An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY March 17, 1998 • THE • Volume 124 Number 39 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Chemistry professor dies BY MELISSA BRAU be able to count on him anymore.'" in Noggle's class this semester, said Adnmustmm·e News Edllor Noggle authored the second-best­ Noggle was a great teacher who An internationally known selling text book on physical prepared his students well for the real univer ity chemistry professor died chemistry in the world and co­ world. Friday of a massive heart attack. au thored the best-selling book of " He's going to be well-missed by Joseph H . Noggle. 61. was research. titled "The Nuclear the student community," Myers said. admitted to Christiana Hospital Overhauser Effect: Chemical " He always had a smi le on his face Thursday night after experiencing Applications.'" and made us laugh." shortness of breath and chest pain. He Junior Tom English, a chemical Professor Cecil Dybowski , who died after a udden heart attack early engineering major, was Noggle's was teaching a class with Noggle this Friday morning. teaching assistant this semester. semester, said he is still shocked by Noggle came to the university in "It's a great loss, not only for the Noggle's sudden death. 1971 as a famous researcher, said scientific community. but to the "It's still kind of like you are in a Steven D. Brown, chair of the world. when we lose someone who fog," he said. "Everything seems so c hemi st ry and biochemistry not only can understand the universe unreal. Joe's been such a fixture of department. '· He changed from an around us but can explain it to other the department for 26 years." emphasis on research to people as well," English said. Dybowski said Noggle had a undergraduate education. Noggle, who earned his doctorate tremendous sense of humor. "He made a difficult subject a little from Harvard University, had a "He was," Dybowski said, pausing easier,'" Brown said. '"It's sad not to particular interest in the applications to let out a chuckle, "a very cute guy:· of personal computers in physical Dybowski said Noggle would chemistry education. He wrote several often come into hi s office excited books and numerous papers on the about some new thing he had learned subject. or read. He went to India in January after "He wou ld talk to you as if all the being invited to speak on chemistry idiosyncrasies he had discovered were and computers at an international as obvious to you as they were to conference on chemistry education. him ,"' Dybowski said. He liked traveling, .ani mals and " He was a great character of the hi story, said Noggle' s wife, Carol. department,'" Dybowski paused and said. turned hi s eyes to the side to look at "If he hadn' t been a chemist, he nothing. He continued quietly, "But would have been a hi storian." he is now gone.'" Noggle also loved the opera and Noggle is survived by his wife, was looking forward to teaching an their two daughters and his brother evening class on the Wagner Ring and sister. Cycle. a series of four operas. for the A public memorial service for university's free continuing education Noggle will be held today at 3 p.m. in Courtesy of !he Noggle Family program. called the Academy of I 0 I Brown Laboratory followed by a Joseph H. Noggle, 61, died Lifelong Learning. reception in the President 's Room of early Friday morning. Sophomore Dave Myers, a student the Blue and Gold Club. Voter registration deadline nears BY MICHAEL D. BULLARD about it," he said. "Consequently, she is registered to vote at home Srajf Reporter no candidates came forth to rather than in Newark. University s tudents will have address student issues." "I' m only going to be he re for little a) in Ne arl-- politics since Mike Sauers, president of the four years." she said. " It was a recent voter registration drivP.s Delaware Undergraduate Student hassle to register in Pennsylvania, have failed to generate significant Congress. said the complex and I have no inte rest in politics numbers of new voters from the procedure and potential drawbacks here." university community. of registering to vote in Newark Senior Scott Reich said he has THE REVIEW/ John Chabalko The last day to register to vote may be to blame for the minimal had no problems with Newark Greg Miller consoles Keith Davis during Delaware's loss to Purdue Friday night. For Davis, for the April 14 City Council student registration numbers. ordinances living both on and off the team's only senior, the game was an emotional end to his college career. ·elections is March 21 , but "There arc a lot of factors that campus. indifference has resulted in low go into becoming a Newark "I never thought about it really. participation among students. citizen," he said. " Doing so may and I'm not interested in Delaware John Bauschcr, the Newark c hange health policies , a uto politics ," said Reich, who is Purdue boils Hens 95-56 landlord who organized a s tudent insurance policies, licenses and registered to vote at home. "If l registration drive in October. said scholarships.'' li:ved here permanently, I would BY .JAMIE AMATO Region hi story and also marked the 18 -0 run and holding the Hens there are several negative aspects, Sauers said DUSC encourages register here, but I ' m just a SJmrls Editor Boilermakers' largest ma rgin of scoreless for the first 5:39, the e pecially for out-of-state students, those students who are interested student.'" CHICAGO -The Cinderella victory in an NCAA to urnament Boilermakers continued to put in registering to vote in Newark. a nd educated in local politics to Currently. the number of season for the Delaware men ' s gan1 c. pressure on Delaware forwards He said most student s arc on their become involved. s tudent s registe red to vote in basketball team came to an abrupt " We're a better team than we Mike Pegues and Darryl Presley, parents ' car and homeowner's "But we're transients here,"' he Newark is very low, according to end Friday night when the Hens showed tonight,'" Delaware senior holding them to a combined eight insurance policies, a nd these sai d . " Almost all s tudents will Councilman Haro ld F. Godwin, were blown o ut 95·56 by Purdue in g uard Keith Davis said . '" They points in the first half. policies would have to be changed. leave Newark after four years.'" who is also a candidate for mayor. the first round of the NCAA played like a national power and "We were beaten down in the But Bauscher said he thinks Many student s ci te their short '·Students are intensely busy with tournament. jumped on us like a good team first half,'" Delaware coach Mike apathy is the main reason so few stay in Newark as a reason not to schoo lwork ," he said . " They' re The 39-point margin of victory should .'" students are registered. register here. was the fourth-largest in Midwest Arter opening the game with an see HENS page A3 "Nobody really got fired up Sophomore Jennifer Davco said see VOTER page AS Cafe Americana owner Location is key in choosing housing dies from liver failure BY BETSY LOWTHER · Additionally. Part two in a said Sharp resident While there is a nearby dining hall in Admtmslltlli\·e Ne\\'S &luor many students who Dana Hom. Kent. South Central residents have to Loccui01~ location. location live on East three-part series 1l1c distance to the walk to East Campus to get to a gym or BY C HARLES DOUGIELLO Alcoholic Beverage Control With studem priorities ranging from Campus said they dining hall is pretty a food market. '"It would be more convenient if we Ctf\ Ne\\'S Edttor Commission officials. schoolwork and exercise to eating and appreciate the complex's proximity to annoying, she said. deterring some Gina Acker, 53, the owner of Acker had been charged with shopping, proximity to cenain facilities central campu s and Main Street. students from using their meal plan too had those things right by us but they're not that far," Bartush said. '"It's only a Cafe Americana in Newark. died violating the fo ll owing secti ons of is one of the most impo11onr factors for '·It only takes me live or 10 minutes frequently. two- or three-minute walk."' Marc h 9 in Churchman Village the Delaware Alcohol Control Act: students choosing a residence hall. to get to class."' Harrington resident "If you can stick a walk to the dining The closeness of the library puts a Care Center in Stanton. • Section 719, Sub-Section 3, In part two of our housing series, Erik Dalen said. hall in your schedule. then you go;· she large computing site minutes away. Officials from the care center which states no one can s!Ore The Review has taken into accoum the East Campus re ·idents who want to said. Also. many South Central residents said said Acker died as a result of liver s pirits, wines or beer in an site of fitness centers. food markets, use their car to get around campus may orth Central docs have the they usc nearby Perkins Student Center failure after she had been admitted establishment without permission dining halls, computer sires and other have some difficulty finding a parking advantage of being minutes from Main for approximately a week.
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