•Si-iv,. , ' = X.'; 4 -s. g. .- M 1 TRIDAY, JULY I, m i X' . The .WaRtlMNF. w- Aveniga DrIIy Net ProM'Ran t O. R. Wwttor • T, iKanr^rat^r ^p^tting licraUi Fsr tto Week Cadsa ■' 1 . ^nljr 2. 1M5 TMifht, tala aae « thia year, axbauaUoaa totaled. 13,- M era. Tmmrnim, The Manchester annual 413 aa oompartd with 8.868 fer tba 11,525 ^ u e s Show, imefiiaored by tte fatvn Off teiats Recommend Jobless Qaims a a n t period In 1934. TRANSPLANTED ANNUAL .^AboutTown WSCS of the Sw th Methodist Member, of the Aiidlt ^BpearttoraMk Hlgk' 88 to 86. CSiurch, will be held Not. IS to BureM sf drcnlaOo* City of Viltai^ Charm y A dWiffiUr, UieJr flw t child. 19, inclusive. The State Armory Anti-Aircraft Site Approval Increase Her^ FLOWERING PLAI+TS Will be the scene of the show thle Appoint Hilliard ' tom Thursday, jim* M, |o year and working committees src ' Claims for unemploymeiitn^o oo«n- MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 9, 195S (ClaaMflea AdysrOsWiii an Fbea 16) PRICE FIVE CENTi Kr. u d Mn. W. Robert now being orgsrtlsed by Mrs. H. Approval of a proposed 90 fliilli-" • SALVIA X •MARIGOLDS yOL. LXXIV, NO 237 (TWELVi; PAGES) pensation roaa sharply'during the To Newton Post / ilM Submarine Hoepttal,'' B. DfWolf, 46 Phelps -Rd., who meter antUalrcrilft gun poattlon served as chairman at two pre- jamed Director week ending July 2, partly due. to •PETUNIA^ • ZINNIAS. Etc. Lcrndoiv^ltm. F o n was U in Mancheater^ L; now cm its way ' .. \ 7 \dbus shows. ■ . ' the layoff o< Mf worker* at a - The appointment of Harold i nM^"%ara Umise Schroeder through the tnachirery of. town F ort Madiaan, Ipwa. The maUnW local textile rntll. Claimi during Hilliard as comptroller of the New­ LATE C A itA G E (GrtM«n4 R«4) government. • j, ton -Oo. wa<» announced today by grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. SL John’s- Polish National the week ending June 2.6 were 102 J . Robert Schroeder Sr., and the M3atholiC Church Will hold its semi- "nie gun position is one ,of eight'! G. H. Morrissey, president. CAULIFLOWER. IRUSSELS SPROUTS lower than the following seven Hilliard is well knov.-n in indus­ patamal graadparenU. 4lr. and aimual parish- meetmg Sunday the National Guard plans to con -: days. BROCCOLK~35c Dm m lOHpwing , the 10:30 a.m. Mass. try and until the beginning of this M it. Walter W, Foes. 3M Summit jrtruct and man in an inner ring i Initial clalms,^ wnTch rspresent Sentence, S t. • Ignkce Wierablcki. chairman of year was associated with Eknhart of defense srouno the Hartford new spells of unemployment, also Manufacturtng Co. as assistiant the parish committee, will pre­ rose shsrply. from 85 to 148. There side, ahd. reports will be given by area. The outer rin^; will be the treasiirer. with the Henry snd GERANIUMS-50c ' Junior knd Senior ■ life ' saving were 404 continued claims during the other officers, namely, Mrs. Nike guided missile po.sttions to Wright DivisionK He Joined the Excellent for Window Boxea and B«<adtng. U . S . C le / i flninw will begin Monday at Globe the week ending July 2. while Henry- A Wright Msnufacturing Beiiiif'e Sendrowski. recording be manned b>- t.ie regular Army. there were 385 continued the pre­ Hollow Only at 11 a.m. to noon. secretary: Stanley P. G’ *yb, fi- Initial approval of the site, whioji i Oft. ifi 1924 and wsui treasurer FERTILIZERS— INSECTICIDES and LIME Anyone Interested in . taking these nancisl secretary; Stanley^ F. ceding week. when that concern was acquired Rome, July 9 (m —A min­ straddles the Ea.‘ t Hartfoi’d-Man- Statewide vseation shutdowns of leSaons. must report- to George OpalSch. treasurer and Others. chester towii line in the Hillstown by Bmhart In 1949. ister of the American-sup­ Krause, pool chief, at 11 o'clock. one snd two week, durstlon were o n All parishioners are urged to at­ Rd. aiea, has rorr.e from Horace mainly responaible for the rise jn ported Church /of Christ in tend this important meeting. At .Murphey. superintendent of Park.s’. Italy wa* seirtenced tp 10 8 for unemployment benehts. i p.m. geneisi confession in and James H. Shcekey. tow-n en­ ^ e week, the Unemploy- : FOR RENT Polish and English will he con­ gineer. WOODLAND GARDENS day* in jail today for affixing Smpensation Department | tinued for those who were- jmahle Murphy and Sheekey represent­ 8 and 18 mm. Movie Projector*— a sign on hie church building e d 27,112 claims from ' sound or silent, also 85 -mm. 168 WOOI)L.\ND STREET — TEL. MI .1-847^ to be present last Sunday. At ed the town at an April 14 meeting j ‘throughout the State. \ after police had removed it, 8:30 s three months nlemonal in the 'VesJ Hartford Armory at slide projectors. OPEN D.\ILY I’NTIL R P. M. The minlater, Cline R. Paden of There'-rj-ere 321 claimants' who ; A r e h ^ W * d , One Admits Ms.<s will he said for the late which the plan for the inner ring exhausted 'tjieir benefits la.sl week , WELDON DRUG CO. JOHN J. Z.\P-\I)K.\ Brownfiehrand laibbock, Tex., aiao Louis Sumislasifi. of defense was disc losed. They in -' as compsred''Mith 270 the previous - MI Main St.—Xgl. M1-S-5 J 2 I wa* nn^a.OOO lire (about »5). (lieate their approval of the site i week. For the Arst six months of , The /aentence wa* auapended Dr. .loseph Maasaro of this town in their report of that m'eeting. p eW i^ outcome of an appeal Im- 6 r FakeR j wwa elected representative to the Besides these two Ibwn officials, m e ^ te ly aied in Paden’* behalf MODESS 4ITs board of directors of the Hartford the Town Pla.ining Comniiadon„to by /XJiacomo. Roaapepe, Rome at- County chapter of the American which their report was sent,; found Judge John J . WaMett tqraey who represent* the Church Academy- of General Practice at "no objection" to their recorhmen-’ Christ Iji Italy. Editor, Dies essages’ a recent meeting of the gi-oup. datioiis. according lo Wilfred Max­ The Board of Dirc-ctors of the Today’* action' was th* latest well, town planning administrator. Manche.stcr Savings and I'Xian development 'tn a long ser)eS of BySkNDRli^ BOROWTBO A daughter was horn at the St. The matter is now in the hands As.sn. has elected Judge John J. Combining Our Manchester Days Values conflicts betwe'bp member*^of the .^- Chicago, July 9 ((tP)— Arch; N. Y., July 9 of General Manager Richard Mar­ onlyI ■ FVancis Hoepital Wednesday to Wallett lo fill the unexpired term church in Rome and ItalWin police. Ward, sports editor of the (/P)— Two/jcouths were held’- Mr. and Mts. Joseph Daniewtez, tin. In their report. Sheekey and of the late. William J. Thoi-nton. J The court's dectajop waa given Chicago Tribune, died today. 44 Jarvis Rd. Murphey recommend that Martin who passed away March 2. after Its three priding judge* early t<kia police un- pet a final go-ahead A from the' Judge Wallett. who has been aj Has Audience with Pope/ had conferred for 40 minutes. Wapd was • internktionally ravell^ .the stery of the Board of Directors and Uien notify Probate Court official for 27 year.i.'v ^ ith Our July White Sale! Ifehni known for the sports events • LarffC package of 48^ The American Legion. Band will Pope Plus J a i claims hands aa India's Prime MUiUter The decision came jilst •• fishiijg hioat Blu tar. hold a rehearsal and iri'ieting to­ State Adj. Gen. Frederick G. w-as elected to the Judge.ship in j stand* beside him after an audience with tha Pontiff In ’ iiUcan other Bvangellcal church "group in he promoted. Among them An/ S.O.S. Relncke that the town has ap­ Modeu napkins night at 8 o’clock at the Legion 1948, and took office the following , City July 8. Nehru has been visiting abroed and th* m*v“ t with Rome, the Baptiata, *enf a mea- were Golden Gloves boxing coming (ronvthe vessel, proved the site. • January. He succeeded the late the Pope came during his stop in Rome. In a news confer I after aage of greeting* to Italy’* new Home. Location of Position tournaments. Silver Skates Gi^rd reacuV craft on i.OOO Judge W'illialn S. Hyde. Judge the audience. Nehru seld the Pope agreed with him the e "fu­ premier, Antonio Segni, and ex­ search of the AHanttc eg The location the Guard wants Wallett was rc-elccted in 1950 for , In-- ■ * ■i%/ ice skating meets and the an­ • Easy to carry ture of Portugtiese Go*, a colony on India’* coast, a political pressed the hope that hi* govern­ day morning. for the gun position is in an open a four year term, and was also re. i BU DGET d e p a r t m e n t question and not a religious one." (AP Wlrepholo vUt radio from ment would bring an end "to legal nual All-Star football gamd Naaaau County | ^ ce said one ( 4sEsey to stAro field w-est of Hillstown Rd. in elected last year to serve another Sheets And Cases Rome). obstructionism against Evangeli­ 'Ward, .’'18, also conceived the the youths, a ^-^year old former Manchester. 4XK) feet east <if Oak four year. term. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF REGULAR $I3.R« cal Christlaiis" and “ respect the idea of matching the be.*t players crewman on .a comtne^al fish­ St.
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