1959 -» B269 offoalBursard atun 787 «136 Lagoa CentralCer ening Scheme, 1951 269 fous Order, vs Wasa8 "0 aoaer and’ Railwe‘7 758 197 Establishmentmendment):of Electoral Districts LessStorekesof seraLicence5. cet a 758 (Amendment) Proclamation, 1959 Baz7t Feetreas ay 958 498° Immigration Ordinance—Thomas List of R +. 759: . Kamsu—-DeportationOrder,1959... B272 Tranefor of ranch “Office—~Ministry of — Bill entitled the University College. Bulla trot and Industry cn oe oes a0 Hospital (Amendment) Ordinance, “pps - us ny or 6 ue * a ee a ‘ e “Eee pausePres Index. 5 i 7603 = ‘BilloaitledtheRevisedEan(Lave ft * 3 an end~ hortha:1959. A; Tepeweel ne Sexi on, 760 ~ ment) Ordinance, 19300 .. C77 —~.— ee OFFICIAL GAZETTE Me M4, Vol 46 Government Notice No. 1160 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING SecRETsRY To Tits Govamion-Gangnat anp Councic"or Minisrxas It is notified that Marri Besucuame HALL, tise hag been inted to act as Secretary to th Governor-General and Councilof Ministers, ¢ Ia anecapacity he aleo actens Secretary to theHigh Comenss= sioner for the Southern Cameroons, Mr M. B, Haws appointment bas effect from the Ist June, 1959. GG0004;5, 2 GovernmentNoticeNo.1162 i, . “NEW APPOINTMENTS<AND,OTHER STAFF GHANGES Thefollowing sre nofified forigeneral information By His Exceilency’s Command, op ue oboA De . i|. foting Jecpetary to the Governor-General . - and to the High Commissionerfor Lagos, 4th June, 1959. the Southern Cameroon: NEW APPOINTMENTS . Datecf Date of Departinent Nante Appointment appointment Arnval — Inland Waterways .. Etim-Basscy, E.N,... Turnstile Operator ae 1-958 Marketing and Exports _Adeshola, B. A. 1. Clerical Assistant «14-59 =_ sMinistry of Com- Rafal, KR. 0. «» 3rd Class Clerk ., +s 17-653 oe munications and =| Solano, A. oe Executive Officer (Accounts) =. 22-12-58 = Aviation ‘ maererererenntnrennnaiaannaaasate 1 Notification in Gazette No, 25 of 23-4-59 amended, , PROMOTIONS . _ Date of Department Name. Appointment Promotion General Exesutive Class “*Bademost, M.A. .. Executive Officer, GradeI .. an $488 Jumbo, H, A. ss Executive Officer, GradeI.. oe 44-58 *Obu, NA. +... Executive Officer, Grade I. os 1-4-55 — * *Ozunniyi, S. O. .. Executive Offizer, Grade .. eo) 17-49-58 Inland Revenue +» Lewis, W. J. «» Deputy Commissioner of Income Tas .. 23+1-55 = , Osindero, BE. A. +, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax «- o a. 28-8-58 « «s _$-1-5¢ Ministry of Finance ..‘ Innes, IC. 5S, ~+ Senior Accountant - “ , "# Nylander, C.E.'T. .. Senior Accountant ne as %2-8-S3 _ Udeariry, M. O. -. Senior Accountant o we 1-1-39 of Finance Harger, HD. .. Accountant-General, Southem Cameroons 16-15-35 Ministry . (Southern. Cameroons) . Ministry of Works and Daykin,A.B.S. <. Principal Accountant ws ws. 2h-4-58 : - ITVeC: lo 6 14-89 Police 7 . 1» tAdebiyi, 5. — .. Assistant Superintendent of Police =: tAdewust, S, .. Assistant Superintendent of Police + 14-59 TAkoma, J. .. Assistant Superintendent of Police ve {-4-59 ‘Athaji, L .. Assistant Superintendent of Police we 1-4-8559 Amarikwa, U. .. Assistant Superintendent of Police ve {4-59 ' 1Chikezie, G. _,. Assittant Superintendent of Police oe. 4-4-59 ; SEgbeyemi, R. .. Assistant Superintendent of Police ae) 4-459 iEgbuchulam, 0.8... Assistant Superiatendent of Police os $-4-59 = %Enaholo, CG. EB: —.._—- Assistant Superintendent of Police we 1-4+-59 3Eum,J. S. “ ,, Assistant Superintendent of Police oe 1-459 IGbalaiohi, S. .. Assistant Superintendentof Police ae 1-459 Ydigo, Re: .. Assistiht Superintendent of Police ve 1-4-59 Tali, E. ,» Assistant Superintendentof Police oe 1-4-59 1Lafiali, ¥. va Assi¢tant Superintendent of Police _ .« 1-£-59 . \ Lewis, P. .. Assistant Superintendent of Police oe I-59 : Nramani, V. "2° Assistant Superintendent of Police os | 1-4-59 didi, L. .» Assistant Superintendent of Police as 1-459 - ADkeke, F. .. Assistant Superintendentof Police oe 1-44-59 - 1Okorie, A. .- Assistmt Superintendentof Police as 1-59 IOnwkiwugha, A. .. Assistune Superinteadent of Police te 1-4-59 Unioffia, R. .. Assistant Superintendent ofPolice . ae 1-4-5959 iWmoren,E. J. .. Assistant Superintendent of Police os $459 IT sa 14-58 Prime Minister's Office Whiteley, Mis. M. Personal Secretary, Grade : f 1 Promotion on trial. - 2 Notification in Gazette No.'80of 27-11-58 amended. - ae, e fh —. OFEICIAL GAZETTE a ~-AGTING. APPOINTMENTS: Se Dipattinkbo Noted”a "Actingottng Appointment:initiate: viteetsn pateaeated mS oo . tte Appointment Revere Audit eS ae Bollard, NA 0 os Pilncipal Auditor." 90 Us. 24-259 Cuatoma™ and Exelsa ABhondor,i... Binitio, M,.OnB. Oe, -. 4...+= ChiefSeniorClerkCollector os 5aee BORED26259es *Odugberan, Be O. ce Becretary, Hoard of Customs. 4 : o > and Tixclag 1 fe oy eee omed Omtufghomi, D. 5.B. ‘Benior Collector. aE adie “3-89 en! roral Executive Claas Alyegbusl, LA, ++ Assistant Bxecuttys Officer meg. Goennt / eens (Accounte): es se "ase _ Onojobi, OB. A... Atslatant Executive Officer . | Pes {Accounts}+ .. a 14-59 — Inferid Revenue =. Soper, WP. B.«. Principal Inspector of Toxes 23-59 Marketing and Exports Fashols,Ac Be «3. Chief Clerk - 14-59. — te Mvorreoral ical Services «Fowler,eeMu Ki Ai oo: MeteorologicalGrade I Aisa, Me243-59 nal? Lowther, fi M,.. ¢» Senior Meteorological OBicer 20-3-59 ee Ministry of Commerce Tella, B. Ac. ye Principal Establisfinient Officer” 14-59 Oo ee _ and Induatry as eee istry of Communi AAdepettin, S.A, ss Pueipal Aceountant’* one 1-11-87 15-5~58 | Minit and Aviation “Adgpetun, S.A... ‘Principal Accountant yg DERSQ i se Wireless Supervisor. be TRRSO ee Abualghey Hi Be: 1. Supervisor (Telephones)... 2-41-59 — Akhigbe, M, 0. «« Sppervisor . ee ae 42-12-58, _ Akinola, E. 0. as. Swpervigor = ae ee TORBBS Arima, Ww.& + 2, Supervisor _ 1-39-59 — Bakara, R. = +x Postmaster, Grade l * 9-3-59 ChME QO. 4s Supervisor (Telephones) ae * 13-2+59 —_ 4Goco-Bassey,.). W, .«, Senior Investigation Officer... 1-4-59 _ , Cookoy, M. T. .a Senior Technician, Grade a 10-9-58 — . Domingo, A. B.. » +. Poatmaster, Grade I 16-6-58 8-3~59 ‘Egbunike, G. H. T. Senior Investigation Officer «eo ABSGO . Fadina, S.0, °° ++ SeniorExecutive Officer oe ‘ bo (Accounts). 9-6 fe 4489 _ Thedionwu,A. >» Supervisor a.) ve 83-59 Jumbo, EL Wy Supervisor — 3-259 aes Luke, E, I. +« Séniot Technician, Grade uu 30-9-58 6+1+59 Nwankwo, ie Dy - oF Supervisor ..v“4 as :26-2+59 ‘ene Nwiwu,Acd - ... Supervisor tee tae 4312-58 63-59 . Ogundele, UO... «... Supervisor “ye footy, F12-58 — . Oo OhanvesJ N. ze. Chief Clerk jee be 74-59 — as . Ohawa, Misa N, a _ Supervisor “ee ast 949-59 —_ - Onuora, B.C. “4. Supervisor eae yy HASALKSS aod Onwuta, B.C, a> Supervisor Fy, 29-41-59 _! - Onyekaonwa, F.C... Postenaster, Grade Ye las 26-299 + - Oparsh, B. I, +. Postmaster, GradeI = + .,° 31-12-58 — ¥ ewe, EQ, - as Subervisor (Eelephones) “4. 27-1-59 16-3-59 : Otisi, Ar Ac : ws. Rostoiaiter, Grate «- .28-2-59 _ . Padonou, B. O.. .. Chief Clerk be ae 1-4-58 11 ~58 vi ghietCClerk tee ee BARBO ete . Bevryi, BB.0, . 9... Bup 163-59 — Thomas, F, EB ea Control, Post iliesSavings 14-4059 ~ Uyanwa, BO. ms SeniorAssistantPostal ce fot Ge Le Nest s.1, + +S0pervisor (Telephones)... 24~3--59 _ “> “Weregha, LJ... «». Assistant Instructor - ~~ 8-12-58 _- Wana H. I "4.0 Controller of Ground Services 1-4-59 —_ ‘Witham, Db, - as Bentor Signals 0. cer oa * 25-3~59 vane Ministryof Foenceo - Danitay, RS. ee Senior Accountant 6 ee BABI Deputy Permanent: Secretary. 1-59 ” Miniatry of Works,it “Smith, RC, ae Survey 4ea ME, a OFFICAL GAUETT®—_ Wu, 34, Vol. 48 ACTING APPOINTMENTS—vonsinuad | Department ° Name. Acting Appotatment ata Dateof et thontion Poli‘alice . ae «. _ BBriffett,Ife G.gtH. +* SeniBesior Ssuperintendent ofPalcee 14-9ohn 9 — Prime Minister's Office - Pates, K.G. «> Senior Assistant Sectetasy os G~H-S9 _ ‘Wey, 8, O.

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