TABLE OF CONTENTS N.W.O. FORBIDDEN HISTORY INTRODUCTION P. 3 1763 - 1816 P. 5 1820 - 1880 P. 23 1881 - 1910 P. 41 1911 - 1920 P. 65 1921 - 1930 P. 91 1931 - 1939 P. 103 WORLD WAR II (Part 1) P. 121 WORLD WAR II (Part 2) P. 143 1945 - 1960 P. 163 1961 - 1970 P. 189 1971 - 1980 P.203 1981 - 2000 P. 213 2001 - 2013 P. 229 THE FORBIDDEN FUTURE P. 253 1 2 INTRODUCTION By Aesop & Edward Gibbon Aesop’s Fable of The Man and the Lion A man and a Lion traveled together through the forest. They began to boast of their respective superiority to each other in strength and prowess. As they were disputing, they passed a statue carved in stone, which depicted a Lion strangled by a Man. The man pointed to it and said: "See there! How strong we are, and how we prevail over the king of beasts." The Lion replied: "This statue was made by one of you men. If we Lions erected statues, you would see the Man placed under the paw of the Lion." The Lesson: One story is good, till another is told. "History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind." Edward Gibbon, English historian (1737-1794) From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" 3 4 NWO FORBIDDEN HISTORY 1763 – 1816 5 1763/BIRTH OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER: THE ROTHSCHILD BANKING DYNASTY IS ESTABLISHED Mayer Amschel Rothschildestablishes the legendary Rothschild Banking Dynasty, the richest family business in history. Forbes Magazine refers to him as "a founding father of international finance". The original Rothschild operation is based in Frankfurt (Germany). Rothschild’s five sons will later branch out to head banking dynasties in Austria, Italy, France, and England, becominglenders to the Kings of Europe, often financing both sides of the European wars that will so enrich them. To this very day, the House of Rothschild and its allies remain the dominant force behind world finance, Globalism, “environmentalism”, and ‘liberalism’. The Jewish-Zionist Rothschild Family will also play a major role in establishing Israel in the 1900’s. (Zionism)Rothschild is the original “Godfather” of the New World Order. 2002: Warren Buffet, Governor Schwarzenegger at one of Lord Jacob Rothschild’s palatial European estates. 1934 Hollywood Film: The House of Rothschild/1940 German Film: The Rothschilds 1764/THEBRITISH CURRENCY ACTS FORBID DEBT-FREE CURRENCY The Currency Act of 1764 is a British law that imposes a monetary policy on its American colonies. The Act extends the provisions of the 1751 Currency Act and forbids the colonies from issuing debt-free currency as legal tender. This creates financial difficulty for the colonies. Benjamin Franklin, the colonial representative, urges the British to reject the Currency Act. The Currency Act creates tension between the colonies and Britain. When the First Continental Congress meets in 1774, it strongly objects to The Act as "subversive of American rights."It is a little known fact of the American Revolution, that the right of the colonists to issue debt-free currency, and spend it into circulation (as opposed to a private Central Bank lending debt-currency into circulation), becameone of the main causes of the Revolution. 6 MARCH 5, 1773/THE BOSTON MASSACRE / TENSIONS MOUNT AS 5 AMERICAN COLONISTS ARE KILLED BY BRITISH TROOPS The increase in British troops stationed in Boston leads to tension with the locals. Fights erupt between soldiers and liberty loving civilians. British troops are sent to Boston in 1768 to enforce the TownshendActs, a series of laws passed by the British Parliament. The purpose of the Townshend Acts is to make colonial governors and judges independent of colonial control, to enforce compliance with trade regulations, and to tax the colonies without their approval. The Boston Massacre When an angry crowd of colonists confronts a group of soldiers with taunts and snowballs, the frightened British soldiers overreact. Shots are fired and five American colonists are killed. News of the Boston Massacre spreads the revolutionary spirit throughout the colonies. DECEMBER 16, 1773/THE BOSTON TEA PARTY / COLONISTS REBEL AGAINST BRITISH TAXES AND MONOPOLIES The Boston Tea Party is an action by Boston colonists in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the British government and the monopolistic East India Company that controlled all the tea coming into the colonies. After officials in Boston refuse to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists, dressed as American Indians, climb aboard the ships and destroy the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The Tea Party is the culmination of a resistance movement against the Tea Act, which had been passed by Parliament in 1773. Colonists object to the Tea Act for a variety of reasons, especially because it violates their right to be taxed only by their elected representatives. The Boston Tea Party is a revolt against state sponsored monopolies (The British East India Company) as much as it is about taxation. 7 APRIL 19, 1775/THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON & CONCORD / THE REVOLUTION BEGINS WITH ‘THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD’ The Massachusetts Militia is storing guns and ammo in the town of Concord, MA. About 700 British troops are sent to seize the military supplies. Patriot leaders learn of the British plan and begin organizing. The night before the scheduled British raid, Paul Revere takes off on his famous "Midnight Ride" to warn the local militiamen (Minutemen). The first shots are fired as the sun begins to rise in Lexington, MA. The militias are outnumbered and fall back as the British advance upon Concord. At Concord, approximately 500 "rag tag" militiamen fight and defeat the King's troops. The "red coats" retreat after a pitched battle in open territory. More militiamen arrive soon thereafter and inflict heavy damage on the British, firing upon from behinds trees as they march back towards Boston. The war for American independence is on! The Battle of Lexington and Concord will go down in history as "the shot heard around the world." MAY 1, 1776/ADAM WEISHAUPT ESTABLISHES THE SECRET ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI Jewish Professor AdamWeishaupt, forms the secret order of The Illuminati in Bavaria (Germany). He is most likely a paid agent of Rothschild, also based in Germany. Weishaupt(code name Spartacus) recruits wealthy elites to his society. The Illuminati (The Enlightened Ones) infiltrate Masonic lodges, which serve as cover for their activities. The ‘illuminated’ eye atop a pyramid is a symbol of the NWO. They plot the overthrow of governments, the destruction of Christianity, and the future arrival of a world communal state, (New World Order) Bavarian authorities disband the Illuminati in 1784. But the tactics and goals of the order are clearly evident in the French Revolution of 1789, and future Communist plots. To this day, May 1 (May Day) remains an important date to Communists, Anarchists, and‘Progressives’. 8 JULY 4, 1776/THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IS SIGNED Written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by 56 patriots, the Declaration of Independence breaks the colonies away from Britain, and sets forth the ideal that governments exist to serve the people, not to control them. America’s founders believe that rights come from God, not government. Prosperity follows when the power of the state is limited. Small government, God-given rights, morality, stable currency, respect for private property, and minimal taxes represent the opposite of what the Illuminati and latter day ‘Red” revolutionaries advocate. These lines of the Declaration sum up what America, and the ‘4th of July’, areall about: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowedby their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” JULY 4, 1776/AMERICA’S WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE The Revolutionbegins badly for the 13 colonies. The colonists themselves are divided as to their loyalties. The best that General George Washington’s ‘Continental Army” can do against the better equipped British is to limit direct combat and harass the British instead. As American “minutemen” and Washington’s Army draw the ‘redcoats’ into a battle of attrition, Ben Franklin visits Paris to persuade the French to help the colonies.. After Washington’s surprise Christmas Day 1776 attack against the British & Hessian mercenaries, followed by victory at Saratoga in ‘77, the French are sold! French military assistance will play a huge role in reversing the course of the war. The British grant the colonies independence in 1783. British surrender to Washington at Yorktown. 9 1781-1788/THE COLONIES ARE UNITED UNDER THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Drafted during the early years of the war, and ratified in 1781, the Articles Of Confederation and Permanent Union establish a very decentralized government for the colonies. Under the Articles, the colonies (now referred to as “States’) are sovereign entities. For six years after the end of the war, the colonies are not truly a united nation, but rather a league of allied states living under mutually agreed upon rules. America’s founders are divided. Though all of them believe in freedom and limited government, one camp (The Federalists) prefers a stronger central government to help organize the nation’s affairs. The other camp (the anti-Federalists) fear that any centralized American government might become corrupted and dangerous to the people’s liberty.
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