2. From individual Donors. John Mather, Esq. Ormerod's History of the County Palatine of Chester, 3 vols. fol. 1819. Jos. Guyton, Esq. A Black-letter Bible, of the date 1551. Miss Chambers. Observations on Meteorology, by J. H. Cham­ bers, of the 46th Kegiment. ' John Harland, Esq. Newspaper Cuttings of various Antiquarian articles. Rev. W. H. Massie, M.A. Three Etchings of Paintings in distemper, found on the walls of Gawsworth Church, during the alterations now going on there. 1. St. Christopher carrying the infant Christ over a river. He walks on the water, supporting himself by his stick. The background is filled up with various figures, amongst which is a church, with bell in the turret, &c., and in front stands a nun, in the usual costume, with flagellum and rosary. In her left hand she holds a lan­ tern, to direct the saint, should he want light. S. St. George and the Dragon. In the dis­ tance the princess is on her knees, and before her a lamb. Further off is a walled town, with the king and queen looking over the gateway. 8. The General Judgment. The following Articles were EXHIBITED : By the Rt. Hon. the Earl A large collection, consisting'of 38 silver and of Sefton, Vice President. 47 copper coins, found on the estate of his lordship, at a farm called " The Old Sprink," in the parish of Torbock, in the year 1838. They include several of the emperors, Ves­ pasian, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Aurelius, and others, with one of Julia, daughter of Titus, inscribed " IVLIA. AVOVSTA. Till. AVGVSTI. F. ;" OH the reverse, " R, VENVS. AVGVST." By J. A, Graham, Four charms or amulets of parchment, nearly M.R.C.S.L. seven inches long, by four broad, on which are written sentences from the Koran. These were taken from the persons of the © r E2 to E) E3 a © G3 E3 n OS) t I 15 Malay pirates during the late expedition up the rivers of Borneo, by the officers and men of H.M. ship Royalist. By Miss Okill. An early Map of Lancashire (from Speed), by Henry Overton. By Dr. Kendrick. A Horn-book of the time of Charles II. Pulpit Bible used at Hill-Cliff Chapel, date 1633. Various Drawings in illustration of his paper. By Richard Brooke, A Bill of Lading, dated 1st February, 1766, F.S.A. for 24 male and 6 female slaves, shipped at the bar of Senegal for Georgia, S. Carolina, by the Ship Maryborough, Capt. David Morton. The slaves were consigned to Messrs. Broughton and Smith, of Georgia. The bill was one of those used when Liver­ pool participated largely, but in common with other seaports of England, in the African slave trade. By Joseph Guyton, Esq. Fossil bones found at Saxmundham, in Suffolk. They are so numerous as to become an article of use in agriculture. Two pieces of copper, similar to the gold fibulae usually found in Britain. These are used on the coast of Manilla as the current coin of the country. By C. B. Robinson, Esq. Sketches taken in various parts of the coun­ try, viz.: From St. Andrews, 5 ; Foulis Church, 3; Arbroath Abbey, 3; Bangor, 1; Bebing- ton, 1 ; Chester, 3; Ellesmere, 1; Furness Abbey, 1; Invergarvie, 2. By Dr. Hume. Lithographed portrait of Kossuth. Artist, Thos. Skaife. By Alfred Rimmer, Esq. Proofs of his Illustrations of Ancient Halls in Lancashire. By Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. An ancient deed, historically interesting as relating to the original quay; the first accommodation given by Liverpool to the ships which traded with the port. The document is entitled " Lease of Gorsy fields for ever, pays 6/8 ground rent;" and endorsed, " Md that possessyon & seasyn was taken & deliv'ed by the attornes w'hin wrytten in the p.sence of these p.sones folowynge viz Robert Corbett Rauffe Jameson Rauffe Egekers Thorn's Engle- felde cum aliis." " This indenture made the xijth daye of August in the thyrd 16, yere of the raigne of or Sovoiajgue ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Quyne of England France and Ireland defend" of the faith &c. Betwyxte Rauff Sekerston* Mayre of the Quynes Majesties borough and porttowne of Liv'rpole in the com' of Lancasf his brother and cominaltie upon the oone p.tie, and Thomas Secomm* of the same towne & countie gentylman upon thoder p.tie Wyttenessyth y* whereas William More* esq'er in tnoose dayes past mayre of liv'pole aforsaid his brether and cominaltie of oone holle mynde consent & assent dyd gyve graunte & by they' dede sufficient in the law confirmed unto Hugh Davidson late of liv'pole barcker deceased & to bis heyrs and assignes in a fee ferme for evr all thoose lands wbeche they had laying and beyng at the eastende of the galow feld soe eastwarde to a cloose callid the Gorstie heygh in leingh & in hreade from the lands of Richard Starckie esquier unto the heath & a long diche callid the common diche upon the sowth p.tie of the sayd galow felde and soe extendyth eastward unto the sowth Cornell of the sayd Gorstie heigh whiche lands by gud and just conveyhance in the law discendid unto Gilbert Hughson oone of the sons legitimate of the sayd Hugh Davidson woh Gilbert havyng the right thearein for a certen somme of monieys & other causes hym movying haath as well bargayned sold gyvyn grauntyd surrendred assigned and delivered the sayd lands wyth thapp'tun'nce & all the wrytyngs thereof, as all that his ryght terme tytle int'st possession & demaunde whatsoev* unto the sayd Thomas his heyre & assignes for ever. In corroba- raconn & p.fourmanconn whereof the forsayd Rauff Sekerston mayre aforesayd his brether & cominaltie have gyvyn grauntyd & confyrmed & be theise p.snts doe frelie give graunte and by this theyr dede confirme unto the sayd Thomas Secom all & ev'ie thoose the same lands as they be wyth the bounds mayred in man'r and fourme before in theise p'nts expressed & specified. To have and to hold all the sayd lands wyth thapp'tn'nce theareto belongyng wythall & singler the liberties commodities easements p.fets & all & singler other thadvauntages to the same in anywise blongyng to the sayd Thomas Secom his heyrs and assigns & to his and theyr use » William More was Mayor of Liverpool, 15th Henry VIII. A.D. 1023. Thomas Secom, ditto ditto, 5th Elizabeth, 1562. Bauff Seckerston, ditto ditto, 3rd and 4th Edward VI. 1550. Ditto, second time, 4th Elizabeth, 1501. The Callow field was situated on the North side of Shaw's Brow, and the East side of the Pool, now Byrora Street. In the South-west comer of the field stood the Townsend cross, at the end of the Bridge which was erected over the Pool at the extremity of Dale Street. Whilst this sheet is going through the press, all the houses on the side of Shaw's Brow adjoining St. John's Church-yard, together with the whole of the village of Saint John's, as it was called, are being removed, in order to improve the locality. The remains of the very extensive Potteries which ouce occupied that site are swept aw,ay; so that the only remnant now standing is the oon (kiln), situated on the north side of Shaw's Brow, now occupied as an emery mill by Messrs. Johnson, Church Street. 17 in a fee ferine for ever. Yeldyng therfare yerelie to the sayd Eauff Seekerston mayre his brether cominaltie & to they' succes- sors & assignes six shylyngs eyglit pence of gud & lawfull money of England at the feasts of Sayncte Michaell tharchungell & at the Annonci'con of the blessed virgin S. Marie by evonn porc'ons wch yerelie Rente of vj s & viij d amongyst thother annuall rents of the sayd towne is to be employed to & for the use and p.servac'on of the kayegh in the portte & havon of hVpole defence & maynten'nce of they walles on the westseasyde theare: for the rep.ac'on and amendement of the pay^ments as w" w'howte the strets of the sayd towne as of they strets wythin the towne wyth other Kep.ac'ons necessarie to the common hall theare: and for wante of rente paym* and noe sufficient distresse to be had & found in & upon they sayd lande wythin twelve dayes next after any of they feasts and dayes it oughe to be payed at the sayd Rente and Rents \vh th'arreragies thearof if eny be lawfulhe demaundyd & askyd Than it shalbe lawfull to & for the sayed mayre that tyme beyng his brether comiiialtie they' successo & assignes to reentre & the same lands w'h thapp'tunce & other theye p.misse have agane & repossede as in they' formr eastate this dede indentid or eny thyng thearein con- teigned to the contrarie in eny wyse not wythstandyng: and the said Rauff Sekerston mayre his brether cominaltie successo & assignes they sayd lands and othey they p.misses wyth thapp'tn'nce unto the sayd Thomas his heyre & assignes in manr & fourme as ia afore spe'ied agaynst al folkis shall awarand & defende by thiese p.sents for ever. And furthermore knowe the sayd Rauff Sekerston mayre hys brether & cominaltie to have constituted ordeyned and in they1 place have putt they' faythfull in Christ Ric' Hannson & John Heygh their lawfull attorneys in to the sayd lands & other they p.miss wyth thapp'rtn'nce to eutre for theyme & in theyr name & thearin to take possession & seasyn fullie and peaceablie: And the full & peaceable possession & season thearof soe takyn to gyve & deliv' unto the sayd Thomas Secom or his certen attorney to have i% to hold to the same Thomas Secom his heyrs & assigns for evr accordyng to the streng* fourme and effecte of this p.nte dede to hym theareof made and for thaccomplishment & true p.fourmac'on of all and singler they p'miss' as well upon the oone p.tie as upon the other before in this present dede indentid expressed & specified they sayd pties & ayther of theyme stand bounden to the other by this one p'nte dede in the somme of fyftie pounds of gud and leafull money of England.
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