A Companion to Political Geography Edited by John Agnew University of California, Los Angeles Katharyne Mitchell University of Washington and Gerard Toal (Gearo id O Tuathail) Virginia Tech A Companion to Political Geography Blackwell Companions to Geography Blackwell Companions to Geography is a blue-chip, comprehensive series covering each major subdiscipline of human geography in detail. Edited and contributed by the disciplines’ leading authorities each book provides the most up to date and authoritative syntheses available in its field. The overviews provided in each Companion will be an indispensable introduction to the field for students of all levels, while the cutting-edge, critical direction will engage students, teachers and practitioners alike. Published 1. A Companion to the City Edited by Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson 2. A Companion to Economic Geography Edited by Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes 3. A Companion to Political Geography Edited by John Agnew, Katharyne Mitchell, and Gerard Toal 4. A Companion to Cultural Geography Edited by James S. Duncan, Nuala C. Johnson and Richard H. Schein 5. A Companion to Tourism Edited by Alan A. Lew, C. Michael Hall and Allan M. Williams 6. A Companion to Feminist Geography Edited by Lise Nelson and Joni Seager Forthcoming 8. Handbook of Geographical Information Science Edited by John Wilson and Stewart Fotheringham A Companion to Political Geography Edited by John Agnew University of California, Los Angeles Katharyne Mitchell University of Washington and Gerard Toal (Gearo id O Tuathail) Virginia Tech ©ȱ2003ȱbyȱBlackwellȱPublishingȱLtdȱ exceptȱforȱeditorialȱmaterialȱandȱorganizationȱ©ȱ2003ȱbyȱJohnȱAgnew,ȱKatharyneȱMitchell,ȱandȱ GerardȱToalȱ ȱ BLACKWELLȱȱPUBLISHINGȱ 350ȱMainȱStreet,ȱMalden,ȱMAȱ02148Ȭ5020,ȱUSAȱ 9600ȱGarsingtonȱRoad,ȱOxfordȱOX4ȱ2DQ,ȱUKȱȱ 550ȱSwanstonȱStreet,ȱCarlton,ȱVictoriaȱ3053,ȱAustraliaȱ ȱ TheȱrightȱofȱȱJohnȱAgnew,ȱKatharyneȱMitchell,ȱandȱGerardȱToalȱtoȱbeȱidentifiedȱasȱtheȱAuthorsȱ ofȱtheȱEditorialȱMaterialȱinȱthisȱWorkȱhasȱbeenȱassertedȱinȱaccordanceȱwithȱtheȱUKȱCopyright,ȱ Designs,ȱandȱPatentsȱActȱ1988.ȱ ȱ Allȱrightsȱreserved.ȱNoȱpartȱofȱthisȱpublicationȱmayȱbeȱreproduced,ȱstoredȱinȱaȱretrievalȱsystem,ȱ orȱtransmitted,ȱinȱanyȱformȱorȱbyȱanyȱmeans,ȱelectronic,ȱmechanical,ȱphotocopying,ȱrecordingȱorȱ otherwise,ȱexceptȱasȱpermittedȱbyȱtheȱUKȱCopyright,ȱDesigns,ȱandȱPatentsȱActȱ1988,ȱwithoutȱtheȱ priorȱpermissionȱofȱtheȱpublisher.ȱ ȱ Firstȱpublishedȱ2003ȱbyȱBlackwellȱPublishingȱLtdȱ ȱ 3ȱȱȱ2006ȱ ȱ LibraryȱofȱCongressȱCatalogingȬinȬPublicationȱDataȱ ȱ Aȱcompanionȱtoȱpoliticalȱgeographyȱ/ȱeditedȱbyȱJohnȱAgnew,ȱKatharyneȱMitchell,ȱandȱGerardȱ Toal.ȱ p.ȱcm.ȱȰȱ(Blackwellȱcompanionsȱtoȱgeographyȱ;ȱ3)ȱ Includesȱbibliographicalȱreferencesȱandȱindex.ȱ ISBNȱ0Ȭ631Ȭ22031Ȭ3ȱ(hardback)ȱ 1.ȱPoliticalȱgeography.ȱȱȱI.ȱAgnew,ȱJohnȱA.ȱȱȱII.ȱMitchell,ȱKatharyne.ȱȱȱIII.ȱÓȱTuathail,ȱGearóidȱ IV.ȱSeries.ȱ ȱ JC319ȱ.C645ȱ2003ȱ 320.1’2Ȱdc21ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ2002003789ȱ ȱ ISBNȬ13:ȱ978Ȭ0Ȭ631Ȭ22031Ȭ2ȱ(hardback)ȱ ȱ AȱcatalogueȱrecordȱforȱthisȱtitleȱisȱavailableȱfromȱtheȱBritishȱLibrary.ȱ ȱ Setȱinȱ10ȱonȱ12ptȱSabonȱ byȱKolamȱInformationȱServicesȱPvtȱLtd,ȱPondicherry,ȱIndiaȱ PrintedȱandȱboundȱinȱtheȱUnitedȱKingdomȱ byȱTJȱInternational,ȱPadstow,ȱCornwallȱ ȱ Theȱpublisher’sȱpolicyȱisȱtoȱuseȱpermanentȱpaperȱfromȱmillsȱthatȱoperateȱaȱsustainableȱforestryȱ policy,ȱandȱwhichȱhasȱbeenȱmanufacturedȱfromȱpulpȱprocessedȱusingȱacidȬfreeȱandȱelementaryȱ chlorineȬfreeȱpractices.ȱFurthermore,ȱtheȱpublisherȱensuresȱthatȱtheȱtextȱpaperȱandȱcoverȱboardȱ usedȱhaveȱmetȱacceptableȱenvironmentalȱaccreditationȱstandards. ȱ Forȱfurtherȱinformationȱonȱ BlackwellȱPublishing,ȱvisitȱourȱwebsite:ȱ www.blackwellpublishing.comȱ ȱ ȱ Contents List of Contributors viii 1 Introduction 1 John Agnew, Katharyne Mitchell, and Gerard Toal (Gearo id O Tuathail) Part I Modes of Thinking 11 2 Politicsfrom Nature 13 Mark Bassin 3 Spatial Analysis in Political Geography 30 John O'Loughlin 4 Radical Political Geographies47 Peter J. Taylor 5 Feminist and Postcolonial Engagements 59 Joanne P. Sharp 6 Geopolitical Themesand Postmodern Thought 75 David Slater Part II Essentially Contested Concepts 93 7 Power 95 John Allen 8 Territory 109 Anssi Paasi 9 Boundaries123 David Newman vi CONTENTS 10 Scale 138 Richard Howitt 11 Place 158 Lynn A. Staeheli Part III Critical Geopolitics 171 12 Imperial Geopolitics173 Gerry Kearns 13 Geopoliticsin Germany, 1919±45 187 Wolfgang Natter 14 Cold War Geopolitics204 Klaus Dodds 15 Postmodern Geopolitics 219 Timothy W. Luke 16 Anti-Geopolitics236 Paul Routledge Part IVStates, Territory, and Identity 249 17 After Empire 251 Vladimir Kolossov 18 Nation-states 271 Michael J. Shapiro 19 Placesof Memory 289 Karen E. Till 20 Boundariesin Question 302 Sankaran Krishna 21 Entreprenurial Geographiesof Global±Local Governance 315 Matthew Sparke and Victoria Lawson Part VGeographies of Political and Social Movements 335 22 Representative Democracy and Electoral Geography 337 Ron Johnston and Charles Pattie 23 Nationalism in a Democratic Context 356 Colin H. Williams 24 Fundamentalist and Nationalist Religious Movements 378 R. Scott Appleby 25 Rightsand Citizenship 393 Eleonore Kofman 26 Sexual Politics408 Gill Valentine CONTENTS vii Part VI Geographies of Environmental Politics 421 27 The Geopoliticsof Nature 423 Noel Castree 28 Green Geopolitics440 Simon Dalby 29 Environmental Justice 455 Brendan Gleeson and Nicholas Low 30 Planetary Politics470 Karen T. Litfin Index 483 Contributors John Allen is Professor and Head of Geography in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University. His recent publications include Rethinking the Region: Spaces of Neoliberalism (Routledge, 1998) with Doreen Massey and Alan Cochrane, and Lost Geographies of Power (Blackwell, 2002). R. Scott Appleby is Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, where he also serves as the John M. Regan, Jr. Director of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. He is the author, most recently, of The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence and Reconciliation (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000), and a co-author of Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms in the Modern World (University of Chicago Press, 2002). Mark Bassin isReader in Political and Cultural Geography at UniversityCollege London. He isthe author of Imperial Visions: Nationalist Imagination and Geo- graphical Expansion in the Russian Far East 1840±1865 (Cambridge University Press, 1999). He has been a visiting professor at UCLA, Chicago, Copenhagen, and Pau (France), and hasreceived research grantsfrom bodiesincluding the American Academy in Berlin, the Institut fuÈ r EuropaÈische Geschichte (Mainz), and the Fulbright Foundation. Noel Castree is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Human Geography at the Univer- sity of Manchester. His interests are in the political economy of environmental change, with a specific focus on Marxian theories. Co-editor (with Bruce Braun) of Remaking Reality: Nature at the Millennium (Routledge, 1998) and Social Nature (Blackwell, 2001), he iscurrently researching how economic and cultural value are constructed in the ``new'' human genetics. Simon Dalby is Professor of Geography, Environmental Studies and Political Econ- omy at Carleton University in Ottawa where he teaches courses on geopolitics and environment. He isco-editor of The Geopolitics Reader (Routledge, 1998) and CONTRIBUTORS ix Rethinking Geopolitics (Routledge, 1998), and isthe author of Environmental Security (University of Minnesota, 2002). Klaus Dodds isSenior Lecturer in Geography at Royal Holloway, Universityof London. He isauthor of Geopolitics in a Changing World (Pearson Education, 2000) and Pink Ice: Britain and the South Atlantic Empire (I B Tauris, 2002). He also joint edited, with David Atkinson, a collection of essays called Geopolitical Traditions (Routledge, 2000). Brendan Gleeson iscurrently Deputy Director and Senior ResearchFellow at the Urban Frontiers Program, University of Western Sydney, Australia. He has authored and co-authored several books in the fields of urban planning, geography, and environmental theory. Hismostrecent book, with N.P. Low, Governing for the Environment, was published in 2001. He has undertaken research and teaching in a range of countries, including Britain, Germany, the USA, Australia, and New Zea- land. Richie Howitt is Associate Professor of Human Geography, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, where he teaches in the Resource and Environmental Manage- ment and Aboriginal Studies programs. His professional work has involved applied research in social impact assessment, native title negotiations, and community development in remote Australia. He has previously published papers on theoretical issues of geographical scale, indigenous rights, and resource management. Ron Johnston isa Professorin the School of Geographical Sciencesat the University of Bristol. He has collaborated with Charles Pattie (see entry below) in a wide range of work on electoral geography since the mid-1980s, including the following books: A Nation Dividing? (with G. Allsopp); The Boundary Commissions (with D. J. Rossiter); and From Votes to Seats (with D. Dorling and D. J. Rossiter). Gerry Kearns isa Lecturer in Geography at the Universityof Cambridge and a Fellow of Jesus College. He works on nineteenth-century urban public health, Irish nationalism, and the history and philosophy of geography. Eleonore Kofman isProfessorof Human Geography at Nottingham Trent Univer- sity, UK. Her research focuses on gender,
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