Préhistoires Méditerranéennes 1 | 2010 Varia Le contexte géomorphologique et faunique de l’homme de Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne) The geomorphological and fauna context of the Montmaurin’s Man (Haute- Garonne) Évelyne Crégut-Bonnoure, Nicolas Boulbes, Claude Guérin, Jacques Pernaud, André Tavoso(†) et Raoul Cammas(†) Éditeur Association pour la promotion de la préhistoire et de l'anthropologie Édition électronique méditerrannéennes URL : http://pm.revues.org/543 ISSN : 2105-2565 Référence électronique Évelyne Crégut-Bonnoure, Nicolas Boulbes, Claude Guérin, Jacques Pernaud, André Tavoso(†) et Raoul Cammas(†), « Le contexte géomorphologique et faunique de l’homme de Montmaurin (Haute- Garonne) », Préhistoires Méditerranéennes [En ligne], 1 | 2010, mis en ligne le 18 octobre 2011, consulté le 30 septembre 2016. URL : http://pm.revues.org/543 Ce document est un fac-similé de l'édition imprimée. Tous droits réservés Le contexte géomorphologique et faunique de l’homme de Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne) The geomorphological and fauna context of the Montmaurin’s Man (Haute-Garonne) Préhistoires Préhistoires méditerranéennes 1 — 2010 / 35 - 85 http://pm.revues.org/ Évelyne Crégut-Bonnoure*, Nicolas Boulbes**, Claude Guérin***, Jacques Pernaud****, André Tavoso(†), Raoul Cammas (†) Mots-clés Résumé Pléistocène moyen, Huit cavités sont visibles dans le karst de Montmaurin, dont la Niche qui a livré Pléistocène supérieur, des restes humains anténéandertaliens. Grâce aux témoins de cinq nappes alluviales, la Niche, Montmaurin, édifiées par la Garonne et ses affluents, dont les traces sont visibles dans les environs Haute-Garonne, France, du karst, il est possible de dater le remplissage de ces diverses cavités. Tous sont repaire de carnivores postérieurs à l’édification de la basse terrasse « mindélienne ». Le recoupement des données géomorphologiques et paléontologiques de la Niche permet d’attribuer ses dépôts au Pléistocène moyen et au Pléistocène supérieur. En effet, les 26 espèces de mammifères identifiées se répartissent en deux assemblages distincts. Celui des niveaux C1 et C3 est caractéristique de la fin du Pléistocène moyen. Il est contemporain du stade isotopique 7. La couche sommitale B est datée d’une phase froide du Pléistocène supérieur. L’abondance des carnivores dans les niveaux C1 et C3, jointe aux traces de morsures laissées sur les ossements d’herbivores, permet de privilégier le fonctionnement de repaire de cet ensemble. Il a aussi été un lieu d’hibernation pour l’ours et a été occupé occasionnellement par l’homme. Keywords Abstract Middle Pleistocene, Eight cavities are visible in the Montmaurin karst, of which La Niche provided pre-Neanderthal Upper Pleistocene, remains. Thanks to evidence from five alluvial layers, formed by the Garonne River and its tributaries La Niche, Montmaurin, and whose tracks are visible around the karst, it is possible to date the filling of these diverse caves. Haute-Garonne, France, All of them post-date the deposition of the lower-most “mindelian” terrace. The combination of carnivore den geomorphological and paleontological data from La Niche allows the attribution of its deposits to the Middle and Upper Pleistocene. Indeed, the 25 mammalian species identified group into two different assemblages. The fauna from layer C, levels C1 and C3, shows features from the end of the Middle Pleistocene, dating probably to MIS 7. The top layer, B, is attributable to a cold episode of the Upper Pleistocene. The abundance of carnivores in levels C1 and C3, along with the marks left on the herbivore bones, strongly suggests the site was used as a carnivore den. It was also used for hibernation by cave bears and briefly occupied by humans. Reçu / Received 27-07-2009 ; Version révisée reçue / Received in revised form 20-05-2010 ; Accepté / Accepted 15-06-2010 ; En ligne / Online 24-05-2011 * Muséum Requien, 67 rue Joseph-Vernet 84000 Avignon & UMR 5608 (UTAH), 5 allées Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse cedex 1 —[email protected] ** UMR 5140 Archéologie des Sociétés méditerranéennes, 390 av. de Pérols, 34970 Lattes & Centre de Recherches Préhistoriques, 1 av. Léon Jean Grégory, 66720 Tautavel — [email protected] *** UMR 5125 du CNRS Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 27-43 bd du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex — [email protected] **** Musée de Tautavel, av. Léon-Jean Grégory, 66720 Tautavel — [email protected] 35 Évelyne Crégut-Bonnoure, Nicolas Boulbes, Claude Guérin, Jacques Pernaud, André Tavoso(†), Raoul Cammas (†) Abridged version -C1: an archaeological level from -180 to -330 cm with a rich fauna containing fifty lithic artefacts. Most of the The Montmaurin karst was exploited during the recovered objects here were not recorded in situ, but do early 20th century as a quarry, and revealed a total of indeed derive from this level, especially the red deer skulls eight cavities; the Montmaurin (or Boule Cave), and the with antler; Terrasse caves (which are within the higher level of the -C2: a mostly sterile clay-lime which has shown a general karst sequence), and four grouped caves at Putois, single lithic flake between -330 and -410 cm; at the lower levels. Between these two assemblies is the -C3: the lower archaeological level (-410 to -650 cm) Coupe-Gorge cave and La Niche. exposed the three Homo heidelbergensis remains; tibia (-420 to 430 cm), a mandible and a cervical vertebra (-490 to La Niche was first recorded in 1945 by R. Cammas 510 cm). The greater part of the archaeological material and revealed pre-Neanderthal remains, associated with is from higher half of the level which is also very rich with a mix of 1.856 palaeontological reminders, and lithic bone, whereas the base (-530 to -650 cm) has revealed elements. An initial interpretation of these assemblages only a hundred or so pieces, of which the bone and lithic was realized by A. Tavoso. ratio remains equal to the higher level. Together the R. Cammas observations and the relative The mammalian fauna stratigraphies, including the geomorphological study of the Montmaurin area, permitted to reject the earlier The mammalian remains belong to 26 species: hypothesis by L. Meroc (1948), who had considered that Layer B: Vulpes vulpes, Meles meles, Dicerorhinus La Niche composition as being a product of a movement hemitoechus, Equus hydruntinus, E. caballus ssp. (midsized), infill of the Terrace, and to consider the site as a direct Megaloceros giganteus, Rangifer tarandus, Cervus elaphus, primary deposit. Capreolus capreolus, Bison sp., Bos primigenius; Level C1 : Canis lupus, V. vulpes, Ursus thibetanus, Due to the evidence from five alluvial layers formed U. spelaeus deningeroides, Panthera (Leo) spelaea, P. pardus, Felis by the Garonne River and its tributaries, which are visible silvestris, E. caballus ssp. (larger sized), C. elaphus, C. capreolus, around the karst, it is possible to date the deposit infilling Bison sp., Rupicapra pyrenaica; of these various caves. They all post-date the deposition Level C3 : C. lupus, V. vulpes, U. spelaeus deningeroides, of the lower ‘Mindelian’ terrace. Dicerorhinus sp., E. caballus ssp. (larger sized), C. elaphus, C. capreolus, Bos primigenius, R. pyrenaica, Marmota marmota The infilling of La Niche and Coupe-Gorge cave, which mesostyla. has no alluvial layers, could only have accumulated after the alluvial deposits from the lower terrace (Basse Terrace), Elsewhere, a number of remains were recovered out during a time when the Seygouade river was already at more of sequence: than 15 metres below this level, meaning at the earliest, at or C. lupus, Cuon priscus, V. vulpes, U. spelaeus deningeroides, around the “Mindel-Riss” or “Upper-Riss”. P. (Leo) spelaea, P. pardus, cf. Hyaena, Equus caballus ssp., 1 — 2010 35-85 Sus scrofa, R. tarandus, C. elaphus, Bison sp., B. primigenius, — La Niche infilling R. pyrenaica, M. marmota mesostyla, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Erinaceus davidi. Together with notes by R. Cammas associated with recent complementary observations, La Niche shows The 26 species identified are grouped into two three distinct levels: different time assemblages. The fauna from layer C - from 0 to -10 cm: layer A, stalagmite flooring; (levels C1 and C3) shows features dating to the end of - from -10 to -190 cm: layer B, a limey-clay stony the Middle Pleistocene. Despite there being a sterile matrix; horizon between the two levels, there are no major - from -190 to -650 cm: layer C, a yellow ochre limey- paleontological differences amongst the assemblages, clay with no stone, very concretionized against the cavity and the evolutionary degree, from wolf to cave bear, is Préhistoires méditerranéennes Préhistoires wallings. Three levels can be observed: indeed comparable. 36 Le contexte géomorphologique et faunique de l’homme de Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne) With the presence of these two species, as well as Cutmarks are visible on three bones (horse and aurochs) horse and the temperate inference from rest of the fauna from layer C3 and are associated with lithic artefacts, and assembly here, we can firmly assess this area of infill to human bone. La Niche therefore seems to have had a have been established during the isotope stage 7. mixed occupation. The higher layer B is attributable to a cold episode of The abundance of red deer in these two levels (C1 and the Upper Pleistocene according the abundance of Equids, C3) remains debatable. as well as the presence of reindeer and the megaceros. The initial karst morphology and the general The origin of the accumulation distribution of the material assemblages is not yet fully understood, for the entire context has not been excavated There has been no prior research or investigation nor collected; it is thus not possible to certify the various concerning the morphology of the cavity before being factors and contributors to this/these accumulations. We targeted for quarrying. According to observations made can, nonetheless, simply exclude man and hyena. by R. Cammas, La Niche is a narrow high gallery; further remarks from G. Simmonet (per. comm.) confirm it as Layer B containing ‘pockets’ which were exposed during quarry Layer B is characterised by the relative abundance of work.
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