Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Utah State Magazine Publications 10-1939 Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 1, October 1939 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine Recommended Citation Utah State University, "Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 1, October 1939" (1939). Utah State Magazine. 79. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine/79 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah State Magazine by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact digitalcommons@usu.edu. Homecoming-Directory Issue Vol. XVII No. I A CANDIDATE FOR HELL By D ETA PETERSEN :NEELEY, ItS., M.S., P h.D. 287 Pages C LOTH BtNUINCi $2.00 HIS is a capital tale, fraught with d eper meanings and more carefu l analysis and understanding of life and people than the thoughtful reader would expect to find in a mut·der mystery . Dr. Ne ley has treated the psychological factors dete·rmining human beha\"ior with accuracy and pt·ecision. It is a rich and colorful story of action, j ea lousy, vil lainy, mut·det·, clever sleuthing, deep and abiding .l ove and loyalty. Doctor Neeley is a native of tah, long connected with education in t hat state·. She i a graduate of Utah State Agri cultural Coli ge. L eave you1· orde1· at the book store or send it to the publishe·rs. MEADOR PUBLISHING COMPANY BosToN, ·MAsSACHuSETTs Wherever covers for yearbooks, annual reports, special surveys, presen­ tation sales books, and catalogs are used, experienced buyers are be­ coming "Bullseye" conscious. "Bullseye" means the finest craftsmanship, new original designs by western artists, closer personal attention to your parti-cular problem, quicker service, and lower transportation costs ... If you have a position where you influence or direct the purchase of book covers, let us show you samples of our "Bullseye" Covers. We will be glad to show you a preliminary sketch and furnish you with esti­ mates of cost. "Bullseye" Covers are western made. When you patron­ ize home industry you help pay taxes, you increase purchasing power by increasing pay rolls, and stimulate all western businesses. 36 Richards Street Salt Lake City, Utah YEARBOOK HEADQUARTERS OF THE WEST Two UTAH STATE QUARTERLY Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni Association. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897. Vol. XVII October, 1939 No. I Officers of the Association ERWIN CLEME T, '37 Editor and Manager AsA Bl!LLEN, '10 President Executive Committee AsA B LLE L. R. H MPHERY BYRO ALDER ORVILLE L. LEE D. A. SKEE ERWI CLEME T Association President Executive Secretary Asa Bullen, '10, prominent Logan attorney and lec­ turer in law at the Col lege, was elected to the pre idency Alumni Council Members of the Alumni Association at the annual bu ine meet­ DAVID G. HURRE ', '27 DAVID H. CALDER, '30 ina-. at commencement time. v. D. GARD ER, '22 J. W. THOR TO , '17 Mr. Bullen served on the E ecutive committee during HAROLD M. PETERSON, '27 J NE WHITE, '32 the past year and ha a lway been an interested and loyal J. KARL WooD, '15 A GUS M. MA UG HAN , '21 member of the Association. He succeed Robert L. Judd, ORVILLE L. LEE, '10 BYRON ALDER, '12 '09, Salt Lake City, who erved capably and well for t1 o AsA BuLLE , '10 LLOYD R. H u SAKER '35 years. L.R.H UMPHE RY~ ' 12 c. ORVAL STOTT, '16 Tho e elected to the Executive Committee for on D. A. SKEEN, '09 year, beginning July L include Profes or Byron Alder, '12 ; Profe or L. R. Humpherys. ' 12 ; D. A. Skeen, '09. Salt Lake City, and Orvil le L. Lee, 10. Mr. Judd will remain on the Executive committee as an Ex-officio mem­ Have You Sent in Your ber. Alumn i" Dues? The annual fall meeting of the Alumni Council will he held on the morning of Homecomin o-. October 28. Use this blank or write a letter addressed to the Executive Secretary, Alumni As ocia­ tion, Logan, Utah, enclosing your annual dues Bulletin Notice or Life Membership remittance. The officers of the Salt Lake City chapter of the Alumni 0 I enclose $1.00 for annual membership. A ociation are planning a rally and program on Wed­ nesday, ovember 22nd. previou to the annual " Turkey 0 I enclose $25.00 for Life Membership. Day" a-arne between Utah State and niversity of Utah. (May be paid in five yearly install ments.) According to All an West, '32. chapter president, plans are well under way for an outstanding evening. Further details wil l he announced later on by chapter officers as arne .............................................. Class. ........... to the time and place for this "Aggie" get-together. Alumni in Boi· e and vicinity will be interested to know Street. ...................... .....................................•....... that Utah State p lay Univer ity of Idaho at Mo cow, on November 4th. City.. ...................................... State... ................... Visits in Utah Russell L. Maughan, ' 17, major in the United State Army Air corps, wa in command of a group of new pur­ suit plane that stopped over in Salt Lake City in July. CLOTHES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Major Maughan wa the first man to pan the conti­ nent between unri e and sunset, and holds the distin­ guished flying cross. He wa Utah's Ace of the American Air corps during the World War. bringing down four enemy planes. He won the Pulitzer speed trophy in 1922, averaging 205 mile per hour, in a test run. Major Maughan i commander of the Thirty-third quadron at Langley Field, Virginia. and was ordered Distinctive College Styles west with the plane to acramento, Ca lifornia. \ here he turned them over to the Eighth Pursuit group for further te ting. Th ree Sons and Daughters of Utah State Alumni ANNA M. STOCK age 3 years, and ELDON M. STOCK, JR. age 5 years. Daughter and son of Montana Gudmundson Stock, '34, and Eldon Stock, '34, Logan, Utah. DAVID RICHARD OWENS age nine months. Son of Margaret Watkins Owens, '34, and "Dick" Owens, '37, of Visalia, California. RALPH CLYDE McCULLOCH age seven months. Son of Mary Mar­ tineau, ex. '38, and Clyde McCulloch, '34, of Salt Lake City, Utah. RAY LeGRAND LILLYWHITE, JR. age 2 years. Son of Eloise Afton Hoopes Lillywhite, '31, and Ray Lillywhite, '35, of Salt Lake City, Utah. ELIZABETH LOUISE RICE age one year. Daughter of Beth Sant Rice, . '33, and Moyle Q. Rice '36, Logan, Utah. POLLY WRIGHT age 3 years. Daughter of Mr. and Mr . Morris H. Wright, 3525 Avalon Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Morris graduated in 1935. JANET RICHARDS age 2 year . Daughter of Genevieve Cooley Richards, ex. '37, and B. Lorin Richards, Jr., '35, Ithaca, ew York. Beginning with this issue of the Quarterly, a series of photographs of sons and daughters of Utah State Alumni and Alumnae, under five years of age, will be published on this page. Photographs will be welcomed and published as soon as possible. - . ·r Four publication. The mystery novel had W rites Book always intrigued her becau e it pre­ Completes sented a definite problem to be solved, caused her to start writing Doctorate fiction. The planning and actual wntmg of the book took approximately six month . Although Dr. eeley has di covered a real challenge, and an intere ting one in writing, she ha not given up plans of continuing in the field of education. Dr. eeley i the wife of Glen 1eeley, '33, who received hi master's degree recently from the University of California, and i no\ completing work for his doctorate. They are col laborating on a hi - torical novel based on old picturesque Virginia City during it boom year , 1847 to 1865. This book is well on the way to completion and they hope to have it ready for publication thi Dr. Deta Peterson Neeley, '32, re· fal l. cently added more glory to her al­ Copies of "A Candidate for Hell ' Thelma Fogelberg, '29, received ready successful and amazing car&er, have been purcha ed by the Alumni her Doctor of Letter degree on May when "A Candidate for Hell," a stir­ Association and turned over to the 31, from the Sarbonne, University of ring mystery novel written by her. College library for use by Alumni, Paris, France. She received honor­ wa released this summer by the Mea­ students and facu lty. able mention for outstanding work dor Publishing Company, Boston, done during the past year. Dr. Fogel­ Ma sachusetts. berg received her Master of Arts De­ Dr. Neeley wa born in Bear River A. W. S. President gree from the Univer ity of Southern City, Utah, and after completing her Ca Jifornia. training for a normal degree, she This is not the first time for Dr. taught in the elementary schools of Fogelberg to study in France. She Utah. From 1923 to 1928 he wa spent t\ o years at the University of primary supervi or, Millard county ancy, France, where she received School district, Utah, and from 1928 honorable mention for her two years' to 1931 she was elementary super­ study. visor in the same school di trict. In After completing her work, Dr. 1932 and 1933 she received her B.S .. Fogelberg remained in France and and Ma ter degrees from the Col­ took advantage of the cultural oppor­ lege. She was a reading demon · tunities that Pari has to offer.
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